90 research outputs found

    Application of a Conceptual Hydrological Model to Identify the Impacts of Green Roof Substrate Ageing on Detention Performance

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    The substrate within a green roof is subject to numerous natural processes throughout its intended design life. As such there is a need to identify the impacts these processes have on substrate hydrological performance over time. Presented is a conceptual hydrological green roof model that utilises non-linear reservoir routing techniques to parameterise detention processes into scale, k and exponent, n. The value of n can be fixed as it largely influenced by the roofs construction (roof slope, drainage length, etc.), thus reducing the model to a single parameter, k. Using observed rainfall/runoff data from test beds at The University of Sheffield values of k were identified for a series of 25 events over a period of 4 years. A rise in the mean value of k was observed for each year of the study, indicating a reduction in detention performance. A design storm exercise allows for the changes in detention performance to be quantified in commonly reported detention metrics

    The influence of substrate and vegetation on extensive green roof hydrological performance

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the hydrological processes occurring in extensive green roof systems through data collected during a continuous monitoring programme of different green roof configurations. Nine green roof test beds (TB) which vary systematically in their substrate composition and vegetation options have been monitored since April 2010 at the University of Sheffield, UK. Three green roof substrates were tested: two commercial substrates manufactured by Alumasc – Heather with Lavender (HLS) and Sedum Carpet (SCS) Substrate were considered alongside a Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA)-based substrate. Three vegetation treatments have been tested: a drought tolerant specie (sedum), a meadow flower mixture and a no vegetation option. Per event retention performance varied depending on the initial water content within the substrate and the characteristics of the rainfall event. Consistent behaviour was observed among the tested green roof configurations with respect to per event retention. Greater retention was associated with HLS and SCS substrates when compared with LECA. Vegetated configurations showed consistently higher retention performance. Sedum vegetation resulted in higher retention performance than Meadow Flower. This was particularly evident on the LECA substrate

    Temporal variations in the potential hydrological performance of extensive green roof systems

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    Existing literature provides contradictory information about variation in potential green roof hydrological performance over time. This study has evaluated a long-term hydrological monitoring record from a series of extensive green roof test beds to identify long-term evolutions and sub-annual (seasonal) variations in potential hydrological performance. Monitoring of nine differently-configured extensive green roof test beds took place over a period of 6 years in Sheffield, UK. Long-term evolutions and sub-annual trends in maximum potential retention performance were identified through physical monitoring of substrate field capacity over time. An independent evaluation of temporal variations in detention performance was undertaken through the fitting of reservoir-routing model parameters. Aggregation of the resulting retention and detention variations permitted the prediction of extensive green roof hydrological performance in response to a 1-in-30-year 1-h summer design storm for Sheffield, UK, which facilitated the comparison of multi and sub-annual hydrological performance variations. Sub-annual (seasonal) variation was found to be significantly greater than long-term evolution. Potential retention performance increased by up to 12% after 5-years, whilst the maximum sub-annual variation in potential retention was 27%. For vegetated roof configurations, a 4% long-term improvement was observed for detention performance, compared to a maximum 63% sub-annual variation. Consistent long-term reductions in detention performance were observed in unvegetated roof configurations, with a non-standard expanded-clay substrate experiencing a 45% reduction in peak attenuation over 5-years. Conventional roof configurations exhibit stable long-term hydrological performance, but are nonetheless subject to sub-annual variation

    Functional urban ground-cover plants: identifying traits that promote rainwater retention and dissipation

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    Urban vegetation can influence urban hydrology and reduce the risk of flooding. Urban forestry studies have suggested that tree type and species choice affect the amount of rainwater intercepted and retained. Little information exists, however, for other landscape typologies, and the sorts of ground-cover plants that are best used to retain/detain rainwater during storm events. This is important as many urban spaces are too small to facilitate trees, but can accommodate roadside vegetation, buffer strips, rain gardens, green roofs and stormwater planters. Thus, this research aimed to determine how choice of ground-cover taxa affected rainwater interception and retention. Six model species with contrasting leaf morphologies were used to determine how well rainwater was intercepted, but also dissipated through evapotranspiration (ET). A pot-based system was used to determine how plant water balance changed during late summer in the UK, with the aim to understand how leaf traits affected hydrological processes. Plant choice was important, with fine-leaved taxa, Festuca glauca and Dianthus ‘Haytor White’ showing best rainwater interception and Festuca demonstrating highest rates of dissipation from the substrate. Overall, compared to non-planted pots, those with plants present were more effective at capturing water (by 2.3–3.0x), and evapo-transpiring water (by 2.5-4.0x). Results indicate that ground cover vegetation has potential to aid urban water management in those localities where space is limited for trees. Plant choice and community-structure should be considered, especially when there is a desire to dry out soil/substrate quickly and restore maximum soil moisture holding capacity

    Effect of vegetation treatment and water stress on evapotranspiration in bioretention systems

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    EvapotranspirationStormwater managementUrban green infrastructureBioretentionHydrological performanceSustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS

    A longitudinal microcosm study on the effects of ageing on potential green roof hydrological performance

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    Green roofs contribute to stormwater management through the retention of rainfall and the detention of runoff. These processes are reasonably well understood, and runoffresponses can be accurately modelled given known system properties. The physical properties of the substrate are particularly relevant to the hydrological response. The substrate is a living biological system, whose properties may change over time. Two sizes of green roof microcosms (50 mm and 150 mm diameter) were observed over a 12-month period. Six system configurations were considered, with two contrasting substrates and three vegetation treatments. Multiple approaches were used to characterize the microcosms' physical and hydrological properties: standard physical tests, bespoke laboratory detention tests, and visualization of the substrate and the root systems using X-ray microtomography. Results suggests that both the substrates' maximum water holding capacity and its capacity to detain runofftend to increase with age. However, there were inconsistencies in the data and these are discussed within the paper. The noted increases were generally not statistically significant as a result of substrate heterogeneity. Notably, the observed differences after one year were relatively small when compared with differences resulting from original substrate compositions and seasonal changes reported elsewhere

    Estimating evapotranspiration from commonly occurring urban plant species using porometry and canopy stomatal conductance

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key moisture flux in both the urban stormwater management and the urban energy budgets. While there are established methods for estimating ET for agricultural crops, relatively little is known about ET rates associated with plants in urban Green Infrastructure settings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using porometry to estimate ET rates. Porometry provides an instantaneous measurement of leaf stomatal conductance. There are two challenges when estimating ET from porometry: converting from leaf stomatal conductance to leaf ET and scaling from leaf ET to canopy ET. Novel approaches to both challenges are proposed here. ET was measured from three commonly occurring urban plant species (Sedum spectabile, Bergenia cordifolia and Primula vulgaris) using a direct mass loss method. This data was used to evaluate the estimates made from porometry in a preliminary study (Sheffield, UK). The Porometry data captured expected trends in ET, with clear differences between the plant species and the reproducible decreasing rates of ET in response to reductions in soil moisture content

    Evaluating the potential hydrological performance of a bioretention media with 100% recycled waste components

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    Bioretention systems are a popular type of Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS). However, their largest single component, the fill media, is often a non-sustainably sourced material. This study evaluates a bioretention fill media comprising 100% recycled waste components. The fill media components come from multiple waste streams, quarry waste from the construction sector, crushed glass and green waste compost from domestic waste, and sugar-beet washings from the food processing sector. The hydraulically important physical characteristics of the recycled fill media were evaluated against reported literature examples of bioretention fill media, alongside UK and international guidance documentation. The particle size distribution of the recycled fill media was found to be unlike that seen in the literature and was also not compliant with the UK’s CIRIA ’The SuDS Manual’ guidance (d≥6 mm = 45% vs. 0% target). However, this did not result in any additional non-compliance, with laboratory-derived saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks=101 mm/h) and porosity (ϕ=44%) within recommended ranges (100≤Ks≤300 mm/h, ϕ>30%). SWMM was used to predict the performance of a bioretention system installed with the recycled fill media compared to UK guidance configured systems. It was found that the recycled fill media would have similar performance to a UK guidance compliant system, irrespective of its particle size distribution. Further work is required to validate the predicted performance of the recycled media

    Estimating drag coefficient for arrays of rigid cylinders representing emergent vegetation

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    Flow resistance due to vegetation is of interest for a wide variety of hydraulic engineering applications. This note evaluates several practical engineering functions for estimating bulk drag coefficient (C_D) for arrays of rigid cylinders, which are commonly used to represent emergent vegetation. Many of the evaluated functions are based on an Ergun-derived expression that relates C_D to two coefficients, describing viscous and inertial effects. A re-parametrization of the Ergun coefficients based on cylinder diameter (d) and solid volume fraction (φ) is presented. Estimates of C_D are compared to a range of experimental data from previous studies. All functions reasonably estimate C_D at low φ and high cylinder Reynolds numbers (R_d). At higher φ they typically underestimate C_D. Estimates of C_D utilizing the re-parametrization presented here match the experimental data better than estimates of C_D made using the other functions evaluated, particularly at low φ and low R_d
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