15 research outputs found

    Scenario-Based Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems

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    A Market-based Approach to Multi-factory Scheduling

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    In this paper, we report on the design of a novel market-based approach for decentralised scheduling across multiple factories. Specifically, because of the limitations of scheduling in a centralised manner -- which requires a center to have complete and perfect information for optimality and the truthful revelation of potentially commercially private preferences to that center -- we advocate an informationally decentralised approach that is both agile and dynamic. In particular, this work adopts a market-based approach for decentralised scheduling by considering the different stakeholders representing different factories as self-interested, profit-motivated economic agents that trade resources for the scheduling of jobs. The overall schedule of these jobs is then an emergent behaviour of the strategic interaction of these trading agents bidding for resources in a market based on limited information and their own preferences. Using a simple (zero-intelligence) bidding strategy, we empirically demonstrate that our market-based approach achieves a lower bound efficiency of 84%. This represents a trade-off between a reasonable level of efficiency (compared to a centralised approach) and the desirable benefits of a decentralised solution

    Autonomous Mobile Mailbox Model for Communication Cost Reduction

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    This paper presents a cost-reductive communication schema for distributed multi-agent environments containing mobile agents. Communication cost reduction is achieved by employing autonomous mobile mailbox as a message-relay system component. Beneficial modes of mobile mailbox behavior are identified under various operational conditions. A mobile mailbox model is proposed and simulation conducted in order to verify its usability

    Autonomous Mobile Object in Distributed Systems

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    Ovaj rad opisuje proces oblikovanja i izgradnje sustava za podršku autonomnim pokretnim objektima. Sukladno potrebama da se osigura međusobna uskladivost sustava za podršku mobilnim agentima organizacija OMG definirala je standard MASIF, na osnovu kojeg je sustav i razvijen. Objašnjene su tehnologije raspodijeljenih sustava s posebnim osvrtom na arhitekturu CORBA, na kojoj je i temeljen izgrađeni sustav. Izloženi su koncepti funkcioniranja autonomnih pokretnih objekata u okviru raspodijeljenih sustava i ukratko su analizirani postojeći sustavi. Kao rezultat nastojanja da se razvije poseban raspodijeljeni sustav s pokretnim komponentama, razvijen je sustav Stršljen. Detaljno su objašnjeni koncepti funkcioniranja sustava kao i detalji njegove implementacije. Istaknute su njegove prednosti u odnosu na postojeće sustave, ali i mogućnosti njegove nadgradnje. Objašnjen je način pohrane mobilnih agenata u serijalizacijski oblik kao temelja njihove mobilnosti. Predstavljeni su i primjeri uporabe mobilnih agenata u procesu udaljenih mjerenja.This work describes design and implementation of the system for autonomous mobile objects support. Regarding the need of assuring compatibility for mobile agents support, OMG organisation has defined MASIF standard, on which this system is based. Distributed system technologies have been explained, primarily focusing on the CORBA architecture that was used in the development process. Concepts of mobile agents functionality have been presented and existing systems have been briefly analysed. Stršljen (Hornet) system has been developed as a result of intention to build a new distributed system with mobile components. System functionality concepts, as well as the implementation, have been explained in detail. Its advantages over existing systems have been pointed out. Possibilities of upgrading Stršljen in future versions have been discussed. Storing mobile agents in serialised form is the key to their mobility and this procedure has been described, too. Finally, an example of using mobile agents in remote measurement process has been presented

    Event-supported mobile objects in distributed computer systems

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    Doktorska disertacija istražuje mogućnosti poboljšanja postojećih modela za opis interakcija višeagentskih sustava. Prikazan je model jezika SDLMAS za opis scenarija višeagentskih sustava. Objašnjena je njegova sintaksa i način opisa interakcije između agenata. Razvijena je i platforma za razvoj višeagentskih sustava uporabom jezika SDLMAS. Platforma omogućuje generiranje agentskih komponenti izravno iz opisnog jezika uporabom razvijenog prevodioca u programski jezik Java i klase agentske platforme JADE. Drugi dio disertacije razmatra problem isporuke poruka u sustavima pokretnih agenata. Isporuka poruka u ovakvim sustavima netrivijalan je proces, budući da pokretni agent ima slobodu promijeniti lokaciju na kojoj se izvodi potpuno autonomno. Predložena je metoda isporuke uporabom autonomnog pokretnog poštanskog sandučića i istražene se okolnosti u kojima je ova metoda isplativija u usporedbi s postojećima. Simulirani rezultati pokazali su da se efikasnost sandučića povećava s većim brojem čvorova u mreži i većom disperzijom transportnih troškova po granama simulirane mreže. Također je pokazano da će efikasnost opadati s povećanjem broja poslanih poruka ili s povećanim vremenom zadržavanja pokretnog agenta na nekom čvoru.The dissertation investigates improvement possibilities of current interaction models in multiagent systems. The SDLMAS language model for scenario description in multiagent systems is presented. The language's syntax and the way it can be used to describe agent interactions is explained. An agent platform that is based on the SDLMAS language has been developed. The platform includes agent components generated by an integrated cross-compiler from the description language into Java and JADE platform classes. The second part of the dissertation considers the problem of message delivery in mobile agent systems. Since a mobile agent can autonomously change the location where it executes, message delivery in such systems is a non-trivial process. A new delivery method based on an autonomous mobile mailbox is proposed, and the circumstances under which this method is superior to current methods are investigated. Simulated results show that the benefit of using mobile mailboxes correlates positively with network size and dispersion of transport costs, and negatively with the number of messages sent and the mobile agent's host residency time

    Event-supported mobile objects in distributed computer systems

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    Doktorska disertacija istražuje mogućnosti poboljšanja postojećih modela za opis interakcija višeagentskih sustava. Prikazan je model jezika SDLMAS za opis scenarija višeagentskih sustava. Objašnjena je njegova sintaksa i način opisa interakcije između agenata. Razvijena je i platforma za razvoj višeagentskih sustava uporabom jezika SDLMAS. Platforma omogućuje generiranje agentskih komponenti izravno iz opisnog jezika uporabom razvijenog prevodioca u programski jezik Java i klase agentske platforme JADE. Drugi dio disertacije razmatra problem isporuke poruka u sustavima pokretnih agenata. Isporuka poruka u ovakvim sustavima netrivijalan je proces, budući da pokretni agent ima slobodu promijeniti lokaciju na kojoj se izvodi potpuno autonomno. Predložena je metoda isporuke uporabom autonomnog pokretnog poštanskog sandučića i istražene se okolnosti u kojima je ova metoda isplativija u usporedbi s postojećima. Simulirani rezultati pokazali su da se efikasnost sandučića povećava s većim brojem čvorova u mreži i većom disperzijom transportnih troškova po granama simulirane mreže. Također je pokazano da će efikasnost opadati s povećanjem broja poslanih poruka ili s povećanim vremenom zadržavanja pokretnog agenta na nekom čvoru.The dissertation investigates improvement possibilities of current interaction models in multiagent systems. The SDLMAS language model for scenario description in multiagent systems is presented. The language's syntax and the way it can be used to describe agent interactions is explained. An agent platform that is based on the SDLMAS language has been developed. The platform includes agent components generated by an integrated cross-compiler from the description language into Java and JADE platform classes. The second part of the dissertation considers the problem of message delivery in mobile agent systems. Since a mobile agent can autonomously change the location where it executes, message delivery in such systems is a non-trivial process. A new delivery method based on an autonomous mobile mailbox is proposed, and the circumstances under which this method is superior to current methods are investigated. Simulated results show that the benefit of using mobile mailboxes correlates positively with network size and dispersion of transport costs, and negatively with the number of messages sent and the mobile agent's host residency time

    Autonomous Mobile Object in Distributed Systems

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    Ovaj rad opisuje proces oblikovanja i izgradnje sustava za podršku autonomnim pokretnim objektima. Sukladno potrebama da se osigura međusobna uskladivost sustava za podršku mobilnim agentima organizacija OMG definirala je standard MASIF, na osnovu kojeg je sustav i razvijen. Objašnjene su tehnologije raspodijeljenih sustava s posebnim osvrtom na arhitekturu CORBA, na kojoj je i temeljen izgrađeni sustav. Izloženi su koncepti funkcioniranja autonomnih pokretnih objekata u okviru raspodijeljenih sustava i ukratko su analizirani postojeći sustavi. Kao rezultat nastojanja da se razvije poseban raspodijeljeni sustav s pokretnim komponentama, razvijen je sustav Stršljen. Detaljno su objašnjeni koncepti funkcioniranja sustava kao i detalji njegove implementacije. Istaknute su njegove prednosti u odnosu na postojeće sustave, ali i mogućnosti njegove nadgradnje. Objašnjen je način pohrane mobilnih agenata u serijalizacijski oblik kao temelja njihove mobilnosti. Predstavljeni su i primjeri uporabe mobilnih agenata u procesu udaljenih mjerenja.This work describes design and implementation of the system for autonomous mobile objects support. Regarding the need of assuring compatibility for mobile agents support, OMG organisation has defined MASIF standard, on which this system is based. Distributed system technologies have been explained, primarily focusing on the CORBA architecture that was used in the development process. Concepts of mobile agents functionality have been presented and existing systems have been briefly analysed. Stršljen (Hornet) system has been developed as a result of intention to build a new distributed system with mobile components. System functionality concepts, as well as the implementation, have been explained in detail. Its advantages over existing systems have been pointed out. Possibilities of upgrading Stršljen in future versions have been discussed. Storing mobile agents in serialised form is the key to their mobility and this procedure has been described, too. Finally, an example of using mobile agents in remote measurement process has been presented

    Event-supported mobile objects in distributed computer systems

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    Doktorska disertacija istražuje mogućnosti poboljšanja postojećih modela za opis interakcija višeagentskih sustava. Prikazan je model jezika SDLMAS za opis scenarija višeagentskih sustava. Objašnjena je njegova sintaksa i način opisa interakcije između agenata. Razvijena je i platforma za razvoj višeagentskih sustava uporabom jezika SDLMAS. Platforma omogućuje generiranje agentskih komponenti izravno iz opisnog jezika uporabom razvijenog prevodioca u programski jezik Java i klase agentske platforme JADE. Drugi dio disertacije razmatra problem isporuke poruka u sustavima pokretnih agenata. Isporuka poruka u ovakvim sustavima netrivijalan je proces, budući da pokretni agent ima slobodu promijeniti lokaciju na kojoj se izvodi potpuno autonomno. Predložena je metoda isporuke uporabom autonomnog pokretnog poštanskog sandučića i istražene se okolnosti u kojima je ova metoda isplativija u usporedbi s postojećima. Simulirani rezultati pokazali su da se efikasnost sandučića povećava s većim brojem čvorova u mreži i većom disperzijom transportnih troškova po granama simulirane mreže. Također je pokazano da će efikasnost opadati s povećanjem broja poslanih poruka ili s povećanim vremenom zadržavanja pokretnog agenta na nekom čvoru.The dissertation investigates improvement possibilities of current interaction models in multiagent systems. The SDLMAS language model for scenario description in multiagent systems is presented. The language's syntax and the way it can be used to describe agent interactions is explained. An agent platform that is based on the SDLMAS language has been developed. The platform includes agent components generated by an integrated cross-compiler from the description language into Java and JADE platform classes. The second part of the dissertation considers the problem of message delivery in mobile agent systems. Since a mobile agent can autonomously change the location where it executes, message delivery in such systems is a non-trivial process. A new delivery method based on an autonomous mobile mailbox is proposed, and the circumstances under which this method is superior to current methods are investigated. Simulated results show that the benefit of using mobile mailboxes correlates positively with network size and dispersion of transport costs, and negatively with the number of messages sent and the mobile agent's host residency time

    Autonomous Mobile Object in Distributed Systems

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    Ovaj rad opisuje proces oblikovanja i izgradnje sustava za podršku autonomnim pokretnim objektima. Sukladno potrebama da se osigura međusobna uskladivost sustava za podršku mobilnim agentima organizacija OMG definirala je standard MASIF, na osnovu kojeg je sustav i razvijen. Objašnjene su tehnologije raspodijeljenih sustava s posebnim osvrtom na arhitekturu CORBA, na kojoj je i temeljen izgrađeni sustav. Izloženi su koncepti funkcioniranja autonomnih pokretnih objekata u okviru raspodijeljenih sustava i ukratko su analizirani postojeći sustavi. Kao rezultat nastojanja da se razvije poseban raspodijeljeni sustav s pokretnim komponentama, razvijen je sustav Stršljen. Detaljno su objašnjeni koncepti funkcioniranja sustava kao i detalji njegove implementacije. Istaknute su njegove prednosti u odnosu na postojeće sustave, ali i mogućnosti njegove nadgradnje. Objašnjen je način pohrane mobilnih agenata u serijalizacijski oblik kao temelja njihove mobilnosti. Predstavljeni su i primjeri uporabe mobilnih agenata u procesu udaljenih mjerenja.This work describes design and implementation of the system for autonomous mobile objects support. Regarding the need of assuring compatibility for mobile agents support, OMG organisation has defined MASIF standard, on which this system is based. Distributed system technologies have been explained, primarily focusing on the CORBA architecture that was used in the development process. Concepts of mobile agents functionality have been presented and existing systems have been briefly analysed. Stršljen (Hornet) system has been developed as a result of intention to build a new distributed system with mobile components. System functionality concepts, as well as the implementation, have been explained in detail. Its advantages over existing systems have been pointed out. Possibilities of upgrading Stršljen in future versions have been discussed. Storing mobile agents in serialised form is the key to their mobility and this procedure has been described, too. Finally, an example of using mobile agents in remote measurement process has been presented

    A Multi-Agent Simulation System for Prediction and Scheduling of Aero Engine Overhaul

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    The Aero Repair and Overhaul industry is facing an increasing challenge of prediction and scheduling of engine overhauls to remain competitive in a complex business arena. An appropriate technology solution is required to achieve efficient schedules while satisfying multiple opposing constraints in a highly dynamic environment. In this paper, we describe Overhaul Prediction and Scheduling, an agent-based simulator developed to tackle this challenge. Using negotiation strategies, it deals with the multi-dimensional scheduling optimisation problem by trading off repair costs, capacity and capability of overhaul bases, among others, in light of in-service unforseen events. It supports effective strategic decision-making via business scenario modelling