32 research outputs found

    La formation de la jeunesse serbe en France 1916-1920 :aspects de l’acquisition et de l’apprentissage du français

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    Dans le présent travail, nous soumettons à l’analyse l’apprentissage du français par quelques milliers de jeunes Serbes qui, accompagnés de leurs professeurs, se sont exilés en France pendant la Grande Guerre. Surveillée par le ministère de l’Instruction publique, la formation de ces jeunes gens serbes comprenait d’abord une étape de préparation relative à l’acquisition du français qui se déroulait dans des classes particulières, d’une manière bilingue. On insistait sur la connaissance de la grammaire fondamentale, du vocabulaire, de la lecture et de l’écriture pour pouvoir intégrer ces jeunes dans les classes françaises. Le succès des élèves serbes n’a pas été négligeable, notamment chez les enfants de l’enseignement primaire. Quant aux élèves de l’enseignement secondaire, la plupart ont réussi à acquérir une bonne connaissance du français correspondant au niveau seuil de l’approche communicative de l’époque.In this paper we describe and subject to the analysis the French language learning by some thousand Serbian young people who, accompanied by their professors, had exiled them in France during the World War I. The education of those Serbian young people included at first a stage of preparation relative to the acquisition of French that took place in particular classes, in a bilingual way. The teachers insisted on the knowledge of the fundamental grammar, the vocabulary, the reading and the writing to join the young people into the French classes. The success of the Serbian pupils was not unimportant there, particularly for children of the primary education. As for the pupils of the secondary education, most of them managed to acquire a good knowledge of French on level threshold of the communicative approach

    Du maître de français au professeur de français en Serbie du 19e siècle

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    L’institutionnalisation du français en Serbie remonte au milieu du 19e siècle. Les premiers maîtres venaient de l’étranger avec une excellente connaissance de langue française, mais sans diplômes adéquats. Ils seraient aussi les auteurs d’un certain nombre de manuels de français et participeraient dans la vie culturelle et politique. Parmi eux se distinguait Charles Arène qui, durant plus de trois décennies, contribuait à l’évolution de l’enseignement français. Une loi de 1880 a réglé la problématique d’examens d’agrégation de professeur de français dans l’enseignement secondaire, qui serait modifiée dix-huit ans plus tard en témoignant ainsi l’importance de compétence professionnelle. La disciplinarisation est liée à la fondation du Séminaire de langue et littérature françaises à la Faculté de philosophie de Belgrade en 1896-1897. La fin du siècle fait apparaître quelques professeurs universitaires formés à l’étranger, comme Bogdan Popović, licencié de la Sorbonne, en particulier respectéThe institutionalisation of French language in Serbia began in the first half of the 19th century. The first teachers were foreigners who had the excellent knowledge of French, but who did not have appropriate diplomas. Those teachers will also participate in writing of the text books for French language and in the political and cultural life of Serbia. Charles Arène was one of the most eminent among them and he participated in the development of French language teaching in Serbia for three decades. In 1880, the problem of professor exams was solved by the law. This law will be changed after eighteen years thus testifying the importance of the professional competence of French language teachers. The disciplinarisation is related to the establishment of The Seminar of the French Language at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 1896. At the end of the century there are several professors who studied French abroad and one of the most eminent among them is Bogdan Popovic, who graduated in Sorbonne

    La réception et l’utilisation des Aventures de Télémaque en Serbie

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    Le grand écrivain serbe du XVIIIesiècle, Dositej Obradović, a eu un rôle important dans la propagation du chef-d’oeuvre de Fénelon. Après quelques essais de traduction et après la parution de la première grammaire française à l’usage des Serbes en 1805, Stefan Živković, surnommé plus tard Télémaque, quitte Vienne pour la Serbie où il traduit ce roman qu’il lit et explique aux insurgés serbes participant au soulèvement contre l’empire ottoman. Ce roman n’a jamais été si populaire chez les Serbes qu’au XVIIIeet au début du XIXesiècle, mais les réflexions pédagogiques de Fénelon ont été longtemps au cœur de la formation en langue française des futurs instituteurs.The great Serbian writer of the 18thcentury, Obradović, played an important role in promoting this masterpiece of Fénelon. After a few attempts at translating the work, and the publishing of the first French grammar intended for Serbs in 1805, Stefan Zivković, later named Télémaque, leaves Vienna and departs for Serbia where after translating this novel, reads and interprets it to the insurgents against the Ottoman empire. This work was never as popular with Serbs as it was in the 18thcentury and in the beginning of the 19th, but Fenelon’s thought remained at the core of French language teaching in pedagogical schools for a long time

    Du maître de français au professeur de français en Serbie du 19e siècle

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    L’institutionnalisation du français en Serbie remonte au milieu du 19e siècle. Les premiers maîtres venaient de l’étranger avec une excellente connaissance de langue française, mais sans diplômes adéquats. Ils seraient aussi les auteurs d’un certain nombre de manuels de français et participeraient dans la vie culturelle et politique. Parmi eux se distinguait Charles Arène qui, durant plus de trois décennies, contribuait à l’évolution de l’enseignement français. Une loi de 1880 a réglé la problématique d’examens d’agrégation de professeur de français dans l’enseignement secondaire, qui serait modifiée dix-huit ans plus tard en témoignant ainsi l’importance de compétence professionnelle. La disciplinarisation est liée à la fondation du Séminaire de langue et littérature françaises à la Faculté de philosophie de Belgrade en 1896-1897. La fin du siècle fait apparaître quelques professeurs universitaires formés à l’étranger, comme Bogdan Popović, licencié de la Sorbonne, en particulier respectéThe institutionalisation of French language in Serbia began in the first half of the 19th century. The first teachers were foreigners who had the excellent knowledge of French, but who did not have appropriate diplomas. Those teachers will also participate in writing of the text books for French language and in the political and cultural life of Serbia. Charles Arène was one of the most eminent among them and he participated in the development of French language teaching in Serbia for three decades. In 1880, the problem of professor exams was solved by the law. This law will be changed after eighteen years thus testifying the importance of the professional competence of French language teachers. The disciplinarisation is related to the establishment of The Seminar of the French Language at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 1896. At the end of the century there are several professors who studied French abroad and one of the most eminent among them is Bogdan Popovic, who graduated in Sorbonne

    L’enseignement des langues par la radio dans l’Entre-deux-guerres : l’exemple de Radio Belgrade et d’autres radios européennes

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    Après la Première Guerre mondiale la radiophonie devient un moyen destiné à la distraction d’un vaste public d’abord en Grande-Bretagne, en Allemagne et en Amérique du Nord. Mais déjà en 1924, la BBC utilise la radio comme moyen d’éducation dont le programme embrasse alors un grand nombre d’écoles britanniques. La fin des années 20 du siècle passé représente la période où l’on introduit des cours de langues étrangères. Le corpus réuni nous permet de constater qu’il s’agit en premier lieu de la BBC, mais on trouve sporadiquement d’autres témoignages sur l’utilité d’émissions en langues étrangères. Au tout début des années 30, presque toutes les stations européennes émettent cette sorte de programme : on enseigne, en général, le français, l’anglais, l’allemand et l’italien. On parle, on traduit et même on chante en langues étrangères partout. On en discute aussi pendant des congrès internationaux. Radio Belgrade suit l’exemple d’autres stations et engage, en 1929, quelques professeurs pour enseigner l’allemand et le français à un large auditoire qui s’aident de leçons publiées dans un hebdomadaire alors populaire en Serbie. Au début, pour ce qui est du français, on est à la recherche d’un matériel convenable. Pendant quelques années, jusqu’à l’interruption de ces cours, en 1937, la structure de ces leçons a évolué. Aussi bien les débutants que les apprenants avancés ont pu y trouver quelque chose d’utile. L’histoire de l’éducation a prouvé que le premier pas de cet enseignement radiophonique avait été suffisamment assuré pour pouvoir continuer à avancer dans ce domaine.After World War I, radio became a means of entertainment aimed at a wide audience, starting with Great Britain, Germany and North America. As early as 1924, the BBC also resorted to radio as a teaching aid, catering to a large number of British schools. Towards the late 1920s, foreign language courses were introduced. Based on the available evidence, it has been determined that they were first started by the BBC, but there are also documents from other sources showing support for foreign language programs. In the early 1930s, almost all European radio stations broadcast foreign language courses - generally French, English, German and Italian - based on conversation, translation or songs. Such courses are discussed at international conferences. Radio Belgrade follows suite and, in 1929, hires German and French teachers who use material published simultaneously by a Serbian weekly for their highly-popular courses. For French, a special effort was made to find adequate linguistic material. Until they were suspended in 1937, the format evolved substantially. All in all, beginners and advanced listeners alike could find something useful to learn. History of education shows that this first step was steady enough to foster further positiv

    La réception et l’utilisation des Aventures de Télémaque en Serbie

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    Le grand écrivain serbe du XVIIIesiècle, Dositej Obradović, a eu un rôle important dans la propagation du chef-d’oeuvre de Fénelon. Après quelques essais de traduction et après la parution de la première grammaire française à l’usage des Serbes en 1805, Stefan Živković, surnommé plus tard Télémaque, quitte Vienne pour la Serbie où il traduit ce roman qu’il lit et explique aux insurgés serbes participant au soulèvement contre l’empire ottoman. Ce roman n’a jamais été si populaire chez les Serbes qu’au XVIIIeet au début du XIXesiècle, mais les réflexions pédagogiques de Fénelon ont été longtemps au cœur de la formation en langue française des futurs instituteurs.The great Serbian writer of the 18thcentury, Obradović, played an important role in promoting this masterpiece of Fénelon. After a few attempts at translating the work, and the publishing of the first French grammar intended for Serbs in 1805, Stefan Zivković, later named Télémaque, leaves Vienna and departs for Serbia where after translating this novel, reads and interprets it to the insurgents against the Ottoman empire. This work was never as popular with Serbs as it was in the 18thcentury and in the beginning of the 19th, but Fenelon’s thought remained at the core of French language teaching in pedagogical schools for a long time

    The Effect of Partial Root-Zone Drying on Tomato Fruit Growth

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    Tomato fruit growth and productivity are complex processes depending on the interaction between physiological, genetic and environmental factors. Under current climate conditions of drought and scarce water supply, the challenge is to increase water use efficiency and to sustain tomato yield. Partial root-zone drying technique (PRD) is one of the irrigation methods with the potential to increase the water use efficiency and sustain the yield of many crops including tomato. The aim of presented results was to investigate the effects of PRD on tomato fruit growth, the activity of cell wall-associated peroxidase and ABA content in pericarp of tomato cultivar Ailsa Craig. The experiment was done in controlled conditions and plants under PRD received 70% of water given to full irrigated plants (FI) plants. In PRD irrigation is applied to one half of the root system while the other half dried down and then the treatment was reversed. ABA content in fruit pericarp was measured by ELISA test and cell wall-associated peroxidase activity by a guaiacol test. Fruit growth parameters showed that the maximal growth rate was significantly higher in FI plants than PRD but because the longer period of cell expansion the final diameter of PRD tomato fruits was slightly higher in PRD than in FI fruits. ABA content in tomato pericarp declined during the tomato development until the end of cell growth phase without significant differences between PRD and FI treated plants. The activity of peroxidase was significantly higher in PRD compared to FI. The significantly increase in the activity of enzyme cell wall-associated peroxidase in tomato fruit pericarp under PRD conditions coincided with the end of cell growth and the beginning of the ripening process. These results pointed out that this enzyme may control tomato fruit maturation

    Paradajz - model biljka za ispitivanje rastenja i razvića plodova

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    Because of its specific biochemical and molecular properties and nutrient importance, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is an established model to study fruit growth and development. This review paper addresses several aspects of tomato fruit growth and development including its specific phases, control by water regime, cell wall enzymes, plant hormones and metabolic processes.U ovom radu dat je pregled najnovijih rezultata koji su od značaja za razumevanje biohemijskih i fizioloških procesa u toku rastenja plodova. Rezultati su predstavljeni za paradajz kao model biljku za ispitivanje plodova. Iako nisu detaljno predstavljena, genetska istraživanja takođe doprinose poznavanju rastenja i razvića plodova. Prinos paradajza, kao i drugih kultura, u značajnoj meri zavisi od efikasnosti rastenja plodova te su stoga stečena znanja i od praktičnog značaja

    Comparative effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in tomato fruits

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    The effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on tomato fruit growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in tomato exocarp were investigated in growth chamber conditions. The RDI treatment was 50% of water given to fully irrigated (FI) plants and the PRD treatment was 50% of water of FI plants applied to one half of the root system while the other half dried down, with irrigation shifted when soil water content of the dry side decreased 15-20%. RDI significantly reduced fruit diameter, though PRD reduced fresh weight while having no significant effect on fruit diameter. The activity of peroxidase was significantly higher in RDI and PRD treated plants compared to those of FI. Differences between RDI and PRD were expressed on temporal basis. In the fruits of RDI treated plants peroxidase activity began to increase in the phase when fruit growth started to decline with the peak of enzyme activity of 6.1 HRPEU g(-1) FW reached in the phase of mature green fruits when fruit growth rate was minimal. Increase of peroxidase activity in PRD fruits coincided with the ripening phase and the peak of enzyme activity (5.3 HRPEU g(-1) FW) was measured at the end of fruit ripening. These data potentially identified contrasting and different roles of tomato exocarp cell wall peroxidase in RDI and PRD treated plants. In RDI treated plants peroxidase may have a role in restricting fruit growth rate, although the increase in enzyme activity during ripening of PRD treated fruit pointed out that peroxidase may also control fruit maturation by inducing more rapid process.This is the peer-reviewed version of Savić, S., Stikić, R., Vucelić-Radović, B., Bogicević, B., Jovanović, Z.,& Hadži-Tašković-Šukalović, V.. (2008). Comparative effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in tomato fruits. in Scientia Horticulturae Amsterdam : Elsevier., 117(1), 15-20. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2008.03.009

    Određivanje nutritivne vrednosti pšeničnog hleba sa dodatkom mešavine semena kvinoje, heljde i tikve

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    The purpose of this research was to blend quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) and pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seed kernels at 40% level with wheat flour and to examine the effect of this blend on nutritional and sensory quality and also energy values of the pan bread. Hydrothermal preparation of these supplements is included. Chemical composition of the investigated materials, wheat bread and supplemented bread, was determined using relevant AOAC methods. Chemical composition of supplemented bread with an increase in protein, oil and crude fiber was superior in comparison with control wheat bread. Sensory properties of supplemented bread such as specific volume, appearance, crust and crumb texture, aroma-odor and color were evaluated and found excellent.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita mogućnost proizvodnje pšeničnog hleba sa dodatkom semena kvinoje, heljde i tikve do nivoa od 40%. Kvinoja (Chenopodium quinoa Willd., familija Amaranthaceae) je pseudocerealija. U ovom radu je korišćena danska sorta KVL 37, gajena u okolini Beograda. Domaća komercijalna semena heljde (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) i tikve (Cucurbita pepo L.) su nabavljena u lokalnoj radnji zdrave hrane. U ovom radu su prikazani hemijski sastavi prečišćenog semena kvinoje, kao i semena heljde i tikve. Heljda i kvinoja su odabrane zbog toga što ne sadrže gluten, a imaju visok sadržaj kvalitetnih proteina. Očišćeno seme tikve (golica) je odabrano zbog toga što sadrži veliki procenat nutritivno i zdravstveno vrednog ulja i proteina. Analizirane su hemijske i tehnološke osobine mešavine ovih semena i pšeničnog brašna, kao i mogućnost njihove primene u proizvodnji hleba u kalupu. Određen je hemijski sastav i nutritivna energetska vrednost pšeničnog hleba pripremljenog sa dodatkom 15% semena kvinoje, 15% semena heljde i 10% golice. U odnosu na kontrolni pšenični hleb, obogaćeni hleb je sadržao 6% više proteina, 3,8% više ulja i oko 5% više sirovih vlakana. Sadržaj skroba u obogaćenom hlebu je bio niži za oko 8%. Energetska vrednost obogaćenog hleba je porasla za oko 150 kJ/100 g. Obogaćeni hleb je imao dobru specifičnu zapreminu i odlične senzorne osobine. Pokazano je da je ispitivana mešavina pšeničnog brašna i odabranih semena pogodna za proizvodnju hleba u kalupu, povećane nutritivne vrednosti