1,205 research outputs found

    Improving range resolution with a frequency-hopping technique

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    Range resolution of a conventional pulsed Doppler radar is determined by the scattering volume defined by the transmitted pulse shape. To increase the resolution, the length of the pulse must be reduced. Reducing the pulse length also reduces the transmitted power and hense the signal to noise ratio unless the peak power capability of the transmitter is greatly increased. Improved range resolution may also be attained through the use of various pulse coding methods, but such methods are sometimes difficult to implement from a hardware standpoint. The frequency-hopping (F-H) technique described increases the range resolution of pulse Doppler MST (mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) radar without the need for extensive modifications to the radar transmitter. This technique consists of sending a repeated sequence of pulses, each pulse in the sequence being transmitted at a unique radio frequency that is under the control of a microcomputer. This technique is discussed along with other radar parameters

    Hardware schemes for fast Fourier transform, part 7.4A

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    Real-time fast fourier transformer (FFT) processing of a MST radar data and cost-effective approaches to hardware FFT generation were studied. Previously devised hardware FFT configurations are described including the estimated number of chips used and the time required to perform a 1024-point FFT. The remaining entries in the table correspond to original designs, which presuppose the availability of a microcomputer and a modestly complicated hardware peripheral. These original designs, all of which implement a radix-4 FFT with twiddle factors, are assigned model numbers to make them easier to refer to

    Component test program for variable-cycle engines

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    Variable cycle engine (VCE) concepts for a supersonic cruise aircraft were studied. These VCE concepts incorporate unique critical components and flow path arrangements that provide good performance at both supersonic and subsonic cruise and appear to be economically and environmentally viable. Certain technologies were identified as critical to the successful development of these engine concepts and require considerable development and testing. The feasibility and readiness of the most critical VCE technologies, was assessed, a VCE component test program was initiated. The variable stream control engine (VSCE) component test program, tested and evaluated an efficient low emission duct burner and a quiet coannular ejector nozzle at the rear of a rematched F100 engine

    EVAA: A platform for experimental virtual archeological-acoustics to study the influence of performance space

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    International audienceResearch in historical musical acoustics has for several decades focused significantly on instrument fabrication. Such research has been able to highlight the acoustical impact of material and construction choices. Musicolog-ical studies have concentrated in parallel on understanding historical notation, playing styles, and even changes in musician posture over the centuries. In studying player and listener conditions in these historical studies, little attention has been given to the acoustical conditions of the performance, aside from extreme cases such as cathedral acoustic conditions. Extending the methodologies of experimental archaeology, recent advances in computational accuracy of acoustic virtual reality simulations offer the possibility to create ecologically valid reconstructions of historic sites. We present the development of an interactive immersive real-time simulator allowing musicians to perform "live" within virtual reconstructions of historic venues, comprising real-time adaptation of source directives with performer movements, rendered in Higher Order Ambisonics. Observations of the impact of acoustic variations on player performance, and the comparisons of the resulting performance between historically suitable venues and modern performance spaces from an audience perspective will complete the feedback loop between performer and listener necessary for a full understanding of the historical musical context

    Hybrid Thermal Lance

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    The Hybrid Thermal Lance (HTL) is a device used to burn through landmines to destroy them safely. Designed for the team’s client, The HALO Trust, the HTL has proven to work well in destroying explosives, which has been demonstrated by field trials conducted in a number of countries including but not limited to Afghanistan and the Republic of Georgia. The HTL works by igniting acrylic burn tubes, which act as a fuel source and also focus the flame on a specific location on an explosive device. The system is controlled via a user-friendly, rugged control box that can run the HTL automatically and allow the device to burn for different lengths of time upon user command. The team was asked by HALO to make the HTL as user-friendly as possible. In order to do this, the team has been researching ways to make the ignition system as reliable as possible so the device works every time. The team plans to move forward in testing and refining the ignition system and the control circuit in order to give the client a trouble-free device. Future plans include designing a fixture that can be fitted over the end of the HTL burn tube which can focus the heat of the flame for a more concentrated burn.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2020/1022/thumbnail.jp

    The role of raffinose in the cold acclimation response of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    AbstractIn many plants raffinose family oligosaccharides are accumulated during cold acclimation. The contribution of raffinose accumulation to freezing tolerance is not clear. Here, we investigated whether synthesis of raffinose is an essential component for acquiring frost tolerance. We created transgenic lines of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Columbia-0 and Cape Verde Islands constitutively overexpressing a galactinol synthase (GS) gene from cucumber. GS overexpressing lines contained up to 20 times as much raffinose as the respective wild-type under non-acclimated conditions and up to 2.3 times more after 14 days of cold acclimation at 4 °C. Furthermore, we used a mutant carrying a knockout of the endogenous raffinose synthase (RS) gene. Raffinose was completely absent in this mutant. However, neither the freezing tolerance of non-acclimated leaves, nor their ability to cold acclimate were influenced in the RS mutant or in the GS overexpressing lines. We conclude that raffinose is not essential for basic freezing tolerance or for cold acclimation of A. thaliana

    Potencijalna profilaktička uloga aminogvanidina u diabetičkoj retinopatiji i nefropatiji u eksperimentalnih životinja

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    This study sought to determine the potential prophylactic and antioxidant effects of aminoguanidine in experimentally induced diabetes. Four groups of Wistar rats, each composed of ten rats, were used. Two groups served as control. In group 3, diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (65 mg kg1). In group 4, diabetes was induced and treated with aminoguanidine 100 mg kg1 daily orally for 3 months. Levels of serum glucose, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and erythrocytes catalase were analyzed on day 90 of the experiment. Retinal and kidney specimens were examined histopathologically after sacrifice of the animals. A significant antioxidant effect of aminoguanidine and its prophylactic role in diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy were observed in experimental animals.U ovom radu ispitivano je potencijalno profilaktičko i antioksidativno djelovanje aminogvanidina u eksperimentalno induciranom dijabetesu. Ispitivanja su provedena na četiri skupine od 10 štakora. Dvije skupine bile su kontrolne skupine, u trećoj skupini dijabetes je induciran jednokratnom intraperitonealnom injekcijom streptozotocina 65 mg kg1, a u četvrtoj dijabetes je induciran i tretiran aminogvanidinom 100 mg kg1 dnevno, peroralno, tijekom 3 mjeseca. Devedeseti dan eksperimenta analizirane su koncentracije glukoze u serumu, glutation peroksidaze, glutation reduktaze i eritrocitne katalaze. Životinje su žrtvovane, a uzorci retine i bubrega ispitivani su histopatologiški. Uočen je značajni antioksidativni učinak aminogvanidina i njegova profilaktička uloga u dijabetičkoj retinopatiji i nefropatiji

    Realization of the farad from the dc quantum Hall effect with digitally-assisted impedance bridges

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    A new traceability chain for the derivation of the farad from dc quantum Hall effect has been implemented at INRIM. Main components of the chain are two new coaxial transformer bridges: a resistance ratio bridge, and a quadrature bridge, both operating at 1541 Hz. The bridges are energized and controlled with a polyphase direct-digital-synthesizer, which permits to achieve both main and auxiliary equilibria in an automated way; the bridges and do not include any variable inductive divider or variable impedance box. The relative uncertainty in the realization of the farad, at the level of 1000 pF, is estimated to be 64E-9. A first verification of the realization is given by a comparison with the maintained national capacitance standard, where an agreement between measurements within their relative combined uncertainty of 420E-9 is obtained.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 3 table