310 research outputs found

    Stroke and paths : planned paths for stroke patients, implemented in the Western part of KungÀlv's hospital

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    Idag Ă€r stroke den vanligaste orsaken till funktionsnedsĂ€ttning i Sverige (Socialstyrelsen 2018). Samtidigt gĂ„r forskningen om rehabiliteringen av mĂ€nniskor i utomhusmiljöer framĂ„t. Att kombinera sjukvĂ„rden med den kunskapen undersöks i den hĂ€r uppsatsen. Arbetet syftar till att ta fram gestaltningsriktlinjer för hur strĂ„k kan utformas pĂ„ ett sjukhusomrĂ„de för strokepatienter. De tvĂ„ första delarna av EBHDLA, Evidensbaserad hĂ€lsodesign för landskapsarkitektur (Gramkow et al. 2021) anvĂ€ndes: evidensinsamling och programmering. Metodarbetet utfördes med hjĂ€lp av Lynch stadselement, intervju och Ă„tta miljökvaliteterna (Grahn & Stigsdotter 2010). Arbetet Ă€r uppdelat i tvĂ„ steg dĂ€r första delen, steg 1, teoretiskt undersöker hur en utformning skulle bidra till rehabiliteringen av strokepatienter samt framtagande av gestaltningsriktlinjer. I steg 2 implementeras dessa gestaltningsriktlinjer pĂ„ ett befintligt sjukhusomrĂ„de med hjĂ€lp av samma metoder som i steg 1. Arbetet resulterade i 11 gestaltningsriktlinjer: 1. Skapa tydlig identitet pĂ„ olika omrĂ„den 2. Öka orienterbarheten pĂ„ sjukhusomrĂ„det 3. Skapa rum för reflektion 4. Stöd och rĂ€cken 5. Skapa möjlighet till utforskande 6. VĂ€lplanerade sittplatser för bĂ„de vila och trĂ€ning 7. Gröna volymer 8. StrĂ„ktillĂ€gg för ökad motorisk förmĂ„ga 9. Komma nĂ€rmare befintligt vatten 10. FöreslĂ„ platser för rehabiliteringstrĂ€dgĂ„rd och/eller utegym 11. Skapa landmĂ€rken Dessa punkter gick att implementera pĂ„ KungĂ€lvs sjukhus och redovisades i programplaner över omrĂ„den i den vĂ€stra delen av sjukhuset. Programplanen Ă€r ett resultat av de analysmetoden de Ă„tta miljöerbjudandena och Lynch-stadselement. Dessa analysmetoder gav en överblick över de egenskaper och behov platsen har för att bidra till rehabiliteringen av strokepatienter. DĂ€r möjligheter fanns, förstĂ€rktes de med gestaltningsriktlinjerna och dĂ€r behoven identifierades, kunde gestaltningsriktlinjerna bidra till ökat rehabiliterande vĂ€rde. Landskapsarkitekturens roll i rehabiliteringsarbetet av strokepatienter bör studeras vidare och tvĂ€rvetenskapliga studier skulle bidra till ytterligare analyser och medicinskt underbyggda evidens. Intervjuer med strokepatienter och personal hade ocksĂ„ gett en bredare bild av vad som praktikerna anser fungera och gynna rehabiliteringen.Today, stroke is the most common cause of disability in Sweden (Socialstyrelsen 2018). At the same time, research on the benefits of rehabilitation in outdoor environments is progressing. Combining healthcare with that knowledge is explored in this paper. This thesis aims to design guidelines for how paths can be designed in a hospital area. The first two stages of EBHDLA, Evidence Based Health Design for Landscape Architecture (Gramkow et al. 2021) were used: evidence collection and programming. The methodological work was carried out using LynchÂŽs urban elements, interview and eight environmental qualities (Grahn & Stigsdotter 2010). The work is divided into two stages where the first part, stage 1, theoretically examines how a design would contribute to the rehabilitation of stroke patients. In stage 2, these program points are implemented in an existing hospital area using the same methods as in stage 1. The study resulted in 11 design guidelines: 1. Create a clear identity in different areas 2. Increase orientation in the hospital area 3. Create space for reflection 4. Supportive elements and railings 5. Create opportunities for exploration 6. Well-planned seating for both rest and exercise 7. Green volumes 8. Walkway supplement for increased mobility 9. Getting closer to existing water 10. Suggest locations for a rehabilitation garden and/or an outdoor gym 11. Create landmarks These criteria are implemented at KungĂ€lvs hospital and are reported in program plans for areas in the western part of the hospital grounds. The analysis methods gave an overview of the characteristics and needs the place has to contribute to the rehabilitation of stroke patients. Where opportunities existed, they were reinforced with the design guidelines and where needs were identified, the design guidelines could contribute to increased rehabilitative value. The role of landscape architecture in the rehabilitation work of stroke patients should be studied further and interdisciplinary studies would contribute to further analyses and with medically substantiated evidence. Interviews with stroke patients and staff had also given a broader picture of what the practitioners believe works and benefits the rehabilitation

    VĂ€gledning i naturen

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    Idag utövar nÀstan varje svensk friluftslivsaktiviteter. MÀnniskans relation till naturen har genom tiderna förÀndrats och samtidens urbanisering kan distansera mÀnniskan ifrÄn dess sammanhang. I vÄr tids stora klimatutmaning blir relationen till det vi vill bevara och rÀdda mer anstrÀngd och komplex nÀr kunskapen och sjÀlvklarheten om naturen marginaliseras. Sverige har sedan 70-talet uppfört sÄ kallade naturum i nÀrheten av upplevelsevÀrd natur i syfte att föra mÀnniskor nÀrmre den gröna miljön. Ur aspekten naturvÀgledning kan dock denna port till naturen ses som stÀngd. Den hÀr uppsatsen syftar till att placera naturums sociala vÀrden i en utomhusmiljö. DÀrmed presenteras ett gestaltningsförslag som alternativ till naturum i ett kunskaps- och undervisningssyfte. Undersökningen av Àmnet grundas pÄ NaturvÄrdsverket rapport Riktlinjer för naturum vilken Àr utgÄngspunkten för de aspekter som litteraturbakgrunden behandlar, sÄsom miljöpsykologi, naturvÀgledning och utomhuspedagogik. För att pröva teorierna och fÄ inspiration omfattar metoden Àven en referensstudie av besökscentret i HÀlleskogsbrÀnnans naturreservat i VÀstmanland, som presenteras i resultatet. Vidare omfattar resultatet inventering och analys av det stadsnÀra naturomrÄdet vid Kung Björns hög i Uppsala, som Àr platsen för gestaltningen. Resultatet Àr en platsspecifik slinga som med enkla medel vÀgleder mÀnniskan genom landskapet. Slutligen diskuteras metod, litteratur, gestaltningens tillÀmpning av teorier och samspelet mellan landskapsarkitektur och naturvÀgledning.Today, almost every swede performs outdoor leisure activities. Humans relationship with nature has changed over time and contemporary urbanization can distance humans from their context. In today's major climate challenge, the relationship to what we want to preserve and protect becomes more strained and complex when the knowledge of nature is marginalized. Since the 70s, Sweden has constructed so-called naturum to facilitate the experience of nature in order to bring people closer to the green environment. However, from the aspect of nature guidance, this gate to nature can be seen as closed. This thesis aims to relocate the social values of naturum in an outdoor environment. Thus, a design proposal is presented as an alternative to naturum for a knowledge and educational purpose. The study of the subject is based on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's report Riktlinjer för naturum (Guidelines for naturum), which leads to the aspects covered by the literature background, such as environmental psychology, nature guidance and outdoor pedagogics. To examine the theories and acquire inspiration, the method also includes a reference study of the visit center in the nature reserve HÀlleskogsbrÀnnan in VÀstmanland, which is presented in the results. Furthermore, the result includes inventory and analysis of the peri-urban nature area at King Björn's mound in Uppsala, which is the site for the design. The result is a site-specific landscape trail that guides people with simple means. Lastly, the method, literature, the application of the theories and the interaction between landscape architecture and nature guidance are discussed

    Förenklad modell för efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ bussresor – möjligheter och begrĂ€nsningar.

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    Abstract för Trafikdagarna vid Aalborg Universitet 26-27 augusti 2002

    Scientific Communication Beyond Academia. A report from the GENIE-funded Project: Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box

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    This report presents the results of the first phase of a research project titled "Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box", funded by Chalmers’ Gender Initiative for Excellence (GENIE). Modern universities face a pressing need to disseminate scientific knowledge outside of academia—to the public, the industry, and governmental bodies. However, communication abilities are often undervalued in the training of future scientists. This research project aims to examine how scientists engage in communication of science beyond academia, and how metacognition—humans’ ability to reflect on and control our knowledge and cognition—facilitates the adaptation of their writing to different readers, contexts, and purposes. The objective of the first phase was to investigate what kinds of writing scientists do, beyond article publication. Using the public research repository of Chalmers\u27 University of Technology as database, we analyzed the types of non-academic genres that scientists produce, focusing on the categories "magazine article" and "newspaper article". Using a combination of content and genre analysis, we map this publication output by topic, audience and purpose. We identify a wide variety of "open science" publication types, with some common themes. Interestingly, the debate article seems to be a well-establsihed genre in this type of communication. Using network analysis, a method for bibliometric analysis, we identify collaborative practices for two departments that seem particularly active in dissemination of science beyond academia. These networks reveal different practices, suggesting a complex interaction between academic status of the author, disciplinary epistemology, and local academic culture. We conclude with some reflections about the roles that scientists are expected to assume in communicating beyond academia -as public intellectuals and/or pedagogues- and the kind of institutional support that may be needed to master these roles

    Moving Beyond Human Bodies on Display : Signs of a Shift in Categorisation

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    In this paper, we explore signs on toilet doors. Our aim is to contribute to an enhanced understanding of how goals and ambitions regarding inclusion are realised in design processes. We identify and outline three patterns for inclusive signage: 1) Addition, where inclusive signage is accomplished by adding more pictograms of different persons, 2) Combination, where inclusive signage is accomplished by composite pictograms, 3) what we choose to call Nonclusion, where nonclusive signage is accomplished by not depicting persons, bodies, or roles at all. We end by discussing the three patterns in terms of a growing unease towards inclusion as such and with the prevailing patterns of categorisation of people, bodies, and roles

    Who is the man who abuse, characteristic, causes and treatment

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    The aim of this essay was to examine how an abusive man is perceived from a professional point of view. We examined if the male abusers had certain traits in common, what causes a man to abuse and what treatment there is for the abuser. Socialstyrelsens reports 2006 that violence against women in Sweden is estimated to a cost of 2,7 to 3,3 billlion a year. Based on qualitative interviews with semi structured interviews we gathered our information from six professionals who have experience within the area. The result of the study shows that there aren’t any specific differences when it comes to social background, such as income or social status in regards of the abuser. As far as personal traits we found that the men had certain things in common, such as low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, insecurity and that they frequently felt inferior. Furthermore we also found that violence in their upbringing was the most common reason to why these men engaged themselves in violence. Power and control were the most crucial other factors to the emergence of violence. As far as treatment goes, different types of therapy seemed to be the most helpful in their recovery, both individual or in group sessions

    Students’ attitudes towards forests

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    I denna studie undersöktes vad jĂ€gmĂ€starstudenter och studenter ifrĂ„n KonstnĂ€rligt Campus i UmeĂ„ har för attityd till skog. Studien gjordes genom en enkĂ€tundersökning med en urvalsgrupp ifrĂ„n SLU och en ifrĂ„n KonstnĂ€rligt Campus. Studenterna delades in i tvĂ„ olika grupper för att kunna göra en jĂ€mförelse av svaren beroende pĂ„ vilket universitet respondenten studerade vid. Resultaten visar att jĂ€gmĂ€starstudenterna vistas oftare i skogen Ă€n vad studenterna ifrĂ„n KonstnĂ€rligt Campus gör och att skogsvistelsen Ă€r högre bland de som Ă€ger skog kontra de som inte Ă€ger skog. Andelen skogsĂ€gare Ă€r högre vid SLU Ă€n vad det Ă€r vid KonstnĂ€rligt Campus. Resultaten visade ocksĂ„ att det finns en variation mellan studentgrupperna beroende pĂ„ hur de anvĂ€nder skogen samt att det tĂ€nkta sambandet mellan önskad nytta och mest tilltalande skog inte finns.This study investigates students’ attitude towards the forest. This case study is based on answers from students at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Arts Campus in UmeĂ„. The study was done through a questionnaire with a sample group from SLU and one from Arts Campus. The students were divided into two different groups in order to make a comparison of responses depending on which university the respondent attended. The results showed that forestry students more often visit the forest than students from the Arts Campus and that rate of forest visits is higher among those who own forest versus those who do not own forest. The results also show that there is a variation between the student groups depending on how they use the forest. The study also intended to show that there is a relationship between desired values of the forest and the most appealing forest site, but no relationship could be proven

    Livet som vuxen nÀr man vÀxt upp med förÀldrar som har alkoholproblem

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    Our intention with this essay was to examine how children were affected due to their parent’s substance abuse. Studies show that these children were particularly vulnerable and harmed throughout their upbringing because of their parents drinking problem. Our aim with our study was to gather further knowledge regarding people who grow up under these conditions and to better understand how it has affected their every day life. There is a lack of research in this area and there are no pervious long-term studies. This study consists of both theoretical and empirical studies based on a qualitative method. Our interviews were semi structured and we summoned our material by interviewing nine women. Five of these women were in touch with a support group that aimed to support people who had grown up with parents whom had problems with alcohol. The other four women had all been in some kind of therapy. To analyse the information we gathered we used different theories like systemic theory and the attachment theory. The result of our study showed that despite a difficult childhood that these people seemed to have a pretty functional life today. But we could also outline that some of them had problems regarding relationships, both with their partner and with their friends. The respondents showed emotional problems with conflicts, self confidence and control needs. Those who had an adult support in their childhood seemed to have more confidence to others and easier to connect in relations, as an adult. Our study has showed how important it was to have a person to feel connected to as a child

    Researching Lean: Methodological implications of loose definitions

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    Recently, Lean Production (Lean) has become a prevailing management concept in Sweden. However, previous research seems to show that the Lean concept and the impact of Lean vary considerably between organizations. This paper illustrates some key methodological issues that need to be considered when researching loosely defined management concepts such as Lean. The paper is based on a review of the literature and five comparative Swedish cases studies. Our study indicates that Lean has changed over time and that operationalization and interpretations of the concept vary considerably. This study concludes that future Lean studies should include a thorough assessment of the Lean interventions, study settings, and in particular non-Lean factors mediating the outcomes of Lean-inspired change programs
