73 research outputs found

    Altura da planta, cobertura do solo e massa de forragem de grama Estrela africana irrigada e submetida a diferentes doses de nitrogĂȘnio, sob pastejo.

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    Artifacts In Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography Caused By Dental Materials

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    BACKGROUND: Artifacts caused by dental restorations, such as dental crowns, dental fillings and orthodontic appliances, are a common problem in MRI and CT scans of the head and neck. The aim of this in-vitro study was to identify and evaluate the artifacts produced by different dental restoration materials in CT and MRI images. METHODS: Test samples of 44 materials (Metal and Non-Metal) commonly used in dental restorations were fabricated and embedded with reference specimens in gelatin moulds. MRI imaging of 1.5T and CT scan were performed on the samples and evaluated in two dimensions. Artifact size and distortions were measured using a digital image analysis software. RESULTS: In MRI, 13 out of 44 materials produced artifacts, while in CT 41 out of 44 materials showed artifacts. Artifacts produced in both MRI and CT images were categorized according to the size of the artifact. SIGNIFICANCE: Metal based restoration materials had strong influence on CT and less artifacts in MRI images. Rare earth elements such as Ytterbium trifluoride found in composites caused artifacts in both MRI and CT. Recognizing these findings would help dental materials manufacturers and developers to produce materials which can cause less artifacts in MRI and CT images

    Measuring social synchrony and stress in the handler-dog dyad during animal assisted activities : a pilot study

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    Synchrony\u2014the coordination of behavior between interacting partners\u2014is a complex phenomenon requiring the perception and integration of multimodal communicative signals. Originally conceptualized by developmental psychologists to study the human-human relationship, it could also apply to cross-species interactions. Here, we examined synchrony patterns as a potentially important mechanism to evaluate human-dog interactions during animal-assisted activities. Four dog handler-dog dyads were videotaped before (T0), during (T1), and after (T2) 45-minute sessions of animal-assisted activities and coded for the following synchrony patterns: gaze synchrony, joint attention, and touch synchrony. Both partners' salivary cortisol and heart rate and dogs' behaviors were measured to identify any signs of stress that would lower levels of synchrony. All dyads showed synchronous behaviors in T0 and T1, whereas these were absent in T2. On average, the highest frequency was recorded in T1 (P < 0.05), particularly with regard to joint attention. All dogs fulfilled most of their handler's cues (74%; P < 0.05) while working with a patient, showing appropriate levels of cooperation. No stress-related signs were detected in either the dogs or their human handlers. These findings highlight the human-dog bonding as one prototypical context for studying the biologic basis of cross-species social synchrony. This may also generate evidence-based knowledge that can help strengthen the scientific foundation of current canine-assisted intervention practices

    Phytochemicals e strategie chemiopreventive: effetti della pesca ed estratti fenolici sugli enzimi del drug metabolism nel modello animale

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    Studi epidemiologici suggeriscono che una dieta ricca di frutta e verdura, per la presenza di innumerevoli molecole naturali (phytochemicals), sia in grado di prevenire danni di tipo ossidativo quali tumori, disfunzioni cardio-circolatorie, reumatismi e malattie neurodegenerative. I phytochemicals avrebbero pertanto un ruolo fondamentale nel ridurre il rischio di cancro, soprattutto per azione a livello dei meccanismi di difesa primaria della cellula. Una delle strategie chemiopreventive pi\uf9 evocata prevede un incremento della clearance di carcinogeni chimici ubiquitari, mediante induzione selettiva degli enzimi detossificanti (fase II del metabolismo) e/o inibizione di quelli bioattivanti (fase I), principalmente a livello epatico, da parte di specifici xenobiotici. Tra le sostanze pi\uf9 studiate in questo contesto vi sono sicuramente i composti fenolici. Al fine di studiare l\u2019attivit\ue0 chemiopreventiva complessiva della pesca (cultivar Stark Red Gold), in relazione al contenuto in composti fenolici, ratti maschi del ceppo Sprague Dawley sono stati trattati per os, sia con liofilizzato di pesca in toto (250 e 500 mg/kg p.c., 2 volte/die per 7 e 14 gg consecutivi), sia con estratto di pesca (2.5 e 5 ml/kg p.c., 2 volte/die per 7 e 14 gg). La caratterizzazione qualitativa e quantitativa del profilo fenolico dell\u2019estratto di pesca \ue8 stata ottenuta mediante analisi HPLC in fase inversa, ed ha riguardato entrambe i tessuti eduli (epicarpo e mesocarpo) di frutti giunti alla maturazione di consumo. L\u2019indagine analitica sul profilo fenolico dei frutti considerati segnala la presenza di circa 10 composti principali appartenenti alle classi degli acidi cinnamici, flavanoli, flavonoli e cianidine. Le concentrazioni medie del complesso dei composti fenolici estratti si attestano su valori di 3 mg/g p.s. nella polpa e 7 mg/g p.s. nella buccia. Su frazioni microsomiali epatiche \ue8 stata studiata la modulazione del sistema monoossigenasico citocromo P450 dipendente (CYP) e di enzimi di fase II. I risultati ottenuti in seguito a trattamento sia con pesche in toto sia con estratto indicano un marcato effetto inattivante su diverse isoforme CYP. Per la componente post-ossidativa, i risultati mostrano un modesto effetto induttivo a carico della UDP-glucuronosil transferasi; al contrario, per la glutatione S-transferasi \ue8 stato registrato un significativo calo. Tali risultati, oltre a fornire una caratterizzazione metabolica (fingerprint) indotta dalla pesca e dall\u2019estratto fenolico, totalmente assenti nella letteratura scientifica, forniscono indicazioni circa il meccanismo dell\u2019attivit\ue0 protettiva di questo frutto. I risultati comparabili ottenuti tra le due matrici suggeriscono il predominante ruolo dei phytochemicals di natura fenolica nel determinare l\u2019effetto biologico complessivo del frutto
