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    In analyses of industrial safety systems, Risk Assessment procedures are foremost being performed in order to improve protection measures aimed to safeguard personnel and the equipment. However, environmental consequences of certain major industrial accidents clearly imply that Environmental Safety Assessment must not be neglected as an important component of overall Risk Assessment process. It has been proven that significant number of industrial accidents have been either caused or aggravated by actions (or lack of appropriate actions) of various operators in charge. Therefore, Human Error Assessment must be taken in consideration as an important part of Environmental Safety in industrial and infrastructural systems likewise. Some preliminary researches of the latest events indicate that certain serious consequences of natural disasters could be mitigated if the data obtained from environmental monitoring were coupled with alerts from industrial systems and than properly handled by decision makers at various hierarchical levels. While some failures could be attributed to design errors in early stages of development, some others fall entirely in domain of improper communication or lack of adequate and timely response. Standard techniques, methods and tools for Health and Safety Risk Assessment, Environmental Risk Assessment and Human Reliability Assessment have been developed for years now. However, there will be always a room for improvements in terms of integration, quality and comprehensiveness. This paper strives to describe possibilities of combining and/or integrating some standard procedures in order to improve Risk Assessment outcomes and safety performance of observed systems. Human Error Analysis has been emphasized as an important part of Risk Assessment procedure and a framework for performing assessment has been outlined in the paper

    Methodological framework for assessment of overall hazard of an accident - a Serbian experience

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    204-209This study presents an integrating methodological framework for assessment of overall hazard of an accident by achieving synergism in application of methods for technical system reliability assessment, human reliability assessment and accident analysis. Case study performed at a company (M/s Tehnogas AD, Nis, Serbia) has confirmed that new methodological framework for assessment of level of overall hazard, is highly applicable, comprehensive and simple to perform


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    The protection of rights and disabled persons' safety are the most sensitive elements of social development policy, and also economic and social policy. Nowadays, disability should be viewed from a human rights perspective. One of the problems pertaining to the employment of persons with physical disabilities is infrastructure (architectural barriers) on the one hand, and organized transport on the other. The main objective of this paper is to consider the issue of transportation for employees with physical disabilities, which is a significant factor for providing employment opportunities for these persons in the Republic of Serbia. The overall aim of this paper is to determine the ergonomically most suitable and economically acceptable technical solution using the AHP method when adapting the existing vehicles into the vehicles intended for the transport of persons with mobility impairments.Zaštita prava i bezbednost osoba sa invaliditetom jedan je od najdelikatnijih elemenata društveno-razvojne, ekonomske i pre svega socijalne politike uopšte. Zbog toga se položaj osoba sa invaliditetom danas mora posmatrati pre svega kao pitanje ljudskih prava. Jedan od problema prilikom zapošljavanja osoba sa telesnim invaliditetom jeste infrastrukturne prirode (arhitektonske barijere), sa jedne strane, i organizovani prevoz, sa druge strane. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je sagledavanje problema prevoza zaposlenih sa telesnim invaliditetom, što predstavlja jedan od značajnih faktora prilikom zapošljavanja ovih lica u Republici Srbiji. Krajnji cilj ovog rada jeste da se primenom AHP metode utvrdi ergonomski najpodobnije i ekonomski najprihvatljivije tehničko rešenje prilikom prilagođavanja postojećih vozila u vozila namenjena za prevoz nepokretnih osoba


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    In complex industrial systems, human error has been cited as a cause or a contributing factor in accidents and disasters. The need for improved Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) methodologies that should be applied in Probabilistic Safety Assessments, ever since the early 1990s, has motivated a number of major activities in research and development worldwide. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to show the practical application of Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique (HEART) for HRA in Electric Power Company of Serbia (EPCS). The usefulness of this technique for HRA has been approved in a case study of an accident which occurred during a repair on a 10/0.4 kV steel lattice tower “Maričiće“, Kuršumlija (jurisdiction of EPCS, ED “Jugoistok”, Nis, Serbia). For the purpose of this study, a database on work-related injuries, accidents, and critical interventions that occurred over a 10-year period was created. The research comprised an analysis of 1074 workplaces, with a total of 3997 employees. The case study performed at the EPCS confirmed that the HEART is based on knowledge of human activities and relies on expert opinion to determine the Error Producing Condition (EPCs) that affected the situation. The HEART can be used in different industrial systems, as a risk assessment, accident investigation and design tool. In addition, it is a relatively fast tool for assessment of human error probability that is easily applied and understood. U kompleksnim industrijskim sistemima ljudska greška je često navedena kao uzrok ili glavni faktor koji dovodi do akcidenata i katastrofa. Potreba za poboljšanim metodologijama za procenu ljudske pouzdanosti, koje se primenjuju u probabilističkoj proceni bezbednosti, još od ranih 1990-tih motivisala je brojna istraživanja. Glavni cilj ovag rada je da prikaže praktičnu primenu “Tehnike za procenu i redukciju ljudske greške” u proceni ljudske pouzdanosti u preduzeću “Elektroprivreda Srbije”. Korisnost ovog alata, za ovu namenu, dokazana je u studiji slučaja u kojoj je izvršena analiza akcidenta do koga je došlo prilikom intervencije na čelično-rešetkastoj TS 10/0,4kV „Maričiće“, Kuršumlija, ED „Jugoistok“, Niš. Za potrebe ove studije kreirana je baza podataka o povredama na radu, akcidentima i kritičnim intervencijama u poslednjih 10 godina. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo analizu 1074 radna mesta sa ukupno 3997 zaposlenih. Studija slučaja koja je sprovedena u Elektroprivredi Srbije potvrdila je da se “Tehnika za procenu i redukciju ljudske greške” zasniva na poznavanju aktivnosti operatora i da za procenu “uslova za nastanak greške”, koristi stručno mišljenje eksperata. Tehnika za procenu i redukciju ljudske greške može da se koristi u različitim industrijskim sistemima kao alat za procenu rizika, analizu akcidenata i projektovanje. To je relativno brz, lako razumljiv i jednostavan alat za procenu verovatnoće ljudske greške