2,595 research outputs found
The U.S. Science and Technology Workforce
[Excerpt] In the 21st century, global competition and rapid advances in science and technology will challenge the scientific and technical proficiency of the U.S. workforce. Policymakers often discuss policy actions that could enhance the nation’s science and technology (S&T) workforce— deemed by some as essential to both meet U.S. workforce demands as well as to generate the new ideas that lead to improved and new industries that create jobs.
The America COMPETES Act (P.L. 110-69) addresses concerns regarding the S&T workforce and STEM education, and the 111th Congress is debating funding for the programs authorized within it. Policymaker discussions tend to focus on three issues: demographic trends and the future S&T talent pool, the current S&T workforce and changing workforce needs, and the influence of foreign S&T students and workers on the U.S. S&T workforce. Many perspectives exist, however, on the supply and demand of scientists and engineers. Some question the fundamental premise that any action is necessary at all regarding U.S. competitiveness. They question whether or not the S&T workforce and STEM education are problems at all.
The first issue of demographic trends and the future S&T talent pool revolves around whether the quality of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education received by all Americans at the pre-college level is of sufficient quality that workers are available to satisfy current and future workforce needs. In response, some policymakers propose taking actions to increase the number of Americans interested in the S&T workforce. These policies are motivated by demographic trends that indicate the pool of future workers will be far more diverse than the current STEM workforce. Proposed policies would take actions to enhance the quality of STEM education these Americans receive so they are able to consider S&T careers, and to recruit them into the S&T workforce.
The second issue regarding the current S&T workforce and changing workforce needs tend to focus on whether or not the number of Americans pursuing post-secondary STEM degrees is sufficient to meet future workforce needs compared to students in countries considered to be U.S. competitors. The goal of proposed policies responding to this concern to reinvigorate and retrain Americans currently trained in science and engineering who voluntarily or involuntarily are no longer part of the current STEM workforce.
The third issue focuses on whether or not the presence of foreign S&T students and workers is necessary to meet the nation’s workforce needs and attract the best and brightest to bring their ideas to the United States, or if the presence of such individuals adversely affects the U.S. S&T students and workers. Policy discussions focus on immigration policy, primarily increasing the ability of foreign STEM students currently in U.S. universities to more easily obtain permanent admission, and increasing the number of temporary worker visas available so more talent from abroad can be recruited to the United States.
The challenge facing policymakers when making decisions regarding the S&T workforce is that science, engineering, and economic conditions are constantly changing, both in terms of workforce needs as well as the skills the STEM workforce needs to be marketable relative to demand
Allosteric Regulation Alters Carrier Domain Translocation in Pyruvate Carboxylase
Pyruvate carboxylase (PC) catalyzes the ATP-dependent carboxylation of pyruvate to oxaloacetate. The reaction occurs in two separate catalytic domains, coupled by the long-range translocation of a biotinylated carrier domain (BCCP). Here, we use a series of hybrid PC enzymes to examine multiple BCCP translocation pathways in PC. These studies reveal that the BCCP domain of PC adopts a wide range of translocation pathways during catalysis. Furthermore, the allosteric activator, acetyl CoA, promotes one specific intermolecular carrier domain translocation pathway. These results provide a basis for the ordered thermodynamic state and the enhanced carboxyl group transfer efficiency in the presence of acetyl CoA, and reveal that the allosteric effector regulates enzyme activity by altering carrier domain movement. Given the similarities with enzymes involved in the modular synthesis of natural products, the allosteric regulation of carrier domain movements in PC is likely to be broadly applicable to multiple important enzyme systems
Migrating to Cloud-Native Architectures Using Microservices: An Experience Report
Migration to the cloud has been a popular topic in industry and academia in
recent years. Despite many benefits that the cloud presents, such as high
availability and scalability, most of the on-premise application architectures
are not ready to fully exploit the benefits of this environment, and adapting
them to this environment is a non-trivial task. Microservices have appeared
recently as novel architectural styles that are native to the cloud. These
cloud-native architectures can facilitate migrating on-premise architectures to
fully benefit from the cloud environments because non-functional attributes,
like scalability, are inherent in this style. The existing approaches on cloud
migration does not mostly consider cloud-native architectures as their
first-class citizens. As a result, the final product may not meet its primary
drivers for migration. In this paper, we intend to report our experience and
lessons learned in an ongoing project on migrating a monolithic on-premise
software architecture to microservices. We concluded that microservices is not
a one-fit-all solution as it introduces new complexities to the system, and
many factors, such as distribution complexities, should be considered before
adopting this style. However, if adopted in a context that needs high
flexibility in terms of scalability and availability, it can deliver its
promised benefits
Inventory Control System
This report explains the paper inventory control system designed and developed for Venetian Marble and Granite. The system implements new methods in generating work orders, new labels for the marble pieces, new clipboard stations for tracking, new storage rack numbering, and Microsoft Access as the foundation to the entire system. The group highly recommends that Venetian integrates the paper inventory control system into their company as soon as possible in order to reap its benefits
Effects Of Implementing A Clinical Pharmacist Service In A Mixed Norwegian Icu
Цели: Неприемливо висок процент пациенти, приети в отделения по интензивно лечение (ОИЛ), развиват свързани с приема на лекарства проблеми (СЛП). СЛП могат да причинят увреждания и да увеличат разноските и продължителността на престоя. Доказано е, че въвеждането на клинично фармацевтично обслужване разкрива голям брой СЛП и ефективно допринася за разрешаването на същите в различни системи на здравеопазване. Обаче това не е проучено в перспектива в смесени третични норвежки ОИЛ.Методи: През 12-месечен период от м. октомври 2012 г. насетне един клиничен фармацевт се посвети на прегледи на лекарства 3 часа на ден (от понеделник до петък). СЛП бяха докладвани на срещата на ОИЛ и включваха консултация от страна на фармацевта за всеки отделен случай. Всички СЛП бяха категоризирани и клиничното въздействие бе документирано за по-нататъшен анализ. Бяха категоризирани свързаните с лекарства въпроси от страна на персонала и бе даден отговор на същите.Резултати: 363 от 549 приети в ОИЛ пациенти получиха рецензии за лекарствата. Бяха установени 641 СЛП у 194 от тези пациенти (средно по 1,8 СЛП на пациент, диапазон 0-25). Сред най-често установените СЛП бяха твърде високи дози, значими взаимодействия на лекарства и ненужни или неподходящи лекарства. 87% от консултациите, дадени от страна на фармацевта, бяха приети или взети предвид. Типичните въпроси от страна на медицинските сестри бяха свързани с приготвянето на лекарства, генерични еквиваленти и прием на лекарства. Въпросите от страна на лекарите най-често бяха свързани с дозировката на лекарствата, ефикасността и нежеланите ефекти.Изводи: Добавянето на специален клиничен фармацевт към екипа на ОИЛ подобрява качеството и безопасността на лекарствата в смесеното норвежко ОИЛ.Objectives: An unacceptably high proportion of patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) develop drug-related problems (DRPs). DRPs might cause harm and increase costs and length of stay. The implementation of a clinical pharmacist service has been shown to detect a high number of DRPs and contributes effectively to solving these across different healthcare systems. However, this has not been prospectively studied in a mixed tertiary Norwegian ICU.Methods: During a 12-month period from October 2012, a clinical pharmacist was dedicated to review medications 3 h daily (Monday to Friday). DRPs were reported at the ICU conference and included advice by the pharmacist for each case. All DRPs were categorized and the clinical impact was documented for later analysis. Drug-related questions from the staff were categorised and answered.Results: 363 of 549 patients admitted to the ICU received medication reviews. 641 DRPs were detected in 194 of these patients (mean 1.8 DRPs per patient, range 0-25). Too high a dose, significant drug interactions and unnecessary or inappropriate drugs were among the most frequently detected DRPs. 87% of advice given by the pharmacist was accepted or taken into consideration. Typical questions from the nursing staff were related to drug preparation, generic equivalents and drug administration. Questions from doctors were most frequently related to drug dosage, efficiency and adverse effects.Conclusions: The addition of a dedicated clinical pharmacist to the ICU team improves the quality and safety of medication in a mixed Norwegian ICU
Challenges recruiting to a proof-of-concept pharmaceutical trial for a rare disease: The trigeminal neuralgia experience
Background: This study aimed to describe recruitment challenges encountered during a phase IIa study of vixotrigine, a state and use-dependent Nav1.7 channel blocker, in individuals with trigeminal neuralgia. Methods: This was an international, multicenter, placebo-controlled, randomized withdrawal study that included a 7-day run-in period, a 21-day open-label phase, and a 28-day double-blind phase in which patients (planned n = 30) were randomized to vixotrigine or placebo. Before recruitment, all antiepileptic drugs had to be stopped, except for gabapentin or pregabalin. After the trial, patients returned to their original medications. Patient recruitment was expanded beyond the original five planned (core) centers in order to meet target enrollment (total recruiting sites N = 25). Core sites contributed data related to patient identification for study participation (prescreening data). Data related to screening failures and study withdrawal were also analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Approximately half (322/636; 50.6%) of the patients who were prescreened at core sites were considered eligible for the study and 56/322 (17.4%) were screened. Of those considered eligible, 26/322 (8.1%) enrolled in the study and 6/322 (1.9%) completed the study. In total, 125 patients were screened across all study sites and 67/125 (53.6%) were enrolled. At prescreening, reasons for noneligibility varied by site and were most commonly diagnosis change (78/314; 24.8%), age > 80 years (75/314; 23.9%), language/distance/mobility (61/314; 19.4%), and noncardiac medical problems (53/314; 16.9%). At screening, frequently cited reasons for noneligibility included failure based on electrocardiogram, insufficient pain, and diagnosis change. Conclusions: Factors contributing to recruitment challenges encountered in this study included diagnosis changes, anxiety over treatment changes, and issues relating to distance, language, and mobility. Wherever possible, future studies should be designed to address these challenges. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01540630. EudraCT, 2010-023963-16. 07 Aug 2015
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Differentiating between integration and non-integration strategies in perceptual decision making.
Many tasks used to study decision-making encourage subjects to integrate evidence over time. Such tasks are useful to understand how the brain operates on multiple samples of information over prolonged timescales, but only if subjects actually integrate evidence to form their decisions. We explored the behavioral observations that corroborate evidence-integration in a number of task-designs. Several commonly accepted signs of integration were also predicted by non-integration strategies. Furthermore, an integration model could fit data generated by non-integration models. We identified the features of non-integration models that allowed them to mimic integration and used these insights to design a motion discrimination task that disentangled the models. In human subjects performing the task, we falsified a non-integration strategy in each and confirmed prolonged integration in all but one subject. The findings illustrate the difficulty of identifying a decision-maker's strategy and support solutions to achieve this goal
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Esf Ground Support - Material Dedication Analysis for Structural Steel and Accessories From a Commercial Grade Source
The purpose of this analysis is to select the critical characteristics to be verified for steel sets and accessories and the verification methods to be implemented through a material dedication process for the procurement and use of commercial grade structural steel sets and accessories (which have a nuclear safety function) to be used in ground support (with the exception of alcove ground support and alcove opening framing, which are not addressed in this analysis) for the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) Topopah Spring (TS) Loop. The ESF TS Loop includes the North Ramp, Main Drift, and South Ramp underground openings
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