17 research outputs found


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    During the three years (2006/2007-2008/2009) stationary research of reduced soil tillage had been conducted for winter wheat and soybean, at marsh gley (hipogley) hydromeliorated soil type of Baranya. The research has been conducted with eight soil tillage treatments and three nitrogen fertilization treatments set up in split-plot design in four repetitions. Soil tillage treatments consisted of four continued soil tillage systems for both crops: OR-conventional soil tillage, TR-multiple diskharrowing, RT-chiseling and diskharrowing, NT-no-tillage and four discontinued soil tillage systems: OsTp-OR for soybean TR for w. wheat in the forthcoming season: OpTs-OR for w.wheat TR for soybean in the forthcoming season, NpOs-NT for w. wheat OR for soybean in forthcoming season: NsOp-NT for soybean OR for w. wheat in forthcoming season. Nitrogen fertilization treatment had three levels of applied nitrogen: for w.wheat G-1=120, G-2=150, G-3=180 kg N ha -1 and for soybean G-1=35, G-2=70, G-3=110 kg N ha-1. Weather conditions had significant aberrations during 2006/2007 and 2008/2009 (extremely drought seasons), whereas 2007/2008 season was moderately humid. The high and stabile average winter wheat grain yields had been achieved, with statistical difference among years of the research, whereas yield decreased by applied soil tillage systems in the order as follows: RT (7.78) > NsOp (7.75) > OR (7.74) > OpTs (7.62) > TR (7.63) > OsTp (7.58) > NpOs (6.95) > NT (6.92 t ha-1), with NpOs and NT treatments recorded significantly lower yields in comparison with OR treatment. According to three year averages, normal and relatively stabile soybean grain yield has been achieved, with significant difference among years, whereas soil tillage systems showed the following decrease order: NpOs (2.62) > OR (2.58) > OsTp (2.56) > NsOp (2.49) > TR (2.46) = RT (2.46) > NT (2.42) > OpTs (2.35 t ha-1). In comparison with OR treatment, only OpTs had significantly lower soybean grain yield. The study showed, with the optimum of nitrogen fertilization, a very successful application of reduced soil tillage systems in the winter wheat and soybean production


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    Stationary field experiment pertaining to the winter wheat in Croatia was performed during the three seasons. This studyā€™s intention was to examine and diagnose the effect of tillage systems (TS) on soil chemical properties (soil acidity, phosphorus [P], potassium [K], and organic matter content). The TSs were as follows: CT ā€” ploughing up to 30 cm depth, DT ā€” disking up to 8-12 cm depth, LT ā€” loosening up to 35 cm depth, and NT ā€” no-tillage. The experimental design was a randomised block design in four repetitions, in which the basic TS plot amounted to 540 m2. Soil sampling for 0-30 cm soil layer was performed prior to setting up the experiment and subsequent to the three seasons with a total of 320 soil samples. Chemical analysis was performed according to standard pedological procedures. Economic indicators were calculated using economic equations and standards, whereas statistical analysis was performed with SAS 9.3 and Microsoft Excel 2016. Generated results indicate that the expressed accumulation of phosphorus and potassium appeared with a distinct vertical stratification in the systems with shallower tillage or no-tillage. At the same time, these TSs ensured the soil organic matter and soil fertility preservation. A conservable agricultural production of reduced soil tillage systems has its efficiency and vigor while providing soil degradation.Stacionarni poljski pokus za ozimu pÅ”enicu u Hrvatskoj proveden je tijekom triju sezona . Namjera ovoga istraživanja bila je ispitati i dijagnosticirati utjecaj sustava obrade tla (TSs) na kemijska svojstva tla (kiselost tla, sadržaj fosfora, kalija i organske tvari. TSs-i su bili CT ā€” oranje do 30 cm dubine; DT ā€” tanjuranje do 8-12 cm dubine; LT ā€” rahljenje do 35 cm dubine; NT ā€” bez obrade tla. Eksperimentalni dizajn je bio randomizirani blok dizajn u četiri ponavljanja, u kojem je osnovna TSs parcela bila 540 m2 . Uzorkovanje za sloj tla 0-30 cm obavljeno je prije postavljanja pokusa i nakon triju sezona s ukupno 320 uzoraka tla. Kemijska analiza provedena jer prema standardnim pedoloÅ”kim postupcima. Standardna statistička analiza provedena softverom SAS 9.3 i Microsoft Excel 2016. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da se na sustavima s plićom obradom ili bez obrade javlja izražena akumulacija fosfora i kalija uz izraženu vertikalnu stratifikaciju. Istodobno ovi TSs-i osiguravaju konzervaciju organske tvari tla i očuvanje plodnosti tla. Poljoprivredna proizvodnja uz primjenu reduciranih sustava obrade tla ima svoju učinkovitost i snagu kroz sprječavanje degradacije tla


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    A stationary field experiment of a reduced soil tillage was implemented at a Hypogley (Hypogleyic soils Aā€“Gsoā€“Gr soil horizon sequence) soil type of Eastern Croatia during three seasons and set up as a split-plot randomized block design in four repetitions. The tillage systems (TS) were as follows: 1) conventional tillage, i.e., plowing at 30 cm (CT), 2) disking up 10-12 cm (DT), 3) soil loosening up to 35 cm (LT), 4) no-tillage (NT). The experiment was designed to compare the penetration resistance (PR), soil moisture (SM), and bulk density (BD) at different TSs and soil depths. A cone penetrometer was used to measure the PR with 10 prods per TS, accompanied with a measurement of SM with a soil auger on every 10 cm, with four samples up to a 40-cm depth. The BD was determined by metal cylinders on every 10 cm up to a 30-cm depth, being weighed and dried thereafter to obtain an absolutely dry sample, and then calculated using absolutely a dry soil sample mass (m_s) and the soil volume (V). The PR and SM were significantly influenced by the TS and soil depth. The CT had the significantly lowest PR at all depths, while the DT has manifested a significantly higher PR at a soil depth amounting to 10 to 20 cm. The PR on NT were significantly diverse from the CT at all soil depths. The BD varied significantly concerning the TS and the soil depth. Subsequent to the three years, the CT had a significantly smaller BD at a depth amounting from 0 to 10 cm, and a significantly higher BD at 20- to 30-cm depth, compared to reduce the TS.Stacionarni poljski pokus reducirane obrade tla proveden je u istočnoj Hrvatskoj na hipogleju tijekom triju sezona. Pokus je postavljen kao randomizirani blok-sustav u četiri ponavljanja. Sustavi obrade tla (TS) bili su sljedeći: 1) konvencionalna obrada tla oranjem na 30 cm (CT); 2) tanjuranje na 10ā€“12 cm (DT); 3) rahljenje tla na 35 cm (LT); 4) no-tillage (NT). U eksperimentu su praćeni otpori tla (PR), vlaga tla (SM) i volumna gustoća tla (BD) na različitim TS-ovima i dubinama tla. Konusni penetrometar koriÅ”ten je za mjerenje PR-a s 10 uboda po TS-u, praćeno sondiranjem za SM na svakih 10 cm, s četirima uzorcima do 40 cm dubine. BD je određen metalnim cilindrima na svakih 10 cm do 30 cm dubine. Izvagani uzorak je osuÅ”en do apsolutno suhoga uzorka, a zatim izračunan BD koristeći se apsolutno suhom masom uzorka tla (m_s) i volumena tla (V). PR i SM su bili pod značajnim utjecajem TS-a i dubine tla. CT je imao najniži PR na svim dubinama, DT je pokazao značajno veći PR na dubini tla od 10 do 20 cm u odnosu na CT. PR na NT bio je značajno različit od CT-a na svim dubinama tla. BD se znatno razlikovao po TS-u i dubini tla. Nakon tri godine CT je imao signifikantno manji BD na dubini 0-10 cm te signifikantno veći BD na dubini 20-30 cm u odnosu prema reduciranim sustavima obrade tla

    Impact of technical spraying factors on leaf area coverage in an apple orchard

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    Istraživanja su obavljena u nasadu jabuke sa dva tipa rasprÅ”ivača, aksijalni (Hardi Zaturn) i radijalni (Hardi Arrow). Istraživan je utjecaj glavnih tehničkih čimbenika rasprÅ”ivanja (tip mlaznice, brzina rada i norma rasprÅ”ivanja) na pokrivenost tretirane povrÅ”ine, prosječni promjer kapljica, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanoÅ”enje tekućine. Brzina rada rasprÅ”ivača podeÅ”ava se na 6 i 8 k/mh, a norma rasprÅ”ivanja na 250, 325 i 400 l/ha. Koriste se plave (TR 8003C), žute (TR 8002C) i zelene (TR 80015C) Lechler mlaznice. Istraživanje se postavlja kao trofaktorijalni poljski pokus sa 18 tretmana u 4 ponavljanja, za svaki tip rasprÅ”ivača. Po tretmanu se na stablo postavlja 60 vodoosjetljivih papirića koji se obrađuju pomoću računalne analize slike i računalnog programa ImageJ. Glavni tehnički čimbenici rasprÅ”ivanja ostvaruju statistički vrlo značajan utjecaj (**) na glavna svojstva istraživanja. Smanjivanjem ISO broja mlaznice, povećanjem brzine rada rasprÅ”ivača te povećanjem norme rasprÅ”ivanja povećava se pokrivenost tretirane povrÅ”ine, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanoÅ”enje tekućine, a smanjuje se prosječni promjer kapljica. Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata istraživanja sa aksijalnim i radijalnim rasprÅ”ivačem u nasadu jabuke, bolje rezultate (*) postiže radijalni rasprÅ”ivač. Najbolje podeÅ”enje tehničkih čimbenika rasprÅ”ivanja (pokrivenost tretirane povrÅ”ine od 59,55 % i zanoÅ”enja tekućine od 21,10 %) ostvaruje se sa radijalnim rasprÅ”ivačem te zelenom mlaznicom (TR 80015C), brzinom rada od 8 km/h, normom rasprÅ”ivanja od 325 l/ha i radnim tlakom od 16,84 bar.Research is conducted on an apple orchard with two different types of orchard sprayers, axial (Hardi Zaturn) and radial (Hardi Arrow). The influence of major technical spraying factors (type of nozzle, working speed and spray volume) were observed on coverage of the treated area, average droplet diameter, number of droplets per cm2 and drift. The working speed of sprayer was set at 6 and 8 km/h, and spray volume on 250, 325 and 400 l/ha. In research, Lechler blue (TR 8003C), yellow (TR 8002C) and green (TR 80015C) nozzles were used. The research was set as three - factorial field experiment with 18 treatments in 4 repetitions, for each type of sprayer. Sixty water sensitive papers (WSP) were used for the treatment, which was processed with digital image analysis (DIA) and ImageJ software. The major technical spraying factors have a high significant statistical impact (**) on the main properties of the research. By decreasing the ISO number of nozzles and by increasing the working speed and spray volume, we found increasement of area coverage, number of droplets per cm2 and drift, and decreasement of average droplet diameter. By comparing the results of the research by axial and radial orchard sprayer in apple orchard, better results (*) were achieved with a radial sprayer. The best adjustment of technical spraying factors (area coverage of 59,55 % and 21,10 % of liquid drift) was achieved by a radial sprayer and with green nozzle (TR80015C), working speed of 8 km/h, spray volume of 325 l/ha, and working pressure of 16,84 bar


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    Reducirana obrada tla, kao i krajnji vid reduciranja zahvata obrade tla ā€“ no-tillage, svake godine ima sve veće značenje u obradi tla na naÅ”im prostorima. Međutim, to su joÅ” uvijek vrlo male povrÅ”ine. U cilju utvrđivanja optimalnoga sustava reduciraĀ¬ne obrade tla u uzgoju kukuruza, na černozemu u sjevernoj Baranji, provedena su trogodiÅ”nja istraživanja (od 1998./1999.-2000./2001.), na pet varijanata obrade tla. Najveći su prinosi redovito ostvarivani na varijanti konvencionalne obrade tla (CT), s trogodiÅ”njim prosjekom od 9,29 t/ha, zatim na varijanti rahljenja s tanjuranjem (CH), s prinosom od 8,37 t/ha, slijedi varijanta viÅ”ekratnog tanjuranja (DH, s prinoĀ¬som od 8,07 t/ha, zatim varijanta jednokratnog tanjuranja (PD) sa 6,99 t/ha, a najniži ostvareni prinosi bili su na varijanti no-tillage (NT), s trogodiÅ”njim prosjekom od 5,94 t/ha. Najveća ekonomska dobit ostvarena je na CT varijanti (665,34 HRK/ha), slijede varijante CH (189.24 HRK/ha) i DH (77,20 HRK/ha), dok su na varijantama PD (-334,95 HRK/ha) i NT (-459,81 HRK/ha) zabilježeni gubici.Reduced tillage, as well as the most reduced tillage ā€“ No-till ā€“ every year are becoming more important in our region. Unfortunately, the areas under reduced tillage are still very small. In order to establish optimal system of reduced soil tillage, the experimental trials were set on Chernozem soil type in northern Baranja during three vegeĀ¬tation seasons (1998/1999-2000/2001) and five soil tillage systems: CT) Conventional Tillage (primary soil tillage by moldboard ploughing at 30-35 cm depth), DH) Multiple Diskharrowing at 10-15 cm as primary tillage, CH) Chiseling and diskharrowing (chiseling at 30-35 cm and diskharrowing at 10-15 cm as primary tillage), PD) One diskharro-wing pass (diskharrowing at 10-15 cm as primary tillage, and NT) No-tillage system. The highest yields were recorĀ¬ded at CT with three-year average of 9.29 t/ha, followed by CH with 8.37 t/ha, DH with 8.07 t/ha, PD with 6.99 t/ha, whereas the lowest yields were recorded at NT treatment, with three-year average of 5.94 t/ha. The highest profit was achieved at CT treatment (665,34 HRK/ha), followed by CH (189,24 HRK/ha), DH (77,20 HRK/ha), PD (-334,95 HRK/ha) and NT (-459,81 HRK/ha)

    Influence of different type of artificial lighting on corn salad and garden cress seed germination

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    Cilj rada je bio utvrditi utjecaj LED (Light Emitting Diodes) i FLUO (fluorescentno svjetlo) osvjetljenja na klijavost i energiju klijanja sjemena te masu i visinu klijanaca matovilca i kres salate. Sjetva naturalnog sjemena provedena je u Petrijeve zdjelice u komori opremljenoj LED i FLUO lampama. LED lampe su bile opremljene crvenim (650-670 nm) i plavim (440-460 nm) LED diodama u omjeru 3:1. Istraživanje je provedeno u Laboratoriju za povrćarstvo, cvjećarstvo, ljekovito i začinsko bilje Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku. Utvrđen je statistički opravdan utjecaj tipa osvjetljenja na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena matovilca, a veće vrijednosti utvrđene su uslijed primjene LED lampi. Suprotno, pod FLUO lampama je utvrđena značajno veća masa i visina klijanaca matovilca te visina klijanaca kres salate. Međutim, tip osvjetljenja nije značajno utjecao na klijavost i energiju klijanja te masu klijanaca kres salate. Prema tome, može se zaključiti da je odgovor na tip osvjetljenja uvjetovan biljnom vrstom već od samih početaka rasta i razvoja.The aim of this research was to determine the influence of LED (light emitting diodes) and FLUO (fluorescent) lighting on seed germination and germination energy as well as on fresh weight and height of corn salad and garden cress seedlings. Seeding of natural seeds of corn salad and garden cress was done to Petri dishes, which were place in walk-in chamber equipped with LED and FLUO lamps. LED lamps had built-in blue (440-460 nm) and red (650-670 nm) diodes in 3:1 ratio. Research was carried out in Laboratory for vegetables, flowers, medicinal and spice herbs at Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. Statistically significant influence of lighting type on corn salad seed germination energy and germination was determined where higher values were recorded in case of using LED lamps. On the contrary, corn salad seedlings fresh weight and height as well as garden cress seedlings height where significantly higher when FLUO lamps where used as light source. However, lighting type did not significantly influenced on germination energy, germination and seedlings fresh weight of garden cress. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the plant responses on lighting type are species dependent form the very beginning of their growth and development

    Lettuce and endive transplants growth and development influenced by treatment with RivergreenĀ®

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj tretmana Rivergreen-omĀ® na rast i razvoj presadnica salate i endivije u kontroliranim uvjetima. RivergreenĀ® je pripravak nastao mljevenjem i tribomehaničkom aktivacijom kamena iz rijeke Drave. Istraživanje je provedeno u laboratoriju za povrćarstvo, cvjećarstvo i ljekovito bilje na Fakultetu agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek. KoriÅ”tene su dvije sorte salate (\u27Majska kraljica\u27 i \u27Ljubljanska ledenka\u27) te dvije sorte endivije (\u27Eskariol žuta\u27 i \u27Eskariol zelena\u27). Sjeme salate i endivije je posijano u polisitrenske kontejnere sa 60 sjetvenih mjesta napunjeni čistim supstratom i supstratom koji je kondicioniran Rivergreen-omĀ®. Također, RivergreenĀ® je primijenjen zalijavanjem presadnica s vodenom otopinom u koncentraciji 0,25 %. Pokus je postavljen kao monofaktorijalni po split-plot shemi u 5 ponavljanja po varijanti. Nakon obrade podataka, utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj tretmana s Rivergreen-omĀ® na pojedina promatrana svojstva rasta i razvoja presadnica kod ispitivanih sorti salate i endivije. Kod sorte salate \u27Majska kraljica\u27 te endivije \u27Eskariol žuta\u27 je uočeno značajno povećanje svježe i suhe mase nadzemnog dijela. Također, uočeno je i značajno povećanje broja i Å”irine lista dok tretman nije značajno utjecao na dužinu lista kod niti jedne ispitivane vrste i sorte u ovom istraživanju. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da RivergreenĀ® pozitivno utječe na rast i razvoj presadnica salate i endivije, ali je odgovor biljke na njegovu primjenu uvjetovan vrstom te sortom.The aim of this study was to determine the influence of RivergreenĀ® on the growth and development of lettuce and endive in controlled conditions. RivergreenĀ® is a product obtained by milling and tribomechanical activation of river rocks originating from the river Drava. The research was conducted in a Laboratory for vegetables, floriculture and medicinal herbs at the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek. Two cultivars of lettuce (ā€˜Majska kraljicaā€™ and ā€˜Ljubljanska ledenkaā€™) and two cultivars of endive (ā€˜Eskariol žutaā€™ and ā€˜Eskariol zelenaā€™) were used. The lettuce and endive seeds were sown in the polystyrene containers filled with substrate which was either conditioned with RivergreenĀ® or not. Also, RivergreenĀ® was applied by watering the transplants with an aqueous solution at a concentration of 0.30%. The experiment was set up as a mono-factorial by a split-plot scheme in 5 repetitions per variant. After data processing, statistically significant influence of RivergreenĀ® treatment on the transplants growth and development of lettuce and endive was observed. In some investigated cultivars significant increase in aboveground fresh and dry weight was recorded. There was also a significant increase in the number and width of leaves while the treatment did not significantly affect the leaf length in none of the investigated species and varieties in this study. Finally, based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that RivergreenĀ® has a positive effect on the growth and development of lettuce and endive transplants, but the plant response to RivergreenĀ® application depends on specie and cultivar grown

    Uvođenje autohtonih ekotipova čeÅ”njaka in vitro pod utjecajem regulatora rasta i svjetlost

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    Garlic is valuable crop that is used not only for human consumption, but also in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. Indigenous cultivars have specific beneficial properties that could be permanently lost due to cultivation of new cultivars. Aim of this study was to established two indigenous garlic cultivars in vitro under influence of growth regulator and light. Garlic varieties Slavonian winter (Croatia) and Vincek (Slovenia) were introduced on medium supplemented with two different concentrations of BAP (1 and 1,5 mg/L) and grown under two types of light (FLUO and LED). Results showed there were no significant influence of light type but concentration of growth regulator significantly influenced in vitro development of garlic microshoots of both investigated cultivars. The best treatment for Vincek garlic explants was nutrient medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/L BAP and LED lights, while for Slavonian winter garlic the best treatment showed to be FLUO light and 1,5 mg/L BAP.ČeÅ”njak je dragocjena kultura koja se koristi osim za ljudsku prehranu, i u farmaceutskoj, prehrambenoj i kozmetičkoj industriji. Autohtone sorte imaju specifična korisna svojstva koja bi mogla biti trajno izgubljena uzgojem novih kultivara. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je uspostaviti in vitro protokol za uzgoj dvije autohtone sorte čeÅ”njaka pod utjecajem regulatora rasta i svjetla. U in vitro kulturu uvedene su autohtone sorte čeÅ”njaka Slavonski ozimi (Hrvatska) i Vincek (Slovenija) na dvije različite varijante hranjive podloge (1 i 1,5 mg/L BAP-a) te su uzgajane pod dvije varijante osvjetljenja (FLUO i LED). Rezultati su pokazali da nije bilo značajnog utjecaja vrste svjetla, ali je koncentracija regulatora rasta značajno utjecala na in vitro razvoj mikroizdanaka čeÅ”njaka obje ispitivane sorte. Eksplantati čeÅ”njaka Vincek postigli su bolje rezultate na tretmanu hranjive podloge s dodatkom 1,5 mg/L BAP-a i LED svjetla, dok se za Slavonski ozimi čeÅ”njak pokazao najbolji tretman FLUO svjetlo i 1,5 mg/L BAP-a

    Agrotechnical measures in potatoes production for processing into chips

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    U ovom istraživanju analizirana je intenzivna proizvodnja krumpira koji se prerađuje u čips. U analiziranom razdoblju (2019. ā€“ 2022.) prikazane su sve agrotehničke mjere pri proizvodnji krumpira na primjeru PO ā€žBetaā€œ. Vidljivo je da je gnojidba svake godine provedena pri jesenskoj obradi, zatim pred samu sadnju, pri nagrtanju i prije zatvaranja redova. ZaÅ”tita krumpira je provedena pravovremeno, a kod primjene zaÅ”titnih sredstava najviÅ”e se koriste fungicidi u zaÅ”titi od plamenjače i koncentrične pjegavosti krumpira. Kod zaÅ”tite od krumpirove zlatice vodi se računa o koriÅ”tenju pripravaka iz različitih kemijskih skupina i različitih mehanizma djelovanja. Obavezna mjera u proizvodnji je navodnjavanje koje se provodi tijekom ljetnih mjeseci (lipanj i srpanj). Vađenje krumpira obavilo se strojno, a ostvareni prinosi iznosili su prosječno 36 t/ha, Å”to je daleko od hrvatskog prosjeka (19,1 t/ha).This study analyzed the intensive production of potatoes which are processed into chips. In the analyzed period (2019 - 2022), all agrotechnical measures in the production of potatoes are presented on the example of PO "Beta". Autumn fertilization was carried out every year during the autumn cultivation, then before planting and before closing the rows. In plant protection fungicides are mostly used to protect against potato late blight fungus and early blight of potatoes. For Colorado potato beetle used insecticides were different in active compound. Irrigation was done during the summer months (June and July). Potatoes were harvested by machine, and achieved yield was on average 36 t/ha, which is far higher than Croatian average (19.1 t/ha)

    Impact of technical spraying factors on leaf area coverage in an apple orchard

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    Istraživanja su obavljena u nasadu jabuke sa dva tipa rasprÅ”ivača, aksijalni (Hardi Zaturn) i radijalni (Hardi Arrow). Istraživan je utjecaj glavnih tehničkih čimbenika rasprÅ”ivanja (tip mlaznice, brzina rada i norma rasprÅ”ivanja) na pokrivenost tretirane povrÅ”ine, prosječni promjer kapljica, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanoÅ”enje tekućine. Brzina rada rasprÅ”ivača podeÅ”ava se na 6 i 8 k/mh, a norma rasprÅ”ivanja na 250, 325 i 400 l/ha. Koriste se plave (TR 8003C), žute (TR 8002C) i zelene (TR 80015C) Lechler mlaznice. Istraživanje se postavlja kao trofaktorijalni poljski pokus sa 18 tretmana u 4 ponavljanja, za svaki tip rasprÅ”ivača. Po tretmanu se na stablo postavlja 60 vodoosjetljivih papirića koji se obrađuju pomoću računalne analize slike i računalnog programa ImageJ. Glavni tehnički čimbenici rasprÅ”ivanja ostvaruju statistički vrlo značajan utjecaj (**) na glavna svojstva istraživanja. Smanjivanjem ISO broja mlaznice, povećanjem brzine rada rasprÅ”ivača te povećanjem norme rasprÅ”ivanja povećava se pokrivenost tretirane povrÅ”ine, broj kapljica/cm2 i zanoÅ”enje tekućine, a smanjuje se prosječni promjer kapljica. Usporedbom dobivenih rezultata istraživanja sa aksijalnim i radijalnim rasprÅ”ivačem u nasadu jabuke, bolje rezultate (*) postiže radijalni rasprÅ”ivač. Najbolje podeÅ”enje tehničkih čimbenika rasprÅ”ivanja (pokrivenost tretirane povrÅ”ine od 59,55 % i zanoÅ”enja tekućine od 21,10 %) ostvaruje se sa radijalnim rasprÅ”ivačem te zelenom mlaznicom (TR 80015C), brzinom rada od 8 km/h, normom rasprÅ”ivanja od 325 l/ha i radnim tlakom od 16,84 bar.Research is conducted on an apple orchard with two different types of orchard sprayers, axial (Hardi Zaturn) and radial (Hardi Arrow). The influence of major technical spraying factors (type of nozzle, working speed and spray volume) were observed on coverage of the treated area, average droplet diameter, number of droplets per cm2 and drift. The working speed of sprayer was set at 6 and 8 km/h, and spray volume on 250, 325 and 400 l/ha. In research, Lechler blue (TR 8003C), yellow (TR 8002C) and green (TR 80015C) nozzles were used. The research was set as three - factorial field experiment with 18 treatments in 4 repetitions, for each type of sprayer. Sixty water sensitive papers (WSP) were used for the treatment, which was processed with digital image analysis (DIA) and ImageJ software. The major technical spraying factors have a high significant statistical impact (**) on the main properties of the research. By decreasing the ISO number of nozzles and by increasing the working speed and spray volume, we found increasement of area coverage, number of droplets per cm2 and drift, and decreasement of average droplet diameter. By comparing the results of the research by axial and radial orchard sprayer in apple orchard, better results (*) were achieved with a radial sprayer. The best adjustment of technical spraying factors (area coverage of 59,55 % and 21,10 % of liquid drift) was achieved by a radial sprayer and with green nozzle (TR80015C), working speed of 8 km/h, spray volume of 325 l/ha, and working pressure of 16,84 bar