31 research outputs found

    Патологические изменения аутотрансплантатов передней крестообразной связки и некоторые клинико-морфологические корреляции при рецидивах передне-медиальной нестабильности коленного сустава

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    Purpose: on the basis of study of histologic changes characterizing the condition of tendinous autografts of the anterior cruciate ligament ^TACL) to establish dependencies between clinical and morphologic indicators in patients with signs of knee joint anteromedial instability relapse. Material and methods: 30 resected tendinous transplants have been used received from own patellar ligament (10 cases) and semitendinous and gracilis muscles of the femur (20 cases). After histologic study the parameters of some graduated morphologic indices that versatile characterize the basic processes condition in АТА^ tissues, frequency of their occurrence separately for femoral and tibial parts of the graft, have been determined. Results: АТАСЦ by the moment of their insufficiency with relapse of antero-medial instability, the complex of unevenly expressed pathologic changes has been observed: ischemic-necrotic, dystrophic, inflammatory, reparative-fibrosing and in rare cases metaplastic changes; their topographical combinations and quantitative expressiveness occasionally can vary. In different parts of ATACL the degree of expressiveness of certain morphologic indices of the graft condition varies and can not correspond to separate types of macroarthroscopic estimates. The correlation analysis of pairs relations for nonparametric clinical and morphologic indices separately in femoral and tibial loci has revealed that only some values of coefficient of association corresponding to an moderate range or close to it - both with positive, and negative signs, some values of the coefficient of association have appeared significant by a number of observed cases. Conclusions. The cause of small number of moderate force correlations and absence of close correlations in pairs of indicators «clinic-morphology» is supposed to be in considerable inequality, and probably in cyclic processes of reparation, dystrophy, inflammation and uncontrollable damage of an immature fibrous tissue in ATACL-regenerates, developing during adaptation of the transplant to physical activities and preparing development of its insufficiency.Цель исследования: на основе изучения гистологических изменений, характеризующих состояние сухожильных аутотрансплантатов передней крестообразной связки (АТПКС), установить зависимости между клиническими и морфологическими показателями у больных с признаками рецидива передне-медиальной нестабильности коленного сустава. Материал и методы: 30 резецированных сухожильных трансплантатов, полученных из собственной связки надколенника (10 случаев) и полусухожильной и нежной мышц (20 случаев) бедра. После гистологического исследования определяли параметры ряда градационных морфологических показателей, разносторонне характеризующих состояние основных процессов в тканях АТПКС, частоту их встречаемости раздельно для феморального и тибиального отделов трансплантата. Результаты: было установлено, что в АТПКС к моменту развития их недостаточности с рецидивом передне-медиальной нестабильности наблюдается комплекс неравномерно выраженных патологических изменений: ишемически-некротических, дистрофических, воспалительных, репаративно-фиброзирующих и реже - метапластических, топографические сочетания и количественная выраженность которых от случая к случаю могут варьировать. В разных частях аутотрансплантатов ПКС степень выражености определенных морфологических показателей состояния трансплантата варьирует и может не соответствовать отдельным типам по макроартроскопическим оценкам. Корреляционный анализ связей пар непараметрических клинических и морфологических показателей раздельно для феморального и тибиального локусов выявил лишь несколько значений коэффициента ассоциации, соответствующих диапазону средних величин или близких к нему - как с положительными, так и с отрицательными знаками, некоторые значения коэффициента ассоциации оказались достоверными при имеющемся числе наблюдений. Выводы. Причина малого числа корреляционных связей средней силы и отсутствия тесных связей в парах показателей «клиника - морфология» видится в значительной неравномерности, возможно - цикличности процессов репарации, дистрофии, воспаления и неконтролируемой повреждаемости незрелой фиброзной ткани регенератов в АТПСНМ, развивающихся в ходе адаптации трансплантата к физическим нагрузкам и подготавливающих развитие его недостаточности

    Epidemiology of hip fracture and the development of FRAX in Ukraine

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    Summary A country-specific FRAX model has been developed for the Ukraine to replace the Austrian model hitherto used. Comparison of the Austrian and Ukrainian models indicated that the former markedly overestimated fracture probability whilst correctly stratifying risk. Introduction FRAX has been used to estimate osteoporotic fracture risk since 2009. Rather than using a surrogate model, the Austrian version of FRAX was adopted for clinical practice. Since then, data have become available on hip fracture incidence in the Ukraine. Methods The incidence of hip fracture was computed from three regional estimates and used to construct a country-specific FRAX model for the Ukraine. The model characteristics were compared with those of the Austrian FRAX model, previously used in Ukraine by using all combinations of six risk factors and eight values of BMD (total number of combinations =512). Results The relationship between the probabilities of a major fracture derived from the two versions of FRAX indicated a close correlation between the two estimates (r > 0.95). The Ukrainian version, however, gave markedly lower probabilities than the Austrian model at all ages. For a major osteoporotic fracture, the median probability was lower by 25% at age 50 years and the difference increased with age. At the age of 60, 70 and 80 years, the median value was lower by 30, 53 and 65%, respectively. Similar findings were observed for men and for hip fracture. Conclusion The Ukrainian FRAX model should enhance accuracy of determining fracture probability among the Ukrainian population and help to guide decisions about treatment. The study also indicates that the use of surrogate FRAX models or models from other countries, whilst correctly stratifying risk, may markedly over or underestimate the absolute fracture probability

    Epidemiology of hip fractures in two regions of Ukraine

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    Worldwide, the number of hip fractures, the most important osteoporotic complication in the elderly, continues to increase in line with the ageing of the population. In some countries, however, including the Ukraine, data on the incidence of hip fracture are limited. This article describes the first analysis to characterize the incidence of hip fracture in the Ukrainian population from the age of 40 years. It is based on data from two regional studies, namely, the Vinnitsa city study and the STOP study, which were performed during 1997-2002 and 2011-2012 years, respectively. Hip fracture incidence rates were demonstrated to increase with increasing age. The rates were higher among younger men than women, however, with a female preponderance from the age of 65 years upwards. The incidence of hip fractures in Ukraine is 255.5 per 100,000 for women aged 50 years and older and 197.8 per 100,000 for men of the corresponding age. Overall, the incidence of hip fracture was comparable with data from neighboring countries, such as Poland and Romania. Hip fractures constitute a serious healthcare problem in Ukraine, and changes in healthcare are required to improve the management and long-term care of osteoporosis and its complications

    Guideline for diagnostic, prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis

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    Background.Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO), which is developed due the estrogen deficiency in women after menopause, is the most common type of systemic osteoporosis. The latest Ukrainian recommendation for its management requires revision due to new data from high-quality research performed in recent years. Thepurposewas to develop a guideline on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of PMO based on an analytical analysis of modern literary sources in order to improve the awareness of the medical community of Ukraine. Methodology. To develop the guideline, an expert group of 13 leading Ukrainian scientists of various specialties was created who conducted a thorough review of modern literature on this topic, assessed the level of existing evidence using the GRADE system, proposed and voted on 15 recommendations of the guideline. Results. The guideline contains chapters on diagnosis and differential diagnosis of PMO, assessment of the osteoporotic fracture risk, the role of bone turnover markers in the management of PMO, and modern strategies of antiosteoporotic treatment.Conclusions. The Ukrainian guideline on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of PMO, which contains 15 main recommendations, created on the basis of a thorough analysis and synthesis of modern literature data, is an important tool for the management of PMO and is recommended by Ukrainian Association of Osteoporosis for use in Ukrainian medical community