121 research outputs found

    Determinants of sexual risk behaviour among HIV-infected individuals across different health service settings in Cape Town

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 59-66).Sexual risk behaviour is the underlying driving force of HIV transmission. The discovery and introduction of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has led to significant changes in the treatment and management of HIV, the benefits of which manifest as reduced viral load and consequently attenuated morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected individuals. As the benefits of ART are realized, prevention research is increasingly focusing on the sexual risk behaviour of subpopulations of HIV-infected individuals with known positive serostatus, who are at high risk of transmitting HIV. This study examines the levels of sexual risk behaviour of HIV-infected individuals seeking care across different service settings in Cape Town, South Africa. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the risk factors associated with sexual activity that could lead to secondary transmission

    Coverage of prevention of mother-to-child transmission services in Cape Town, South Africa

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    Includes bibliographical references.The effectiveness of prevention of mother-to-child of HIV (PMTCT) programmes depends on the successful coverage of a series of interventions through pregnancy, intrapartum and postpartum. Routine monitoring systems based on service data and limited to women on the PMTCT programme may overestimate intervention coverage at multiple points along this cascade. Methods: Cord blood specimens with individually linked anonymous demographic and pregnancy data were collected from three delivery services in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, and screened for HIV. Seropositive specimens were tested for the presence of antiretrovirals

    Acceptability, feasibility and impact of routine screening to detect undiagnosed HIV infection in 17 - 24-month-old children in the western sub-district of Cape Town

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore the acceptability and feasibility of routine HIV screening in children at primary healthcare clinics and ascertain the prevalence of previously undiagnosed HIV infection in 17 - 24 month old children accessing curative and routine services. METHODS: A survey was conducted in 4 primary health clinics in the western sub-district of Cape Town. Rapid HIV screening of 17 - 24 month old children was performed for consenting caregiver-child pairs. Data on demographics, child health and antenatal history were collected using questionnaires. RESULTS: During recruitment, 358 children (72%) were tested for HIV infection. Most of the children (95.8%) were accompanied by a parent. The prevalence of reported HIV exposure among children was 21% (107/499). Of these, 3 had previously confirmed HIV infection; 1 was reportedly confirmed by a 6-week HIV test, and the other 2 probably contracted the virus via late post-partum transmission. The overall transmission rate was 3.5% (3/86) and the confirmed proportion of HIV-infected children was 0.8% (3/361). No previously unknown HIV infection was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Programmes to prevent mother-to-child transmission are effective, but at-risk infants who test negative at 6 weeks should be monitored for subsequent seroconversion. Parents of HIV-exposed infants are more likely to permit (re)testing of their infants than those whose offspring are not at risk. Routine HIV testing of children is feasible and acceptable at primary level, but may require additional resources to achieve universal coverage. Routine screening at an earlier age may detect previously undiagnosed HIV infection

    Integration of antiretroviral therapy services into antenatal care increases treatment initiation during pregnancy: a cohort study

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    Objectives Initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) during pregnancy is critical to promote maternal health and prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT). The separation of services for antenatal care (ANC) and ART may hinder antenatal ART initiation. We evaluated ART initiation during pregnancy under different service delivery models in Cape Town, South Africa. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using routinely collected clinic data. Three models for ART initiation in pregnancy were evaluated ART ‘integrated’ into ANC, ART located ‘proximal’ to ANC, and ART located some distance away from ANC (‘distal’). Kaplan-Meier methods and Poisson regression were used to examine the association between service delivery model and antenatal ART initiation. RESULTS: Among 14 617 women seeking antenatal care in the three services, 30% were HIV-infected and 17% were eligible for ART based on CD4 cell count <200 cells/µL. A higher proportion of women started ART antenatally in the integrated model compared to the proximal or distal models (55% vs 38% vs 45%, respectively, global p = 0.003). After adjusting for age and gestation at first ANC visit, women who at the integrated service were significantly more likely to initiate ART antenatally (rate ratio 1.33; 95% confidence interval: 1.09-1.64) compared to women attending the distal model; there was no difference between the proximal and distal models in antenatal ART initiation however (p = 0.704). CONCLUSIONS: Integration of ART initiation into ANC is associated with higher levels of ART initiation in pregnancy. This and other forms of service integration may represent a valuable intervention to enhance PMTCT and maternal health

    Acceptability, feasibility and impact of routine screening to detect undiagnosed HIV infection in 17 - 24-month-old children in the western sub-district of Cape Town

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    Objectives. To explore the acceptability and feasibility of routine HIV screening in children at primary healthcare clinics and ascertain the prevalence of previously undiagnosed HIV infection in 17 - 24 month old children accessing curative and routine services. Methods. A survey was conducted in 4 primary health clinics in the western sub-district of Cape Town. Rapid HIV screening of 17 - 24 month old children was performed for consenting caregiver-child pairs. Data on demographics, child health and antenatal history were collected using questionnaires. Results. During recruitment, 358 children (72%) were tested for HIV infection. Most of the children (95.8%) were accompanied by a parent. The prevalence of reported HIV exposure among children was 21% (107/499). Of these, 3 had previously confirmed HIV infection; 1 was reportedly confirmed by a 6-week HIV test, and the other 2 probably contracted the virus via late post-partum transmission. The overall transmission rate was 3.5% (3/86) and the confirmed proportion of HIV-infected children was 0.8% (3/361). No previously unknown HIV infection was detected. Conclusions. Programmes to prevent mother-to-child transmission are effective, but at-risk infants who test negative at 6 weeks should be monitored for subsequent seroconversion. Parents of HIV-exposed infants are more likely to permit (re)testing of their infants than those whose offspring are not at risk. Routine HIV testing of children is feasible and acceptable at primary level, but may require additional resources to achieve universal coverage. Routine screening at an earlier age may detect previously undiagnosed HIV infection

    Improving men's participation in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV as a maternal, neonatal, and child health priority in South Africa

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    Wessel van den Berg and colleagues outline how increasing male partner involvement in efforts to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission in South Africa may improve maternal and infant outcomes

    South African medical students’ perspectives on COVID-19 and clinical training

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted clinical training programmes for medical students globally. Continuation of clinical training is important but should be weighed against the risk of transmission of COVID- 19 infection from students to susceptible peers, healthcare workers (HCWs) and patients. Furthermore, teaching of medical students may place an additional burden on busy clinicians during the pandemic and increase utilisation of personal protective equipment (PPE).(2–5) All South African universities, including medical faculties, were forced to close when a national lockdown was implemented in March 2020. The Stellenbosch University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (SU-FMHS) implemented a phased return to clinical training for senior students in May 2020 to ensure timely graduation; all other medical students continued the academic year via online learning. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of SU-FMHS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) students’ attitudes to and perceptions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and clinical training.https://journals.co.za/journal/wjcmam2021Paediatrics and Child Healt

    Offspring of parents with chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain, health, psychological, and family outcomes

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    Offspring of parents with chronic pain may be at risk for poorer outcomes than offspring of healthy parents. The objective of this research was to provide a comprehensive mixed-methods systematic synthesis of all available research on outcomes in offspring of parents with chronic pain. A systematic search was conducted for published articles in English examining pain, health, psychological, or family outcomes in offspring of parents with chronic pain. Fifty-nine eligible articles were identified (31 population-based, 25 clinical, 3 qualitative), including offspring from birth to adulthood and parents with varying chronic pain diagnoses (eg, mixed pain samples, arthritis). Meta-analysis was used to synthesize the results from population-based and clinical studies, while meta-ethnography was used to synthesize the results of qualitative studies. Increased pain complaints were found in offspring of mothers and of fathers with chronic pain and when both parents had chronic pain. Newborns of mothers with chronic pain were more likely to have adverse birth outcomes, including low birthweight, preterm delivery, caesarian section, intensive care admission, and mortality. Offspring of parents with chronic pain had greater externalizing and internalizing problems and poorer social competence and family outcomes. No significant differences were found on teacher-reported externalizing problems. The meta-ethnography identified 6 key concepts (developing independence, developing compassion, learning about health and coping, missing out, emotional health, and struggles communicating with parents). Across study designs, offspring of parents with chronic pain had poorer outcomes than other offspring, although the meta-ethnography noted some constructive impact of having a parent with chronic pain. &copy; 2015 International Association for the Study of Pain

    A comprehensive categorical and bibliometric analysis of published research articles on pediatric pain from 1975 to 2010

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    The field of pediatric pain research began in the mid-1970s and has undergone significant growth and development in recent years as evidenced by the variety of books, conferences, and journals on the topic and also the number of disciplines engaged in work in this area. Using categorical and bibliometric meta-trend analysis, this study offers a synthesis of research on pediatric pain published between 1975 and 2010 in peer-reviewed journals. Abstracts from 4256 articles, retrieved from Web of Science, were coded across 4 categories: article type, article topic, type and age of participants, and pain stimulus. The affiliation of the first author and number of citations were also gathered. The results suggest a significant increase in the number of publications over the time period investigated, with 96% of the included articles published since 1990 and most research being multiauthored publications in pain-focused journals. First authors were most often from the United States and affiliated with a medical department. Most studies were original research articles; the most frequent topics were pain characterization (39.86%), pain intervention (37.49%), and pain assessment (25.00%). Clinical samples were most frequent, with participants most often characterized as children (6-12 years) or adolescents (13-18 years) experiencing chronic or acute pain. The findings provide a comprehensive overview of contributions in the field of pediatric pain research over 35 years and offers recommendations for future research in the area. &copy; 2015 International Association for the Study of Pain

    Health Facility Characteristics and Their Relationship to Coverage of PMTCT of HIV Services across Four African Countries: The PEARL Study

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    Background: Health facility characteristics associated with effective prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) coverage in sub-Saharan are poorly understood. Methodology/Principal Findings: We conducted surveys in health facilities with active PMTCT services in Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, South Africa, and Zambia. Data was compiled via direct observation and exit interviews. We constructed composite scores to describe provision of PMTCT services across seven topical areas: antenatal quality, PMTCT quality, supplies available, patient satisfaction, patient understanding of medication, and infrastructure quality. Pearson correlations and Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) to account for clustering of facilities within countries were used to evaluate the relationship between the composite scores, total time of visit and select individual variables with PMTCT coverage among women delivering. Between July 2008 and May 2009, we collected data from 32 facilities; 78 % were managed by the government health system. An opt-out approach for HIV testing was used in 100 % of facilities in Zambia, 63 % in Cameroon, and none in Côte d’Ivoire or South Africa. Using Pearson correlations, PMTCT coverage (median of 55%, (IQR: 33–68) was correlated with PMTCT quality score (rho = 0.51; p = 0.003); infrastructure quality score (rho = 0.43; p = 0.017); time spent at clinic (rho = 0.47
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