37 research outputs found

    New results on the Galactic Center Helium stars

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    The cluster of helium stars around Sgr A* has been re‐observed with the BEAR spectro‐imager on CFHT, in the 2.06 μm helium line, at a spectral resolution of 52 km s^(–1) and on a field of ≃40″. This new analysis confirms and completes a previous study at a spectral resolution of 74 km s^(–1) and on a smaller field of 24″ , corresponding to the central parsec (Paumard et al. 2001). Nineteen stars are confirmed as helium stars. These observations led to a clear differentiation between two groups of hot stars based on their emission linewidth, their magnitude and their positions relative to Sgr A*. The first class of 6 members is characterized by narrow‐line profiles (FWHM ≃200 km s^(–1)) and by their brightness. The other, fainter in K by an average of 2 mag, has a much broader emission component of width ≃1,000 km s^(–1). Several of the emission lines show a P Cygni profile. From these results, we propose that the narrow‐line group is formed of stars in the LBV phase, while the broad‐line group is formed of stars in or near the WR phase. The division into two groups is also shown by their spatial distribution, with the narrow‐line stars in a compact central cluster (IRS 16) and the other group distributed at the periphery of the central cluster of hot stars. HST‐NICMOS data in Paα (1.87 μm) of the same field reveal a similar association. The identification of the Paα counterpart to the He I stars provides an additional element to characterize the two groups. Bright Paα emitters are found generally associated with the narrow‐line class stars while the weak Paαemitters are generally associated with the broad‐line stars. A few particular cases are discussed. This confirms the different status of evolution of the two groups of massive, hot stars in the central cluster. As a by‐product, about 20 additional candidate emission stars are detected in the central, high‐resolution 19″ field from the NICMOS data

    The Galactic Center Source IRS 13E: a Star Cluster

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    High spatial resolution, near‐infrared observations of the Galactic Center source, close to Sgr A*, known historically as IRS13, are presented. These observations include ground‐based adaptive optics images in the H, K' and L bands, HST‐NICMOS observations in filters between 1.1 and 2.2 μm, and spectroimaging data in the He I 2.06 μm line and the Brγ line. Analysis of all these data has made possible the resolution of the main component, IRS 13E, into a cluster of seven individual stars within a projected diameter of ∼0.5″ (0.02 pc), and to build their SED. The main sources, 13E1, 13E2, 13E3 (a binary), and 13E4, are hot stars of different nature. 13E2 and 13E4 are emission line stars. The spectral type of the various members goes from O5I to WR, including dusty WRs like IRS 21 (Tanner et al. 2002). All these sources have a common westward proper motion. Two weaker sources, 13E5 and 13E6, are also detected within the compact cluster, with 13E5 proposed as another dusty WR and 13E6 as a O5V star. An extended halo seen around the cluster, part of the mini‐spiral of dust is particularly enhanced in the L band. It is interpreted as a contribution of the scattered light from the inner cluster and the thermal emission from the dust. IRS 13E is proposed to be the remaining core of a massive, young star cluster which was disrupted in the vicinity of Sgr A*, and hence, the possible source of the young stars in the central parsec, from the helium stars to the S stars

    Intérpretes de Libras-Português no Contexto Jurídico: uma investigação dos serviços de interpretação oferecidos na Grande Florianópolis

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Letras LibrasA presente pesquisa busca investigar, por meio de questionário, a atuação e o papel desempenhado pelo intérprete de Libras-Português na esfera jurídica. A investigação, realizada na cidade de Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina, no início de 2018, mapeia os principais desafios que permeiam a interpretação nessa esfera. Além disso, procura entender as demandas existentes hoje e a possível especialização nessa área. À luz de Russel (2002), Mathers (2007), Fonseca (2007) e Santos (2016), com as contribuições de outros autores que abordam mais especificamente a área dos estudos da interpretação jurídica, busca-se elucidar algumas questões inerentes a esse estudo e aprofundar-se na temática para embasar o estudo, são usados exemplos comparativos, inclusive de outros países, que revelam os desafios dessa esfera e trazem à tona uma reflexão sobre a profissionalização de intérpretes por contextos específicos, como especializações. A pesquisa de base qualitativa fornece material representativo capaz de auxiliar intérpretes e comunidade surda em geral no entendimento dos desafios inerentes à interpretação no contexto jurídico. Por fim, as respostas coletadas pelos participantes da pesquisa indicam um caminho para reflexão focado na formação de intérpretes de Libras-Português por área ou contexto, ressaltando especificidades importantes do contexto jurídico em questão e, ainda, promovendo uma discussão sobre as dificuldades encontradas nessa área de atuação.This research aims at investigating, by the use of questionnaires, the performance and role played by Portuguese - Brazilian Sign Language interpreter in the justice area. The investigation took place in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, in the first months of 2018 and it maps the main challenges surrounding the interpretation in this field. Besides, it searches an understanding of the current and future needs and a possible future specialization in legal interpretation. Based on Russell (2002), Mathers (2007), Fonseca (2007) and Santos 2016), as well as other authors who cope specifically with the legal interpreting studies, it seeks to clarify many issues implicated in this study and to deepen this topic. In order to establish this study, comparative examples are used, including examples from other countries. These examples reveal the challenges interpreters face in legal contexts and bring up a reflection upon interpreter professionalization, like specialization courses, specially for specific contexts. This is a research with qualitative basis and it offers a representative material for interpreters and the deaf community in general reach an understanding about the challenges involved in the justice interpretation. At last, the answers collected from the research participants indicate a way towards a reflection more focused on Portuguese - Brazilian Sign Language interpreters’ training for areas or contexts, highlighting important specificities from the legal context in question and, also, promoting a discussion about the difficulties confronted in this area of work

    Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Galactic Center. I. Spectroscopic Identification from Spitzer/IRS Observations

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    We present results from our spectroscopic study, using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope, designed to identify massive young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Galactic Center (GC). Our sample of 107 YSO candidates was selected based on IRAC colors from the high spatial resolution, high sensitivity Spitzer/IRAC images in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), which spans the central ~300 pc region of the Milky Way Galaxy. We obtained IRS spectra over 5um to 35um using both high- and low-resolution IRS modules. We spectroscopically identify massive YSOs by the presence of a 15.4um shoulder on the absorption profile of 15um CO2 ice, suggestive of CO2 ice mixed with CH3OH ice on grains. This 15.4um shoulder is clearly observed in 16 sources and possibly observed in an additional 19 sources. We show that 9 massive YSOs also reveal molecular gas-phase absorption from CO2, C2H2, and/or HCN, which traces warm and dense gas in YSOs. Our results provide the first spectroscopic census of the massive YSO population in the GC. We fit YSO models to the observed spectral energy distributions and find YSO masses of 8 - 23 Msun, which generally agree with the masses derived from observed radio continuum emission. We find that about 50% of photometrically identified YSOs are confirmed with our spectroscopic study. This implies a preliminary star formation rate of ~0.07 Msun/yr at the GC.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Processing of 24 Micron Image Data at Spitzer Science Center

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    The 24μm array on board the Spitzer Space Telescope is one of three arrays in the Multi-band Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) instrument. It provides 5′.3 × 5′.3 images at a scale of ≈ 2″.5 per pixel corresponding to sampling of the point spread function which is slightly better than critical (≈ 0.4λ / D). A scan-mirror allows dithering of images on the array without the overhead of moving and stabilizing the spacecraft. It also enables efficient mapping of large areas of sky without significant compromise in sensitivity. We present an overview of the pipeline flow and reduction steps involved in the processing of image data acquired with the 24μm array. Residual instrumental signatures not yet removed in automated processing and strategies for hands-on mitigation thereof are also given