49 research outputs found

    Forced Notch Signaling Inhibits Commissural Axon Outgrowth in the Developing Chick Central Nerve System

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    BACKGROUND: A collection of in vitro evidence has demonstrated that Notch signaling plays a key role in the growth of neurites in differentiated neurons. However, the effects of Notch signaling on axon outgrowth in an in vivo condition remain largely unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, the neural tubes of HH10-11 chick embryos were in ovo electroporated with various Notch transgenes of activating or inhibiting Notch signaling, and then their effects on commissural axon outgrowth across the floor plate midline in the chick developing central nerve system were investigated. Our results showed that forced expression of Notch intracellular domain, constitutively active form of RBPJ, or full-length Hes1 in the rostral hindbrain, diencephalon and spinal cord at stage HH10-11 significantly inhibited commissural axon outgrowth. On the other hand, inhibition of Notch signaling by ectopically expressing a dominant-negative form of RBPJ promoted commissural axonal growth along the circumferential axis. Further results revealed that these Notch signaling-mediated axon outgrowth defects may be not due to the alteration of axon guidance since commissural axon marker TAG1 was present in the axons in floor plate midline, and also not result from the changes in cell fate determination of commissural neurons since the expression of postmitotic neuron marker Tuj1 and specific commissural markers TAG1 and Pax7 was unchanged. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We first used an in vivo system to provide evidence that forced Notch signaling negatively regulates commissural axon outgrowth

    Distinct Cis Regulatory Elements Govern the Expression of TAG1 in Embryonic Sensory Ganglia and Spinal Cord

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    Cell fate commitment of spinal progenitor neurons is initiated by long-range, midline-derived, morphogens that regulate an array of transcription factors that, in turn, act sequentially or in parallel to control neuronal differentiation. Included among these are transcription factors that regulate the expression of receptors for guidance cues, thereby determining axonal trajectories. The Ig/FNIII superfamily molecules TAG1/Axonin1/CNTN2 (TAG1) and Neurofascin (Nfasc) are co-expressed in numerous neuronal cell types in the CNS and PNS – for example motor, DRG and interneurons - both promote neurite outgrowth and both are required for the architecture and function of nodes of Ranvier. The genes encoding TAG1 and Nfasc are adjacent in the genome, an arrangement which is evolutionarily conserved. To study the transcriptional network that governs TAG1 and Nfasc expression in spinal motor and commissural neurons, we set out to identify cis elements that regulate their expression. Two evolutionarily conserved DNA modules, one located between the Nfasc and TAG1 genes and the second directly 59 to the first exon and encompassing the first intron of TAG1, were identified that direct complementary expression to the CNS and PNS, respectively, of the embryonic hindbrain and spinal cord. Sequential deletions and point mutations of the CNS enhancer element revealed a 130bp element containing three conserved E-boxes required for motor neuron expression. In combination, these two elements appear to recapitulate a major part of the pattern of TAG1 expression in the embryonic nervous system

    SEMA6B variants cause intellectual disability and alter dendritic spine density and axon guidance

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    Intellectual disability (ID) is a neurodevelopmental disorder frequently caused by monogenic defects. In this study, we collected 14 SEMA6B heterozygous variants in 16 unrelated patients referred for ID to different centers. Whereas, until now, SEMA6B variants have mainly been reported in patients with progressive myoclonic epilepsy, our study indicates that the clinical spectrum is wider and also includes non-syndromic ID without epilepsy or myoclonus. To assess the pathogenicity of these variants, selected mutated forms of Sema6b were overexpressed in Human Embryonic Kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells and in primary neuronal cultures. shRNAs targeting Sema6b were also used in neuronal cultures to measure the impact of the decreased Sema6b expression on morphogenesis and synaptogenesis. The overexpression of some variants leads to a subcellular mislocalization of SEMA6B protein in HEK293T cells and to a reduced spine density owing to loss of mature spines in neuronal cultures. Sema6b knockdown also impairs spine density and spine maturation. In addition, we conducted in vivo rescue experiments in chicken embryos with the selected mutated forms of Sema6b expressed in commissural neurons after knockdown of endogenous SEMA6B. We observed that expression of these variants in commissural neurons fails to rescue the normal axon pathway. In conclusion, identification of SEMA6B variants in patients presenting with an overlapping phenotype with ID and functional studies highlight the important role of SEMA6B in neuronal development, notably in spine formation and maturation and in axon guidance. This study adds SEMA6B to the list of ID-related genes

    Screening for gene function in chicken embryo using RNAi and electroporation.

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    In the postgenomic era the elucidation of the physiological function of genes has become the rate-limiting step in the quest to understand the development and function of living organisms. Gene functions cannot be determined by high-throughput methods but require analysis in the context of the entire organism. This is particularly true in the developing vertebrate nervous system. Because of its easy accessibility in the egg, the chicken embryo has been the model of choice for developmental in vivo studies. However, its usefulness has been hampered by a lack of methods for genetic manipulation. Here we describe an approach that could compensate for this disadvantage. By combining gene silencing by dsRNA (through RNA interference, RNAi) with in ovo electroporation, we developed an efficient method to induce loss of gene function in vivo during the development of the chicken CNS. This method opens new possibilities for studying gene function not only by gain-of-function but also by loss-of-function approaches and therefore represents a new tool for functional genomics

    Sonic hedgehog guides commissural axons along the longitudinal axis of the spinal cord.

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    Dorsal commissural axons in the developing spinal cord cross the floor plate, then turn rostrally and grow along the longitudinal axis, close to the floor plate. We used a subtractive hybridization approach to identify guidance cues responsible for the rostral turn in chicken embryos. One of the candidates was the morphogen Sonic hedgehog (Shh). Silencing of the gene SHH (which encodes Shh) by in ovo RNAi during commissural axon navigation demonstrated a repulsive role in post-commissural axon guidance. This effect of Shh was not mediated by Patched (Ptc) and Smoothened (Smo), the receptors that mediate effects of Shh in morphogenesis and commissural axon growth toward the floor plate. Rather, functional in vivo studies showed that the repulsive effect of Shh on postcommissural axons was mediated by Hedgehog interacting protein (Hip)

    Neural circuit formation in the cerebellum is controlled by cell adhesion molecules of the Contactin family

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    Cell adhesion molecules of the -immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF CAMs) have been implicated in neural circuit formation in both the peripheral and the central nervous system. Several recent studies highlight a role of the Contactin group of IgSF CAMs in cerebellar development, in particular in the development of granule cells. Granule cells are the most numerous type of neurons in the nervous system and by forming a secondary proliferative zone in the cerebellum they provide an exception to the rule that neuronal precursors proliferate in the ventricular zone. Granule cells express Contactin-2, Contactin-1 and Contactin-6 in a sequential manner. Contactins are required for axon guidance, fasciculation and synaptogenesis, and thus affect multiple steps in neural circuit formation in the developing cerebellum