9 research outputs found

    Morphological indicators of the quality of one-year-old bare-root seedlings of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)

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    This paper presents morphological indicators of the quality of one-year-old seedlings of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) with special reference to their correlations. The examined parameters were: length, diameter, weight of the aboveground and underground parts, number of buds, root volume, root length and leaf area. The ratio of heights was determined on the basis of the parameters derived: diameter, and the ratio of aboveground and underground parts of a seedling and the Quality Index. Height and diameter have proven to be good indicators of quality. Root volume has proven to be a better indicator of the quality of seedlings than root length. The weight ratio of the aboveground and underground parts of broadleaved trees in the dry state must be defined in advance, both when the measurements are carried out with and without leaves. The Quality Index has proven to be the most comprehensive morphological indicator of quality

    Impact of climate on growth and vitality of trees in depending to horizontal and vertical distribution of beech forests

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    Докторска дисертација се бави проучавањем утицаја климе на букове шуме у Републици Србији и Републици Српској. Буква је врста која подноси сушне периоде, али уколико се сушни периоди учестало понављају могу негативно утицати на прираст и виталност ових шума. С обзиром на повећање броја и трајања сушних периода, према различитим климатским сценаријима, у будућности  се може очекивати померање граница ареала букових састојина ка већим надморским висинама. Циљ овог рада био је истражити утицај климе на раст и виталност стабала букве у две различите климатске зоне (Илирска и Мезијска провинција), у зависности од вертикалног распрострањења букових шума (доња граница, еколошки оптимум и горња граница), сагледати дугорочни утицај температуре и падавина на раст и виталност и идентификовати утицај екстремних временских прилика на раст и виталност стабала букве.  Резултати су приказани појединачно по Докторска дисертација                                                                Стефан Стјепановић локалитетима, а затим су груписани и обједињени по географским зонама и надморским висинама. За сваки локалитет урађена је дескриптивна статистика за узоркована стабла, приказане су хронологије тих стабала и анализиране климатске карактеристике подручја. Ширина годова је стављена у корелацију са температурама ваздуха и са количином падавина. Анализиран је и утицај екстремних временских прилика на раст букових шума.  Резултати показују да је утицај климе на раст стабала букве израженији у мезијској него у илирској провинцији. Хронологије стабала са доње границе имају израженије пикове него хронологије стабала које се налазе у оптимуму и на горњој граници вертикалног распрострањења букових шума, што значи да је промена климе значајније утицала на ширину годова на нижим надморским висинама. У буковим шумама у Србији и Републици Српској постоји смањење ширине годова, односно дебљинског прираста у зависности од промене температуре ваздуха и количине падавина. Ово смањење је израженије на доњој граници и у оптимуму него на горњој граници вертикалног распрострањења букових шума, али није још увек великих размера да би утицало на померање ареала букових шума и повлачења букве на веће надморске висине. И у илирској и у мезијској провинцији у све три зоне вертикалног распрострањења букових шума забележено је смањење ширине годова у изразито сушним годинама, а код неких локалитета   забележено је смањење ширине годова и у годинама након изразито сушних година.Doktorska disertacija se bavi proučavanjem uticaja klime na bukove šume u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj. Bukva je vrsta koja podnosi sušne periode, ali ukoliko se sušni periodi učestalo ponavljaju mogu negativno uticati na prirast i vitalnost ovih šuma. S obzirom na povećanje broja i trajanja sušnih perioda, prema različitim klimatskim scenarijima, u budućnosti  se može očekivati pomeranje granica areala bukovih sastojina ka većim nadmorskim visinama. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti uticaj klime na rast i vitalnost stabala bukve u dve različite klimatske zone (Ilirska i Mezijska provincija), u zavisnosti od vertikalnog rasprostranjenja bukovih šuma (donja granica, ekološki optimum i gornja granica), sagledati dugoročni uticaj temperature i padavina na rast i vitalnost i identifikovati uticaj ekstremnih vremenskih prilika na rast i vitalnost stabala bukve.  Rezultati su prikazani pojedinačno po Doktorska disertacija                                                                Stefan Stjepanović lokalitetima, a zatim su grupisani i objedinjeni po geografskim zonama i nadmorskim visinama. Za svaki lokalitet urađena je deskriptivna statistika za uzorkovana stabla, prikazane su hronologije tih stabala i analizirane klimatske karakteristike područja. Širina godova je stavljena u korelaciju sa temperaturama vazduha i sa količinom padavina. Analiziran je i uticaj ekstremnih vremenskih prilika na rast bukovih šuma.  Rezultati pokazuju da je uticaj klime na rast stabala bukve izraženiji u mezijskoj nego u ilirskoj provinciji. Hronologije stabala sa donje granice imaju izraženije pikove nego hronologije stabala koje se nalaze u optimumu i na gornjoj granici vertikalnog rasprostranjenja bukovih šuma, što znači da je promena klime značajnije uticala na širinu godova na nižim nadmorskim visinama. U bukovim šumama u Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj postoji smanjenje širine godova, odnosno debljinskog prirasta u zavisnosti od promene temperature vazduha i količine padavina. Ovo smanjenje je izraženije na donjoj granici i u optimumu nego na gornjoj granici vertikalnog rasprostranjenja bukovih šuma, ali nije još uvek velikih razmera da bi uticalo na pomeranje areala bukovih šuma i povlačenja bukve na veće nadmorske visine. I u ilirskoj i u mezijskoj provinciji u sve tri zone vertikalnog rasprostranjenja bukovih šuma zabeleženo je smanjenje širine godova u izrazito sušnim godinama, a kod nekih lokaliteta   zabeleženo je smanjenje širine godova i u godinama nakon izrazito sušnih godina.The PhD thesis studies the climate influence on European beech forests in the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska. European beech is a species that tolerates droughts, but if the dry periods often recur, they can negatively affect growth and vitality of these forests. Considering the increasing number and the duration of dry periods, according to various climate scenarios, in the future it can be expected that areals of the beech stands will be moved to the higher altitudes.  The aim of this paper was to investigate the climatic effect on the growth and vitality of beech trees in two different climatic zones (Illyrian and Moesian provinces), depending on the vertical diffusion of beech forests (lower limit, ecological optimum and upper limit), considering the long-term influence of temperature and precipitation on growth and vitality and to identify the influence of extreme weather conditions on the growth and vitality of beech trees.  The results are presented separately by sites, and then they are classified and unified by geographical zones and altitudes. Descriptive statistics for the sampled trees has been done Докторска дисертација                                                                Стефан Стјепановић for each site, the chronologies of these trees were showed, and the climatic characteristics of the area were analyzed. The width of tree rings is correlated with the air temperatures and the amount of precipitation. The influence of extreme weather conditions on the growth of beech forests has also been analyzed.  The results show that the climatic influence on the growth of beech trees is stronger in the Moesian than in the Illyrian province. Chronology of trees of the lower limit has stronger peaks than the chronology of trees that are in the optimum and at the upper limit of the vertical diffusion of beech forests, which means that the climate change significantly influenced the width of the tree rings at lower altitudes. In beech forests in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska there is decrease in the width of the tree rings, i.e. the diameter growth depending on the change in air temperature and the amount of precipitation. This reduction is stronger at the lower limit and in the optimum than at the upper limit of the vertical diffusion of beech forests, but it is still not large-scaled to have the influence on the movement of areal of beech forests and the moving of beech to higher altitudes. In the Illyrian and Moesic provinces, in all three zones of vertical diffusion of beech forests, the decrease in the width of tree rings in the exceptionally droughty years has been recorded, and in some regions the decrease in the width of tree rings has also been recorded in years after extremely dry years

    Procjena recentnih gubitaka šume u Bosni i Hercegovini korištenjem Copernicus i Corine land cover baze podataka

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    The analysis of data from the first two decades of the 21st century shows that the area under forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina is gradually decreasing. In order to gain a detailed insight into this process, the paper will analyse the forest databases of the European satellite monitoring program Copernicus. This program, among other things, monitors the condition of forests in 39 European countries by using the High Resolution Layer (HRL). The HRL Forests database consists of 3 types of (status) products, and additional change products. The status products are available for the reference years 2012, 2015, and 2018. The status layers provide information on the Dominant Leaf Type and the Tree Cover Density at pixel level for the reference year 2018 in 10 m resolution. The Forest Type layer largely follows the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) forest definition. Also, the paper will use the data on forests from the CORINE Land Cover project for 2000, 2006, 2012 and 2018. The time-series includes a land change layer, highlighting changes in land cover and land use. The CLC Changes database will be analysed separately for three periods: 2000-2006, 2006-2012 and 2012-2018, due to more accurate data on forest losses. The results of the research show that forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina were reduced by 2.95%, in the period 2012-2018, where 2.55% of them were coniferous. Forests are primarily endangered by the process of conversion to transitional forest / shrub and fires.Analiza podataka iz prve dvije dekade 21. stoljeća pokazuje da se teritorija pod šumom u Bosni i Hercegovini postepeno smanjuje. Da bi dobili detaljan uvid u taj proces u radu će biti analizirana baza podataka o šumama Europskog satelitskog monitoring programa Copernicus. Ovaj program, između ostalog, prati stanje šuma u 39 europskih zemalja koristeći bazu podataka slojeva visoke rezolucije High Resolution Layer (HRL). HRL Forest baza podataka sadrži tri tipa (statusnih) produkata i dodatni produkt o promjenama. Statusni produkti su dostupni za 2012, 2015. i 2018. godinu. Statusni slojevi daju informacije o dominantnom tipu lista i gustini šumskog pokrivača na pikselskom nivou za referentnu godinu 2018. prostorne rezolucije 10 m. Forest Type sloj u najvećem dijelu prati FAO definiciju šume. Osim toga, u radu će biti korišteni podaci CORINE Land Cover (CLC) projekta za 2000, 2006, 2012. i 2018. godinu. Vremenska serija uključuje i sloj o promjenama, koji prikazuje promjene u tipovima površinske pokrovnosti i načinu korištenja zemljišta. Baza podataka o promjenama (CLC Changes) za sva tri perioda bit će analizirana zasebno: 2000-2006, 2006-2012. i 2012-2018, radi veće preciznosti podataka o gubitcima šumskog tla. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su šume u BiH u periodu 2012-2018. smanjile površinu za 2,95%, od čega su 2,55% četinari. Šume su najugroženije procesima konverzije u tranzicijsku šumu/šikaru i požarima


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    Tourist destinations are now faced with increased competition at the market and holders of tourist policy and offers have realized that understanding the factors that contribute to a better positioning in the market place, and therefore the competitiveness, is of crucial importance for further development. The aim of this paper is to determine how much Vojvodina is competitive as a rural tourism destination, and to assess the current state of all the factors that affect/could affect the competitiveness of rural tourism destinations in Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia). The total of 136 tourism experts were interviewed, and we concluded that the key resources and attraction of rural areas in Vojvodina are rated better than the macro and industry-related factors. This suggests that a rural development strategy should have a special bond with resources and attractions of the destination, that priority should be given to maintaining all aspects of safety and security, continuous improvement of services, diversity of culinary products, as well as the application of the principles of sustainability in environmental management. The work of national and provincial institutions should have the aim to ensure that the destination has a clear idea of where it is going and what it takes to become successful in the long term

    Usporedba strukture sastojina gospodarenih i prašumskih bukovih šuma Srbije

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    This study presents results of the comparison of structural and production characteristics of managed and virgin European beech forests in Serbia. Five managed and three virgin European beech stands were studied. The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the previous forest management on the structural diversity and production characteristics of managed European beech high forests in Serbia. The observed stands are located in the mountainous range of 400 to 1200 meters above sea level in the areas with the most productive beech forests in Serbia. Structural characteristics were compared using the following parameters: Height curves, Diameter distribution, Gini index, Coefficient of variation, Slenderness coefficient and maximum dimensions of standing living and dead trees. Stand density and productive characteristics were studied using the following forest estimation elements: number of trees, basal area, volume, biomass, carbon stock, stand quadratic mean diameter, Lorey’s mean height and volume of dead wood. The greatest differences were found in the dimensions of the largest trees in managed and virgin beech forests (diameters at breast height and heights). Certain differences were found in the shape of Height curves and Diameter distribution and in the values of Slenderness coefficient. However, the Gini index and the Coefficient of variation show that these managed beech forests in Serbia substantially preserve the primeval structural diversity. The differences in the average value of most forest estimation elements of managed beech high forests in Serbia compared to virgin beech forests are statistically significant, which tells us that the previous management had a significant impact on the changes in the production characteristics of these forests in Serbia.U radu se prikazuju rezultati usporedbe strukturnih i proizvodnih karakteristika bukovih sastojina gospodarskog i  prašumskog tipa u Srbiji. Istraživano je pet sastojina gospodarskog  i tri sastojine prašumskog tipa. Cilj ovog istraži­va­nja bio je utvrditi utjecaj prethodnog gospodarenja šumama na strukturnu raznolikost i proizvodne osobine visokih bukovih šuma u Srbiji. Istraživane sastojine nalaze se u planinskom rasponu od 400 do 1200 metara nadmorske visine u područjima gdje se nalaze najproduktivnije bukove šume u Srbiji (slika 1 i tablica 1). Strukturne karakteristike uspore­đe­ne su pomoću sljedećih parametara: visinske krivulje, debljinska struktura, Gini indeks, koeficijent varijacije, koeficijent vitkosti i maksimalne dimenzije dubećih živih i mrtvih stabla. Sastojinsku gustoću i produktivne osobine  proučavane su pomoću sljedećih procijenenih taksacijskih elemenata: broj stabala, temeljnica, volumen, biomasa, zaliha ugljika, srednji promjer po temeljnici, Lorajeva srednja visina i volumen mrtvog drveta. Najveće razlike pronađene su u dimenzijama najvećih stabala u bukovim sasatojinama gospodarskog i prašumskog tipa (tablica 4). Određene razlike pro­na­đene su u obliku visinskih krivulja i debljinskoj strukturi, i vrijednostima koeficijenta vitkosti (slike 2, 3, 4 i 5, i tablica 3).  Međutim, Ginijev indeks i koeficijent varijacije pokazuju da su bukove sastojine gospodarskog tipa u Srbiji u velikoj mjeri sačuvale iskonsku strukturnu raznolikost (tablica 2 i slika 6). Razlike u prosječnim vrijednostima taksacijskih elemenata sastojina gospodarskog tipa visokih bukovih šumama u Srbiji u odnosu na sastojine prašumskog tipa su statistički značajne, što nam govori da je prethodno gospodarenje imalo značajan utjecaj na promjene u proizvodnim karakteristikama ovih šuma u Srbiji (tablica 5)

    Modified Lignocellulosic Waste for the Amelioration of Water Quality: Adsorptive Removal of Congo Red and Nitrate Using Modified Poplar Sawdust

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    Since the synthetic dye Congo red and nitrate are notorious contributors to water pollution due to their persistent and potentially toxic nature, it is necessary to develop new efficient methods to remove them from water bodies. Native lignocellulosic materials as biosorbents are mostly inferior, i.e., the adsorption capacities of native materials are lower. Therefore, attempts have been made to improve the adsorption capacities of such materials by physical and/or chemical methods, including the production of biochar. In this study, adsorptive removal was investigated using a novel biosorbent (mPWS) obtained by modifying poplar (waste) sawdust through quaternisation. The characterisation of mPWS included SEM/EDX, FTIR, and MIP analysis. The adsorption of CR and nitrate onto mPWS was studied in a batch system, as a function of contact time (1–240 min), biosorbent concentration (1–8 g/dm3), and initial adsorbate concentration (25–200 mg/dm3). In all experiments, a high removal of both adsorbates, from 60 to over 90%, was achieved. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm models were used in order to describe equilibrium adsorption data, while pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetic models, and the intraparticle diffusion model, were used to describe possible adsorption mechanisms. The Langmuir model fit the adsorption data of CR well, while the nitrate adsorption process was better interpreted with the Freundlich isotherm model. The kinetics data for both CR and nitrate agreed with the pseudo-second-order kinetics model, while analysis using the intraparticle diffusion model indicated two rate-limiting steps during the adsorption process. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the tested novel biosorbent can be effectively used for the removal of CR and nitrate from water (with its adsorption capacities being 70.3 mg/g and 43.6 mg/g, respectively)

    Growth response of different tree species (oaks, beech and pine) from SE Europe to precipitation over time

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    Changing climatic conditions can have various consequences for forest ecosystems, from increasing frequencies of forest fires, ice and windstorm events to pathogen outbreaks and mass mortalities. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was chosen for the evaluation of drought impact on the radial growth of trees after extensive preliminary testing of various calculated monthly climate parameters from the CARPATCLIM database. SPI was calculated for periods between 3 and 36 months for different sites (lowland and mountainous parts of Serbia, Southeast Europe), from which Quercus robur, Q. cerris, Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris samples were acquired. Bootstrapped Pearson%s correlations between SPI monthly indices and radial growth of tree species were calculated. We found that 12-month SPI for summer months may be a good predictor of positive and negative growth of different species at different sites. The strongest positive correlations for five of six tree-ring width chronologies were between 12-month June and 14-month September SPI, which implies that high growth rates can be expected when the autumn of the previous year, and winter, spring and summer of the current year, are well supplied with precipitation, and vice versa (low precipitation in given period/low growth rates)

    The Impact of Adverse Weather and Climate on the Width of European Beech (<i>Fagus sylvatica</i> L.) Tree Rings in Southeastern Europe

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    European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is the most important deciduous tree species in Europe. According to different climate scenarios, there is a relatively high probability of a massive decline in and loss of beech forests in southern Europe and in the southern part of central Europe. Thus, the authors of this study explored the dynamics of tree diameter increments and the influence of extremely dry years on the width of tree rings. This study used dendroecological methods to analyze the growth and diameter increments of European beech trees at locations in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. The sampling was conducted along the vertical distribution of beech forests, at five sites at the lower limit of the distribution, at five optimal sites of the distribution, and at five sites at the upper limit of the distribution. Long-term analyses indicate that dry conditions during a growing season can reduce tree-ring width, but a reduction in tree growth can be expected as a result of more than one season of unfavorable conditions. Low temperatures in autumn and winter and prolonged winters can strongly affect upcoming vegetation and reduce tree development even under normal thermal conditions during a growing season