368 research outputs found

    Managing rural finance for growth and poverty alleviation in Moldova - towards an efficient European integration

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    At present, though, Moldova’s leadership puts the question more actively – it declares that European integration is an external policy priority of the country. The Government has finally prepared the Concept for European Integration, which emphasizes that “on the internal level the actions of the Republic of Moldova will be mostly oriented towards meeting the Copenhagen criteria”. And further on: “a progressive economic development of the Republic of Moldova represents the basis for the improvement of economic environment and consolidation of the relations with the EU. Promotion of structural economic reforms is a way to modernize the Republic of Moldova, to lessen and gradually eliminate gaps between developed European states and to create a functional and transparent market economy compatible with the EU principles, norms, mechanisms, institutions and policies”.Concept of European integration; Managing rural finance; Poverty alleviation; Structural economic reforms.

    Assessment of Economic Growth of the Republic of Moldova in the Context of Global Economic Crisis

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    The world economic crisis has had a negative impact on the economic development of Moldova, but recent trends show that in 2010 we were able to forecast a small economic growth. The author examines the problems faced by the Moldavian economy which shackle its strong recovery. The current evolutions of the Moldavian economy are analyzed in the paper as well.remittances, foreign trade, competitiveness, structural reforms, macroeconomic environment

    Again about MODS

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    UMF ”G.Popa”, Iași, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Sepsisul sever reprezintă 20% din internările din unitățile de terapie intensivă și este a zecea cauză de deces din Statele Unite. ALI/ARDS și frecventele complicații ale sepsisului necesită adesea support ventilator mecanic prelungit și se insotesc de o mortalitate de aproximativ 30-50%.Cercetări considerabile au identificat mai multe răspunsuri fiziopatologice, apar în cadrul răspunsului din infecțiile sistemice.Citokine proinflamarii ca TNF și IL-6 caracterizează sepsisul, ALI/ARDS coexistând cu cai antiinflamatorii care modulează răspunsul inflamator.In ciuda progreselor realizate de terapia de support, trebuie efectuate mai multe cercetări care să ducă la ameliorarea supraviețuirilor și a caltății,să reducă mortalitatea și costurille terapiei intensive. Ameliorarea înțelegerii fiziopatologiei a dus la încercări agresive de a identifica biomarkeri cu importanța patogenică și la identificarea de noi terapii. Celulele stem embrionare cât și cele derivate din culturi de țesuturi de la adult au arătat potențial remarcabil în repararea și regenerarea diverselor organe, inclusiv plămânul.În plus, celulule stem sunt capabile să atenueze leziunile și inflamația prin mecanisme paracrine, iar detectarea prezenței lor să ajute supraviețuirea. Date experimentale și clinice sugerează că pot reprezenta abordări noi pentru terapiile bazate pe cellule stem în sepsis și ALI/ARDS.Sepsis and severe sepsis accounts for 20% off all admissions to intensive care units and is tenth leading cause of death in United States. ALI/ARDS and frequent complication of sepsis, often result in prolonged mechanical ventilator support with a mortality off approximately 30 – 50%.Considerable research has identified several of pathophysiological responses that occur when host responds to systemic infections. Pro-inflammatory cytokines such tumor necrosis factor alpha and IL-6 characterize sepsis, ALI/ARDS whereas coexisting anti-inflammatory pathways modulate theinflammatory response. Despite advances in supportive care, more work needs to be done, to improve survival and quality of life and to reduce mortality and healthcare costs of critically patients. An improved understanding of pathophysiology has resulted in aggressive attempts to identify pathogenic important bio-markers and new therapiesBoth embryonic and adult tissue-derived stem cells have shown remarkable potential to repair and regenerate various organs, including the lungs Additionally, stem cells are able to mitigate injury and inflammation through paracrine mechanisms and detecting their presence may help prognosticate survival These findings suggest that stem cells may offer novel approaches for both prognosis and cell-based therapies in sepsis and ALI/ARDS

    Intertextualidad aristotélica entre "A Esmorga" y "Bodas de sangre" en la representación del fatum malus español

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    This paper intends to outline the similarities and differences between Eduardo Blanco Amor’s A Esmorga and Federico García Lorca’s opus magnum, Bodas de sangre. The perspective we employ in this study is the analysis of the manner in which the two authors use the eternal Aristotelic precepts in the creation of now models of tragedy. That is, the manipulation of the Aristotelic paradigm formulated in his Poetics. To this end, we also focus on the fertile literary relationship between Blanco Amor and Lorca which, according to various studies related to this topic, mirrors itself in the two texts that constitute the object of this analysis.El presente artículo pretende trazar, en grandes líneas, las similitudes y las diferencias entre una novela de Eduardo Blanco Amor, A Esmorga, y el opus magnum de Federico Garcia Lorca, Bodas de sangre. La perspectiva que empleamos en este estudio será el análisis de la manera en que ambos escritores utilizan los eternos preceptos aristotélicos en la creación de nuevos modelos para la tragedia. Es decir, la manipulación del paradigma aristotélico formulado en la Poética. Para ello, nos centramos también en la relación literaria tan fecunda entre Blanco Amor y Lorca que, según los varios estudios sobre el tema, se refleja en los dos textos que constituyen el objeto de este análisis.O presente artigo pretende trazar, en grandes liñas, as similitudes e as diferenzas entre unha novela de Eduardo Blanco Amor, A Esmorga, y el opus magnum de Federico García Lorca, Bodas de sangre. A perspectiva que empregamos neste estudo será a análise do xeito en que ambos os dous escritores utilizan os eternos preceptos aristotélicos na creación de novos modelos para a traxedia. É dicir, a manipulación do paradigma aristotélico formulado na Poética. Para iso, centrámonos tamén na relación literaria tan fecunda entre Blanco Amor e Lorca que, segundo os varios estudos sobre o tema, se reflicte nos dous textos que constitúen o obxecto desta análise

    Anticipation of the Androgynous Mind in "El caballero de las botas azules"

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    El mito del andrógino, al igual que todas las representaciones arquetípicas de la existencia humana, se ha empleado para justificar distintas aspiraciones. Entre sus múltiples avatares a lo largo del tiempo, en el siglo XX llega a justificar la necesidad de una conciencia liberada de las cadenas del género, y Virginia Woolf es la primera que acuña el término para el movimiento feminista. Sin embargo, más de medio siglo antes, en Galicia, Rosalía de Castro escribe una novela donde plantea la teoría de la voz narrativa sin características de género. Así pues, el presente artículo pretende demostrar cómo El caballero de las botas azules anticipa lo que generalmente se le atribuye a Virginia Woolf.O mito do andróxino, ao igual que todas as representacións arquetípicas da existencia humana, empregouse para xustificar distintas aspiracións. Entre os seus múltiplos avatares ao longo do tempo, no século XX chega a xustificar a necesidade dunha conciencia liberada das cadeas do xénero, e Virginia Woolf é a primeira quen acuña o termo para o movemento feminista. Porén, máis de medio século antes, en Galicia, Rosalía de Castro escribe unha novela onde formula a teoría da voz narrativa sen características de xénero. Así pois, o presente artigo pretende demostrar como El caballero de las botas azules anticipa o que xeralmente se lle atribúe a Virginia Woolf.The myth of the androgynous, similar to all archetypal representations of human existence, has been employed to justify different aspirations. Among its multiple avatars, in the 20th century it comes to justify the need for a conscious freedom from the chains of gender. Virginia Woolf was the first writer to coin the term in the name of the feminist movement. However, half a century before, in Galicia, Rosalía de Castro wrote a novel where she contemplates the theory of the narrative voice devoid of gender characteristics. Thus, the present article claims to demonstrate the manner in which El caballero de las botas azules anticipates what is generally attributed to Virginia Woolf

    Economic Consequences of Remittances. Case of Moldova

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    AbstractEconomic literature continuously argues about the consequences of remittances and scholars try to capture the effects of migration and remittances on economic growth and development. In the last decades, these phenomena became a proper pattern for the Moldovan economy. High remittances impose the Moldovan authorities to concern on better understanding of the following issues: ways of legalization and securitization of remittances inflows, in the short run, and attracting of remittances in economy and their better utilization, in general. At the same time, the paper will analyze migration and remittances patterns in order to formulate relevant policy recommendations for decisions makers

    Remittances in the Republic of Moldova:Lost opportunities

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    The article covers the problem of the relationship between remittances and economic growth as well as the use of remittances for productive investment in order to contribute to long-run development. Also, there are given some stylized facts of remittances in the Republic of Moldova and their impact over the national economy. Because of its business and investment climate, because of its financial system and macroeconomic policies that were conducted, Moldova has lost almost all opportunities to benefit from remittances