167 research outputs found

    Protection of pigs against challenge with virulent <i>Streptococcus suis</i> serotype 2 strains by a muramidase-released protein and extracellular factor vaccine

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    The efficacy of a muramidase-released protein (MRP) and extracellular factor (EF) vaccine in preventing infection and disease in pigs challenged either with a homologous or a heterologous Streptococcus suis serotype 2 strain (MRP EF ) was compared with the efficacy of a vaccine containing formalin-killed bacterin of S suis serotype 2 (MRP EF ). The enhancement of the immune response by different adjuvants (a water-in-oil emulsion [wo] and an aluminium hydroxide-based adjuvant [AH]) and their side effects were also studied. The MRP and EF were purified by affinity chromatography. Pigs were vaccinated twice at three weeks and six weeks of age and challenged intravenously with virulent S suis serotype 2 strains (MRP EF ) at eight weeks of age. At challenge, the pigs vaccinated with MRP EF/WO had high anti-MRP and anti-EF titres and were protected as effectively as pigs vaccinated with wo-formulated vaccines with bacterin. Eight of the nine pigs survived the challenge and almost no clinical signs of disease were observed. The titres obtained with the MRP EF/AH vaccine were low and only two of the five pigs were protected. Pigs vaccinated with either MRP or EF were less well protected; three of the four pigs died after challenge but the clinical signs of disease were significantly less severe than those observed in the placebo-vaccinated pigs. The protective capacity of the bacterin/AH vaccine was very low, and the mortality among these pigs was as high as in the placebo-vaccinated pigs (80 per cent). Postmortem histological examination revealed meningitis, polyserositis and arthritis in the clinically affected pigs. The results demonstrate that a subunit vaccine containing both MRP and EF, formulated with the wo adjuvant, protected pigs against challenge with virulent S suis type 2 strains

    Age-dependent differences in the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections related to the development of natural immunocompetence

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    The severity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections appears to differ with age in both humans and bovines. A primary RSV infection in naïve infants and in young calves runs a more severe course when they are 1–6 months old than in their first month of life. The relative lack of clinical signs in the first month of age may be due to high levels of maternally derived neutralizing antibodies or low exposure to infectious virus. This study examined whether age-dependent differences in the pathogenesis of bovine RSV (bRSV) between neonatal and young calves may be due to differences in age-dependent immunocompetence. To study the effect of age and immune parameters on bRSV disease in neonatal and young calves, neonatal (1-day-old) calves without maternally derived antibodies were infected experimentally with bRSV and the severity of disease and immune responses were evaluated in comparison with disease in similar 6-week-old infected calves. Neonatal calves had more extensive virus replication and lung consolidation, but lower pro-inflammatory [in particular tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-{alpha})] responses, specific humoral immune responses, lung neutrophilic infiltration and clinical signs of disease than 6-week-old calves. The lack of correlation between virus replication and clinical signs suggests an important role of pro-inflammatory cytokines, in particular TNF-{alpha}, in the disease. The capacity to produce pro-inflammatory TNF-{alpha} appeared to increase with age, and may explain the age-dependent differences in RSV pathogenesis

    Garlic reduces effect of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection in pigs

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    Lung diseases in pigs are among the most important health problem in pig husbandry, and generally treated with antimicrobials. To reduce the amount of antimicrobials used in pigs, we tested the preventive effects of freeze dried garlic added to feed on an infection with Actinobacilluspleuropneumoniae (APP). Thirty male pigs of about seven weeks of age were aerosol challenged with APP serotype 2. Fifteen pigs received 5% (w/w) garlic added to their diet (Garlic group), from two days prior to infection until four days after infection. The others received the a standard diet (Control group)

    Knoflook remt App

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    De Animal Sciences Group van Wageningen UR heeft in opdracht van biologische varkenshouders onderzocht of het mogelijk is om in plaats van antibiotica, knoflook te gebruiken voor de bestrijding van longontsteking door de bacterie Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App). Uit de resultaten blijkt dat Allyl Methyl Sulfi de (AMS), een omzettingsproduct van knoflook, de groei van App remt

    Identification of conditionally essential genes for Streptococcus suis infection in pigs

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    Streptococcus suis is a Gram-positive bacterium and zoonotic pathogen that causes meningitis and sepsis in pigs and humans. The aim of this study was to identify genes required for S. suis infection. We created Tn-Seq libraries in a virulent S. suis strain 10, which was used to inoculate pigs in an intrathecal experimental infection. Comparative analysis of the relative abundance of mutants recovered from different sites of infection (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and meninges of the brain) identified 361 conditionally essential genes, i.e. required for infection, which is about 18% of the genome. The conditionally essential genes were primarily involved in metabolic and transport processes, regulation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis, transcription, and cell wall membrane and envelope biogenesis, stress defenses, and immune evasion. Directed mutants were created in a set of 10 genes of different genetic ontologies and their role was determined in ex vivo models. Mutants showed different levels of sensitivity to survival in whole blood, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, thermic shock, and stress conditions, as compared to the wild type. Additionally, the role of three selected mutants was validated in co-infection experiments in which pigs were infected with both wild type and isogenic mutant strains. The genetic determinants of infection identified in this work contribute to novel insights in S. suis pathogenesis and could serve as targets for novel vaccines or antimicrobial drugs

    Effect van vermindering diercontacten op pleuritis bij vleesvarkens = Effect of less animal contacts on pleuritis in growing and finishing pigs

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    In opdracht van het Productschap Vee en Vlees hebben de Animal Sciences Group van Wageningen UR, de Faculteit Diergeneeskunde, Veterinair Centrum Someren en Intervet onderzocht of het aantal vleesvarkens met pleuritis aan de slachtlijn verminderd kan worden. Reden voor het onderzoek is de toename van het aantal vleesvarkens met pleuritis aan de slachtlijn. Het doel van het onderzoek was nagaan of door strikte toepassing van all in – all out en het niet mengen van dieren (dieren blijven van geboorte tot afleveren als toom bij elkaar) het aantal dieren met pleuritis aan de slachtlijn verminderd kan worde

    Malabsorption syndrome in broilers

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    Malabsorption syndrome (MAS) is a multifactorial disease that causes intestinal disorders in broilers due to infection of the gastrointestinal tract with different infectious agents. The exact aetiology is unknown, although several viruses are isolated from MAS affected chickens. None of these isolated infectious agents alone inducted the malabsorption syndrome. MAS in broilers is characterised by poor growth and lesions in the Gl-tract, mainly in the small intestine. Experimentally, MAS can be induced in one-day old broilers by oral inoculation of homogenates obtained from digestive tract tissues of MAS affected broilers. Susceptibility to the MAS syndrome differs between broiler lines. The susceptibility to MAS is correlated with the severity of the lesions, apoptosis and heterophil infiltration of the jejunum. Susceptibility to MAS is also related to the frequency of CD4 and CDS positive T-cells in the intestinal villus and the mRNA expression level of different cytokines in control and in MAS induced broilers. With the use of micro-arrays differences in gene expression levels between broiler lines that differ in MAS susceptibility were observed. From these experiments genes that are immune and food absorption related were identified. If some of these genes or the T-cell population in the gut and the other MAS susceptible related parameters could predict or prevent MAS susceptibility in broilers needs to be further investigated but can be interestingly for breeding programmes

    Minder longziekten bij vleesvarkens door niet mengen van varkens

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    Op bedrijven, waar de vleesvarkens niet worden gemengd of niet worden teruggeplaatst vanuit de ziekenboeg, blijken minder longaandoeningen voor te komen. Dit komt bij een onderzoek naar de oorzaken van longziekten op 16 biologische varkensbedrijven naar vore
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