123 research outputs found

    Studies on the molecular recognition of the nuclear vitamin D3 receptor

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    The impact of management on the effectiveness in socioeducational institutions

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    This article presents the results of an empirical study, whose main purpose is to establish a managment style that is best for socio-educational organizations according to their specifity. The study was conducted in a government and three nongovernmental organizations. They were selected randomly. Two institutions work with smaller, the other two – with greater capacity. In the first part of the article we present the functioning of the institutions and the second part results from the empirical stud

    The la-form: Russian verbs in Nanai speech

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    Nanai speakers who are fluent both in Nanai and Russian use verb forms with a Russian root and the suffix -la (called further “la-forms”) in their speech. The status of -la is under question: on the one hand, it resembles the Russian past tense form (-l), on the other hand, it can be interpreted as the Nanai derivational suffix -la/-lə, which is used in Standard Nanai for the verbalization of nouns. We argue that in modern Nanai this case turns out to be a complicated one, and that la-forms are maintained due to their links with both of these sources

    Teaching Subroutines: As Early as Possible

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    Students on introductory courses in programming languages often experience difficulty understanding the basic principles of procedural programming. In this paper we discuss the importance of early understanding of the subroutine mechanism. Two approaches for self-training – static and dynamic - are presented and compared. The static approach is appropriate for written text in paper textbook. The dynamic approach is suitable for interactive training using a computer. An interactive module was developed for teaching subroutines

    Being a home patient with Parkinson's disease

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    Specificity in the Optical Excitation Lock-in Thermography Results Processing

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    The aim of the paper is to study some factors influence on the contrast decreasing of the ampligram and phasegram obtained after optical lock-in thermography. It is analysed the effect of delay between excitation source modulated parameter changing and modulated signal due to thermal inertia of halogen lamp filament. Two software corrections for decreasing the effect of these factors are developed. In order to evaluate the effect of these corrections, lock-in thermography measurement is performed and multiple results processing at different correction parameters values are performed. The contrast dependence from correction parameters is presented in graphical form. Multiple results processing with random correction parameters values using the both corrections are performed for determination of maximum possible contrast An iterative method with less number of results processing for choosing appropriate values of correction parameters using the both corrections is proposed. The effect of this method is presented and compared in tabular and graphic form

    Remote Nondestructive Thermal Control of Elastic Abrasive Cutting

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    High temperatures during abrasive cutting lead to increased harmful gas emissions released into the environment, intensified cut-off wheel wear, microstructural changes in the machined material, and occurrence of thermal flaws. Temperature measurement in abrasive cutting is difficult due to the small size of the heated area (only tenths of mm2), high temperatures (above 1000°C), continuous change of the conditions within one cut-off cycle, large temperature gradient (more than 200°C), high cutting speed (above 50 m/s) and high mechanical load. The infrared thermography (IRT) application for thermal control of elastic abrasive cutting have been studied. The performed thermal measurements have been verified with the results obtained from the temperature models of workpiece, cut-off wheel, and cut piece depending on the conditions in elastic abrasive cutting of two structural steels C45 and 42Cr4. The parameters of effective abrasive cutting have been determined by applying multi-objective optimization