3 research outputs found

    Aplication of nonlinear methods in analysis of EEG theta rhythm changes during auditory short-term memory formation in human.

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    Kratkoročna auditivna memorija (KAM) predstavlja kratkotrajno zadržavanje auditivno primljenih informacija u memoriji. Kratkoročna memorija, iako zaseban sistem, nije u potpunosti nezavisna od dugoročne memorija. Memorija se ne nalazi na jednom području u mozgu, već obuhvata široko - distribuiranu mrežu koja se sastoji, uglavnom, od mreža koje formiraju prefrontalni, temporalni i parijetalni regioni i njihove interakcije sa subkortikalnim regijama limbičkog sistema. Prethodna istraživanja promena EEG-a tokom formiranja KAM naglašavaju značaj aktivnosti teta ritma. Postoje brojna istraživanja EEG pokazatelja (korelata) formiranja KAM kod ljudi. Međutim, skoro da nema studija koje su primenjivale nelinearne metode za kvantifikaciju promena kompleksnosti EEG signala u procesu formiranja KAM. U ovoj studiji primenjene su nelinearne metode – fraktalna dimenzija (FD), fraktalna dimenzija u okviru pokretnog prozora (prozorska fraktalna dimenzija – pFD) i entropija uzorka (SampEn) – za kvantifikaciju promena EEG signala tokom procesa formiranja KAM. Analiziran je period zadržavanja stimulusa u kratkoročnoj memoriji (eng. „retention period“– retencija) u klasičnoj Sternbergovoj paradigmi za tri nivoa memorijskog opterećenja (MO) – tri, pet i sedam stimulusa. Rezultati primene nelinearnih metoda su upoređeni sa linearnim metodama – spektralna snaga, koherenca i analiza izvora EEG signala (analiza dipola). Primenom nelinearnih metoda utvrđeno je da pri formiranju KAM za stimuluse sa značenjem (reči) dolazi do promene kompleksnosti EEG signala u posteriornim regionima korteksa a anteriornim tokom formiranja KAM za stimuluse bez značenja (nereči). Primena FD i SampEn omogućila je detekciju promena stepena MO. Po prvi put je pokazano da sa povećanjem MO dolazi do linearnog povećanja ili smanjenja vrednosti FD i SampEn EEG signala. pFD analizom utvrđeno je da tokom formiranja KAM za reči dolazi do maksimuma kompleksnosti EEG signala u intervalu od 600-800 ms perioda retencije. Pri formiranju KAM za nereči maksimum kompleksnosti se javlja ranije u odnosu na reči, u intervalu od 200-600ms sa cikličnim ponavljanjem porasta i smanjenja kompleksnosti do kraja perioda retencije...Short-term auditory memory (STAM) is a short-term retention of auditory received information in memory. Short-term memory, although a separate system, is not entirely independent of long-term memory. Memory is not located in one area of the brain, but also includes a wide - distributed network consisting mainly of networks that form the frontal, temporal and parietal regions and their interaction with subcortical regions of the limbic system. Previous studies of changes in the EEG during the formation of STAM emphasize the importance of theta rhytm activities. There are numerous studies of EEG correlates of STAM forming in humans. However, there are almost no studies that have applied non-linear method for quantification of changes in the complexity of the EEG signal during formation of STAM. In this study, we applied the non-linear methods – fractal dimension (FD), fractal dimension with moving window (wFD), and sample entropy (SampEn) – to quantify the changes in the EEG signal complexity during formation of STAM. We analyzed the period of retention in the classic Sternberg’s paradigm for three levels of memory load (ML) - three, five, and seven stimuli. Results of nonlinear methods were compared with linear methods - spectral power, coherence and analysis of the sources of EEG signals (analysis of the dipoles). During formation of the STAM for stimuli with meaning (words) there is a change in the complexity of EEG signal in the posterior regions of the cortex, and the anterior during the formation of the STAM for the stimuli without meaning (nonwords). Application of FD and SampEn has enabled the detection of changes in the level of ML. For the first time it is shown that with increasing ML comes a linear increase (decrease), respectively, in the value of the FD and SampEn. Window fractal analysis showed that during the formation of STAM for words, there is a maximum of complexity in the range of 600-800 ms during retention period. In forming STAM for nonwords, maximum of complexity occurs earlier than for words, in the range of 200-600ms with cyclic repetition of the complexity increase and decrease towards the end of the retention period..

    Aplication of nonlinear methods in analysis of EEG theta rhythm changes during auditory short-term memory formation in human.

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    Kratkoročna auditivna memorija (KAM) predstavlja kratkotrajno zadržavanje auditivno primljenih informacija u memoriji. Kratkoročna memorija, iako zaseban sistem, nije u potpunosti nezavisna od dugoročne memorija. Memorija se ne nalazi na jednom području u mozgu, već obuhvata široko - distribuiranu mrežu koja se sastoji, uglavnom, od mreža koje formiraju prefrontalni, temporalni i parijetalni regioni i njihove interakcije sa subkortikalnim regijama limbičkog sistema. Prethodna istraživanja promena EEG-a tokom formiranja KAM naglašavaju značaj aktivnosti teta ritma. Postoje brojna istraživanja EEG pokazatelja (korelata) formiranja KAM kod ljudi. Međutim, skoro da nema studija koje su primenjivale nelinearne metode za kvantifikaciju promena kompleksnosti EEG signala u procesu formiranja KAM. U ovoj studiji primenjene su nelinearne metode – fraktalna dimenzija (FD), fraktalna dimenzija u okviru pokretnog prozora (prozorska fraktalna dimenzija – pFD) i entropija uzorka (SampEn) – za kvantifikaciju promena EEG signala tokom procesa formiranja KAM. Analiziran je period zadržavanja stimulusa u kratkoročnoj memoriji (eng. „retention period“– retencija) u klasičnoj Sternbergovoj paradigmi za tri nivoa memorijskog opterećenja (MO) – tri, pet i sedam stimulusa. Rezultati primene nelinearnih metoda su upoređeni sa linearnim metodama – spektralna snaga, koherenca i analiza izvora EEG signala (analiza dipola). Primenom nelinearnih metoda utvrđeno je da pri formiranju KAM za stimuluse sa značenjem (reči) dolazi do promene kompleksnosti EEG signala u posteriornim regionima korteksa a anteriornim tokom formiranja KAM za stimuluse bez značenja (nereči). Primena FD i SampEn omogućila je detekciju promena stepena MO. Po prvi put je pokazano da sa povećanjem MO dolazi do linearnog povećanja ili smanjenja vrednosti FD i SampEn EEG signala. pFD analizom utvrđeno je da tokom formiranja KAM za reči dolazi do maksimuma kompleksnosti EEG signala u intervalu od 600-800 ms perioda retencije. Pri formiranju KAM za nereči maksimum kompleksnosti se javlja ranije u odnosu na reči, u intervalu od 200-600ms sa cikličnim ponavljanjem porasta i smanjenja kompleksnosti do kraja perioda retencije...Short-term auditory memory (STAM) is a short-term retention of auditory received information in memory. Short-term memory, although a separate system, is not entirely independent of long-term memory. Memory is not located in one area of the brain, but also includes a wide - distributed network consisting mainly of networks that form the frontal, temporal and parietal regions and their interaction with subcortical regions of the limbic system. Previous studies of changes in the EEG during the formation of STAM emphasize the importance of theta rhytm activities. There are numerous studies of EEG correlates of STAM forming in humans. However, there are almost no studies that have applied non-linear method for quantification of changes in the complexity of the EEG signal during formation of STAM. In this study, we applied the non-linear methods – fractal dimension (FD), fractal dimension with moving window (wFD), and sample entropy (SampEn) – to quantify the changes in the EEG signal complexity during formation of STAM. We analyzed the period of retention in the classic Sternberg’s paradigm for three levels of memory load (ML) - three, five, and seven stimuli. Results of nonlinear methods were compared with linear methods - spectral power, coherence and analysis of the sources of EEG signals (analysis of the dipoles). During formation of the STAM for stimuli with meaning (words) there is a change in the complexity of EEG signal in the posterior regions of the cortex, and the anterior during the formation of the STAM for the stimuli without meaning (nonwords). Application of FD and SampEn has enabled the detection of changes in the level of ML. For the first time it is shown that with increasing ML comes a linear increase (decrease), respectively, in the value of the FD and SampEn. Window fractal analysis showed that during the formation of STAM for words, there is a maximum of complexity in the range of 600-800 ms during retention period. In forming STAM for nonwords, maximum of complexity occurs earlier than for words, in the range of 200-600ms with cyclic repetition of the complexity increase and decrease towards the end of the retention period..