38 research outputs found

    An atypical leiomyoadenomatoid tumor of the uterus – a case report and literature review

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    In this study, we describe morphological and immunohistochemical features of a mixed tumor (atypical leiomyoadenomatoid tumor – LMAT) localized in the body of the uterus. Aim of study: LMAT-type tumors are very rare and only 5 cases have been described in the literature so far, therefore this case report seems particularly noteworthy. Materials and methods: A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit, Brothers of Mercy Hospital in Katowice for hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy due to uterine myomata. The macroscopic examination of the surgical material revealed a polycystic tumor, 5 cm in diameter, with gelatinous contents and grey fibrous areas. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 4, in good general condition. A histological diagnosis of an atypical leiomyoadenomatoid tumor was established on the basis of the tissue material

    The influence of p02, BE, BB parameters of perinatally obtained cord blood on quantity of obtained cells and focus on the perfect donor criteria

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of oxygene partial pressure (p02), base excess (BE) and buffer base (BB) parameters of cord blood obtained perinatally on quantity of obtained cells and focus on the perfect donor criteria. The study included 50 pregnant women aged between 18 and 38 years in which spontaneous labors and elective cesarean sections were performed. Umbilical cord blood was collected immediately after the women were delivered of newborns. The cells were analyzed in the Polish Stem Cells Bank in Warsaw. In the study group of patients different stem cells viability levels did not differ significantly in terms of pO2, BB and BE level, however, there was a trend that the higher the viability the lower BE value. The experiment showed also that the cord blood (CB) oxygenation scope is vitally important for the CB cells viability

    Maternal predictors and quality of umbilical cord blood units

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    The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the maternal age at delivery and selected properties of the cord blood stem cells. The study included 50 pregnant women aged between 18 and 38 years in which spontaneous labors or elective cesarean sections were performed. Umbilical cord blood was collected immediately after the women were delivered of newborns. The samples were analyzed in the Polish Stem Cells Bank in Warsaw. The highest mean WBC level (p < 0.05) was observed in the umbilical blood collected from patients aged 35 years and more. Similarly, the highest mean cell viability was observed in the umbilical cord blood collected from patients aged 35 and more. There were no statistically significant correlations between the CD34+ cells count and mean cell viability in the umbilical cord blood and the maternal age. With the significance level at p < 0.001, the females after spontaneous labor revealed a visibly higher WBC level than patients after a cesarean section. The higher mean WBC concentration (24.95 thousand/μl) was observed in the umbilical cord blood of patients aged 35 and more after spontaneous labors. In the same group, the umbilical cord blood was also characterized by the highest mean cell viability (98.72%). The number of nucleated cells in the umbilical cord blood collected in the perinatal period increases together with the maternal age. In the course of physiological spontaneous labors, the collected umbilical cord blood has more nucleated cells as compared with elective caesarian sections

    Zespół Budd-Chiari indukowany doustną antykoncepcją hormonalną u pacjentki z wrodzoną trombofilią – mutacja czynnika V Leiden – opis przypadku

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    Summary The Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare pathology resulting from various etiological factors which often contribute to its late diagnosis. Liver cirrhosis, malignant tumors and haematological disorders resulting in hypercoagulability, are the most common reasons of Budd-Chiari syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by portal hypertension and splanchnic congestion due to obstruction of hepatic venous outflow. The first symptoms include pain, ascites and hepatosplenomegaly. The diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome can be achieved by Doppler ultrasonography, Computed Tomography scan, Magnetic Resonance or Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. In the following article, a case report of a patient with diagnosed Budd-Chiari syndrome as a result of congenital thrombophilia – factor V Leiden gene mutation is presented. Clinical symptoms, diagnostic process, as well as treatment options, wereStreszczenie Zespół Budd-Chiari jest rzadka patologia o różnorodnej etiologii stąd częste opóźnienia w jego diagnostyce. Najczęściej wywoływany jest marskością i nowotworami wątroby oraz chorobami powodującymi nadkrzepliwość krwi. Charakteryzuje się nadciśnieniem wrotnym oraz przekrwieniem trzewnym, które są następstwem utrudnionego odpływu z żył wątrobowych. Pierwszymi objawami tego zespołu są: ból, wodobrzusze, powiększenie wątroby i śledziony. W diagnostyce zespołu największe znaczenie mają badania obrazujące wątroby, jak ultrasonografia dopplerowska, tomografia komputerowa, rezonans magnetyczny oraz tomografia emisyjna pojedynczego fotonu. Artykuł opisuje przypadek pacjentki, u której zdiagnozowano zespół Budd-Chiari na podłożu wrodzonej trombofilii – mutacji genu czynnika V Leiden. Przedstawiono obraz kliniczny, proces diagnostyczny i próby leczenia pacjentki

    Comparison of gene expression of mitogenic kinin path in adherent and non-adherent CD 34-stem cells using oligonucleotide microarrays.

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    One of the more interesting cells present in the umbilical cord blood - as far as their potential clinical use is concerned - are stem cells not presenting the CD34 antigen. These are the pluripotential cells with their biological properties similar to mesenchymal stem cells, with the ability to differentiate into such tissue types as bone, cartilage, nervous (to some extent), glia and muscle. The authors compared the activity of genes coding the proteins in mitogenic signal paths activated by kinin receptors using oligonucleotide microarrays in adherent and non-adherent CD 34- cells derived from umbilical cord blood. In the linear regression model with a 95% prognosis area for differentiating genes outside this area, the following genes were selected: c-jun (present in 3 isoforms) and c-fos. The fos and jun genes create the AP-1 transcriptive factor which regulates the expression of genes taking part in numerous cellular processes, including the cell cycle and mitosis. The obtained results shed some light on the molecular processes behind the MSC proliferation and are a starting point for further studies on the mesenchymal stem cell biology

    Wpływ pH i pCO2 krwi pępowinowej uzyskiwanej okołoporodowo na wybrane parametry komórek macierzystych

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to demonstrate a correlation between pH and pCO2 levels in umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells and their vitality was analyzed. Material and methods: The study included 50 pregnant women after vaginal delivery at term or elective cesarean section. Umbilical cord blood was collected immediately after birth. The probes were analyzed at the Polish Stem Cell Bank in Warsaw. Results: The number of CD34+ cells ranged from 0.1-0.2 in white blood cells count over 12 thousand/ml and pH of >7.3. If pH ranged between 7.35-7.40, the number of CD34+ was 0.3-0.4. The highest number of CD34+ cells was noted for pH of 7.30-7.35 and amounted to 0.4-0.5. Analysis of stem cell vitality showed that the highest level, over 98%, was obtained when pH was 40.0 mmHg. For pCO2Cel pracy: Celem badania było wykazanie korelacji pomiędzy poziomem pH i pCO2 krwi pępowinowej pobieranej od dawcow, a jakością pozyskanego materiału. Dodatkowo postanowiono znaleźć zależność wpływu pH i pCO2 krwi pępowinowej na ilość komorek CD34+, ich żywotność oraz wpływ sposobu zakończenia ciąży na właściwości krwi pępowinowej. Materiał i metody: Do badania zakwalifikowano 50 ciężarnych kobiet, u ktorych wystąpił porod siłami natury lub elektywne cięcie cesarskie w terminie porodu. Krew pępowinowa została pobrana bezpośrednio po urodzeniu noworodka. Probki poddano analizie w Polskim Banku Komorek Macierzystych w Warszawie. Wyniki: Przy liczbie leukocytow powyżej 12 tys./μl i jednoczesnym pH >7,3 ilość CD34+ mieściła się w przedziale 0,1-0,2. W przypadku gdy pH wynosi 7,35 -7,40 zakres wartości CD34+ wyniosł 0,3-0,4. Największą ilość CD34+ uzyskano dla pH 7,30-7,35 i wynosiła ona 0,4-0,5. Badając żywotność komorek macierzystych, jej największy poziom >98% uzyskano gdy pH wyniosło poniżej 7,3 oraz gdy pH było ≥7,4. Badania wykazały, że żywotność komorek macierzystych obniżała się do 97-98% przy pH 7,3-7,4. Zaobserwowano niskie wartości CD34+ (0,01-0,09) przy wartościach pCO2 >40,0 mmHg. Przy pCO

    Biological Activity of Propolis Ointment with the Addition of 1% Nanosilver in the Treatment of Experimentally-Evoked Burn Wounds

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the pharmacological efficacy of ointments containing 1% propolis and 1% nanosilver, compared to the conventional treatment of burn wounds. In the evaluation of the results, we used clinical observation of scars, microbiological examinations, pathomorphological examinations, and analysis of free radicals. The analysis of the experiment results concerning the therapeutic effectiveness of the propolis ointment revealed its wide-ranging antibacterial action (against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria). The 1% propolis ointment was found to accelerate neoangiogenesis and epithelialization, have a positive effect on the healing of burn wounds, improve the cosmetic look of scars, and have no side-effects. The analysis of free radicals in burn wounds showed impressive activity of the 1% nanosilver ointment in the reduction of free radicals. No synergism of pharmacological activity of propolis and nanosilver was shown. A comparative evaluation of the acquired research material allows us to provide a favorable opinion on the topical treatment of burn wounds with 1% propolis. The obtained results show that the 1% propolis ointment reduces healing time, offers antimicrobial action, and has a positive effect on the normal process of scar formation

    Biological Activity of Propolis-Honey Balm in the Treatment of Experimentally-Evoked Burn Wounds

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    Medicines of biogenic origin with micro-organic, regenerative and analgesic properties are becoming more and more significant in the treatment of burn wounds. These properties are found in apitherapeutics such as propolis and honey—products collected and processed by a honey bee. Their effect on the course of the healing processes is multidirectional. The aim of the study was a histopathological and biochemical analysis of the processes of scar formation in experimentally evoked burn wounds in white pigs treated with the 1% and 3% Sepropol balms containing standardized extracts of propolis and honey. The results were compared with the therapeutic effects obtained with dermazin cream (1% silver sulfadiazine). The level of collagen was determined in the wounds treated with 1% and 3% Sepropol and compared with the collagen level in healthy skin and wounds treated with dermazin. Granulation and regenerated epithelium formation times were compared, with the 3% Sepropol being by far the most effective. The 3% Sepropol also increased the collagen level to 116% with the control sub-groups scoring between 80% and 98%. The results show the healing process of burn wounds in pigs treated with the Sepropol balm starts earlier and has a faster course than the standard dermazin therapy