829 research outputs found

    The Shared Workspace Model

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    Setting professional learning communities in an international context

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    Professional Development through PLCs: Methods for Measuring PLC Efficacy

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    This report is a literature review on methods for measuring the efficacy of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) used in schools as a form of teacher professional development. Research-based characteristics of successful PLCs are identified, and several studies are cited that indicated student achievement gains as a result of PLC implementation. This research contributes to the literature on evaluating effective PLC professional development

    Leading for innovation and evidence-informed improvement

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    This chapter explores leadership in the context of evidence-informed practice (EIP). In it, we aim to: engage with the idea of EIP and the factors driving its uptake in many school systems world-wide; outline the challenges facing the uptake of EIP in schools and by teachers; argue that the challenges facing EIP can only be met if school leadership is effective in both its transformational and learner centred aspects; suggest that, to harness the power of power of EIP, school leaders must find the strength to be bold in the face of accountability


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    School-based professional development is an appropriate way of tailoring professional development both to the needs of the individual teacher and of the school. Lesson Study (LS) is one of the models of school-based professional development. It is a professional learning method that is based on collaboration amongst teachers, in order to improve their professional development and students’ outcomes. The Saudi Ministry of Education, since 2015, started a pilot project that utilized the LS in certain Saudi schools in different regions to meet professional learning needs. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of LS as a model adopted for the professional development of teachers by Primary Schools in Riyadh region in Saudi Arabia. The study utilised a quantitative research method based on an online survey to collect data from four selected elementary schools in the Riyadh region. SPSS software was used to analyse the questionnaire responses. Overall, the results for this study identified that LS serves as an effective tool for teachers’ professional development and that most of the teachers have positive perception towards using the LS model as a tool for improving teachers’ content knowledge


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    School-based professional development is an appropriate way of tailoring professional development both to the needs of the individual teacher and of the school. Lesson Study (LS) is one of the models of school-based professional development. It is a professional learning method that is based on collaboration amongst teachers, in order to improve their professional development and students’ outcomes. The Saudi Ministry of Education, since 2015, started a pilot project that utilized LS in certain Saudi schools in different regions to meet professional learning needs. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of LS as a model adopted for the professional development of Primary Schools teachers in four selected elementary schools in the Riyadh region in Saudi Arabia. The study is based on a quantitative research method using an online survey and are analysed using SPSS. Article visualizations

    The Relationship Between Teacher Perceptions Of Professional Learning Communities And Student Achievement

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    A significant challenge facing public schools is the need to increase student achievement while having student gains enhanced through growth models. Teaching strategies/methods have evolved over the years from an island approach where the teacher was alone in his/her classroom and responsible for students progressing to a broader yet more specific approach to teacher professional development in order to enhance student learning. Districts, schools, and individual teachers have long valued professional development and professional learning. These educational professional learning opportunities collectively give the district, school, and individual teachers a community at work in which a collective focus and commitment to improving practice has long been understood to assist students increase their academic achievement (DuFour, DuFour, & Eaker, 2008). DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, & Many (2010) argue one of the key components of a professional learning community is a results-oriented focus which is characterized by the outcome rather than the strategies to get there. Too often, education professionals focus on the process and activities of what teachers do rather than the evidence of their students\u27 outcomes based on teaching and learning. Hord (2004) furthers the point by arguing that Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) show improvement of student achievement results through such communities in schools. In Madison County Schools, Madison County, KY, there are multiple opportunities for teachers to develop professionally as individuals, team members, schools, and collectively as a district. These professional learning opportunities are well planned and documented in professional growth plans, comprehensive school improvement plans, and district improvement plans in order to fulfill requirements such as local Certified Evaluation Plans (CEP) and The Kentucky Framework for Teaching (Danielson 2012). All Madison County Schools, specifically the five middle schools, use Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to further develop and enhance teaching with the overarching purpose of supporting greater student achievement. This study utilized the five Madison County middle schools\u27 and district-level data to assess the relationship between teacher perception of Professional Learning Communities and how well students achieve at each specific schools and district-wide. The characteristics evaluated included teachers\u27 perception of professional learning through PLCs along with actual student data specific to the teacher. Prior research focused primarily on individual predictors of variance on student achievement, while this study combines all of the predictors for observation on predictors of variance
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