229 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of Global Financial Governance: The Costs of Basle II for Poor Countries

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    The 1990s financial crises triggered many changes to the design of the international financial system, the so-called international financial architecture. While much affected, developing countries have had very little influence on the changes, which the formulation of the new Basle capital accord (B-II) illustrates. The article shows that B-II has largely been formulated to serve the interests of powerful market players, with developing economies being left out. For developing countries, B-II can make domestic financing more costly and raise the costs of and reduce the access to external financing. Importantly, B-II can exacerbate fluctuations in the supply of external financing, an unfortunate outcome, given that developing countries already suffer from volatility.Basle Committee, capital adequacy, financial governance, financial architecture, financial reform, international standards, capital flows, poor countries, cost of capital, international development

    How Can Recessions Be Brought To An End? Effects Of Macroeconomic Policy Actions On Durations Of Recessions

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    This paper analyzes how effective macroeconomic policy actions are in ending recessions. We also investigate which structural factors help the country to experience shorter recessions. We implement survival regression analysis and conclude that expansionary monetary policy significantly decreases durations of recessions whereas fixing the exchange rate does not have an effect on the durations of recessions. Expansionary fiscal policy has undesired effects and decreases the probability that recession will end, thus increasing the durations of recessions. The analysis of country specific factors indicates that emerging countries experience shorter recessions. Recessions in countries with higher trade openness last significantly longer. Financial openness and institutional quality do not have significant effects of recession durations. The empirical analysis takes into account alternative probability distributions and endogeneity of policy actions

    Access to finance: an empirical analysis

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    YesFinancial access is gradually being recognised as an important input to economic development. Using World Bank (2007) database, this study measures the extent of financial access in developed and developing countries. Further, it develops a new Socio-Economic Development Index, which incorporates financial access. It then compares socio-economic development of various countries as shown by Human Development Index (HDI) alone and by the new index incorporating financial access. The results of the study show that Spain ranks highest in terms of financial access followed by Belgium, Malta and South Korea. In addition, the ranking of countries in terms of HDI changes if financial access is taken into accoun

    Sustainable Finance Ratings as the Latest Symptom of “Rating Addiction”

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    Using the widely accepted but rarely articulated concept of ‘rating addiction’, this piece aims to examine the recent entrance of the credit rating agencies into the sustainable finance field against the backdrop of ‘rating addiction’. Once the concept of ‘rating addiction’ is positioned, the effects of the addiction can be witnessed by even just a cursory glance at the history of the credit rating agencies, particularly their recent history. On that basis, this article provides a warning for regulators and the field with regards to the potentially negative effect that credit rating agencies can have upon the ever-growing and socially-important sustainable finance sector. Additionally, assessing the aptitude of the agencies in this sector, in comparison to the sector’s utilisation of their products, may provide further evidence of a system addicted to ratings

    Are Foreign Firms Privileged By Their Host Governments? Evidence From The 2000 World Business Environment Survey

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    Using the data from World Business Environment Survey (WBES) on over 10,000 firms across eighty one countries, this paper finds preliminary evidence that foreign firms enjoy significant regulatory advantages - as perceived by the firms themselves - over domestic firms. The findings on regulatory advantages of foreign firms hold with a variety of alternative measures of regulations and with or without firm- and country-level attributes and industry and country controls. There is also evidence that foreign firms' regulatory advantages are especially substantial vis-a-vis the politically weak domestic firms. Furthermore, the regulatory advantages of foreign firms appear stronger in corrupt countries than in non-corrupt countries