29 research outputs found

    Orest I. Martynowych - Ukrainians in Canada: The Formative Years, 1891-1924

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    Slovačka imigracija u Sjedinjene Države i njezin odnos prema američkom socijalističkom i radničkom pokretu

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    Slovak immigrants in the United States of America did not show a considerable interest in taking part in the American labor movement. One of the reasons for this lies in the fact that young single men would come to the United States in order to get rich, and then to get back home as soon as possible and purchase land there. On the other hand, Slovak immigrant leaders did not have a desire to gather American Slovaks together in the American labor movement. Slovak clergymen in the United States took it upon themselves to maintain their body of believers in the Catholic faith. The outcome of it all was a small number of American Slovaks founding workers\u27 organizations and papers, and they were very distant from one another, too. The number of Slovak immigrants in the ranks of the socialist party of America is negligible.Slovački iseljenici u SAD nisu pokazivali neki veći interes za sudjelovanje u američkom radničkom pokretu. Tome je jedan od razloga Å”to su mladi neoženjeni muÅ”karci dolazili u SAD da bi se obogatili i da bi se Å”to prije vratili kućama i kupili zemlju. S druge strane, slovački iseljenički vođe nisu pokazivali želju da američke Slovake okupe oko američkoga radničkog pokreta. Slovački svećenici u SAD brinuli su se da svoje vjernike održe u krŔćanskoj vjeri. Rezultat svega toga bio je mali broj američkih Slovaka koji su osnivali radničke organizacije i novine, a bili su međusobno i vrlo udaljeni. Vrlo je zanemarljiv broj slovačkih iseljenika u redovima Socijalističke stranke Amerike

    Die Rolle slowakischer Auswanderer in Nordamerika bei der Befreiung der Slowakei

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    Slovak Ć©migrĆ©s in North America have played a major role in the emancipation of their nation from foreign rule in the last century. Although this process was not always very smooth, due to the opposition of some of their neighbours, and also because of internal divisions among Slovaks, both at home and abroad, nevertheless in 1993 a democratic and independent Slovak Republic appeared on the map of Europe. While the proximate causes of the creation of the Slovak Republic are fairly well-known, the long-term role of Ć©migrĆ©s in North America in this process are not yet fully appreciated. This paper is a first attempt to sketch the broad outlines of the role of political Ć©migrĆ©s in promoting Slovak aspirations for independence.Slovački iseljenici u Sjevernoj Americi odigrali su važnu ulogu u oslobađanju svoje zemlje od tuđinske vlasti u XIX. stoljeću. Iako ovaj proces nije uvijek tekao glatko, zahvaljujući suprotstavljanju nekih susjednih zemalja, a i zbog unutarnjih podjela među Slovacima i u domovini i u inozemstvu, ipak se 1993. godine demokratska i nezavisna Slovačka Republika pojavila na karti Europe. Dok su neposredni razlozi stvaranja Slovačke Republike uglavnom dobro znani, dugoročna uloga iseljenika Sjeverne Amerike u tom procesu nije do kraja ocijenjena. Ovaj rad prvi je pokuÅ”aj izrade obrisa uloge političkih iseljenika u promicanju slovačkih težnji za nezavisnoŔću.Die slowakischen Auswanderer in Nordamerika spielten bei der Befreiung ihres Landes von der Fremdherrschaft im 19. Jahrhundert eine wichtige Rolle. Obwohl dieser ProzeƟ nicht immer reibungslos vonstatten ging, wobei die inneren ZerwĆ¼rfnisse zwischen den Slowaken im In- und Ausland nicht wenig beitrugen, ist auf der politischen Karte Europas im Jahre 1993 die demokratische und unabhƤngige Slowakische Republik erschienen. WƤhrend die unmittelbaren GrĆ¼nde fĆ¼r die Entstehung der Slowakischen Republik mehr oder weniger bekannt sind, steht eine Bewertung der historischen Rolle der nordamerikanischen Slowaken bei diesen VorgƤngen immer noch aus. Dieser Artikel ist ein erster Versuch, die Rolle der politischen Auswanderer, die die UnabhƤngigkeitsbestrebungen der Slowaken propagierten, zu umreiƟen

    Neutral winds above 200Km at high latitudes

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    Motion from multiple chemical releases between 200 and 300 km from 15 rockets launched from 4 high latitude locations are analyzed. The observations in the evening and midnight hours at magnetic altitudes or = 65 deg suggest that in these regions ion drag is the dominant force in driving neutral winds between 200 and 300 km. This conclusion is based on both the agreement between ion and neutral drift directions, and the fact that there are distinct changes in the wind associated with (a) the reversal in east-west ion drift at the Harang discontinuity, and (b) the transition from auroral belt, sunward ion drift and polar cap, anti-solar ion drift

    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 44, No. 2

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    ā€¢ Fortune\u27s Stepchildren: Slovaks in Pennsylvania ā€¢ Slovak Churches: Religious Diversity and Ethnic Communities ā€¢ Slovak Fraternal-Benefit Societies in Pennsylvania ā€¢ Early Fraktur Referring to Birth and Baptism in Pennsylvania: A Taufpatenbrief from Berks County for a Child Born in 1751 ā€¢ The Solitary Sisters of Saronhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1142/thumbnail.jp