617 research outputs found

    A simple model of space radiation damage in GaAs solar cells

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    A simple model is derived for the radiation damage of shallow junction gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cells. Reasonable agreement is found between the model and specific experimental studies of radiation effects with electron and proton beams. In particular, the extreme sensitivity of the cell to protons stopping near the cell junction is predicted by the model. The equivalent fluence concept is of questionable validity for monoenergetic proton beams. Angular factors are quite important in establishing the cell sensitivity to incident particle types and energies. A fluence of isotropic incidence 1 MeV electrons (assuming infinite backing) is equivalent to four times the fluence of normal incidence 1 MeV electrons. Spectral factors common to the space radiations are considered, and cover glass thickness required to minimize the initial damage for a typical cell configuration is calculated. Rough equivalence between the geosynchronous environment and an equivalent 1 MeV electron fluence (normal incidence) is established

    Computer simulation of radiation damage in gallium arsenide

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    A version of the binary-collision simulation code MARLOWE was used to study the spatial characteristics of radiation damage in proton and electron irradiated gallium arsenide. Comparisons made with the experimental results proved to be encouraging

    Defining Federal Crimes – Chapters 2-4

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    These are three chapters from a forthcoming Federal Criminal Law casebook that will focus on institutional interactions – between Congress and the courts; the courts and prosecutors, and among elements within the federal enforcement bureaucracy. Chapter 2 focuses on criminal jurisdiction under the Commerce Clause. Chapter 3 generally considers how separation of powers issues play out in the interpretation of federal criminal statutes. Chapter 4 explores mail and wire fraud

    Cloud droplets to drizzle: Contribution of transition drops to microphysical and optical properties of marine stratocumulus clouds

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    Aircraft measurements of the ubiquitous marine stratocumulus cloud type, with over 3000 km of in situ data from the Pacific during the Cloud System Evolution in the Trades experiment, show the ability of the Holographic Detector for Clouds (HOLODEC) instrument to smoothly interpolate the small and large droplet data collected with Cloud Droplet Probe and 2DC instruments. The combined, comprehensive instrument suite reveals a surprisingly large contribution in the predrizzle size range of 40–80 μm (transition droplets, or drizzlets), a range typically not measured and assumed to reside in a condensation‐to‐collision minimum between cloud droplet and drizzle modes. Besides shedding light on the onset of collision coalescence, drizzlets are essential contributors to optical and chemical properties because of a substantial contribution to the total surface area. When adjusted to match spatial resolution of spaceborne remote sensing, the missing drizzlets bring in situ measurements to closer agreement with satellite observations

    Ice Initiation by Aerosol Particles: Measured and Predicted Ice Nuclei Concentrations versus Measured Ice Crystal Concentrations in an Orographic Wave Cloud

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    The initiation of ice in an isolated orographic wave cloud was compared with expectations based on ice nucleating aerosol concentrations and with predictions from new ice nucleation parameterizations applied in a cloud parcel model. Measurements of ice crystal number concentrations were found to be in good agreement both with measured number concentrations of ice nuclei feeding the clouds and with ice nuclei number concentrations determined from the residual nuclei of cloud particles collected by a counterflow virtual impactor. Using lognormal distributions fitted to measured aerosol size distributions and measured aerosol chemical compositions, ice nuclei and ice crystal concentrations in the wave cloud were reasonably well predicted in a 1D parcel model framework. Two different empirical parameterizations were used in the parcel model: a parameterization based on aerosol chemical type and surface area and a parameterization that links ice nuclei number concentrations to the number concentrations of particles with diameters larger than 0.5 μm. This study shows that aerosol size distribution and composition measurements can be used to constrain ice initiation by primary nucleation in models. The data and model results also suggest the likelihood that the dust particle mode of the aerosol size distribution controls the number concentrations of the heterogeneous ice nuclei, at least for the lower temperatures examined in this case

    Bi-Stability, Hysteresis, and Memory of Voltage-Gated Lysenin Channels

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    Lysenin, a 297 amino acid pore-forming protein extracted from the coelomic fluid of the earthworm E. foetida, inserts constitutively open large conductance channels in natural and artificial lipid membranes containing sphingomyelin. The inserted channels show voltage regulation and slowly close at positive applied voltages. We report on the consequences of slow voltage-induced gating of lysenin channels inserted into a planar Bilayer Lipid Membrane (BLM), and demonstrate that these pore-forming proteins constitute memory elements that manifest gating bi-stability in response to variable external voltages. The hysteresis in macroscopic currents dynamically changes when the time scale of the voltage variation is smaller or comparable to the characteristic conformational equilibration time, and unexpectedly persists for extremely slow-changing external voltage stimuli. The assay performed on a single lysenin channel reveals that hysteresis is a fundamental feature of the individual channel unit and an intrinsic component of the gating mechanism. The investigation conducted at different temperatures reveals a thermally stable reopening process, suggesting that major changes in the energy landscape and kinetics diagram accompany the conformational transitions of the channels. Our work offers new insights on the dynamics of pore-forming proteins and provides an understanding of how channel proteins may form an immediate record of the molecular history which then determines their future response to various stimuli. Such new functionalities may uncover a link between molecular events and macroscopic processing and transmission of information in cells, and may lead to applications such as high density biologically-compatible memories and learning networks

    Multi-couple group and self-directed PREP formats enhance relationship satisfaction and improve anger management skills in Air Force couples

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    This study examined the effectiveness of delivering the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) to volunteer couples in the U.S. Air Force in either a six-week instructional multi-couple group condition or a self-directed book condition. A standardized pre/post protocol was employed and outcomes included relationship satisfaction and anger management skills, two known risk factors for partner maltreatment. Significant improvement was found for the group condition in both relationship satisfaction and anger management skills, but only for anger management skills in the self-directed book condition. Finally, the group condition reported greater program satisfaction. Implications are discussed

    Cotton Variety Tests in the El Paso Valley, 1943-48.

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    18 p

    DNA polymerases ζ and Rev1 mediate error-prone bypass of non-B DNA structures

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    DNA polymerase ζ (Pol ζ) and Rev1 are key players in translesion DNA synthesis. The error-prone Pol ζ can also participate in replication of undamaged DNA when the normal replisome is impaired. Here we define the nature of the replication disturbances that trigger the recruitment of error-prone polymerases in the absence of DNA damage and describe the specific roles of Rev1 and Pol ζ in handling these disturbances. We show that Pol ζ/Rev1-dependent mutations occur at sites of replication stalling at short repeated sequences capable of forming hairpin structures. The Rev1 deoxycytidyl transferase can take over the stalled replicative polymerase and incorporate an additional ‘C’ at the hairpin base. Full hairpin bypass often involves template-switching DNA synthesis, subsequent realignment generating multiply mismatched primer termini and extension of these termini by Pol ζ. The postreplicative pathway dependent on polyubiquitylation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen provides a backup mechanism for accurate bypass of these sequences that is primarily used when the Pol ζ/Rev1-dependent pathway is inactive. The results emphasize the pivotal role of noncanonical DNA structures in mutagenesis and reveal the long-sought-after mechanism of complex mutations that represent a unique signature of Pol ζ