4,928 research outputs found

    Microwave switching power divider

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    A pair of parallel, spaced-apart circular ground planes define a microwave cavity with multi-port microwave power distributing switching circuitry formed on opposite sides of a thin circular dielectric substrate disposed between the ground planes. The power distributing circuitry includes a conductive disk located at the center of the substrate and connected to a source of microwave energy. A high speed, low insertion loss switching diode and a dc blocking capacitor are connected in series between the outer end of a transmission line and an output port. A high impedance, microwave blocking dc bias choke is connected between each switching diode and a source of switching current. The switching source forward biases the diodes to couple microwave energy from the conductive disk to selected output ports and, to associated antenna elements connected to the output ports to form a synthesized antenna pattern

    A Tasmanian painting site

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    While attempting to relocate a published Tasmanian painting site, another nearby rock shelter was found to contain painting on its walls. The new cave contains at least three hand stencils and other marks in red and yellow ochre. As the site previously published has been destroyed by the flooding of Meadowbank Dam, the new site, designated Meg's Mit rock shelter, is the only known painting site in Tasmania. The painting is described and possible hypotheses for its origin proposed. An archaeological strategy for the site is outlined

    Fires by the seaside: historic vegetation changes in northwestern Tasmania

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    Dramatic changes in landscape and vegetation have occurred on the northern section of the west coast of Tasmania since the invasion by Europeans. Insidious changes such as the introduction of new species are to be expected but the destabilization of large sections of a major landform has also occurred with the development of extensive sand blows. A variety of forms of evidence relating to changes in land use patterns are examined in an attempt to date the start, and assess the extent, of this change

    Bayesian estimation for selective trace gas detection

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    We present a Bayesian estimation analysis for a particular trace gas detection technique with species separation provided by differential diffusion. The proposed method collects a sample containing multiple gas species into a common volume, and then allows it to diffuse across a linear array of optical absorption detectors, using, for example, high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities. The estimation procedure assumes that all gas parameters (e.g. diffusion constants, optical cross sections) are known except for the number population of each species, which are determined from the time-of-flight absorption profiles in each detector

    Recultured language in Indonesian English Language Teaching

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    While historically language and culture had been seen as separable, since Whorfianism they have commonly been viewed as intertwined. Today however, opposing political ideologies surprisingly work together to dissociate English language in ELT in Indonesia from its cultural background. They are the influence of globalist critical theory/political correctness which seeks not to oppressively impose Westernization, and the rise of nationalism, with its traditionalist education reemphasizing religion and the nation and disidentifying with Western values, fearing them a threat to local ones. The trend can be seen in the 2013 curriculum with its character-based curriculum, Indonesian teaching practice, and use of locally produced materials. Assessment using Purnell’s cultural competence model of widely used locally produced textbooks, Scaffolding (2008), Bright (2014), and Bahasa Inggris (2014), shows English in Indonesian ELT being stripped of liberal Anglo-American Western culture and values and recultured with Indonesian. The varieties of Englishes coming out of the process, Indonesian English and Islamic English, are not threatening to local language and culture as some have feared English is. Recultured English seems to put ELT at the service of nationalism, something English teaching may be caught off guard by. TESOL may prepare by becoming aware of traditionalist approaches to education

    Spring Training in Florida

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    Spring training serves many purposes for the great American game and business of baseball. The primary objective, of course, is to get the players into the best possible physical condition for the arduous, 154-game pennant races during which the championships of the two major leagues are decided. During this conditioning process young players and others who may have been obtained in trades are inspected and tested in practice sessions, squad games, and exhibition contests

    Spectroscopy of Close Companions to QSOs and the Ages of Interaction-Induced Starbursts

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    We present low-resolution absorption-line spectra of three candidate close ( < 3 arcsec) companions to the low redshift QSOs 3CR 323.1, PG 1700+518, and PKS 2135-147. The spectra were obtained with LRIS on the Keck telescopes and with the Faint Object Spectrograph on the University of Hawaii 2.2 m telescope. For 3CR 323.1 and PG 1700+518, we measure relative velocities that are consistent with an association between the QSOs and their companion galaxies. The spectral features of the companion galaxy to 3CR 323.1 indicate a stellar population of intermediate age (approx. 2.3 Gyr). In contrast, the spectrum of the companion object to PG 1700+518 shows strong Balmer absorption lines from a relatively young stellar population, along with the Mg Ib absorption feature and the 4000 A break from an older population. By modeling the two stellar components of this spectrum, it is possible to estimate the time that has elapsed since the end of the most recent major starburst event: we obtain approx. 0.1 Gyr. This event may have coincided with an interaction that triggered the QSO activity. Finally, our spectroscopy shows conclusively that the supposed companion to PKS 2135-147 is actually a projected Galactic G star.Comment: 10 pages, 5 Postscript figures. Latex (AASTEX). To appear in ApJ. Letters, Volume 480 (1997
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