216 research outputs found

    Weak Pseudogap Behavior in the Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We report on an exact solution of the nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid spin fermion model in the limit \pi T << \omega_{sf}, which demonstrates that the broad high energy features found in ARPES measurements of the spectral density of the underdoped cuprate superconductors are determined by strong antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations and precursor effects of an SDW state. We show that the onset temperature, T^{cr}, of weak pseudo-gap (pseudoscaling) behavior is determined by the strength, \xi, of the AF correlations, and obtain the generic changes in low frequency magnetic behavior seen in NMR experiments with \xi(T^{cr}) \approx 2, confirming the Barzykin and Pines crossover criterion.Comment: REVTEX, 4 pages, 3 EPS figure

    Revealing complex relations between personality and fitness: HEXACO personality traits, life-time reproductive success and the age at first birth

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    HEXACO personality framework represents one of the most prominent models of human personality traits. Despite of this, there are no empirical studies that estimate the fitness outcomes of HEXACO traits, although this topic represents a basic foundation for the study of the contemporary evolution of personality. In the present research we explored the relations between HEXACO personality traits, and three fitness indicators: the number of children, the number of grandchildren and the age at first birth. Participants were selected from the community population of individuals in a post-reproductive stage (N = 255; Mage = 64.9 years). Results from the regression analyses showed that the number of children was associated with lower scores on Honesty and Openness and higher scores on Emotionality; Agreeableness was positively associated with this criterion but only in males. The number of grandchildren was predicted by low Openness and marginally by high Conscientiousness, while Honesty had positive zero-order correlation with the criterion measure. Individuals with higher Extraversion tended to reproduce earlier in their lifetime. Findings contribute to the empirical data which suggest that personality is related to biological fitness in contemporary human populations: this means that personality is likely under natural selection and hence, it continues to evolve.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Međedović, J.; Šoljaga, M.; Stojković, A.; Gojević, I. Revealing Complex Relations between Personality and Fitness: HEXACO Personality Traits, Life-Time Reproductive Success and the Age at First Birth. Pers. Individ. Differ. 2018, 129, 143–148. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.014

    Theory of the Optical Conductivity in the Cuprate Superconductors

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    We present a study of the normal state optical conductivity in the cuprate superconductors using the nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid (NAFL) description of the magnetic interaction between their planar quasiparticles. We find that the highly anisotropic scattering rate in different regions of the Brillouin zone, both as a function of frequency and temperature, a benchmark of NAFL theory, leads to an average relaxation rate of the Marginal Fermi Liquid form for overdoped and optimally doped systems, as well as for underdoped systems at high temperatures. We carry out numerical calculations of the optical conductivity for several compounds for which the input spin fluctuation parameters are known. Our results, which are in agreement with experiment on both overdoped and optimally doped systems, show that NAFL theory explains the anomalous optical behavior found in these cuprate superconductors.Comment: REVTEX file, 8 PostScript figure

    Optical Conductivity and Hall Coefficient in High-Tc Superconductors: Significant Role of Current Vertex Corrections

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    We study AC conductivities in high-Tc cuprates, which offer us significant information to reveal the true electronic ground states. Based on the fluctuation-exchange (FLEX) approximation, current vertex corrections (CVC's) are correctly taken into account to satisfy the conservation laws. We find the significant role of the CVC's on the optical Hall conductivity in the presence of strong antiferromagnetic (AF) fluctuations. This fact leads to the failure of the relaxation time approximation (RTA). As a result, experimental highly unusual behaviors, (i) prominent frequency and temperature dependences of the optical Hall coefficient, and (ii) simple Drude form of the optical Hall andge for wide range of frequencies, are satisfactorily reproduced. In conclusion, both DC and AC transport phenomena in (slightly under-doped) high-Tc cuprates can be explained comprehensively in terms of nearly AF Fermi liquid, if one take the CVC's into account.Comment: 5 page

    Zeolit kao faktor poboljšanja nekih proizvodnih osobina kod krava muzara

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    Milk yield and milk chemical composition are largely affected by diet quality. Natural zeolite has been successfully used in livestock production as a feed supplement for some types and categories of domestic animals. This experiment was conducted over a period of 15 months involving Domestic Spotted dairy cattle. The test animals were assigned to three groups, each receiving different levels of supplemental zeolite. The control group comprised cows that received no zeolite supplement. Experimental groups I and II were fed compound feeds supplemented with 4% and 2% zeolite, respectively. The production traits studied included the following milk performance traits: whole lactation length, milk and fat yields over whole lactations, milk and fat yields over standard lactations. The results obtained suggest that zeolite supplementation affects some production traits, depending on the zeolite level present in livestock feed.Kontrolna grupa krava imala je prosečno trajanje laktacije od 312 dana, sa varijacijama od 300 do 360 dana. Ova grupa se po dobijenim rezultatima nalazi između ostale dve grupe krava. Statističke razlike u trajanju celih laktacija među grupama su značajne (P (lt) 0,05). Najniža proizvodnja mleka u celim laktacijama zabeležena je kod krava Kgrupe (6395,20 kg), viša kod krava I-O grupe (6714,13 kg) i najviša kod krava II-O grupe (6934,13 kg) koja je dobijala 2% zeolita preko krmnih smeša. Statističke razlike u proizvodnji mleka u celim laktacijama među grupama su vrlo značajne (P (lt) 0,01). Najmanja prosečna produkcija mleka zabeležena je kod krava K-grupe (6342,33 kg). Znatno veća proizvodnja je bila kod krava koje su dobijale zeolit. Krave I-O grupe dobijale su 4% zeolita i postigle su prosečnu mlečnost od 6690.86 kg. Krave II-O grupe dobijale su 2% zeolita i postigle su najveću prosečnu mlečnost od 6711.80 kg. Krave II-O grupe imale su najveću prosečnu proizvodnju mleka u standardnim laktacijama i najniži koeficijent varijacije među grupama. Statističke razlike u proizvodnji mleka u standardnim laktacijama među grupama su vrlo značajne (P (lt) 0,01). Krave K-grupe imale su najmanju prosečnu priozvodnju mlečne masti u mleku, a krave II-O grupe najveću. Statističke razlike u količini mlečne masti u celim laktacijama među grupama su vrlo značajne (P (lt) 0,01). Takođe su vrlo značajne (P (lt) 0,01) i statističke razlike među grupama u količini mlečne masti u standardnim laktacijama

    Antiferromagnetic Excitations and Van Hove Singularities in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x}

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    We show that in quasi-two-dimensional dd-wave superconductors Van Hove singularities close to the Fermi surface lead to novel magnetic quasi-particle excitations. We calculate the temperature and doping dependence of dynamical magnetic susceptibility for YBCO and show that the proposed excitations are in agreement with inelastic neutron scattering experiments. In addition, the values of the gap parameter and in-plane antiferromagnetic coupling are much smaller than usually believed.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages + 3 PostScript (compressed) figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rap. Comm.

    Magnetoresistance in Heavily Underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}: Antiferromagnetic Correlations and Normal-State Transport

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    We report on a contrasting behavior of the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistance (MR) in heavily underdoped antiferromagnetic (AF) YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x} (x<0.37). The out-of-plane MR (I//c) is positive over most of the temperature range and shows a sharp increase, by about two orders of magnitude, upon cooling through the Neel temperature T_N. A contribution associated with the AF correlations is found to dominate the out-of-plane MR behavior for H//c from far above T_N, pointing to the key role of spin fluctuations in the out-of-plane transport. In contrast, the transverse in-plane MR (I//a(b);H//c) appears to be small and smooth through T_N, implying that the development of the AF order has little effect on the in-plane resistivity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let

    Microscopic theory of weak pseudogap behavior in the underdoped cuprate superconductors I: General theory and quasiparticle properties

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    We derive in detail a novel solution of the spin fermion model which is valid in the quasi-static limit pi T<<omega_sf, found in the intermediate (pseudoscaling) regime of the magnetic phase diagram of cuprate superconductors, and use it to obtain results for the temperature and doping dependence of the single particle spectral density, the electron-spin fluctuation vertex function, and the low frequency dynamical spin susceptibility. The resulting strong anisotropy of the spectral density and the vertex function lead to the qualitatively different behavior of_hot_ (around k=(pi,0)) and_cold_ (around k=(pi/2,pi/2)) quasiparticles seen in ARPES experiments. We find that the broad high energy features found in ARPES measurements of the spectral density of the underdoped cuprate superconductors are determined by strong antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations and incoherent precursor effects of an SDW state, with reduced renormalized effective coupling constant. The electron spin-fluctuation vertex function, i.e. the effective interaction of low energy quasiparticles and spin degrees of freedom, is found to be strongly anisotropic and enhanced for hot quasiparticles; the corresponding charge-fluctuation vertex is considerably diminished. We thus demonstrate that, once established, strong AF correlations act to reduce substantially the effective electron-phonon coupling constant in cuprate superconductors.Comment: REVTEX with EPS figures, uses multicol.sty, epsfig,sty, psfig.st

    Camphor and Eucalyptol-Anticandidal Spectrum, Antivirulence Effect, Efflux Pumps Interference and Cytotoxicity.

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    Candidaalbicans represents one of the most common fungal pathogens. Due to its increasing incidence and the poor efficacy of available antifungals, finding novel antifungal molecules is of great importance. Camphor and eucalyptol are bioactive terpenoid plant constituents and their antifungal properties have been explored previously. In this study, we examined their ability to inhibit the growth of different Candida species in suspension and biofilm, to block hyphal transition along with their impact on genes encoding for efflux pumps (CDR1 and CDR2), ergosterol biosynthesis (ERG11), and cytotoxicity to primary liver cells. Camphor showed excellent antifungal activity with a minimal inhibitory concentration of 0.125-0.35 mg/mL while eucalyptol was active in the range of 2-23 mg/mL. The results showed camphor's potential to reduce fungal virulence traits, that is, biofilm establishment and hyphae formation. On the other hand, camphor and eucalyptol treatments upregulated CDR1;CDR2 was positively regulated after eucalyptol application while camphor downregulated it. Neither had an impact on ERG11 expression. The beneficial antifungal activities of camphor were achieved with an amount that was non-toxic to porcine liver cells, making it a promising antifungal compound for future development. The antifungal concentration of eucalyptol caused cytotoxic effects and increased expression of efflux pump genes, which suggests that it is an unsuitable antifungal candidate