5,046 research outputs found

    Effects on herbicides on hedgerow biodiversity

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    Low dosages of herbicides may reduce the number of flowers on non-target plants. Effect of herbicides on flowering and on pollen and nectar production are relevant end-points for effect assessment on non-target species. Herbicides have the potential to reduce the number of flowers in hedgerow vegetation and thereby also decrease the availability of pollen, nectar and seeds that are important food for many insects and birds. The biodiversity of hedgerow bottom vegetation is lower at conventional than at organic farms, presumably as a consequence of the herbicide use

    Ecosystem services of biodiversity in organic grasslands

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    The use of multi-species mixtures in herbage production can add value in terms of improved conditions for pollinating insects, better resource utilization, carbon sequestration, yield stability, animal health and product quality. This is the hypothesis of a new project - EcoServe - where the goal is to design grasslands, which increase both the nature value and provide an economically sustainable food production

    Priorities for sustainable turfgrass management: a research and industry perspective

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    This paper provides a brief review and assessment of the key environmental, regulatory and technical issues facing the turfgrass sector with specific reference to the European context. It considers the range of externalities or ‘drivers for change' facing the industry, and the challenges and opportunities available for promoting and achieving more sustainable turfgrass management within the sports, landscape and amenity sectors. The analysis confirms that there are a number of key areas where a concerted research and industrial effort is required. These include responding to the pressures from government demands for greater environmental regulation, the increasing pressure on natural resources (notably water, energy and land), the emerging role of turf management in supporting ecosystem services and enhancing biodiversity, the continued need to promote integrated pest management, and the looming challenges posed by a changing climate, and urgent need to adapt. Whilst many of these externalities appear to be risks to the sports turf industry, there will also be significant opportunities, for those where the labour, energy and agronomic costs are minimized and where the drive to adopt a multifunctional approach to sportsturf management is embraced

    Økologiske græsmarker som fødekilde for bier og andre bestøvere

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    Bier og andre blomsterbesøgende insekter mangler i dag føde gennem dele af året, specielt i intensivt drevne landbrugsområder. Som en del af projektet EcoServe undersøger vi derfor i hvilket omfang økologiske græsmarker, ved iblanding af udvalgte urter, kan bidrage som fødekilde og dermed til øget antal og diversitet af bestøvere

    Biodiversitet i græsmarken - en fordel for både natur og fødevareproduktion

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    Anvendelse af mange-arts-blandinger i græsmarker til produktion kan øge nytteværdien, f.eks. i form af forbedrede vilkår for bestøvende insekter, øget ressourceudnyttelse, kulstoflagring, udbyttestabilitet, husdyrsundhed og produktkvalitet. Det er hypotesen i et nyt projekt, hvor målet er at designe græsmarker, som både øger naturværdien og giver en økonomisk bæredygtig fødevareproduktion

    Mangfoldighed i den økologiske græsmark

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    Anvendelse af mange-arts-blandinger i græsmarker til produktion kan øge nytteværdien i form af forbedrede vilkår for bestøvende insekter, øget ressourceudnyttelse, kulstoflagring, udbyttestabilitet, husdyrsundhed og produktkvalitet. Det er hypotesen i et nyt projekt – EcoServe - hvor målet er at designe græsmarker, som både øger naturværdien og giver en økonomisk bæredygtig fødevareproduktion

    Introducing the Journal of Deliberative Democracy

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    This editorial introduction provides a statement of our vision for the Journal of Deliberative Democracy and an overview of the Special Issue on the Frontiers of Deliberative Democracy

    Self-Perception of Economic Means is Associated with Dietary Choices, Diet Quality and Physical Health in the Oldest Old Men from the Highest Socioeconomic Group

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    IntroductionSelf-perception of economic means may affect dietary choices, diet quality, and health behavior. We examined these associations in the oldest-old men from the highest socioeconomic class.MethodsThe participants in this cross-sectional analysis were the oldest- old home-dwelling men (n = 314, mean age 87 years, range 82-97 years) from the longitudinal Helsinki Businessmen Study cohort. They responded to a postal health and nutrition questionnaire, whereupon dietary intakes were assessed using 3-day food diaries and two diet quality indices. The questionnaire also included items about health, exercise, falls, and economic means.ResultsHigher self-perception of economic means was linearly associated with higher fish intake (p = 0.021), fruit and vegetable intakes (p = 0.027), use of alcohol (p = 0.003), overall diet quality according to IDQ (p = 0.008), self-perceived physical condition (p = 0.002) and inversely associated with body weight (p = 0.011), weight loss (p = 0.008), blood glucose levels (p = 0.020), and falls (p = 0.029).ConclusionSelf-perception of economic means was associated with dietary choices and physical health even among affluent older men. This information is important, because self-perception of economic means, however real, may affect health and nutrition behavior of older people.Peer reviewe