61 research outputs found

    Working together for enhancement-led and voluntary institutional quality audit

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    The national QA system in Sweden does not any longer include assessment of the institutions’ internal QA procedures. The Experts Group on Quality at the Swedish Association for Higher Education (SHUF) has proposed and tested how voluntary audits can be performed by the institutions in collaboration, coordinated by SUHF. The audits have quality enhancement as its sole purpose. The audit method focuses on quality management, acknowledging the diversity of institutions and the national context. This paper includes results from pilot studies earlier this year. It is demonstrated how voluntary audits can be valuable as an external QA element in the institutions’ quality management. Using the audit as a voluntary and flexible element allows it to address the specific needs of the institutions and keeps the strain on human and financial resources limited

    Kirurgisk vård av nedrekäkens låga kondylfrakturer : väljer kirurger optimal teknik? : en litteraturöversikt och internationell kartläggning

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    Surgical treatment of condylar fractures is a much-discussed topic and a number of different techniques are used. We sent out a survey to maxillofacial trauma surgeons in the Nordic countries to gather information about regional differences in surgical praxis and post-operative treatment. A review of the literature was also conducted regarding the success-rate of different fixation plates. The survey yielded significant differences in the primary choice of fixation plate for the case of a subcondylar fracture presented, the most popular choices being two straight four-hole miniplates (27.8 %), a seven-hole lambda plate (25.0 %) as well as one straight four-hole miniplate (22.1 %). There was also division between respondents regarding choice of mono- versus bicortical screws (52.8 % versus 47.2 %) and post-operative dietary recommendations (soft diet ranging from two to eight weeks). The literature shows ample evidence favouring the use of two straight four-hole titanium miniplates for internal fixation over the use of a single straight four-hole miniplate, however newer three-dimensional plate designs are constantly being developed and have thus far shown promising results. We conclude that for optimal prognosis the single straight plate should not be used, only evidence-based treatment methods should be implemented. While there is some evidence to support the use of different three-dimensional plate designs, further research should be conducted before these can be seen as a viable choice for the standard double plating system.Flera fixationsnstekniker används aktivt vid kirurgisk vård av nedrekäkens kondylfrakturer. Vi skickade ett frågeformulär till käkkirurger i Norden med ändamålet att samla data gällande kirurgisk praxis och användning av olika titanplattor för frakturfixation. En litteraturöversikt gjordes med fokus på olika fixationsmetoders prognos. I frågeformuläret framgick det stor varians gällande val av fixationssystem för det presenterade exemplet av en kondylfraktur med lång frakturlinje. Det populäraste alternativet var två raka titanplattor med fyra hål (27,8 %), en lambdaformad titanplatta med sju skruvhål (25,0 %), samt en rak titanplatta med fyra skruvhål (22,1 %). Det framgick även stor varians vid val av mono- versus bikortikala fixationsskruvar (52,8 % vs. 47,2 %) samt skillnader i postoperativa kostrekommendationer (mjuk kostrekommendation varierande från två till åtta veckor). I litteraturen finns omfattande data som understöder användningen av två raka titanplattor med fyra skruvhål över användningen av en enkel titanplatta. Nya tredimensionella titanplattor utvecklas konstant och har visat lovande resultat. Sammanfattningsvis bör enkel fixation med rak titanplatta undvikas för att uppnå optimal prognos, vi rekommenderar endast evidensbaserade vårdmetoder. Medan det finns en del data som understöder användningen av diverse tredimensionella fixationssystem, krävs vidare forskning innan dessa kan ses som ett verkligt alternativ för industristandarden av två raka titanplattor

    A Tandem Time--of--Flight Spectrometer for Negative--Ion/Positive--Ion Coincidence Measurements with Soft X-ray Excitation

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    We present a newly constructed spectrometer for negative--ion/positive--ion coincidence spectroscopy of gaseous samples. The instrument consists of two time--of--flight ion spectrometers and a magnetic momentum filter for deflection of electrons. The instrument can measure double and triple coincidences between mass--resolved negative and positive ions with high detection efficiency. First results include identification of several negative--ion/positive--ion coincidence channels following inner-shell photoexcitation of sulfur hexaflouride (SF6_6)

    Field ionization of high-Rydberg fragments produced after inner-shell photoexcitation and photoionization of the methane molecule

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    We have studied the production of neutral high-Rydberg (HR) fragments from the CH4 molecule at the C 1s -> 3p excitation and at the C 1s ionization threshold. Neutral fragments in HR states were ionized using a pulsed electric field and the resulting ions were mass-analyzed using an ion time-of-flight spectrometer. The atomic fragments C(HR) and H(HR) dominated the spectra, but molecular fragments CHx(HR), x = 1-3, and H-2(HR) were also observed. The production of HR fragments is attributed to dissociation of CH4+ and CH42+ ions in HR states. Just above the C 1s ionization threshold, such molecular ionic states are created when the C 1s photoelectron is recaptured after single or double Auger decay. Similar HR states may be reached directly following resonant Auger decay at the C 1s -> 3p resonance. The energies and geometries of the parent and fragment ions have been calculated in order to gain insight into relevant dissociation pathways. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    Elite sport career processes : Analyze of a theoretical platform about career-transition-related factors based on deductive and inductive logic

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    The general aims of the study in this report is to: ·      analyze a theoretical platform about career-transition-related factors based on deductive and inductive logic through the results of nomothetic and idiographic studies. ·      argue that theoretical models can be re-oriented and restored through dialectical analysis. ·      describe and promote an extended theoretical model in order to understand career development aspects in sport. ·      contribute with research that generates conceptual understanding.  In the results in the studies, it was stated that both evidence and rejections shaped new understandings. The key finding in the empiric studies showed that the concept career development before, during and after the elite sport must be considered to be a process for maintaining lifelong learning and development, both inside and outside sport. Another finding was that transition from sport strongly relates with the adjustment tools and strategies and these adjustment processes were not straightforward, but complex. In general, the respondents verified the content about social and environmental perspectives and stressed the importance of preparing for a post-sport life and maintaining contacts useable for lifelong development. The model in its structure and by the content of the inherent concepts, formulate theoretical issues given by deductive analysis that emerge from transition processes in sport. In the presentation of the results in the studies, it was stated that both evidence and rejections shaped new understandings.