4,014 research outputs found

    R49 Radar Oleseruatiant of a Tarnada

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    Reprinted from BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 38, No. 10, December, 1957, pp. 591-595Preceding the development of a tornado at the ground a fingerline projection developed on the PPI in the SW corner of an echo. This was also visible on the three-dimensional models constructed from RHI data. The parent echo extended to 37,500 feet and was the highest echo in the vicinity. Tornado occurrence was simultaneous with a new cell merging with the finger. Photographs of the tornado, the lower level echo tilt, and winds aloft data all indicate the same direction of shear

    Automatic assembly design project 1968/9: report of technical survey committee

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    An Industrial survey has been carried out to determine the desired features of an automatic as machine. A questionnaire was circulated to industry and the results of the 38% response obtained were analysed and plotted. From these, conclusions were drawn as to the industrial requirements of an assembly machine

    Recombinant Filaggrin Is Internalized and Processed to Correct Filaggrin Deficiency

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    This study was designed to engineer a functional filaggrin (FLG) monomer linked to a cell-penetrating peptide (RMR) and to test the ability of this peptide to penetrate epidermal tissue as a therapeutic strategy for genetically determined atopic dermatitis (AD). A single repeat of the murine filaggrin gene (Flg) was covalently linked to a RMR motif and cloned into a bacterial expression system for protein production. Purified FLG+RMR (mFLG+RMR) was applied in vitro to HEK-293T cells and a reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) tissue model. Immunochemistry demonstrated RMR-dependent cellular uptake of FLG+RMR in a dose- and time-dependent manner in HEK cells. Immunohistochemical staining of the RHE model identified penetration of FLG+RMR to the stratum granulosum, the epidermal layer at which FLG deficiency is thought to be pathologically relevant. In vivo application of FLG+RMR to FLG-deficient flaky tail (ft/ft) mice skin demonstrated internalization and processing of recombinant FLG+RMR to restore the normal phenotype. These results suggest that topically applied RMR-linked FLG monomers are able to penetrate epidermal tissue, be internalized into the appropriate cell type, and be processed to a size similar to wild-type functional barrier peptides to restore necessary barrier function, and prove to be therapeutic for patients with AD

    A fine grained heuristic to capture web navigation patterns

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    In previous work we have proposed a statistical model to capture the user behaviour when browsing the web. The user navigation information obtained from web logs is modelled as a hypertext probabilistic grammar (HPG) which is within the class of regular probabilistic grammars. The set of highest probability strings generated by the grammar corresponds to the user preferred navigation trails. We have previously conducted experiments with a Breadth-First Search algorithm (BFS) to perform the exhaustive computation of all the strings with probability above a specified cut-point, which we call the rules. Although the algorithm’s running time varies linearly with the number of grammar states, it has the drawbacks of returning a large number of rules when the cut-point is small and a small set of very short rules when the cut-point is high. In this work, we present a new heuristic that implements an iterative deepening search wherein the set of rules is incrementally augmented by first exploring trails with high probability. A stopping parameter is provided which measures the distance between the current rule-set and its corresponding maximal set obtained by the BFS algorithm. When the stopping parameter takes the value zero the heuristic corresponds to the BFS algorithm and as the parameter takes values closer to one the number of rules obtained decreases accordingly. Experiments were conducted with both real and synthetic data and the results show that for a given cut-point the number of rules induced increases smoothly with the decrease of the stopping criterion. Therefore, by setting the value of the stopping criterion the analyst can determine the number and quality of rules to be induced; the quality of a rule is measured by both its length and probability

    Suburban Deer Management: A Matter of Perspective

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    Many metropolitan areas in the eastern United States are experiencing management conflicts associated with overabundant deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations. Sometimes these deer populations exceed the biological carrying capacity of available habitat and wildlife acceptance capacity (Decker and Purdy 1988) of local residents. For nearly 2 decades, a deer management controversy has been developing in Durand Eastman Park and the Town of Irondequoit, located in the greater Rochester metropolitan area, Monroe County, New York. Three local citizen organizations concerned about deer are described, and each has promoted various nonhunting alternatives to reduce human-deer problems. For 15 years, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has promoted liberal archery seasons as the preferred alternative for reducing deer numbers, although the discharge of bow and arrows is prohibited within the Town of Irondequoit and Durand Eastman Park by local laws. During 1992, DEC and Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) organized a Citizen Task Force (CTF) in an attempt to resolve this controversy and reach consensus with community leaders concerning future deer management objectives and alternatives. CTF members exhibited a wide range of values and attitudes concerning suburban deer management. A deer management plan was developed and implemented based on CTF recommendations. This case study emphasizes the need for integrating both the biological and human dimensions to resolve suburban wildlife management issues

    Accretion-Induced Lithium Line Enhancements in Classical T Tauri Stars: RW Aur

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    It is widely accepted that much of the stochastic variability of T Tauri stars is due to accretion by a circumstellar disk. The emission line spectrum as well as the excess continuum emission are common probes of this process. In this communication, we present additional probes of the circumstellar environment in the form of resonance lines of low ionization potential elements. Using a set of 14 high resolution echelle observations of the classical T Tauri star (CTTS), RW Aur, taken between 1986 and 1996, we carefully measure the continuum veiling at each epoch by comparing more than 500 absorption lines with those of an appropriate template. This allows us to accurately subtract out the continuum emission and to recover the underlying photospheric spectrum. In doing so, we find that selected photospheric lines are enhanced by the accretion process, namely the resonance lines of LiI and KI. A resonance line of TiI and a low excitation potential line of CaI also show weak enhancements. Simple slab models and computed line bisectors lead us to propose that these line enhancements are markers of cool gas at the beginning of the accretion flow which provides an additional source of line opacity. These results suggest that published values of surface lithium abundances of classical T Tauri stars are likely to be overestimated. This would account for the various reports of surface lithium abundances in excess of meteoritic values among the extreme CTTS. Computing LTE lithium abundances of RW Aur in a low and then high accretion state yields abundances which vary by one order of magnitude. The low accretion state lithium abundance is consistent with theoretical predictions for a star of this age and mass while the high accretion state spectrum yields a super-meteoritic lithium abundance.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    Human Dimensions of Contraception in Wildlife Management

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    Wildlife damage management was so much simpler in the good old days. If deer (Odocoileus virginianus), beaver (Castor canadensis), or other animals were a problem in a particular situation, people simply had them shot, trapped, or poisoned. Not many years ago, most people would go along with this approach, and those who didn\u27t like it were marginalized as the radical fringe. Not so today. Greater and more diverse segments of the public want a say in what professionals decide to do with their wildlife. The public wants to participate in setting objectives for management and in approving the methods for accomplishing those objectives. Kania and Conover (1991) emphasized that wildlife agencies should respond to these societal changes rather than resist them, thereby enhancing the value of the wildlife resource for all people. Changes in sociopolitical values have resulted in more stakeholder groups who want to be included in wildlife management decisions today than at any other time since the advent of applied wildlife management in North America (Curtis and Richmond 1992)

    Relation of Soil Texture to Soluble Salt Accumulation in 29 Irrigated Soils in Oklahoma

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    The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311