29 research outputs found

    A structural annotation resource for the selection of putative target proteins in the malaria parasite

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein structure plays a pivotal role in elucidating mechanisms of parasite functioning and drug resistance. Moreover, protein structure aids the determination of protein function, which can together with the structure be used to identify novel drug targets in the parasite. However, various structural features in <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>proteins complicate the experimental determination of protein structures. Limited similarity to proteins in the Protein Data Bank and the shortage of solved protein structures in the malaria parasite necessitate genome-scale structural annotation of <it>P. falciparum </it>proteins. Additionally, the annotation of a range of structural features facilitates the identification of suitable targets for experimental and computational studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An integrated structural annotation system was developed and applied to <it>P. falciparum</it>, <it>Plasmodium vivax </it>and <it>Plasmodium yoelii</it>. The annotation included searches for sequence similarity, patterns and domains in addition to the following predictions: secondary structure, transmembrane helices, protein disorder, low complexity, coiled-coils and small molecule interactions. Subsequently, candidate proteins for further structural studies were identified based on the annotated structural features.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The annotation results are accessible through a web interface, enabling users to select groups of proteins which fulfil multiple criteria pertaining to structural and functional features <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>. Analysis of features in the <it>P. falciparum </it>proteome showed that protein-interacting proteins contained a higher percentage of predicted disordered residues than non-interacting proteins. Proteins interacting with 10 or more proteins have a disordered content concentrated in the range of 60–100%, while the disorder distribution for proteins having only one interacting partner, was more evenly spread.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A series of <it>P. falciparum </it>protein targets for experimental structure determination, comparative modelling and <it>in silico </it>docking studies were putatively identified. The system is available for public use, where researchers may identify proteins by querying with multiple physico-chemical, sequence similarity and interaction features.</p

    TranscriptomeBrowser: A Powerful and Flexible Toolbox to Explore Productively the Transcriptional Landscape of the Gene Expression Omnibus Database

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    International audienceAs public microarray repositories are constantly growing, we are facing the challenge of designing strategies to provide productive access to the available data.\ We used a modified version of the Markov clustering algorithm to systematically extract clusters of co-regulated genes from hundreds of microarray datasets stored in the Gene Expression Omnibus database (n = 1,484). This approach led to the definition of 18,250 transcriptional signatures (TS) that were tested for functional enrichment using the DAVID knowledgebase. Over-representation of functional terms was found in a large proportion of these TS (84%). We developed a JAVA application, TBrowser that comes with an open plug-in architecture and whose interface implements a highly sophisticated search engine supporting several Boolean operators (http://tagc.univ-mrs.fr/tbrowser/). User can search and analyze TS containing a list of identifiers (gene symbols or AffyIDs) or associated with a set of functional terms.\ As proof of principle, TBrowser was used to define breast cancer cell specific genes and to detect chromosomal abnormalities in tumors. Finally, taking advantage of our large collection of transcriptional signatures, we constructed a comprehensive map that summarizes gene-gene co-regulations observed through all the experiments performed on HGU133A Affymetrix platform. We provide evidences that this map can extend our knowledge of cellular signaling pathways

    The Long March: A Sample Preparation Technique that Enhances Contig Length and Coverage by High-Throughput Short-Read Sequencing

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    High-throughput short-read technologies have revolutionized DNA sequencing by drastically reducing the cost per base of sequencing information. Despite producing gigabases of sequence per run, these technologies still present obstacles in resequencing and de novo assembly applications due to biased or insufficient target sequence coverage. We present here a simple sample preparation method termed the β€œlong march” that increases both contig lengths and target sequence coverage using high-throughput short-read technologies. By incorporating a Type IIS restriction enzyme recognition motif into the sequencing primer adapter, successive rounds of restriction enzyme cleavage and adapter ligation produce a set of nested sub-libraries from the initial amplicon library. Sequence reads from these sub-libraries are offset from each other with enough overlap to aid assembly and contig extension. We demonstrate the utility of the long march in resequencing of the Plasmodium falciparum transcriptome, where the number of genomic bases covered was increased by 39%, as well as in metagenomic analysis of a serum sample from a patient with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related acute liver failure, where the number of HBV bases covered was increased by 42%. We also offer a theoretical optimization of the long march for de novo sequence assembly

    JAK-STAT and AKT pathway-coupled genes in erythroid progenitor cells through ontogeny

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    Background: It has been reported that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-AKT signaling pathway regulates erythropoietin (EPO)-induced survival, proliferation, and maturation of early erythroid progenitors. Erythroid cell proliferation and survival have also been related to activation of the JAK-STAT pathway. The goal of this study was to observe the function of EPO activation of JAK-STAT and PI3K/AKT pathways in the development of erythroid progenitors from hematopoietic CD34(+) progenitor cells, as well as to distinguish early EPO target genes in human erythroid progenitors during ontogeny. Methods: Hematopoietic CD34(+) progenitor cells, isolated from fetal and adult hematopoietic tissues, were differentiated into erythroid progenitor cells. We have used microarray analysis to examine JAK-STAT and PI3K/AKT related genes, as well as broad gene expression modulation in these human erythroid progenitor cells. Results: In microarray studies, a total of 1755 genes were expressed in fetal liver, 3844 in cord blood, 1770 in adult bone marrow, and 1325 genes in peripheral blood-derived erythroid progenitor cells. The erythroid progenitor cells shared 1011 common genes. Using the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis software, we evaluated the network pathways of genes linked to hematological system development, cellular growth and proliferation. The KITLG, EPO, GATA1, PIM1 and STAT3 genes represent the major connection points in the hematological system development linked genes. Some JAK-STAT signaling pathway-linked genes were steadily upregulated throughout ontogeny (PIM1, SOCS2, MYC, PTPN11), while others were downregulated (PTPN6, PIAS, SPRED2). In addition, some JAK-STAT pathway related genes are differentially expressed only in some stages of ontogeny (STATs, GRB2, CREBB). Beside the continuously upregulated (AKT1, PPP2CA, CHUK, NFKB1) and downregulated (FOXO1, PDPK1, PIK3CG) genes in the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, we also observed intermittently regulated gene expression (NFKBIA, YWHAH). Conclusions: This broad overview of gene expression in erythropoiesis revealed transcription factors differentially expressed in some stages of ontogenesis. Finally, our results show that EPO-mediated proliferation and survival of erythroid progenitors occurs mainly through modulation of JAK-STAT pathway associated STATs, GRB2 and PIK3 genes, as well as AKT pathway-coupled NFKBIA and YWHAH genes

    The Plasmodium Export Element Revisited

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    We performed a bioinformatical analysis of protein export elements (PEXEL) in the putative proteome of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. A protein family-specific conservation of physicochemical residue profiles was found for PEXEL-flanking sequence regions. We demonstrate that the family members can be clustered based on the flanking regions only and display characteristic hydrophobicity patterns. This raises the possibility that the flanking regions may contain additional information for a family-specific role of PEXEL. We further show that signal peptide cleavage results in a positional alignment of PEXEL from both proteins with, and without, a signal peptide

    Advances of genomic science and systems biology in renal transplantation: a review

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    The diagnosis of rejection in kidney transplant patients is based on histologic classification of a graft biopsy. The current β€œgold standard” is the Banff 97 criteria; however, there are several limitations in classifying rejection based on biopsy samples. First, a biopsy involves an invasive procedure. Second, there is significant variance among blinded pathologists in the interpretation of a biopsy. And third, there is also variance between the histology and the molecular profiles of a biopsy. To increase the positive predictive value of classifiers of rejection, a Banff committee is developing criteria that integrate histologic and molecular data into a unified classifier that could diagnose and prognose rejection. To develop the most appropriate molecular criteria, there have been studies by multiple groups applying omics technologies in attempts to identify biomarkers of rejection. In this review, we discuss studies using genome-wide data sets of the transcriptome and proteome to investigate acute rejection, chronic allograft dysfunction, and tolerance. We also discuss studies which focus on genetic biomarkers in urine and peripheral blood, which will provide clinicians with minimally invasive methods for monitoring transplant patients. We also discuss emerging technologies, including whole-exome sequencing and RNA-Seq and new bioinformatic and systems biology approaches, which should increase the ability to develop both biomarkers and mechanistic understanding of the rejection process

    Standardized metadata for human pathogen/vector genomic sequences

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    High throughput sequencing has accelerated the determination of genome sequences for thousands of human infectious disease pathogens and dozens of their vectors. The scale and scope of these data are enabling genotype-phenotype association studies to identify genetic determinants of pathogen virulence and drug/insecticide resistance, and phylogenetic studies to track the origin and spread of disease outbreaks. To maximize the utility of genomic sequences for these purposes, it is essential that metadata about the pathogen/vector isolate characteristics be collected and made available in organized, clear, and consistent formats. Here we report the development of the GSCID/BRC Project and Sample Application Standard, developed by representatives of the Genome Sequencing Centers for Infectious Diseases (GSCIDs), the Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) for Infectious Diseases, and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), informed by interactions with numerous collaborating scientists. It includes mapping to terms from other data standards initiatives, including the Genomic Standards Consortium's minimal information (MIxS) and NCBI's BioSample/BioProjects checklists and the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI). The standard includes data fields about characteristics of the organism or environmental source of the specimen, spatial-temporal information about the specimen isolation event, phenotypic characteristics of the pathogen/vector isolated, and project leadership and support. By modeling metadata fields into an ontology-based semantic framework and reusing existing ontologies and minimum information checklists, the application standard can be extended to support additional project-specific data fields and integrated with other data represented with comparable standards. The use of this metadata standard by all ongoing and future GSCID sequencing projects will provide a consistent representation of these data in the BRC resources and other repositories that leverage these data, allowing investigators to identify relevant genomic sequences and perform comparative genomics analyses that are both statistically meaningful and biologically relevant

    Gene-Specific Signatures of Elevated Non-Synonymous Substitution Rates Correlate Poorly across the Plasmodium Genus

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    BACKGROUND: Comparative genome analyses of parasites allow large scale investigation of selective pressures shaping their evolution. An acute limitation to such analysis of Plasmodium falciparum is that there is only very partial low-coverage genome sequence of the most closely related species, the chimpanzee parasite P. reichenowi. However, if orthologous genes have been under similar selective pressures throughout the Plasmodium genus then positive selection on the P. falciparum lineage might be predicted to some extent by analysis of other lineages. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, three independent pairs of closely related species in different sub-generic clades (P. falciparum and P. reichenowi; P. vivax and P. knowlesi; P. yoelii and P. berghei) were compared for a set of 43 candidate ligand genes considered likely to be under positive directional selection and a set of 102 control genes for which there was no selective hypothesis. The ratios of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS) were significantly elevated in the candidate ligand genes compared to control genes in each of the three clades. However, the rank order correlation of dN/dS ratios for individual candidate genes was very low, less than the correlation for the control genes. SIGNIFICANCE: The inability to predict positive selection on a gene in one lineage by identifying elevated dN/dS ratios in the orthologue within another lineage needs to be noted, as it reflects that adaptive mutations are generally rare events that lead to fixation in individual lineages. Thus it is essential to complete the genome sequences of particular species of phylogenetic importance, such as P. reichenowi

    A Kernel for Open Source Drug Discovery in Tropical Diseases

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    Open source drug discovery, a promising alternative avenue to conventional patent-based drug development, has so far remained elusive with few exceptions. A major stumbling block has been the absence of a critical mass of preexisting work that volunteers can improve through a series of granular contributions. This paper introduces the results from a newly assembled computational pipeline for identifying protein targets for drug discovery in ten organisms that cause tropical diseases. We have also experimentally tested two promising targets for their binding to commercially available drugs, validating one and invalidating the other. The resulting kernel provides a base of drug targets and lead candidates around which an open source community can nucleate. We invite readers to donate their judgment and in silico and in vitro experiments to develop these targets to the point where drug optimization can begin