147 research outputs found
Die Entwicklung der Silikose und der Silikotuberkulose in Popina und Dublje in fünfjähriger Zeitspanne
Prikazan je razvoj silikoze i silikotuberkuloze među kamenorescima u selima Popina i Dublje u razdoblju od 1952. do 1957. g. U nizu tablica prikazane su promjene i komplikacije s tuberkulozom. Sa trajanjem zaposlenja opada broj zdravih, a raste broj silikotičara i silikotuberkulotičara.In den Steinmetzdörfem Popina und Dublje (Serbien) wurde vom Jahre 1946. die Entwicklung der Silikose und der Silikotuberkulose unter den Steinmetzen verfolgt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen bis zum Jahre 1952 wurden schon früher veröffentlicht [I], [2]. [3]. Von dieser Zeit ab setzte man dieselben Beobachtungen fort, so dass man hier vom weiteren Schicksale der 212 verfolgten Steinmetzen in fünfjähriger Zeitspanne (1952-1957) berichten kann. Von diesen Arbeitern sind 168 (79,3%) ambulant und 44 (20,8%) klinisch observiert worden; 29 (13,7%) sind gestorben. Während der fünfjährigen Observationszeit kam es zur Fortschreitung der Silikose bei allen Krankheitsgraden. Die Verschlimmerungen sind prozentual umso häufiger, je schwerer der Silikosegrad im Anfange der Beobachtungszeit gewesen war. Das gleiche konnte man für das Komplizieren der Silikose mit tuberkulöser Infektion, für die Prozentwerte der Allgemeinen und der Silikotuberkulosesterblichkeit feststellen. In fünf Jahren nahm die Zahl der Gesunden und der Silikotiker ab, doch stieg die Zahl der Silikotuberkulösen besonders ansehnlich zu. Mit der Länge der Steinmetztätigkeit nimmt die Zahl der Gesunden ab, dagegen steigt die Zahl der Silikotiker und der Silikotuberkulösen. Schon nach einem Dezennium der Steinmetztäcigkeit ist mehr als die Hälfte der Arbeiter krank, und nach vier Jahrzehnten gibt es nicht mehr gesunde Steinmetze. Von der Gesamtzahl der beobachteten Steinmetze ist rund 1/2 silikosekrank, rund 1/3 hat eine Silikotuberkulose und nur 1/5 ist gesund geblieben. Im Laufe der letzten fünf Jahre konnte man anatomopathologisch die früher auf grund der klinisch-röntgenologischen Tatsachen begründete Diagnostik bestätigen
Silicosis of the region of Bela Voda
Opisani su geografski, geomorfološki, hemijski i petrografski elementi od značaja za razumevanje pojave silikoze u selima Bela Voda, Brajkovac, Konjusi, Šašilovac i Krvavice. Dat je kratak opis majdana, sela, tipova kuća i naselja, a izneti su i najvažniji podaci o poreklu stanovništva i najznačajniji istorijski momenti ovoga kraja. Prikazan je broj stanovništva i njegova struktura, vrsta kamenorezačkih radnika i njihovi materijalni uslovi života (imovno stanje, stambene prilike, odeća, ishrana i t. d.). Obraćena je pažnja i na plodnost, pismenost, porodični život, i na rad dece, omladine i žena. U najkraćim je crtama opisan kamenorezački rad, radni staž i godine starosti, prosečan vek i vjerojatni uzroci smrti. Izneseni su podaci o pojavi silikoze, silikotuberkuloze i tuberkuloze među kamenorescima. Zasebna glava posvećena je klasifikovanju radiografija, a u cilju da prikaže, šta se može očekivati u jednom ovakvom konkretnom radu od projekta za internacionalnu klasifikaciju silikoze iz 1950. godine. Potanko su opisane radiološke osobenosti belovodske silikoze. Radiografijama po tehnici Zorna kao i profilnim snimcima dokazana je segmentarna lokalizacija većine radioloških manifestacija belovodske silikoze. Najzad su u najkraćim crtama izneseni ostali klinički i laboratorijski podaci kod 206 pregledanih kamenorezaca i pri tom je naročito istaknuta vrednost palpacije grudnog koša. U zaključku je istaknuta važnost izučavanja silikoze kod kamenorezaca.For a better understanding of the occurrence of silicosis in the villages of Bela Voda, Brajkovac, Konjusi, Šašilovac and Krvavice, the authors set forth main geomorphological and mineralogical characteristics of this region, as well as the most important ethno-biological and historical data. They give a brief description of the mine, and the type of settlements and houses in this part of the country, analysing the social structure of the inhabitants, with particular reference to the stonecutters: their differentiation, living conditions (housing, clothing, nutrition), birth rate, literacy, family life, and participation of children, youth and women in stonecutting. The methods of stonecutters\u27 work, the duration of stonecutting activity as to the age, average life expectancy and apparent causes of death are also presented. A detailed description is given of the occurrence of silicosis, silicotuberculosis, and tuberculosis in stonecutters. A special chapter deals with the classification of radiographic pictures. A comment is given on the international classification as proposed in 1950 and its limitation regarding the classification of silicosis in stonecutters. Radiographic features of silicosis in the region of Bela Voda are presented in detail. Segmental localization, confirmed by the Zorn technique and profile X-ray pictures, was present in most of radiographic appearances. Clinical pictures and laboratory findings of 206 examined stonecutters are presented, and the value of the chest palpation is specially pointed out. In the last chapter the authors emphasize the importance of the study of silicosis in stonecutters
Control of silicosis and silicotuberculosis in Yugoslavia
Prikazana je opasnost od pojave velikog broja oboljenja od silikoze u vezi s razvojem naše privrede i industrije. Raspravljane su mjere za suzbijanje silikoze. Opisana je organizacija prevencije silikoze: pregledi prije uposlenja, periodički pregledi u toku uposlenja i promjena zvanja pri pojavi prvih znakova oboljenja.The author discusses the danger of the great incidence of silicosis in connexion with the development of Yugoslav economy and industry in particular as well as the measures relating to silicosis control. The organization of the prevention of silicosis is described: examinations before employment, during employment and change of occupation after the first symptoms of the disease
An optimized and virtual on-machine measurement planning model
Specifične potrebe kupaca postavljaju zahteve za fleksibilnošću i personalizovanim proizvodima, kao i brzim plasmanom na tržište. Masovna kastomizacija daje odgovor na ove zahteve i nameće nove potrebe unutar proizvodnih sistema kao što su optimizacija i virtuelizacija procesa obrade i merenja. Jedan doprinos u tom pravcu predstavljen je u ovom radu, a odnosi se na razvoj i verifikaciju modela merenja na mašini alatki. Cilj verifikacije je vizuelna provera kolizije između merne glave postavljene u prihvat alata i mernog predmeta na radnom stolu mašine. Virtuelni model planiranja merenja na mašini je realizovan na konfigurisanoj virtuelnoj mašini alatki LOLA HBG 80 u CAD okruženju. Merna puta je generisana novom metodologijom planiranja, potom optimizovana primenom kolonije mrava, programirana i verifikovana simulacijom za nekoliko standardnih oblika tolerancije. Izlaz iz simulacije je G-kod za realno merenje na mašini za delove srednje i grube klase tačnosti.The specific needs of customers set requirements like flexibility and custom-made products, as well as quick placement of products on the markets. Mass customization responds to these requirements and imposes new demands inside manufacturing systems such as optimization and virtualization of machining and measurement processes. A contribution in that direction is presented in this paper, pertaining to development and verification an on-machine measurement planning model. The aim of the verification is to visualize collision check between the measuring head placed in the tool holder and the workpiece on the machine tool working table. The virtual on-machine measurement was realized on the configured virtual machine tool LOLA HBG80 in the CAD environment. The measurement path is generated by a new planning methodology, then optimized using ants colony, programed and verified by simulations through few examples of standard forms of tolerance. The output of the simulation process is the G-code for real on-machine measurement for prismatic parts of medium and rough dimensional accuracy
Die Beeinflussung des klinisch-röntgenologischen Bildes der Pneumokoniosen von manchen ethnogenetischen und onkologischen Faktoren
Razlike u tipu silikoze, koja se javlja kod popinsko-dubljanskih kamenorezaca i kamenorezaca Bele Vode, ne mogu se objasniti razlikama u mineraloško-kemijskim svojstvima prašine, kojoj su ti radnici eksponirani. Zato je autor proveo opsežna socijalno-ekonomska, ekološka i etno-biološka istraživanja, da bi utvrdio faktore, pomoću kojih se mogu te razlike objasniti.Die Silikose in zwei unweit liegenden Steinmetzgebieten Zentralserbiens, Bela Voda und Popina-Dublje, zeigt grosse klinisch-röntgenologische Unterschiede, welche man nicht bloss durch mineralogisch-chemische Eigenschaften der verarbeitenden Sandsteine erklären könnte, da nach den Analysen nur sehr unwesentliche Abweichungen zwischen beiden bestehen. Deswegen wurden sehr ausführliche sozial-ökonomische, ökologische und ethnobiologische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Sie zeigten das die leptosomen Einwohner der Dörfer Popina-Dublje dinarischer Herkunft und die pyknischen Steinmetze von Bela Voda aus Süd-Morava und von Kosovo-Metochia herstammen. Atavistisch bedingte andersartige psycho-somatische Eigenschaften, haben durch Generationen ganz verschiedene Wohnungs-, Arbeits-, Ernährungs- u. dergleichen, Bedingungen hervorgerufen, so dass auchganz andere Verhältnisse in Bezug auf die Tuberkulosenanskckungsmöglichkeiten in beiden Steinmetzgebieten entstanden. Das alles sei auch für die klinisch-röntgenologischen Unterschiede der Silikose in beiden Gebieten verantwortlich zu machen
An optimized and virtual on-machine measurement planning model
Specifične potrebe kupaca postavljaju zahteve za fleksibilnošću i personalizovanim proizvodima, kao i brzim plasmanom na tržište. Masovna kastomizacija daje odgovor na ove zahteve i nameće nove potrebe unutar proizvodnih sistema kao što su optimizacija i virtuelizacija procesa obrade i merenja. Jedan doprinos u tom pravcu predstavljen je u ovom radu, a odnosi se na razvoj i verifikaciju modela merenja na mašini alatki. Cilj verifikacije je vizuelna provera kolizije između merne glave postavljene u prihvat alata i mernog predmeta na radnom stolu mašine. Virtuelni model planiranja merenja na mašini je realizovan na konfigurisanoj virtuelnoj mašini alatki LOLA HBG 80 u CAD okruženju. Merna puta je generisana novom metodologijom planiranja, potom optimizovana primenom kolonije mrava, programirana i verifikovana simulacijom za nekoliko standardnih oblika tolerancije. Izlaz iz simulacije je G-kod za realno merenje na mašini za delove srednje i grube klase tačnosti.The specific needs of customers set requirements like flexibility and custom-made products, as well as quick placement of products on the markets. Mass customization responds to these requirements and imposes new demands inside manufacturing systems such as optimization and virtualization of machining and measurement processes. A contribution in that direction is presented in this paper, pertaining to development and verification an on-machine measurement planning model. The aim of the verification is to visualize collision check between the measuring head placed in the tool holder and the workpiece on the machine tool working table. The virtual on-machine measurement was realized on the configured virtual machine tool LOLA HBG80 in the CAD environment. The measurement path is generated by a new planning methodology, then optimized using ants colony, programed and verified by simulations through few examples of standard forms of tolerance. The output of the simulation process is the G-code for real on-machine measurement for prismatic parts of medium and rough dimensional accuracy
First cases of asbestosis and simple pneumoconiosis caused by coal dust in Yugoslavia
Nastojali smo da utvrdimo, ima li u lbarskim rudnicima pneumokonioza uopće, a azbestoze napose, kako bi se mogla sprovesti tehnička zaštita i sve druge preventivne rnere, s obzirom na to, da fabrika azbesta radi tek od 1947. g. Od svih Ibarskih rudnika ispitivanja su objavljena samo u azbestnom poduzeću. Geomorfološki, mineraloški, petrografski i hemijski podaci o stenama ukazuju na to da u grupi Ibarskih rudnika treba očekivati pored azbestoze još i pojavu antrako-silikoze (proste pneumokonioze od uglja). Opisan je proizvodni proces i način rada u rudniku azbesta, izneti su podaci o ekološkim i drugim uticajima na razne kategorije radnika, od kojih su dve glavne: radnici-seljaci i profesionalni radnici. Sprovedena socijalno-ekonomska anketa među njima otkriva glavne probleme, koji bi se imali rešiti: pitanje higijenskog održavanja stanova, pravilno korišćenje odmora, pitanje odeće, obuće i ishrane, kao i organizovanje tvorničke higijenske službe i tehničke zaštite u radu. Od 360 radnika ovoga preduzeća pregledano je 80 (22,2%), a pluća su snimljena na normalnom filmu kod 76 (21,1%) ljudi. Kliničko-radiološki deo rada iznosi podatke dobivene pregledima, snimanjima i laboratorijskim radovima. Između ostalog objektivni nalaz iznosi učestalost konjunktivitisa (71,2%), strume (31,7%), bronhitisa (50%), smanjenja vitalnog kapaciteta u 84,9% slučajeva, smanjenja inspiratornog širenja grudi u 84,9% slučajeva i promene ortodijagrama srca. Iznete su teškoće i greške u interpretiranju i klasifikovanju radiografija pluća. Od ukupno 76 snimljenih nađene je bez promena 6 (7,8%), sumnjivih 17 (22,5%), s azbestozom 22 (28,9%), sa antrako-siliko-aebestozom 29 (38,2%), a sa antrako-sillkozom 2 (2,6%). U 96,3% slučajeva mogle su se ustanoviti tuberkulozne promene, od kojih 3.7% otpada na aktivnu zatvorenu tuberkulozu. Izneta su iskustva s azbestnim bradavicama i traženjem azbestnih iglica i telešaca u spulumu. U zaključku se podvlači hitnost i aktuelnost problema pneumokonioza kod nas. U ispitivanju pneumokonioza Ibarskih rudnika angažovali su se Institut za fiziologiju rada SAN, Klinički centar za profesionalne bolesti pri medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, Higijenski institut NRS i Antituberkulozni dispanzer u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Ovde se ne iznose ispitivanja, koja su obavile prve tri ustanove, već samo rezultati, do kojih se došlo u poslednjoj.The author\u27s task was to find out whether in the asbestos mines and factory (the latter working only since 1947) at Korlače in the Ibar basin there were cases of pneumoconiosis so that the necessary technical protection could be introduced. Geomorphological, mineralogical, petrographical and chemical data pointed to the likelihood of that group of workers suffering from anthraco-silicosis in addition to abestosis. The author describes the production process and the method of work, he also discusses information on ecological and other factors on the various categories of workers. However, the bulk of the workers arc either peasants-miners or professional miners. A socio-economic enquiry organized among the workers brought forward the following problems awaiting solution: hygiene of housing, healthy vacationing, food and clothing, organization of hygiene in the factory. The enquiry touched also on the problem of the fluctuation of workers in the various mines. Tb at fluctuation may account for the large number of mixed pneumoconioses in that region. Only 80 workers (22.2%) were examined out of the total of 360. Radiographies on normal film were made of 76 workers (21.1%). The clinical and radiological part contains data obtained from examinations, radiographs and laboratory work. The objective findings include a high incidence of conjunctivitis (71.2%). goiter (31.7%), bronchitis (50%), diminishing of vital capacity (in 84.9% of cases), diminishing of the respiratory stretching of the thorax (in 84.9 per cent of cases) and changes in the orthodiagram of the heart. The author describes the radiographs, the classification of pneumoconiosis in the workers as well as its diagnosis. He discusses difficulties and errors relating to the interpretation of radiographs as well as the differences or opinions referring thereto. Out of the total of 76 radiographs 6 (7.8%) were found without changes, 17 (22.5%) were suspect, 22 (28.9%) had asbestosis. 29 (38.2%) anthraco-silico-asbestosis, and 2 (2.6%) anthraco-silicosis. Tuberculous lesions were diagnosed in 96.3% of cases of which 3.7% cases had active closed tuberculosis. The changes in the skin of the soles and palms could not be identified with certainty as asbesto warts. Hematuria was found in 58.5% eases. Its cause could not be identified hut its incidence is in direct ratio to exposure during work. The sputum of 39 out of 52 examined persons contained asbesto needles and single, atypical asbesto corpuscles with a positive Perls reaction were found in 5 cases
An approach to development of the digital inspection twin based on CMM
Digital inspection twin (DIT) acting as a mirror between the physical and virtual measuring world. In this paper the measurement system with the CMMs ZEISS UMM 500 and DEA-IOTA-2203 was used as a physical twin, and a virtual machine, generated after modelling and configuring in PTC Creo software. Virtual measurement system is developed for inspection of the standard types of tolerances (concentricity, perpendicularity i.e.) and basic inspection features (IF) (plane, cylinder, truncated cone i.e.). The result of this paper is a new approach of the conceptual development of the digital inspection twin, based on CMMs - towards off-line DIT based on CMM by virtue of the control data list (CDL) and.ncl (DMIS) file
Impact of food processing and interactions with other food components on the structure and function of food allergens
β-laktoglobulin (BLG) je glavni protein surutke mleka preživara, ali je prisutan i u mleku mnogih drugih vrsta sisara. Poznato je da BLG poseduje niz funkcionalnih osobina (npr. geliranje, stvaranje pene, emulzifikacija) važnih za industriju hrane kao i veliku nutritivnu vrednost zbog visokog sadržaja esencijalnih aminokiselina. Iz tog razloga se često koristi kao aditiv u prehrambenoj industriji. Međutim, BLG je jedan od glavnih alergena mleka; 45% pacijenata alergičnih na mleko reaguje na BLG. Stoga se sve više nameće potreba za razvijanje metoda za modifikaciju BLG-a u cilju smanjenja alergenosti i poboljšanja funkcionalnih osobina. Takođe, sva istraživanja u oblasti hrane ne smeju isključiti prisustvo drugih komponenti u matriksu hrane.
Predmet rada ove teze je bio ispitivanje uticaja interakcija komponenti matriksa hrane (protein-polifenolna jedinjenja) i odabranih tehnika za obradu hrane (ultrazvuk i enzimsko umrežavanje) na strukturu i funkciju BLG-a.
U okviru rada su okarakterisane nekovalentne interakcije između polifenolnih jedinjenja iz ekstrakata kafe, kakaoa, zelenog i crnog čaja i BLG-a. Pokazano je da se usled formiranja nekovalentnih interakcija između polifenolnih jedinjenja i BLG-a smanjuje digestibilnost proteina i da dolazi do maskiranja ukupnog antioksidativnog kapaciteta.
Tretiranjem BLG-a ultrazvukom visokog intenziteta generisani su stabilni modifikati sa različitim promenama u sekundarnoj i tercijarnoj strukturi. Kontrolisanje temperature u toku tretmana je imalo odlučujući efekat na vrstu modifikacije. Izrazite promene u tercijarnoj strukturi BLG-a su dovele do formiranja polimera, gubitka afiniteta za vezivanje retinola i brže degradacije pepsinom. Promene u sekundarnoj strukturi nisu uslovile promene u digestibilnosti i vezivanju retinola. Afinitet sonifikovanih formi za vezivanje IgE antitela i indukciju IgE posredovane aktivacije bazofila i mastocita nije bio narušen...β-lactoglobulin (BLG) is the major whey protein of ruminant species, but is also present in the milk of many other species. It is well known that BLG has many benefitial functional properties such as gelling, foaming and emulsifying properties. Although, BLG is considered to be a valuable protein in view of nutritional science, and is frequently used as an additive in food industry, BLG is known to be a potent allergen responsible for milk allergy; around 45% of patients allergic to milk are sensitive to BLG. Hence, it is strongly desirable to develop new methods that would decrease the allergenicity and enhance the functional properties of BLG. Also, all the research in the field of food science can not exclude the presence of other components in the food matrix.
The subject of this thesis was to examine the impact of the interactions formed between food matrix components (protein-polyphenol compounds) and selected food processing techniques (ultrasound and enzyme cross-linking) on the structure and function of BLG.
In the paper, non-covalent interactions between polyphenolic compounds from extracts of coffee, cocoa, green and black tea and BLG are characterized. It is shown that due to the formation of non-covalent interactions between polyphenolic compounds and BLG, protein digestibility is reduced and total antioxidant capacity is masked.
Treatment of BLG by high intensity ultrasound generated stable modified protein forms with marked changes in the secondary and tertiary structure. Temperature control during treatment had a determining effect on the type of modification. Striking changes in the tertiary structure of BLG led to the formation of polymers, the loss of affinity for retinol binding and degradation by pepsin. Alterations in the secondary structure did not cause changes in digestability and retinol binding..
An approach to development of the digital inspection twin based on CMM
Digital inspection twin (DIT) acting as a mirror between the physical and virtual measuring world. In this paper the measurement system with the CMMs ZEISS UMM 500 and DEA-IOTA-2203 was used as a physical twin, and a virtual machine, generated after modelling and configuring in PTC Creo software. Virtual measurement system is developed for inspection of the standard types of tolerances (concentricity, perpendicularity i.e.) and basic inspection features (IF) (plane, cylinder, truncated cone i.e.). The result of this paper is a new approach of the conceptual development of the digital inspection twin, based on CMMs - towards off-line DIT based on CMM by virtue of the control data list (CDL) and.ncl (DMIS) file
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