16 research outputs found

    Microklimaat, vegetatie en fauna.

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    Dit leerboek is bedoeld als inleiding tot de microklimatologie voor degenen die bij het veldwerk aan plant, dier, gewas, vegetatie of landschap met microklimatologische factoren te maken hebben. De stof wordt behandeld in de volgende 4 hoofdstukken: Microklimaat: principes en processen; De invloed van de vegetatie op het microklimaat; De biologische betekenis van het microklimaat voor plant en dier; Het onderzoek van het microklimaa

    Heaths and Inland Dunes of the Veluwe. A study on some of the relations existing between vegetation, soil and microclimate

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    The Veluwe is a stretch of high ground in the central part of the Netherlands, north of the river Rhine and south of the IJssel Meer, i.e. the former Zuiderzee, and the polders reclaimed from the latter. Geologically the area consists of three formations: 1. ridges which owe their origin to the pressure of the land ise, and which consist of sands deposited as river sediments in preglacial times; 2. a fluvioglacial formation; on some of these plains small but steep hills are found; 3. aeolian sediments: löss and cover-sands (cf. VINK, 1949); they were deposited in the late-glacial period

    Radiation and Heat

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    A relação V/VE da radiação solar sob o dossel de uma área de Mata Atlântica The R/FR ratio of solar radiation under the canopy in an area of the Atlantic Forest

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    A distribuição espectral da radiação foi obtida nos meses de agosto de 1994, junho e agosto de 1995 numa área de Mata Atlântica situada no Parque Estadual Intervales, Base do Saibadela (24º14'S e 48º04'W). município de Sete Barras, SP. As leituras de varredura do espectro foram realizadas com espectroradiômetro LI-1800, em 22 pontos sob o dossel da floresta e três pontos numa área aberta, em condições de céu aberto (sol) e céu encoberto (nublado). Para a análise foram utilizadas as variáveis PPFD e a relação V/VE (655-665/725-735nm). A qualidade da luz fora do dossel não foi influenciada pela radiação difusa. Sob o dossel, foi observado aumento significativo (P<0.05) da relação V/VE (0,54 ± 0,08) em condição de céu nublado comparado com a condição de céu aberto (0,27 ± 0,07). Esta grande alteração na qualidade de luz, devido aos longos períodos de chuva e céu encoberto que ocorrem com muita freqüência na região, pode ser de grande relevância para os processos fotomorfogênicos das espécies vegetais que ocorrem neste ambiente.<br>The spectral distribution of solar radiation was obtained during August 1994 and June and August 1995, in an area of the Atlantic Forest at "Parque Estadual Intervales. Base do Saibadela" (24º14'S and 48º04'W), Sete Barras, SP. The light spectra were obtained with the aid of a LI-1800 spectroradiometer in 22 spots under canopies, and three spots in an open area under conditions of overcast and sunny day. The PPFD and R/FR ratio (655-665/725-735nm) were used for radiation analysis . The quality of light was not influenced by the clouds but under the canopy there were significant differences (P<0.05) in the R/FR ratio (0,54 ± 0,08) in overcast and sunny day conditions (0,27 ± 0,07). This alteration in the quality of light due to the long periods of rainy days in the region can be of great significance for the photomorphogenic processes of plants that occur in this environment