33 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness at High Speeds of a 20-Percent-chord Plain Trailing-edge Flap on the NACA 65-210 Airfoil Section

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    An analysis has been made of the lift-control effectiveness of a 20-percent-chord plain trailing-edge flap on the NACA 65-210 airfoil section from section lift-coefficient data obtained at Mach numbers from 0.3 to 0.875. In addition, the effectiveness of the plain flap as a lift-control device has been compared with the corresponding effectiveness of both a spoiler and a dive-recovery flag on the INCA 65-210 airfoil section

    Effects of Fixing Boundary-Layer Transition for a Swept- and a Triangular-Wing and Body Combination at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.40

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    The aerodynamic effects of fixing boundary-layer transition for a swept- and a triangular-wing configuration have been determined from tests of two small-scale wing-body models. The wings had an aspect ratio of 2.99 and 3-percent-thick biconvex sections. Lift, pitching-moment, and drag data were obtained at Mach numbers ranging from 0.60 to 1.40 for angles of attack between -2 deg and about 15 deg. The Reynolds number of the tests was generally 1.5 million; however, minimum drag measurements were made for both models over a range of Reynolds numbers from 1.0 million to about 3.0 or 4.0 million

    Effects of Sting-Support Diameter on the Base Pressures of an Elliptic Cone at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.40

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    Measurements were made to determine the effects of sting-support diameter on the base pressures of an elliptic cone with ratio of cross-section thickness to width of 1/3 and a plan-form, semi-apex angle of 15 deg. The investigation was made for model angles of attack from -2 deg to +20 deg at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.40, and for a constant Reynolds number of 1.4 million, based on the length of the model. The results indicated that the sting interference decreased the base axial-force coefficients by substantial amounts up to a maximum of about one-third the value of the coefficient for no sting interference. There was no practical diameter of the sting for which the effects of the sting on the base pressures would be negligible throughout the Mach number and angle-of-attack ranges of the investigation

    Longitudinal Force and Moment Data at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 1.40 for a Family of Elliptic Cones with Various Semiapex Angles

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    An investigation has been made to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of four elliptic cones having plan-form semiapex angles ranging from about 9 to 31 deg., and also for one of these cones modified on the upper surface to reduce the base area by about one half. The tests were made for angles of attack from about -2 to +21 deg., at Mach numbers from 0.60 to 1.40, and for a constant Reynolds number of 1.4 million, based on the length of the models. For each model, lift, pitching-moment, and drag coefficients, and lift-drag ratios are presented for the forebody, and axial-force coefficients are presented for the base. Calculated lift and pitching- moment curves for the elliptic cones, and lift-curve slopes for each model at supersonic Mach numbers are shown for comparison with the corresponding experimental values. Lift-drag ratios are also given for the forebody and base combined. These data are presented without discussion