16 research outputs found

    Spectral and fractal characteristics of rat brain electrical activity after acute camphor tree essential oil administration

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    Odlučili smo se za istraživanje pojave epileptičnih napada kod pacova, izazvanih etarskim uljem kamforovog drveta ili njegovim glavnim konstituentom 1,8-sineolom. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na odraslim pacovima muškog pola Wistar soja. Operativni zahvati i akutna registrovanja elektrofizioloških signala su obavljeni pod Nembutal anestezijom. Registrovani su lokalni potencijali polja kore velikog i malog mozga u uslovima pre i 1 h posle intraperitonealne (i.p.) administracije etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta ili 1,8-sineola. Pacovima je intraperitonealno ubrizgavano etarsko ulje kamforovog drveta (150-750 μl/kg t.m., u 1 ml fiziološkog rastvora i.p.) ili 1,8-sineol (300-500 μl/kg t.m., u 1 ml fiziološkog rastvora, i.p.). Digitalizovani elektrokortikalni signali (frekvence semplovanja: 256 Hz) su analizirani uz pomoć brze Furijeove transformacije, a potom je izračunavana vrednost fraktalne dimenzije (FD) i Hurstovog eksponenta (H). Etarsko ulje kamforovog drveta (≥450 μl/kg t.m.) ili 1,8-sineol (≥300 μl/kg t.m.) indukuju epileptičnu aktivnost sa pojavom pojedinačnih i grupnih šiljaka velike amplitude u elektrokortikogramu sa povremenim kloničnim konvulzijama ekstremiteta, 3-15 minuta nakon administracije supstanci. Na velikom mozgu, nakon administracije etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta, kao i 1,8-sineola, u epohama sa epileptičnom aktivnošću, bio je prisutan veliki porast ukupne snage kao i povećanje relativne snage u delta (0,1-4,0 Hz) frekventnom opsegu, odnosno smanjenje relativne snage u teta (4,1-8,0 Hz), alfa (8,1-15,0 Hz), beta (15,1- 32,0 Hz) i gama (32,1-128,0 Hz) frekventnim opsezima. Potvrđeno je dominantno učešće delta (0,1-4,0 Hz) frekventnog opsega a vrednost relativne snage se kretala od 47 do 87 %. Na malom mozgu, u epohama sa epileptičnom aktivnošću, relativne snage frekventnih opsega su se različito ponašale u odnosu na veliki mozak i različito nakon administracije 1,8-sineola u odnosu na etarsko ulje kamforovog drveta. Razlike između velikog i malog mozga, kao i razlike u delovanju etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta i 1,8-sineola, bile su izraženije u parametrima fraktalne analize. Na velikom mozgu pacova, nakon administracije etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta, u epohama sa epileptičnom aktivnošću, postoji povećanje vrednosti FD u odnosu na kontrolu, a na malom mozgu smanjenje. Suprotno, nakon administracije 1,8-sineola postoji smanjenje vrednosti FD na velikom, odnosno povećanje na malom mozgu. Postojala je i dozna zavisnost odgovora nakon administracije etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta, odnosno 1,8-sineola. Na velikom mozgu, povećanje doze etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta, odnosno 1,8-sineola, u epohama sa epileptičnom aktivnošću, praćeno je povećanjem relativne snage delta (0,1-4,0 Hz) frekventnog opsega, odnosno smanjenjem relativne snage teta (4,1-8,0 Hz), alfa (8,1-15,0 Hz), beta (15,1-32,0 Hz) i gama (32,1-128,0 Hz) frekventnih opsega. Suprotno, na malom mozgu, povećanje doze etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta u epohama sa epileptičnom aktivnošću, praćeno je smanjenjem relativne snage delta (0,1-4,0 Hz), odnosno povećanjem relativne snage teta (4,1-8,0 Hz), alfa (8,1-15,0 Hz) i beta (15,1-32,0 Hz) frekventnih opsega. Na malom mozgu, povećanje doze 1,8-sineola u epohama sa epileptičnom aktivnošću, praćeno je povećanjem relativne snage teta (4,1-8,0 Hz), odnosno smanjenjem relativne snage gama (32,1-128,0 Hz) frekventnog opsega. I na velikom i na malom mozgu pacova, promene vrednosti FD negativno su korelisane sa povećanjem doze kako etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta tako i 1,8-sineola. Neophodno je dalje ispitati doznu zavisnost svakog konstituenta etarskog ulja kamforovog drveta na aktivnost mozga kako bi se rasvetlila sigurna upotreba etarskih ulja biljaka koje sadrže ove terpenoide.We investigated the rat brain activity in acute seizures evoked by camphor tree essential oil or its main constituent 1,8-cineole. The experiments were performed on adult male Wistar rats. The surgery and acute electrophysiological recordings were performed under pentobarbital sodium anesthesia. Local field potentials of cerebral and cerebellar parietal cortex were recorded before and 1 h after intraperitoneal (i.p.) camphor essential oil or 1,8-cineole administration. The rats were intraperitoneally injected with camphor essential oil (150-750 μl/kg b.w., in 1 ml of saline, i.p.) or 1,8-cineole (300-500 μl/kg b.w., in 1 ml of saline, i.p.). The digitized electrocortical signals (sampling frequency: 256 Hz) were analyzed by the Fast Fourier Transform, and were calculated Fractal dimension (FD) and Hurst exponent (H) also. Camphor essential oil (≥450 μl/kg b.w.) and 1,8-cineole (≥300 μl/kg b.w.) induced seizure-like activity with single and multiple spiking of high amplitudes in the parietal electrocorticogram and occasional clonic limb convulsions, 3-15 min after their administration. On the cerebrum, after camphor essential oil and 1,8-cineole administration, in epochs with epileptic activity, there was high increase in total power and an increase in relative power in delta (0,1-4,0 Hz) frequency range, as well as a decrease in relative power in theta (4,1-8,0 Hz), alpha (8,1-15,0 Hz), beta (15,1-32,0 Hz) and gamma (32,1-128,0 Hz) frequency ranges. It was confirmed the dominant presence of the delta (0,1- 4,0 Hz) frequency range and the values of the relative power ranged from 47 to 87 %. On the cerebellum, in epochs with epileptic activity, the relative power of the frequency ranges were behaving differently than cerebrum, as well as after administration of 1,8-cineole compared to the camphor essential oil. The differences between the cerebrum and cerebellum, as well as differences in the activities of the camphor essential oil and 1,8-cineole, were more pronounced in the parameters of fractal analysis. On the cerebrum, after camphor essential oil aministration, in epochs with epileptic activity, there was an increase in the FD value compared to the control, and the decrease on the cerebellum. In contrast, after 1,8-cineole administration there was a decrease in FD value on the cerebrum, and increase on the cerebellum. There was a dose dependence of response after the camphor essential oil and 1,8-cineole administration. On the cerebrum, increasing the dose of the camphor essential oil and 1,8-cineole, in epochs with epileptic activity, correlated with an increase in relative power in delta (0,1 to 4,0 Hz) frequency range and a decrease in relative power in theta (4,1-8,0 Hz), alpha (8,1-15,0 Hz), beta (15,1-32,0 Hz) and gamma (32,1-128,0 Hz) frequency ranges. In contrast, on the cerebellum, increasing the dose of the camphor essential oil in epochs with epileptic activity, correlated with a decrease in relative power in delta (0,1 to 4,0 Hz) and increase in relative power in theta (4,1 to 8,0 Hz), alpha (8,1 to 15,0 Hz) and beta (15,1 to 32,0 Hz) frequency ranges. On the cerebellum, increasing the dose of 1,8-cineole, in epochs with epileptic activity, correlated with an increase in relative power in theta (4,1-8,0 Hz) and a decrease in relative power in gamma (32,1-128,0 Hz) frequency range. On the cerebrum and cerebellum, FD changes were negatively correlated with campor essential oil and 1,8-cineole doses increasing. It is necessary to investigate further the dose dependent effectiveness of each terpenoid constituent of camhor essential oil on the brain activity in order to elucidate the relative safety of the usage of essential oils with these terpenoids

    Single session neurofeedback treatment alters theta/beta-1 and theta/alpha ratios but not sufficient to induce clinical enhancement in attention

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    Background and Aims: Neurofeedback treatment (NFT) may enhance attention performance in healthy individuals. This study investigated the effects of single session NFT on attention in healthy individuals performing a visual attention task. Methods: This was an open-label single-blinded trial conducted on 14 healthy university students (n=14; mean=23.35±0.58 years) of a major medical university in Iran. The subjects underwent a single session NFT while performing attentional network task (ANT). The NFT protocol was theta suppression/beta-1enhancement applied at Cz for 20 min. Before and immediately after NFT, EEG signals were recorded in subjects while performing ANT. EEGs were recorded using a 19 channel device and 10-20 placement protocol. Results: The single session NFT increased the theta/beta-1 ratio in most of the electrode sites and the increase was statistically significant compared to the pre-intervention in the T6 site (p=0.011). The ratio decreased in just three sites of C3, Fz, and Cz, of them Fz showed a significant reduction (p=0.026). Contrary, the theta/alpha ratio decreased in most of the electrodes where the reductions were statistically significant in P3, P4, Cz, Pz (p<0.05), and C3 (p<0.01). The F7, F8, T3, and T4 showed no significant increased theta/alpha ratio. The central, temporal and occipital regions were involved in the NFT induced changes. Single NFT did not significantly change alerting, executive, or orienting networks of ANT. Conclusions: Theta/beta-1 and theta/alpha ratios can be reliably used to assess NFT induced attention enhancement. However, single NFT did not induce clinical outcomes and repeated sessions seem necessary to modulate alerting, executive, or orienting networks of ANT

    Утицај геолошке подлоге и начина коришћења терена на физичко-хемијска својства земљишта фрушк

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    Soil erosion is a problem that affects the landscape at different scales and represents a serious challenge for land management and soil conservation in both natural forests and meadows. The aim of this study was to determine how the parent material and land use affect the physical and chemical properties of the soil in the area of the Fruska gora Mountain. The soils were developed on five bedrock types: serpentinite, marl, trachyte, shale, loess and two land use types: forest and meadow. Twenty-three forest soil and 24 meadow soil from a depth of 0-20 cm were sampled from the Fruska gora Mt. Following properties were determined: pH, electrical conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential, content of organic carbon, sodium adsorption ratio, aggregate size and stability. There is no statistically significant difference in pH, Eh, EC, and SAR values between the analyzed forest and meadow soils, but there is a statistically significant difference in the content of Corg. It can be conculded that both the parent matrial, and to a slightly less extent, land use have a great influence on physico-chemical properties of the soil.Ерозија земљишта је проблем који утиче на пределе у различитим размерама и представља озбиљан изазов за управљање земљиштем и очување земљишта како у природним шумама тако и на ливадама. Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврди како матична стена и начин коришћење земљишта утичу на физичко-хемијске особине земљишта на подручју Фрушке горе. Земљишта су развијена на пет типова стена: серпентинит, лапорац, трахит, шкриљац, лес, као и на два начина коришћења терена: шума и ливада. Са Фрушке горе узоркована су 23 шумска земљишта и 24 ливадска земљишта са дубине од 0-20 цм. Одређена су следећа својства: pH, електрична проводљивост (EC), оксидо-редокс потенцијал (Eh), садржај органског угљеника (Corg), однос адсорпције натријума (SAR), величина агрегата и стабилност. Не постоји статистички значајна разлика у вредностима pH, Eh, EC и SAR између анализираних шумских и ливадских земљишта, али постоји статистички значајна разлика у садржају Corg. Може се закључити да на физичко-хемијске особине земљишта велики утицај имају изворни материјал и у нешто мањој мери начин коришћење земљишта

    Protoplast patch-clamping using an upright microscope with a movable stage

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    Investigating membrane properties of plants is a challenging task, considering that success ofexperiments is highly dependent on the possibility to isolate metabolically active protoplasts thatcan withstand membrane current recordings. The aim of the present work is to obtain viableprotoplasts derived from root cells of Pisum sativum that can be used for the whole-cell patchclamp. We designed the procedure of the pea protoplasts isolation that delivers stable protoplastswith preserved membrane integrity suitable for electrophysiological experiments. We applied acustom approach for patch-clamping protoplasts using a microscope with a movable microscopestage. We recorded prominent inward and prominent outward types of membrane current profiles ofprotoplasts. Obtained data indicate that optimized isolation protocol and custom system for patchclamping, can be applied to study membrane properties of root protoplasts.Čupić Ž, Anić S, editors. Proceedings: Physical Chemistry 2022, Vol. 1.: 16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry; 2022 Sep 26-30; Belgrade, Serbia. Belgrade: Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia; 2022. p. 271-4

    Use of the Hurst Exponent for Analysis of Electrocortical Epileptiform Activity Induced in Rats by Administration of Camphor Essential Oil or 1,8-Cineole

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    In this study, we investigated the presence of long-range correlation effects in the electrocortical activity of rats using the Hurst exponent (H) calculated by dispersion analysis (DA) and an aggregated variance method (AGV). A slow decline of the autocorrelation function during time expansion and the existence of a correlation between distant time points of electrocorticograms (ECoGs) were shown to be typical of various pathophysiological states. In these cases, the H values were within a 0.5 < H < 1 range. A particularly slow decay of the autocorrelation function is typical of a long-range dependence (LRD). We found that ECoGs after i.p. administrations of camphor essential oil or its main constituent, 1,8-cineole, included attacks of uncontrolled electrical discharges and showed the presence of long-range correlation effects. Such findings are in agreement with recent data obtained by other authors and suggest that initiation of seizures can be predicted by certain ECoG indices. We estimated the critical period where the H values for ECoGs containing uncontrolled electrical discharges continuously increased within a few minutes before the attack. We believe that the AGV demonstrates certain advantages over DA in calculations of the H.Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development [14021

    Uticaj temperature na klijavost semena suncokreta

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    The aim of the present study, carried out in the laboratory in 2007, was to observe effects of different temperature conditions on sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed germination. The four French hybrids Alvaro RM (very early to early), Altesse RM (early to medium early), Alium (medium early) and Albatre (medium early to medium late) were used as a material in this study. The investigations were performed according to the National Regulations of Seed Quality of Agricultural Plants and the international ISTA Rules, to be more accurate, a standard filter paper method at three temperatures was used: alternating temperature of 20-30°C, constant temperature of 20oC and constant temperature of 25°C. According to obtained results the hybrid Alvaro RM had the best germination viability and the total germination at 20oC and 25oC, respectively. The hybrid Altesse RM had the best germination viability and the total germination at 25°C, while the remaining two hybrids had the corresponding values at alternating temperatures of 20-30°C. The gained results point out that studied sunflower hybrids had different temperatures of germination viability and total germination.Cilj istraživanja je uticaj različitih temperaturnih uslova na klijanje semena suncokreta (Helianthus annuus) izvedenih u laboratorijskim uslovima u toku 2007. godine. U ovom radu korišćena su četri francuska hibrida suncokreta: Alvaro RM (veoma rani do rani), Altesse RM (rani do srednje rani), Alium (srednje rani) i Albatre (srednje rani do srednje kasni). Istraživanja su rađena prema domaćem Pravilniku o kvalitetu semena poljoprivrednog bilja i međunarodnim ISTA Pravilima, tačnije korišćena je standardna metoda između filter papira na tri temperature: naizmenična 20-30°C, konstantna 20oC i konstantna 25°C. Prema dobijenim rezultatima Alvaro RM ima najbolju energiju klijanja na 20°C, a ukupnu klijavost na 25°C. Altesse RM ima najbolju energiju klijanja i ukupnu klijavost na 25°C, dok druga dva hibrida Alium i Albatre imaju najbolju energiju i ukupnu klijavost na naizmeničnoj temperaturi 20-30°C. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da ispitivani hibridi suncokreta imaju različite temperature energije klijanja i ukupne klijavosti

    Hydraulic Jump in Trapezoidal Channel (Wassersprung im Trapezkanal)

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    The features of rat cerebral and cerebellar electrocortical activity (ECoG) under different types of anaesthesia (nembutal. ketamine or zoletil) were examined by the distribution of spectral entropy across frequency bands of ECoG and by calculation of fractal dimension determined on the basis of Higuchi's algorithm. Spectral entropy, as a measure of activity, in the case of cerebrum had greater values than the spectral entropy of cerebellum in low frequency ranges, regardless of the type or applied anesthetic. Various anesthetics evoked different effects on spectral entropy of electrocortical activity: spectral entropy of delta range greatly dominated under nembutal anesthesia, while ketamine or zoletil appeared to affect the spectral entropy of higher frequency ranges. The pronounced effect of ketamine or zoletil anesthesia on spectral entropy of higher frequency was confirmed by the higher values of Higucihi's fractal dimension (ED) of ECoGs, with a tendency of higher ED values in cerebellar activity than cerebral activity.Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia [143021

    The effects of Nembutal on the intracerebellar EEG activity revealed by spectral and fractal analysis

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    A detailed analysis of the anesthetic-induced modulation of intracerebellar electrical activity is an important step to understand the functional brain responses to anesthesia. We examined the electrical activity recorded from different cortical layers: molecular layer (ML), Purkinje cell layer (PCL), granular layer (GL) and the white matter (WM) in the vermian part of rat cerebellar lobule V during Nembutal anesthesia using spectral and fractal analysis. Spectral analysis revealed a difference in the mean relative power of delta (0.1-4.0 Hz) and theta (4.1-8.0 Hz) frequencies through the cerebellar layers. Compared to the ML, delta activity increased significantly in the GL, while theta activity decreased in the GL and the WM. Fractal analysis revealed that the mean value of Higuchi's fractal dimension (HFD) increased, starting from the ML to the WM. Theta activity exhibited a negative correlation with the HFD value in the ML. In contrast, the gamma activity showed a positive correlation with the HFD value in the ML and the GL. The combined use of spectral and fractal analyses revealed that Nembutal displays different effects on rat cerebellar electrical activity, which largely depends on the neurochemical and electrophysiological organization of the cerebellar layers