62 research outputs found

    Inflation in Serbia and in the European Union*

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    Administration cannot be practiced in isolation of the culture of the society. This assertion implies that the knowledge, attitude, societal norms and orientation which people hold epitomize their administrative philosophy and the way it is practiced

    The impact of the global financial crisis on transition changes in Serbia

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    After more than eight years of implementing transition reforms, the economic environment in Serbia, while showing signs of progress, remains unsatisfactory. The economy of Serbia is facing too many difficulties, which are reinforced by the “spillovers” from the global financial crisis. Nevertheless, the country’s economy could rebound in the coming period if certain conditions are met

    Effects of Global Economic Crisis on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to show the effects of the global economic crisis on the small and medium-sized enterprise sector in Serbia. Contrary to expectations, in some aspects, the negative impact of the global economic crisis in South-East Europe, and consequently in Serbia, was much bigger than in many developed countries. Though vital and dynamic, the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Serbia suffered huge downfall, so that in this paper different ways in which crisis was manifested in this sector in Serbia would be analysed. This paper consists of the three main parts. In the introduction the importance of SMEs sector for Serbian economy is pointed out. In the second part, consequences of the crisis on Serbian economy would be analysed, and finally in the third part the impact of the global crisis on SMEs businesses would be analysed

    Privatization and restructuring of Serbian economy real and banking sector

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    The real sector Serbian economy process of privatization has not been completed after 18 years of implementation. Nevertheless, the privatization (and restructuring) of socially owned enterprises is one of the key requirements for enhancing business performances of the real sector and entire economy. Although relatively satisfactory results of key macro economic trends in Serbia have been realized in previous period, it could not be stated that all desired and expected effects have been efficiently realized up to now. As a result, according to the World Economic Forum Report, the Serbian economy is at 91 place among 130 countries on the level of competitiveness. Partly, it’s a result of unsatisfactory trends in the field of real sector privatization and restructuring. On the other side, during transition period after the year 2000, the banking sector in Serbia has been transformed and revitalized. The main weaknesses of banking system in the period before 2000. (illiquidity and general insolvency, the lack of confidence towards financial institutions, the lack of stable deposit bank, etc.) have been overcome. In the last few years most of domestic commercial banks are privatized by foreign ones, and consequently the banking sector became profitable, liquid and highly capitalized. The trends, resulting from the increased competitiveness and efficiency of banking sector, are confirming the benefits of banking sector restructuring and have positive impact on local economy

    T cells cooperate with palmitic acid in induction of beta cell apoptosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diabetes is characterized by progressive failure of insulin producing beta cells. It is well known that both saturated fatty acids and various products of immune cells can contribute to the reduction of beta cell viability and functionality during diabetes pathogenesis. However, their joint action on beta cells has not been investigated, so far. Therefore, we explored the possibility that leukocytes and saturated fatty acids cooperate in beta cell destruction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Rat pancreatic islets or insulinoma cells (RIN) were co-cultivated with concanavalin A (ConA)-stimulated rat lymph node cells (LNC), or they were treated with cell-free supernatants (Sn) obtained from ConA-stimulated spleen cells or from activated CD3<sup>+ </sup>cells, in the absence or presence of palmitic acid (PA). ConA-stimulated LNC or Sn and PA cooperated in inducing caspase-3-dependent RIN cell apoptosis. The observed effect of PA and Sn on RIN cell viability was mediated by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-signaling and was achieved through auto-destructive nitric oxide (NO) production. The cooperative effect of Sn was mimicked with the combination of interleukin-1β, interleukin-2, interleukin-6, interleukin-17, interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results imply that stimulated T cells produce cytokines that cooperate with saturated free fatty acids in beta cell destruction during diabetes pathogenesis.</p

    Copper tolerance of trichoderma species

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    Some Trichoderma strains can persist in ecosystems with high concentrations of heavy metals. The aim of this research was to examine the variability of Trichoderma strains isolated from different ecosystems, based on their morphological properties and restriction analysis of ITS fragments. The fungal growth was tested on potato dextrose agar, amended with Cu(II) concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 10 mmol/l, in order to identify copper-resistant strains. The results indicate that some isolated strains of Trichoderma sp. show tolerance to higher copper concentrations. Further research to examine the ability of copper bioaccumulation by tolerant Trichoderma strains is needed


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    Reducirana obrada tla, kao i krajnji vid reduciranja zahvata obrade tla – no-tillage, svake godine ima sve veće značenje u obradi tla na našim prostorima. Međutim, to su još uvijek vrlo male površine. U cilju utvrđivanja optimalnoga sustava reducira¬ne obrade tla u uzgoju kukuruza, na černozemu u sjevernoj Baranji, provedena su trogodišnja istraživanja (od 1998./1999.-2000./2001.), na pet varijanata obrade tla. Najveći su prinosi redovito ostvarivani na varijanti konvencionalne obrade tla (CT), s trogodišnjim prosjekom od 9,29 t/ha, zatim na varijanti rahljenja s tanjuranjem (CH), s prinosom od 8,37 t/ha, slijedi varijanta višekratnog tanjuranja (DH, s prino¬som od 8,07 t/ha, zatim varijanta jednokratnog tanjuranja (PD) sa 6,99 t/ha, a najniži ostvareni prinosi bili su na varijanti no-tillage (NT), s trogodišnjim prosjekom od 5,94 t/ha. Najveća ekonomska dobit ostvarena je na CT varijanti (665,34 HRK/ha), slijede varijante CH (189.24 HRK/ha) i DH (77,20 HRK/ha), dok su na varijantama PD (-334,95 HRK/ha) i NT (-459,81 HRK/ha) zabilježeni gubici.Reduced tillage, as well as the most reduced tillage – No-till – every year are becoming more important in our region. Unfortunately, the areas under reduced tillage are still very small. In order to establish optimal system of reduced soil tillage, the experimental trials were set on Chernozem soil type in northern Baranja during three vege¬tation seasons (1998/1999-2000/2001) and five soil tillage systems: CT) Conventional Tillage (primary soil tillage by moldboard ploughing at 30-35 cm depth), DH) Multiple Diskharrowing at 10-15 cm as primary tillage, CH) Chiseling and diskharrowing (chiseling at 30-35 cm and diskharrowing at 10-15 cm as primary tillage), PD) One diskharro-wing pass (diskharrowing at 10-15 cm as primary tillage, and NT) No-tillage system. The highest yields were recor¬ded at CT with three-year average of 9.29 t/ha, followed by CH with 8.37 t/ha, DH with 8.07 t/ha, PD with 6.99 t/ha, whereas the lowest yields were recorded at NT treatment, with three-year average of 5.94 t/ha. The highest profit was achieved at CT treatment (665,34 HRK/ha), followed by CH (189,24 HRK/ha), DH (77,20 HRK/ha), PD (-334,95 HRK/ha) and NT (-459,81 HRK/ha)

    Teška trovanja olanzapinom – analitički podatci Nacionalnoga centra za kontrolu trovanja u Beogradu u dvogodišnjem razdoblju

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    Olanzapine is a thienobenzodiazepine class antipsychotic that strongly antagonises the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor, but acute poisonings are reported rarely. Symptoms of an overdose include disorder of consciousness, hypersalivation, myosis, and coma. Serum concentration higher than 0.1 mg/L is toxic, while concentration above 1 mg/L can be fatal. Here we report key data about 61 patients admitted to the National Poison Control Centre in Belgrade, Serbia over olanzapine poisoning in 2017 and 2018. The ingested doses ranged from 35 to 1680 mg, and time from ingestion to determination from two to 24 hours. In 34 patients olanzapine serum concentrations were in the therapeutic range and in 27 in the toxic range. In five patients they were higher than fatal, but only one patient died. The most common symptoms of poisoning were depressed consciousness (fluctuating from somnolence to coma), tachycardia, hypersalivation, hypotension, myosis, and high creatine kinase. All patients but one recovered fully after nonspecific detoxification and symptomatic and supportive therapy.Olanzapin je antipsihotik koji pripada grupi tienobenzodiazepina. Kao i drugi atipični antipsihotici, olanzapin je jak antagonist 5-HT2A serotoninskih receptora. Akutna trovanja olanzapinom su rijetka. Simptomi predoziranja uključuju duboki ili fluktuirajući poremećaj stanja svijesti s hipersalivacijom i miozom, kao i komu i smrt u slučaju ingestije velikih doza. Koncentracije olanzapina u serumu veće od 0,1 mg/L smatraju se toksičnima, a letalnima veće od 1 mg/L. U radu su prikazana akutna trovanja olanzapinom zabilježena u Nacionalnom centru za kontrolu trovanja u Beogradu tijekom dvije godine. Koncentracije olanzapina u serumu pacijenata akutno otrovanih olanzapinom određene su pouzdanom metodom tekuće kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom. Registriran je 61 pacijent s predoziranjem olanzapinom: u njih 34 koncentracije olanzapina bile su u terapijskom opsegu, a u njih 27 zabilježene su toksične koncentracije. Pet pacijenata imalo je koncentracije veće od letalnih, a zabilježen je i jedan smrtni ishod. Najčešći simptomi trovanja bili su hipotenzija, tahikardija i povećanje aktivnosti enzima kreatin kinaze. Nakon primjene nespecifičnog detoksikacijskog simptomatskog i potpornog liječenja svi pacijenti osim jednog su se potpuno oporavili

    Fatal cocaine intoxication in a body packer

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    Introduction. ‘Body packer’ syndrome with severe intoxication or sudden death may happen in persons who smuggle drugs in their body cavities. In case of lethal outcome when carrying cocaine, it is important, but sometimes difficult to determine whether death was due to intoxication or due to other causes. Therefore, it is necessary not only to quantify cocaine and its metabolites in biological material, but also based on their distribution in body fluids and tissues to conclude whether it is acute intoxication. We described a well-documented case of fatal poisoning in a body packer and post mortem distribution of the drug in biological samples. Case report. A 26-year-old man was brought to hospital with no vital signs. Resuscitation measures started at once, but with no success. Autopsy revealed 66 packets of cocaine in his digestive tract, one of which was ruptured. Hyperemia of the most of all internal organs and pulmonary and brain edema were found. High concentrations of cocaine, its metabolites benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester, as well as cocaine adulteration levamisole were proven in the post mortem blood and tissues by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MC) method with selective-ion monitoring. Conclusion. The ratio of cocaine and its metabolites concentrations in the brain and blood obtained by LC-MS method can be used for forensic confirmation of acute intoxication with cocaine

    Odontometric analysis of permanent canines in gender determination

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    Establishing the gender of a dead person is an important procedure in forensic medicine, especially during mass disasters. Teeth are very important material as they are available even after considerable postmortal changes because they are resistant to chemical and mechanical agents. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences between the sexes in canine dimorphism. The conducted research suggests using the linear dimensions of permanent maxillary and mandibular canines as an additional method for gender determination in forensic practice because of speed and simplicity