163 research outputs found

    Drought Effects on Physiology and Biochemistry of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) Saplings Grown in Urban Area of Novi Sad, Serbia

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    Background and Purpose: Water stress is one of the major problems for urban trees. It affects a wide range of plant responses, from changes at the cellular level to the reduction in growth rates. Irrigation of trees in urban areas may provide numerous benefits important for increasing tree vitality to withstand other stresses that might occur. The aim of this study was to compare drought effects on some physiological and biochemical performances of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) saplings grown in the urban area. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted during August 2012 at the Boulevard of Europe (Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia). Measurements were carried out on saplings grown in the part of the boulevard with drip irrigation system installed (Site 1) and on the saplings cultivated in the part without any irrigation system (Site 2). Results: Soil moisture content was significantly higher at Site 1 with approximately 57.2%, compared to 18.7% at Site 2. The results showed that irrigated saplings were characterized by significantly higher stomatal conductance in Q. robur and C. betulus. Similarly, the content of free proline, FRAP units and the amount of malonyldialdehyde showed increased values in trees subjected to soil water deficit. In contrast, net photosynthesis, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents did not differ notably in irrigated and non-irrigated Q. robur and C. betulus trees. Conclusions: Water stress significantly affected stomatal conductance and some biochemical properties of Q. robur and C. betulus saplings cultivated at the non-irrigated site. The results showed that the implementation of drip irrigation system in urban landscape is an important tool in the prevention of drought stress effects on the physiological processes of plants

    Molecular Technologies in Serbian Lowland Forestry under Climate Changes - Possibilities and Perspectives

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    Background and Purpose: Vojvodina province, the northern part of the Republic of Serbia, is predominantly lowland agricultural region with over 75% of arable land which in previous years, has been highly impacted by drought. The annual precipitation is lower than 700 mm and it is the limit for the growth and development of natural forest vegetation. Unfortunately, the atmospheric precipitation is still a major source of water for plant biodiversity. Taking these facts into account, it is highly recommended to primarily use the xerothermic tree species, which have a well-developed root system for ā€œclassicalā€ afforestation. Some species from Salicaceae and Fagaceae like poplars, willows, oaks and beeches are surely the best option for afforestation in temperate zones strongly influenced by drought. Conclusions: In order to develop stress-based genomic information in Populus and the rest of woody plant species from Vojvodina, an integrated genetic research needs to be done. The aim of this particular paper is to analyse and summarize data regarding stress-based biotechnology perspectives in Vojvodina and to give recommendations for future forest tree breeding. Drought as a strong negative ecological factor must be carefully considered. In order to achieve sustainability, new forest management plans must consider wide approaches, from molecular to ecosystem level

    Stanje parodoncijuma osoba obolelih od dijabetes melitusa u odnosu na nivo glikoziliranog hemoglobina i oralnu higijenu

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    Introduction. It has been known that periodontitis is one of the most common oral diseases in patients having diabetes mellitus (DM). The aim of this study was to examine the influence of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level and the level of oral hygiene on periodontal status of patients suffering from DM. Material and Methods. The research included 50 people with type 2 DM randomly selected. Based on values of HbA1c, patients were divided into two groups: well controlled DM (HbA1cā‰¤8.5%) and poorly controlled DM (HbA1c>8.5%). Patients with poorly and well controlled DM were further grouped into subgroups depending on the level of oral hygiene. For each patient, during the clinical examination, periodontal parameters were determined: plaque index (PI), sulcus bleeding index (SBI), the level of junctional epithelium (LJE) and periodontal pocket depth (PPD). Results. The results showed that patients with well controlled disease and good oral hygiene had lower values of the examined periodontal parameters (SBI and PPD) then patients with poorly controlled DM and worse oral hygiene (p lt 0.01 for SBI, p lt 0.05 for PPD). Conclusion. The results of this study indicate the important role of oral hygiene for periodontal status of patients with DM.Uvod. Parodontopatija je jedno od najčeŔćih oboljenja oralne regije kod osoba obolelih od dijabetes melitusa (DM). Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj nivoa glikoziliranog hemoglobina (HbA1c) i stepena oralne higijene na stanje parodoncijuma bolesnika sa DM. Materijal i metode rada. Ispitano je 50 osoba sa DM tip 2 koje su odabrane metodom slučajnog uzorka. Na osnovu vrednosti HbA1c, ispitanici su svrstani u dve grupe: prvu grupu su činili bolesnici koji su dobro kontrolisali DM (HbA1cā‰¤8,5%), a drugu bolesnici s loÅ”e kontrolisanim DM (HbA1c>8,5%). Ispitanici dve grupe su dalje podeljeni u podgrupe u zavisnosti od stepena oralne higijene. Svakom bolesniku su prilikom kliničkog pregleda određene vrednosti parodontalnih parametara: plak-indeksa (PI), indeksa krvarenja gingive (IKG), nivoa pripojnog epitela (NPE) i dubine parodontalnog džepa (DPDŽ). Rezultati. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su kod bolesnika sa dobro kontrolisanim oboljenjem i dobrom oralnom higijenom vrednosti ispitivanih parodontalnih parametara (IKG i NPE) niže nego kod bolesnika s loÅ”e kontrolisanim DM i loÅ”ijom oralnom higijenom (p lt 0,01 za IKG; p lt 0,05 za NPE). Zaključak. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na značajnu ulogu oralne higijene na stanje parodoncijuma osoba sa DM

    Morphological variations of the limbic-lobar border cortex on the inner side of human brain hemisphere

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    Background and Purpose: Medial side of brain hemispheres is divided into two cortical regions: the inner region ā€“ limbic, and the outer region ā€“ lobar one. As the limbic region is responsible for vegetative and sexual functions, memory and cognition, the outer region ā€“ lobar cortex of medial brain side is the seat of associative, sensorimotor and sensorial regions. By studying the morphology and morphometry of brain medial side sulci: sulcus cinguli (SCG), sulcus subparietalis (SSP) and presence of gyri transitivi superficiales (GTS), this work aims to research variability of the limbic-lobar border area, as well as the presence of right/left brain asymmetry ā€“ the phenomenon of function lateralization. Material and Methods: Morphological examination was performed on 42 brains (84 hemispheres) taken from persons of both sexes and different age at death (26 males and 16 women, 20ā€“65 years old), who had no pathological changes on the brain. The brains were fixated in 10% formalin during 4 weeks, after which the brain membranes were removed. After morphological classification we measured the length of SCG i SSP by digital morphometry with AutoCAD software. We also determined the frequency of transitional gyri: gyrus frontolimbicus in anterior, gyrus lobulolimbicus in medial, and gyrus precuneolimbicus and gyrus cuneolimbicus in posterior part of the cortex. Results: The length of sulcus cinguli on the left was 146.38mm, on the right 145.93mm (p>0.05). Summing the lengths of sulcus cinguli and sulcus paracinguli (where the latter was found), showed statistically significant difference on left hemispheres (left: 196.66mm, right: 168.35mm, p0.05). The frequency of transitional gyri were: gyrus frontolimbicus (one transitional gyrus 32.2%, two transitional gyri 5.9%), gyrus lobulolimbicus (16.7%), gyrus precuneolimbicus (anterior 61.9%, medius 8.3%, posterior 85.7%) and gyrus cuneolimbicus (2.4 %). Conclusion: Cumulative length of sulcus cinguli and sulcus paracinguli is statistically higher on left hemispheres, what implicates the Left/Right brain asymmetry and presence of lateralized functions on medial limbic-associative cortical border

    Characteristics of Phomopsis sp. isolates of plum trees origin

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    Twelve isolates of Phomopsis sp. were obtained from the branches and the trunk of plums (Prunus domestica L) with decay symptoms in Valjevo, Ljig Koceljeva and Ub vicinity during 2004-2006. Morphological, pathogenic and growing characteristics were studied. Pathogen caused tissue necrosis of branches around the inoculate seats, and wrinkling and watering of plum fruits. All media were suitable for pathogen development, except prune agar. The best growth of isolates was at medium pH 5,5. The optimal temperature for growth and germination of pycnidiospores was 25Ā°C


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    A study of coccinellid beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was conducted at five sites, representing different ecosystems and altitudes ranging between 50 to 800 m within the National Park Đerdap territory, Serbia. During the season (from April to October 2009), a total of 17 species belonging to 12 genera, representing four tribes and three subfamilies were collected. Preliminary results show that composition of coccinellid communities in the study area varied both in absolute numbers and in relative abundance of species. Subfamily Coccinellinae is the richest and dominant subfamily, with 15 species corresponding to about 88% of registered species

    Future of the Main Important Forest Tree Species in Serbia from the Climate Change Perspective

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    Background and Purpose: Climate change is possibly the biggest 21st century challenge for the European forestry. Serbia is also under pressure, since the regions of South Europe and Mediterranean are expected to suffer the most. Main purpose of this study was to predict how distribution of several tree species in Serbia may change in the future. Materials and Methods: Our study integrates climate change scenarios for the region of Serbia together with the current distribution of forest tree species. Evaluation was performed using forest aridity index which takes into account mean temperatures and sums of precipitation of the critical months during the growing season. Distribution data of the nine most abundant tree species in Serbia (European beech, Turkey oak, Sessile oak, Hungarian oak, Pedunculate oak, Norway spruce, Silver fir, Black and Scots pine) were taken from the National Forest Inventory. Results: Significant change of bioclimatic niches is expected for the majority of the studied tree species. The most endangered will be Pedunculate oak due to the extreme change of its habitats, while drought prone species (like pines and Hungarian oak) will be less endangered. Sessile oak, Turkey oak, Silver fir, Norway spruce and European beech will be out of their 20th century bioclimatic niches before the end of 21st century according to A2 scenario. Conclusion: Our results suggest that some of the most important tree species in Serbia (Sessile oak, Turkey oak, Silver fir, Norway spruce and European beech) will be endangered by the end of 21st century. General adaption options and specific measurements for forestry sector have to be made for the region of southeast Europe due to the expected extreme change in climate

    MorfoloŔke karakteristike izolata Colletotrichum spp. - prouzrokovača antraknoze

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    In the morphological studies were included isolates of Colletotrichum spp. originating from pear, apple and sour cherry fruits, as well as reference strains of C. acutatum (CBS 294.67) and C. gloeosporioides (CBS 516.97). The colony characteristics, appearance, shape and size of conidioma, appressoria, and conidia of isolates of Colletotrichum spp. were studied. The four morphological groups of colonies on PDA were observed, confirming the great phenotypic variability of isolates of Colletotrichum spp. Most isolates from apple and pear fruits (KC-6, KC-9, KC-12, JC-5, JC-7, JC-9), formed the first morphological group. The isolates from sour cherry (VC-3, VC-5, VC-7, VC-9) are separated in the fourth morphological group. The size and shape of conidia from these isolates fit the description of C. gloeĀ­osporioides. The chromogenic isolates from pear (KC-21, KC-23, KC-82) formed the second morphological group, and in the third morphological group is isolate (JC-4) from apple fruit. The morphology of conidia from these isolates fit the description of C. acutatum. During this research were evident that all isolates formed conidioma - acervuli. The tested cultures of Colletotrichum spp. did not form teleomorpf. Because of outstanding variability, most of the studied characteristics cannot be independently applied as taxonomic criteria. ObtaiĀ­ned results showed that, for Colletotrichum species classification, at least two taxonomic criteria should be used: morphological features combined with molecular identification.U morfoloÅ”ka ispitivanja su uključeni izolati Colletotrichum spp. poreklom sa plodova kruÅ”ke, jabuke i viÅ”nje, kao i referentni sojevi C. acutatum (CBS 294.67) i C. gloeosporioides (CBS 516.97). Proučavanjem njihovih morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika, dobijeni su podaci o izgledu ispitivanih kolonija, odlikama plodonosnog tela, apresorija, veličini i obliku konidija. Na podlozi KDA moguće je razlikovati četiri morfoloÅ”ke grupe kolonija, Å”to potvrđuĀ­je fenotipsku varijabilnost proučavanih izolata Colletotrichum spp. Većina izolata sa ploda kruÅ”ke i jabuke (KC-6, KC-9, KC-12, JC-5, JC-7, JC-9) obrazuje prvu morfoloÅ”ku grupu. Izolati sa ploda viÅ”nje (VC-3, VC-5, VC-7, VC-9), su izdvojeni u četvrtu morfoloÅ”ku grupu. Veličina i oblik konidija ovih izolata odgovara opisu vrste C. gloeosporioides. Hromogeni izolati sa kruÅ”ke (KC-21, KC-23, KC-82), obrazuju drugu morfoloÅ”ku grupu, a u trećoj morfoloÅ”koj grupi je izolat sa ploda jabuke (JC-4). Morfologija konidija ovih izolata odgovara opisu vrste C. acutatum. Tokom ovih istraživanja je utvrđeno da svi izolati obrazuju plodonosna tela - acervule. Testirane kulture Colletotrichum spp. ne formiraju teleomorfni stadijum. Zbog izražene varijabilnosti, većina ispitanih osobina ne mogu se primeni kao samostalni taksonomski kriterijum. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, za klasifikaciju vrsta roda Colletotrichum, potrebno je koristiti najmanje dva taksonomska kriterijuma: morfoloÅ”ke karakteristike uporedo sa molekularnom identifikacijom

    Bibliografija časopisa ZaŔtita bilja 2001-2010

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    The journal 'Plant Protection', established in 1950, is owned and founded by the Institute of Plant Protection and Environment. So far, number 274 has been printed. It discusses the publication of scientific papers on the diseases and pests in agriculture and forestry, the results of pesticides testing and their modes of action. Papers are published in Serbian or English. The magazine is distributed by subscription or exchange in 43 countries. The journal 'Plant Protection' has been published for more than 60 years, with 2394 bibliographic units being published during this period. Given the large number of these units there was a need to unite together with one author registers and keywords to help users search. The units are arranged in chronological order. Stacking units is done in accordance to bibliographic rules, meaning that the works of three authors are linked to the first author, and where there are more than three authors, the unit takes on the title. On this occasion, given the bibliography of papers published in the period 2001-2010. year, the number of 235-274, with 112 bibliographical.Časopis 'ZaÅ”tita bilja', čiji je vlasnik i osnivač Institut za zaÅ”titu bilja i životnu sredinu, osnovan je 1950. godine. Do sada su odÅ”tampana 274 broja. Časopis se bavi objavljivanjem naučnih radova o bolestima i Å”tetočinama u poljoprivredi i Å”umarstvu, rezultatima ispitivanja pesticida i njihovim načinima delovanja. Radovi se Å”tampaju na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku. Časopis se distribuira pretplatom ili razmenom u 43 zemlje sveta. Časopis 'ZaÅ”tita bilja' izlazi preko 60 godina tokom kojih je objavljeno 2394 bibliografske jedinice. S obzirom na veliki broj tih jedinica nastala je potreba da se one objedine zajedno sa registrima autora i ključnim rečima, kako bi se korisnicima olakÅ”ala pretraga. Jedinice su poređane po hronoloÅ”kom redu. Slaganje jedinica je po bibliografskim pravilima, Å”to znači da se radovi sa do tri autora vode na prvog autora, a tamo gde ima viÅ”e od tri autora, jedinica se vodi na naslov. Ovom prilikom data je bibliografija radova objavljenih u periodu 2001-2010. godine, od broja 235 - 274, sa 112 bibliografskih jedinica

    In vitro efekat kalcijumovih soli na gljivične skladiŔne patogene

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    In the recent years, several studies have shown that calcium salts may have potential as environmentally compatible, nontoxic fungicides for controlling postharvest fungal pathoĀ­gens. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of calcium chloride and calcium hydroxide on in vitro mycelial growth, spore germination and germ tube growth of Colletotrichum acutatum, C. gloeosporioides, Alternaria alternata, and Penicillium expansum. The obtained results showed that the fungal isolates grew simĀ­ilarly or stimulated in the presence of 1 and 1.5% calcium salts compared to the control. After seven days of incubation, reduction of mycelial growth was observed only on PDA supplemented with 2% calcium salts. Calcium chloride and calcium hydroxide at 1.5% and 2.0% concentrations significantly decreased spore germination and germ tube growth of all fungal isolates. The results of this study show that the tested calcium salts can be used as a alternative treatment against postharvest fungal pathogens C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides, A. alternata and P. expansum.Tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina, viÅ”e studija je pokazalo da u kontroli gljivičnih skladiÅ”nih patogena soli kalcijuma mogu imati potencijal kao ekoloÅ”ki kompatibilni, netoksični fungicidi. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se u in vitro uslovima procene i uporede efekti kalcijum hlorida i kalcijum hidroksida na porast micelije, klijavost konidija i rast klicine cevi gljiva C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides, A. alternata, i P. expansum. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u prisustvu 1 i 1,5% kalcijumovih soli porast izolata gljiva u tretmanima sličan ili povećan u odnosu na kontrolu. Nakon 7 dana inkubacije, redukcija porasta micelije je utvđena samo na PDA podlozi sa 2% soli kalcijuma. Kalcijum hlorid i kalcijum hidroksid u koncentracijama od 1,5 i 2,0% značajno smanjuju klijavost konidija i rast klicinih cevi svih ispitivanih izolata gljiva. Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da se testirane soli kalcijuma mogu primeniti kao alternativni tretman u kontroli gljivičnih skladiÅ”nih patogena, C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides, A. alternata i P. expansum
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