2 research outputs found

    Hvordan kan HIV-infeksjon eradikeres?

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    Kun en person, den såkalte Berlinpasienten, har blitt fullstendig kurert for HIV. Dette var et resultat av at pasienten mottok to allogene stamcelletransplantasjoner med CCR5-delta32-mutasjon. Da pasienter med allogen stamcelletransplantasjon, uten muterte celler, ikke oppnådde eradikering, tyder mye på at svaret ligger i CCR5-delta32-mutasjonen. Det jobbes med å danne pluripotente stamceller med CCR5-delta32-mutasjon, ved hjelp av genmanipulasjon. Tanken er dermed å kunne gjennomføre autologe stamcelletransplantasjon med de muterte cellene. Med dette vil man unngå ulemper ved allogen stamcelletransplantasjon, som graft versus host disease, immunsuppresjon og problemer med å finne matchende donor. Det forskes samtidig på muligheten for å aktivere hvilende CD4-T-celler, som utgjør størsteparten av HIV-reservoiret, slik at HAART kan eradikere viruset fullstendig. Dog er det fortsatt mye som er ukjent vedrørende reservoiret av latente virus. Kartlegging av HIV-reservoiret er under arbeid

    Preventing chylous ascites after right hemicolectomy with D3 extended mesenterectomy

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    Abstract Background We aim to find the incidence of chylous ascites in patients undergoing D3 extended mesenterectomy and evaluate if a routine fat-reduced diet (FRD) has a prophylactic effect. Methods Data from 138 patients included in a D3 extended mesenterectomy trial were collected prospectively. Surgical drains and biochemical testing of drain fluid were used to find the incidence of chylous ascites among the first 39 patients, and a prophylactic fat-reduced diet was then implemented in the next 99 patients as a prophylactic measure. Results In the first 39 patients, we found that 16 (41.0%) developed chylous ascites. After the fat-reduced diet was implemented, 1 (1.0%) of 99 patients developed chylous ascites. Drain discharge was 150 vs. 80 mL daily, respectively, and a regression analysis shows the average leakage in the group with fat-reduced diet was 105 mL/day less than in the patients with no dietary restrictions ( p  < 0.001). There were no significant differences in the rate of other complications (Fisher exact test, one-tailed p  = 0.8845), and although there was a tendency to a shorter hospital stay when given a fat-reduced diet (7.3 ± 5.4 vs. 8.9 ± 4.9 days), the difference was not significant ( p  = 0.19). Conclusions Chylous ascites is a very common postoperative occurrence after right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy and may be prevented using a routine fat-reduced diet