42 research outputs found

    Direct Economic Impact Assessment of Winter Honeybee Colony Losses in Three European Countries

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    Honeybees are of great importance because of their role in pollination as well as for hive products. The population of managed colonies fluctuates over time, and recent monitoring reports show different levels of colony losses in many regions and countries. The cause of this kind of loss is a combination of various factors, such as the parasitic mite Varroa destructor, viruses, pesticides, management practices, climate change, and other stress factors. Having in mind that the economic aspect of honeybee colony losses has not been estimated, a pioneer effort was made for developing a methodology that estimates the economic impact of honeybee colony losses. Winter loss data was based on 2993 answers of the COLOSS standard questionnaire survey of honeybee winter colony losses for 2016/2017. In addition, market and financial data were used for each country. In a comparative analysis, an assessment on the economic impact of colony losses in Austria, Czechia, and Macedonia was made. The estimation considered the value of the colonies and the potential production losses of the lost colonies and of surviving but weak colonies. The direct economic impact of winter honeybee colony losses in 2016/2017 in Austria was estimated to be about 32 Mio; in Czechia, 21 Mio; and in Macedonia, 3 Mio. Economic impact reflects the different value levels in the three countries, national colony populations, and the magnitude of colony losses. This study also suggests that economic losses are much higher than the subsidies, which underlines the economic importance of honeybees for the agricultural sector

    Principal Component Analysis to evaluate the stability impact of protein mutations: the case of SARS-CoV-2 K417T mutation

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV-2 (SARS CoV-2), which was initially identified in the Wuhan Province, China spread worldwide rapidly. The intense escalation forced the WHO to declare a pandemic with 6.5 million deaths worldwide. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the impact of K417T mutation upon SARS-CoV-2 S-protein/hACE2 complex stability through the process of PCA analysis

    The application of EDTA-Tris and chlorhexidine in the treatment of endometritis as a replacement for antibiotic therapy in cows

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    The treatment of reproductive disorders is based on the use of the available antibiotics or antiseptic agents. Prolonged or inadequate antibiotic treatment contributes to the development of antimicrobial resistances, while the use of antiseptics, particularly in high concentrations, leads to endometrial lesions and prolonging of the service period. The present study included monitoring of: 1) reproductive disorders of cows; 2) cytological, morphological, and bacteriological laboratory analyses; 3) susceptibility testing of isolated bacterial and reference strains to the EDTA-Tris (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid-hydroxymethyl aminomethane) and chlorhexidine (CHX); and 4) an estimate of the time before onset of the new sexual cycle. The aim of the research was to determine whether the combination of EDTA-Tris and CHX in concentrations that are not harmful to the endometrium may result in the satisfactory treatment of sick animals and provide optimal service periods of reproductively active animals. Research results of in vitro and in vivo analysis showed that by using the combination of EDTA-Tris and CHX bactericidal effects were achieved at lower concentrations in comparison with the concentrations that had the same effect in the absence of EDTA-Tris. The application of CHX in a concentration of 0.05% in the treatment of endometritis 10 min after infusion of EDTA-Tris solution had a positive effect on both the involution of the uterus and acutization of chronic inflammatory processes, and it was also economically advantageous when compared to the cost of treatment and the possible presence of residues in the products

    Antihelmintic resistance as an environmental issue

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    Anthelmintic resistance (AR) represents the reduced sensitivity of parasites to substances used for the treatment of parasitosis of animals, ie, the possibility of their survival, to the recommended doses of used antiparasitics used for certain types of parasites. The appearance of this undesirable characteristic occurs as a consequence of inadequate use of antiparasitics during the treatment of diseased animals as well as the need for better economic results in modern livestock production. Available data indicate that AR has been recorded in many countries, and preliminary studies show that it is also present in our country. Pasture farming allows the spread of AR in nature and adverse effects on wildlife

    Slower EEG alpha generation, synchronization and “flow”—possible biomarkers of cognitive impairment and neuropathology of minor stroke

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    Background. We investigated EEG rhythms, particularly alpha activity, and their relationship to post-stroke neuropathology and cognitive functions in the subacute and chronic stages of minor strokes. Methods. We included 10 patients with right middle cerebral artery (MCA) ischemic strokes a nd 11 healthy controls. All the assessments of stroke patients were done both in the subacute and chronic stages. Neurological impairment was measured using the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), whereas cognitive functions were assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and MoCA memory index (MoCA-MIS). The EEG was recorded using a 19 channel EEG system with standard EEG electrode placement. In particular, we analyzed the EEGs derived from the four lateral frontal (F3, F7, F4, F8), and corresponding lateral posterior (P3, P4, T5, T6) electrodes. Quantitative EEG analysis included: the group FFT spectra, the weighted average of alpha frequency (α AVG), the group probability density distributions of all conventional EEG frequency band relative amplitudes (EEG microstructure), the inter- and intra-hemispheric coherences, and the topographic distribution of alpha carrier frequency phase potentials (PPs). Statistical analysis was done using a Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA with a post-hoc Mann-WhitneyU two-tailed test, and Spearman's correlation. Results. We demonstrated transient cognitive impairment alongside a slower alpha fre- quency (αAVG) in the subacute right MCA stroke patients vs. the controls. This slower alpha frequency showed no amplitude change, but was highly synchronized intra- hemispherically, overlying the ipsi-lesional hemisphere, and inter-hemispherically, overlying the frontal cortex. In addition, the disturbances in EEG alpha activity in subacute stroke patients were expressed as a decrease in alpha PPs over the frontal cortex and an altered "alpha flow", indicating the sustained augmentation of inter- hemispheric interactions. Although the stroke induced slower alpha was a transient phenomenon, the increased alpha intra-hemispheric synchronization, overlying the ipsi-lesional hemisphere, the increased alpha F3-F4 inter-hemispheric synchronization, the delayed alpha waves, and the newly established inter-hemispheric "alpha flow" within the frontal cortex, remained as a permanent consequence of the minor stroke. This newly established frontal inter-hemispheric "alpha flow" represented a permanent consequence of the ``hidden" stroke neuropathology, despite the fact that cognitive impairment has been returned to the control values. All the detected permanent changes at the EEG level with no cognitive impairment after a minor stroke could be a way for the brain to compensate for the lesion and restore the lost function. Discussion. Our study indicates slower EEG alpha generation, synchronization and ``flow" as potential biomarkers of cognitive impairment onset and/or compensatory post-stroke re-organizational processes.PeerJ (2017), 5(9): e383

    Antimicrobial resistance as a problem for the quality of boar semen

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether the bacteria from the environment and from the mucous membrane of the boar prepuce have antimicrobial resistance and whether the result obtained is similar/same to the bacteria that can be found in native boar semen. The study addresses the problem of the presence of primarily resistant bacterial strains in the boar sperm, which, due to their reduced sensitivity, cannot be suppressed by antibiotics used in the semen dilution agent, as well as to emphasize the importance of microbiological monitoring of the boar mucous membranes and ambient surfaces before and during their exploitation. Such an examination could contribute to the interchangeable design of the dilution agent for the boar semen relative to the antibiotic content.Resistant strains of bacteria from prepuce swabs and swabs taken from the facility, as well as from native boar semen were isolated. The presence of these bacteria affected the quality of the semen. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that bacterial monitoring of the prepuce and surface of the facility can indicate possible problems related to the quality of semen, and that the design of the dilution agent for boar semen should be adjusted to the established resistance of isolated bacteria

    Development of sexual behaviour in ram lambs and its correlation to serum testosterone

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    The drive to mate females is variable among the rams and can have a major impact on sheep production. Androgen testosterone may be a key mediator within the expression of various morphological and behavioural traits in mammals, but the factors underlying individual variation in circulating testosterone levels are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the development of sexual behaviour patterns in ram lambs as well as the role of testosterone in the expression of their libido. Research was carried out on the sheep farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade, Serbia. The study included 20 crossbred ram lambs (autochthonous breed Pirot Pramenka x Merinolandschaf x Ile de France). All ram lambs used in the study were of same age and rearing conditions. They were weaned at 2 months of age and kept indoors from birth throughout the whole study. Animals were introduced in the study at the age of 3 months and the trial was completed at the rams’ age of 17 months. Blood samples for testosterone levels were taken bimonthly (at the age of 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 months), as well as were male-female and male-male interactions recorded. Male-female interactions included the following elements of behaviour: nosing (or anogenital sniffing), pawing, flehmen response, attempted mounts. Also, duration of all male activities directed towards ewe was recorded (male-female interactions in total). Male-male interactions involved the frequency of male-male mounts. Performed investigations showed that sexual behaviour of rams was age dependent, but poorly correlated to serum testosterone. The average serum testosterone levels ranged from 1.83-13.28 ng/mL, and were age dependant (P<0.05). Male-female oriented behaviour developed linearly with age, while male-male specific behaviour was characterized by high intensity in young age and then pronounced variability in later test periods. None of the studied behavioural interactions were highly correlated to serum testosterone. These findings support standpoint of more than one factor influencing development of sexual behaviour of ram lambs

    Квалитетот на живот како развоен проблем претставен преку човековиот развој, сиромаштијата и нееднаквоста“

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    Квалитетот на живот на луѓето во најголема мера е детерминиран од нивниот животен стандард. Животниот стандард се однесува на материјалната компонента на квалитетот на живот на луѓето и го претставува квантитетот и квалитетот на добрата и услугите кои им се достапни на луѓето, како и начинот на кој тие добра и услуги се дистрибуирани меѓу нив. Човековиот развој којшто е непосредно поврзан со квалитетот на живот се дефинира како процес на проширување на човековиот избор, во поглед на способностите (можностите) човекот да води долг и здрав живот, да биде добро образован и да има пристоен животен стандард. Додека пак, сиромаштијата официјално е дефинирана како: „за сиромашни треба да се сметаат сите лица, семејства и групи на лица чии ресурси (материјални, културни и социјални) се ограничени до тој степен што ги исклучуваат од минималниот прифатлив начин на живот, важечки за земјата-членка во која живеат“. Клучни зборови: благосостојба, животен стандард, економски раст, доход, линија на сиромаштија, социјална исклученост