19 research outputs found

    Assessment of the quality of newly-formed bone for implant insertion after augmentation of the maxillary sinus floor

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    Background: Presence of the maxillary sinus and low bone density in this area often could create a problem for prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants. Sinus floor augmentation technique can successfully increase dimensions of the posterior maxilla for implant placement. Objective: To assess quality of newly formed bone for implant insertion after augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus using Digora for Windows computer programme. Materials and Methods: 30 patients with indications for sinus lift procedure were involved in this clinical study. Bone density was analyzed by Digora for Windows computer programme. Results: 16 patients completed this clinical study with preoperative and postoperative orthopantomographs. Conclusion: Cases with sufficient density and bone volume in the posterior maxilla require sinus lift technique with adequate bone graft for implant insertion. This is confirmed by pre- and post-operative analysis of radiographic images in Digora for Windows programme

    Closure of large oroantral fistula with resorbable collagen membrane: Case report

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    Oroantral fistula is pathologic communication between oral cavity and maxillary sinus, usually localized between antrum and buccal vestibulum. Persisting OAF always causes chronic maxillary sinusitis. A technique for closure of a large oroantral fistula with resorbable collagen membrane is described

    Neurolytic effects of ampicillin on the rat infraorbital nerve

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the histomorphological changes of the infraorbital nerve of rats treated with ampicillin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The infraorbital nerve was approached through the infraorbital foramen, and 0.01 ml of ampicillin dissolved in distilled water was injected taking care not to damage the nerve. Saline solution was used in control animals. Nerves were dissected and after routine histology processing analysed by light microscopy. RESULTS: Cross-section of the nerve treated with ampicillin showed damaged axons with disintegration of heavily myelinated fibres, while thinly myelinated fibres remain unaffected. In the saline group, no damage was observed. The signs of regeneration of the damaged infraorbital nerves were detected on the fourth postoperative week. CONCLUSION: Ampicillin can cause peripheral nerve damage when injected perineurally. J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 268-27

    Ugrožena protetička rehabilitacija usled fibrozne i koštane hiperplazije gornje vilice - prikaz pacijenta

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    Normal bone healing after tooth extraction includes the following steps: blood clot forming, granulation, bone forming and final bone reorganization. In clinical settings connective tissue infiltration of extraction socket can result in fibrous scar formation rather than bone healing. Local and systemic factors seem to be major contributors to the occurrence of erratic socket healing. The aim of this case report was to describe oral-surgery treatment of a patient with inadequate bone and soft supportive tissue for prosthetic rehabilitation. Surgical procedure and recovery are presented, including final complete denture rehabilitation.Nakon vađenja zuba obično slede brza organizacija koaguluma, formiranje granulacionog tkiva, osteoida, a zatim i zrele lamelarne kosti. Međutim, klinički se neretko može sresti infiltracija ekstrakcione alveole vezivnim tkivom, uz stvaranje fibroznog ožiljka umesto novostvoren kosti. Za to su odgovorni brojni lokalni i sistemski faktori koji doprinose nepravilnom zarastanju ekstrakcione alveole. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se opiše oralnohirurško lečenje pacijenta s neodgovarajućim stanjem koštanog i mekog nosećeg tkiva gornje totalne proteze. Prikazani su hirurški postupak i postoperacioni tok, zaključno s konačnim odgovarajućim protetičkim zbrinjavanjem pacijenta, koji je doveo do pravilnog zarastanja rane i time zadovoljavajuće protetičke rehabilitacije

    Anatomske karakteristike furkacija i korenova višekorenih zuba - epidemiološka studija

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    Background/Aim. Knowledge of numerous variations in anatomical features of furcation area is a prerequisite for the achievement of more predictable results in the therapy of multi-rooted teeth with furcation involvement (FI). The aim of the study was to evaluate the morphological characteristics of extracted molars of adult population in Belgrade, Serbia. Methods. In total, 468 extracted first and second molars, both mandibular and maxillary, were measured. The values of root trunk lengths and root lengths, diameter of furcation entrances (FE), distance between the roots and depth of root concavity were analysed. Results. The maxillary first molars had significantly higher root trunk lengths values than the second molars. As for the mandibular molars, FE was smaller than 1 mm. The distance between the roots was more than 2 mm at the third level of measurement. Conclusion. The buccal FE of maxillary molars was the lowest. The root concavity of the second mandibular molars was higher from the lingual aspect.Uvod/Cilj. Poznavanje mnogobrojnih varijacija anatomskih karakteristika furkacija (furkacionih regija) je preduslov za postizanje predvidivih rezultata terapije furkacionih defekata višekorenih zuba. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio procena morfološke karakteristike izvađenih zuba adultne populacije u Beogradu. Metode. Merenja su vršena na ukupno 468 izvađenih prvih i drugih molara i gornje i donje vilice. Analizirane su izmerene vrednosti dužine korenskog stabla i dužine korenova, prečnik ulaza u furkaciju, odstojanje između korenova i dubina korenskog konkaviteta. Rezultati. Prvi gornji molari su imali signifikantno veće vrednosti dužine korenskog stabla od drugih gornjih molara. Kod donjih molara, prečnik ulaska u furkaciju bio je manji od 1 mm. Na trećem nivou merenja, odstojanje između korenova imalo je vrednost veću od 2 mm. Zaključak. Prečnik ulaska u furkaciju sa bukalne strane gornjih molara bio je najmanji. Dubina korenskog konkaviteta drugih donjih molara bila je veća sa lingvalne strane

    Inadequate prosthetic rehabilitation caused by fibrous and bone hyperplasia of maxilla: Case report

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    Normal bone healing after tooth extraction includes the following steps: blood clot forming, granulation, bone forming and final bone reorganization. In clinical settings connective tissue infiltration of extraction socket can result in fibrous scar formation rather than bone healing. Local and systemic factors seem to be major contributors to the occurrence of erratic socket healing. The aim of this case report was to describe oral-surgery treatment of a patient with inadequate bone and soft supportive tissue for prosthetic rehabilitation. Surgical procedure and recovery are presented, including final complete denture rehabilitation

    C-reaktivni protein kao inflamatorni marker u proceni efikasnosti lečenja akutnih dentogenih infekcija

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    Introduction. Clinical presentation of acute odontogenic infections may vary, while adequate evaluation of its severity is of great importance for determination of appropriate and effective therapy. Objective. The aim of the present study was to monitor changes of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, to correlate its values with symptoms of different acute odontogenic infections (AOI), and to monitor the effectiveness of the applied therapy. Methods. Fifty-four patients with AOI were included in the study. Eighteen patients with good drainage and normal body temperature were treated only by surgical incision without using antibiotics. Twenty-two patients with poor drainage after incision and normal body temperature were treated by surgical incision and antibiotics. Fourteen patients with elevated body temperature were treated by incision and antibiotics, irrespective of the quality of the drainage. CRP levels were measured on admission, on the 3rd and 7th day after therapy initiation. Results. On admission CRP levels were higher in AOI with elevated body temperature compared to poorly and well-drained AOI. There were no differences in CRP levels between well and poorly drained AOI on admission. On the 3rd day, a decline in the CRP levels was evident in all three groups of patients, and there was no difference among the groups. On the 7th day, the CRP levels normalized in all groups. Conclusion. CRP levels correlate well with the severity and resolution of AOI and could be used as a reliable parameter in monitoring the effectiveness of AOI therapy.Uvod. Klinička slika akutne dentogene infekcije (ADI) je raznolika, a pravilna procena težine ADI od velikog značaja za određivanje odgovarajuće i efikasne terapije. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je bio da se uporede vrednosti i promene nivoa C-reaktivnog proteina (CRP) s kliničkim simptomima ADI različitog stepena težine tokom lečenja bolesnika, te na taj način utvrdi efikasnost primenjene terapije. Metode rada. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 54 pacijenta sa ADI. Osamnaest pacijenata sa dobrom drenažom nakon incizije i normalnom telesnom temperaturom lečeno je bez antibiotika. Dvadeset dva pacijenta s lošom drenažom nakon incizije i normalnom telesnom temperaturom lečena su incizijom i antibioticima. Četrnaest pacijenata s povišenom telesnom temperaturom lečeno je incizijom i antibioticima bez obzira na kvalitet drenaže. Nivo CRP je meren na prijemu, trećeg i sedmog dana od početka primene terapije. Rezultati. Na početku lečenja nivo CRP bio je veći kod bolesnika s povišenom telesnom temperaturom u poređenju s ostalim ispitanicima. Na početku lečenja nije bilo razlike u nivou CRP između ispitanika sa dobrom i lošom drenažom. Trećeg dana uočeno je smanjenje nivoa CRP u sve tri grupe ispitanika bez ikakve razlike. Sedmog dana nivo CRP se normalizovao u svim grupama. Zaključak. Nivo CRP je u dobroj korelaciji sa stepenom težine i povlačenjem dentogene infekcije, tako da može biti pouzdan parametar u proceni efikasnosti lečenja ADI

    Otodental syndrome: An unusual condition that affects the orofacial region: Report of 2 cases

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    Otodental syndrome was diagnosed in an 8 and 10-year-old girls belonging to the same family. In both patients, globadonts replacing molars, normal incisors and missing canines and premolars were found together with a high frequency hearing loss. Both girls suffered from compound odontomas that were removed