998 research outputs found

    Surface plasmon lifetime in metal nanoshells

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    The lifetime of localized surface plasmon plays an important role in many aspects of plasmonics and its applications. In small metal nanostructures, the dominant mechanism restricting plasmon lifetime is size-dependent Landau damping. We performed quantum-mechanical calculations of Landau damping for the bright surface plasmon mode in a metal nanoshell. In contrast to the conventional model based on the electron surface scattering, we found that the damping rate decreases as the nanoshell thickness is reduced. The origin of this behavior is traced to the spatial distribution of plasmon local field inside the metal shell. We also found that, due to interference of electron scattering amplitudes from nanoshell's two metal surfaces, the damping rate exhibits pronounced quantum beats with changing shell thickness.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Figure

    The Three Dimensional Structure of EUV Accretion Regions in AM Herculis Stars: Modeling of EUV Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations

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    We have developed a model of the high-energy accretion region for magnetic cataclysmic variables and applied it to {\it Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer} observations of 10 AM Herculis type systems. The major features of the EUV light curves are well described by the model. The light curves exhibit a large variety of features such as eclipses of the accretion region by the secondary star and the accretion stream, and dips caused by material very close to the accretion region. While all the observed features of the light curves are highly dependent on viewing geometry, none of the light curves are consistent with a flat, circular accretion spot whose lightcurve would vary solely from projection effects. The accretion region immediately above the WD surface is a source of EUV radiation caused by either a vertical extent to the accretion spot, or Compton scattering off electrons in the accretion column, or, very likely, both. Our model yields spot sizes averaging 0.06 RWD_{WD}, or f1×103f \sim 1 \times 10^{-3} the WD surface area, and average spot heights of 0.023 RWD_{WD}. Spectra extracted during broad dip phases are softer than spectra during the out-of-dip phases. This spectral ratio measurement leads to the conclusion that Compton scattering, some absorption by a warm absorber, geometric effects, an asymmetric temperature structure in the accretion region and an asymmetric density structure of the accretion columnare all important components needed to fully explain the data. Spectra extracted at phases where the accretion spot is hidden behind the limb of the WD, but with the accretion column immediately above the spot still visible, show no evidence of emission features characteristic of a hot plasma.Comment: 30 Pages, 11 Figure

    Cosmic Ray Rejection and Readout Efficiency for Large-Area Arrays

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    We present an algorithm to optimally process uniformly sampled array image data obtained with a nondestructive readout. The algorithm discards full wells, removes cosmic ray (particle) hits and other glitches, and makes a nearly optimum estimate of the signal on each pixel. The algorithm also compresses the data. The computer requirements are modest, and the results are robust. The results are shown and compared to results of Fowler sampled and processed data. Non-ideal detector performance may require some additional code, but this is not expected to cost much processing time. Known types of detector faults are addressed.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in the PAS

    Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing

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    A submerged wave device generates energy from the relative motion of floating bodies. In 1 WaveSub, three floats are joined to a reactor; each connected to a spring and generator. Electricity generated 2 damps the orbital movements of the floats. The forces are non-linear and each float interacts with the others. 3 Tuning to the wave climate is achieved by changing the line lengths so there is a need to understand the 4 performance trade-offs for a large number of configurations. This requires an efficient, large displacement, 5 multidirectional, multi-body numerical scheme. Results from a 1/25 scale wave basin experiment are described. 6 Here we show that a time domain linear potential flow formulation (Nemoh, WEC-Sim) can match the tank 7 testing provided that suitably tuned drag coefficients are employed. Inviscid linear potential models can match 8 some wave device experiments, however, additional viscous terms generally provide better accuracy. Scale 9 experiments are also prone to mechanical friction and we estimate friction terms to improve the correlation 10 further. The resulting error in mean power between numerical and physical models is approximately 10%. 11 Predicted device movement shows a good match. Overall, drag terms in time domain wave energy modelling 12 will improve simulation accuracy in wave renewable energy device design

    Concave Plasmonic Particles: Broad-Band Geometrical Tunability in the Near Infra-Red

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    Optical resonances spanning the Near and Short Infra-Red spectral regime were exhibited experimentally by arrays of plasmonic nano-particles with concave cross-section. The concavity of the particle was shown to be the key ingredient for enabling the broad band tunability of the resonance frequency, even for particles with dimensional aspect ratios of order unity. The atypical flexibility of setting the resonance wavelength is shown to stem from a unique interplay of local geometry with surface charge distributions

    Is it Round? Spectropolarimetry of the Type II-P Supernova 1999em

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    We present the first multi-epoch spectropolarimetry of a type II plateau supernova (SN II-P), with optical observations of SN 1999em on days 7, 40, 49, 159, and 163 after discovery. These data are used to probe the geometry of the electron-scattering atmosphere before, during, and after the plateau phase, which ended roughly 90 days after discovery. Weak continuum polarization with an unchanging polarization angle (theta ~ 160 deg) is detected at all epochs, with p ~ 0.2% on day 7, p ~ 0.3% on days 40 and 49, and p ~ 0.5% in the final observations. Distinct polarization modulations across strong line features are present on days 40, 49, 159, and 163. Uncorrected for interstellar polarization (which is believed to be quite small), polarization peaks are associated with strong P Cygni absorption troughs and nearly complete depolarization is seen across the H-alpha emission profile. The temporal evolution of the continuum polarization and sharp changes across lines indicate polarization intrinsic to SN 1999em. When modeled in terms of the oblate, electron-scattering atmospheres of Hoeflich, the observed polarization implies anasphericity of at least 7% during the period studied. The temporal polarization increase may indicate greater asphericity deeper into the ejecta. We discuss the implications of asphericity on the use of type II-P supernovae as primary extragalactic distance indicators through the expanding photosphere method (EPM). If asphericity produces directionally dependant flux and peculiar galaxy motions are characterized by sigma_v_rec = 300 km/s, it is shown that the agreement between previous EPM measurements of SNe II and distances to the host galaxies predicted by a linear Hubble law restrict mean SN II asphericity to values less than 30% (3-sigma) during the photospheric phase.Comment: 65 pages (29 Figures, 4 Tables), Accepted for publication in the June 1, 2001 edition of ApJ. Revised statistical analysis of scatter in Hubble diagram of previous EPM distances and the implications for mean SN II asphericit

    Computational modelling and experimental tank testing of the multi float WaveSub under regular wave forcing

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    A submerged wave device generates energy from the relative motion of floating bodies. In WaveSub, three floats are joined to a reactor; each connected to a spring and generator. Electricity generated damps the orbital movements of the floats. The forces are non-linear and each float interacts with the others. Tuning to the wave climate is achieved by changing the line lengths, so there is a need to understand the performance trade-offs for a large number of configurations. This requires an efficient, large displacement, multidirectional, multi-body numerical scheme. Results from a 1/25 scale wave basin experiment are described. Here, we show that a time domain linear potential flow formulation (Nemoh, WEC-Sim) can match the tank testing provided that suitably tuned drag coefficients are employed. Inviscid linear potential models can match some wave device experiments; however, additional viscous terms generally provide better accuracy. Scale experiments are also prone to mechanical friction, and we estimate friction terms to improve the correlation further. The resulting error in mean power between numerical and physical models is approximately 10%. Predicted device movement shows a good match. Overall, drag terms in time domain wave energy modelling will improve simulation accuracy in wave renewable energy device design

    Mesoscopic Cooperative Emission From a Disordered System

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    We study theoretically the cooperative light emission from a system of N1N\gg 1 classical oscillators confined within a volume with spatial scale, LL, much smaller than the radiation wavelength, λ0=2πc/ω0\lambda_0=2\pi c/\omega_0. We assume that the oscillators frequencies are randomly distributed around a central frequency, ω0\omega_0, with some characteristic width, Ωω0\Omega\ll\omega_0. In the absence of disorder, that is Ω=0\Omega=0, the cooperative emission spectrum is composed of a narrow subradiant peak superimposed on a wide superradiant band. When Ω0\Omega\neq 0, we demonstrate that if NN is large enough, the subradiant peak is not simply broadened by the disorder but rather splits into a system of random narrow peaks. We estimate the spectral width of these peaks as a function of N,L,ΩN, L, \Omega, and λ0\lambda_0. We also estimate the amplitude of this mesoscopic structure in the emission spectrum.Comment: 25 pages including 6 figure

    Natural images from the birthplace of the human eye

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    Here we introduce a database of calibrated natural images publicly available through an easy-to-use web interface. Using a Nikon D70 digital SLR camera, we acquired about 5000 six-megapixel images of Okavango Delta of Botswana, a tropical savanna habitat similar to where the human eye is thought to have evolved. Some sequences of images were captured unsystematically while following a baboon troop, while others were designed to vary a single parameter such as aperture, object distance, time of day or position on the horizon. Images are available in the raw RGB format and in grayscale. Images are also available in units relevant to the physiology of human cone photoreceptors, where pixel values represent the expected number of photoisomerizations per second for cones sensitive to long (L), medium (M) and short (S) wavelengths. This database is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Unported license to facilitate research in computer vision, psychophysics of perception, and visual neuroscience.Comment: Submitted to PLoS ON