245 research outputs found

    Changes in the Austrian structure of wages, 1996-2002: evidence from linked employer-employee data

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    Analyzing data from the Structure of Earnings Surveys we find that wage dispersion in Austria increased marginally between 1996 and 2002. There was an increase in the returns to education which accrued only to male workers. The positive effects of tenure and especially of experience on wages decreased over time. We adopt the Machado-Mata (2005) counterfactual decomposition technique which allows to attribute changes in each wage decile to changes in worker and workplace characteristics and into changes in returns to these characteristics. Behind the small net increase in inequality we document a number of interesting gross effects that influence the wage distribution. We find that both composition effects due to gender, education and age and market-driven effects such as changes in returns and changing workplace characteristics contributed to a higher dispersion of wages. JEL Classification: J22, J31Machado-Mata decomposition, quantile regression, Wage Structure

    Immunologische Veränderungen in einer Kohorte hochgradig adipöser Patienten mit komorbider Depression

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    Prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and obesity are ever-increasing and a major public health concern. The two conditions are strongly linked on an epidemiological level, with both disorders favouring development of the other by approximately 50 % and increasing overall morbidity in the general population. This comorbidity could be in part driven by converging biological pathways, including inflammatory processes. As chronic low-grade inflammation is present in both MDD and obesity, the study of potential immunogenic shifts in patients with obesity and comorbid depressive symptoms may shed light on putative shared mechanisms. Multicolour flow cytometry of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was used for characterization of immune phenotypes. Immune cell population frequencies of patients with severe obesity and comorbid depression (n = 10) were compared to obese (n = 17) and lean controls (n = 20) without psychiatric symptoms and correlated with clinical characteristics. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) was used for assessment of depressive symptoms and depression defined by a cut-off ≥ 10. Patients with obesity and comorbid depressive symptoms showed reduced amounts of cytotoxic natural killer cells, CD8+ effector memory T cells and dendritic cells in comparison to normal-weight controls. Frequencies of regulatory T cells were increased in patients with obesity and comorbid depression, compared to obese patients without depression. The amount of circulating CD4+ central memory T cells was elevated in obese patients with comorbid depression compared to lean controls. Furthermore, frequencies of cytotoxic natural killer cells, dendritic cells and CD4+ central memory T cells significantly correlated with PHQ scores in the total sample. A higher waist-hip-ratio (WHR) was associated with lower frequencies of dendritic cells. Together, these results are suggestive of a possible depression-specific immune dysregulation in patients with obesity.Depression und Adipositas sind hochprävalent in der Allgemeinbevölkerung und stellen eine starke Belastung für die Betroffen, Angehörigen und das allgemeine Gesundheitssystem dar. Epidemiologisch wurde eine stabile, bidirektionale Assoziation von Depression und Adipositas nachgewiesen, beide Erkrankungen erhöhen das Risiko für das Auftreten der jeweils anderen um circa 50 %. Dieser Zusammenhang könnte eventuell durch konvergierende pathophysiologische Vorgänge erklärt werden, da beide Krankheitsbilder mit chronischen, systemischen Entzündungsvorgängen assoziiert sind. Besonders Patienten mit atypischer Depressionssymptomatik, welche gesteigerten Appetit, Gewichtszunahme, Fatigue und Hypersomnie umfasst, zeigen signifikante Assoziationen mit erhöhten Entzündungsparametern im Blut. Die Immunphänotypisierung von Patienten mit hochgradiger Adipositas und komorbider Depression bietet eine Möglichkeit, diese Mechanismen genauer zu erforschen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der relativen Verteilung verschiedener Immunzellpopulationen im Blut adipöser Patienten mit depressiver Symptomatik (n = 10) im Vergleich zu einer adipösen (n = 17) und einer normalgewichtigen Kohorte (n = 20). Depression wurde durch eine Punktzahl von ≥ 10 des Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Fragebogens definiert. Mittels Durchflusszytometrie wurden die zellulären Komponenten des angeborenen und des adaptiven Immunsystems analysiert, auf Gruppenunterschiede getestet und die Ergebnisse mit klinischen Parametern korreliert. Im Blut adipöser Patienten mit komorbider Depression fanden sich signifikant reduzierte Zahlen zytotoxischer natürlichen Killerzellen und dendritischer Zellen, sowie eine Zunahme von CD4+ zentralen T-Gedächtniszellen und regulatorischen T Zellen im Vergleich zur gesunden Kontrollgruppe. Die Menge zytotoxischer natürlicher Killerzellen und CD4+ zentraler T-Gedächtniszellen korrelierte signifikant mit dem Schweregrad der Depression, aber nicht mit Taille-Hüft-Verhältnissen. Die Reduktion dendritischer Zellen zeigte einen Zusammenhang mit Depression und Taille-Hüft-Verhältnissen. Diese Ergebnisse suggerieren potenziell depressionsspezifische Auswirkungen auf das Immunsystem bei Patienten mit hochgradiger Adipositas


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    Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum O. Swartz) is a turfgrass that has become increasingly popular in southern coastal regions of the US because of its ability to tolerate salt stress. Another reason that this turfgrass is increasing in popularity is its aesthetically appealing striping ability. Seashore paspalum could also be beneficial in areas where potable water cannot be used for irrigation. Information on this turfgrass is limited in literature, particularly on the topics of establishment, scalping, and growing this turfgrass on inland sites in the transition zone. A field experiment was conducted in Clemson, SC from May 2007 and 2008 to investigate sprigging rates, nitrogen rates, nitrogen sources, and mowing height on turfgrass quality, turfgrass coverage, clipping yield, root mass, and ball rolling distances. Treatments included ,,SeaDwarf‟ seashore paspalum sprigged either at 91 or 182 m3 ha-1 on May 17, 2007 and May 12, 2008, and urea, ammonium nitrate, or ammonium sulfate applied at 22 or 44 kg N ha-1 week. The initial mowing height was 32 mm in late July and gradually lowered to 25 mm in early August with a daily mowing frequency. Weekly measurements included percent coverage and visual quality and color ratings. Samples to determine root mass were collected eight weeks after sprigging. The high sprig rate reached 100% coverage and acceptable turf quality within five weeks in comparison with the lower rate which did not occur until seven weeks. High rates of fertility associated with high rates of sprigs produced the best quality and color ratings (greater than seven consistently for both ratings). Ball roll distances greater than 3.1 meters were found with the lower mowing height (2.5 mm) by using a standard stimpmeter. Another two-year field study was conducted in Clemson, SC in 2008 and 2009 to observe the effects of treatments of trinexapac-ethyl growth regulator at 0 or 0.03 kg ai ha-1 and nitrogen as urea at two rates of 22 kg ha-1 and 44 kg ha-1 applied weekly on turf quality, clipping yield, root mass, and ball rolling distances after a heavy scalping event. After scalping occurred at the lower mowing heights (2.3 mm), mowing heights were raised to 3.2 mm and 2.5 mm to observe the effect of mowing height on recovery. Raising N rates and a lower mowing height were the most significant curative factors to help the scalped seashore paspalum recover. A third two-year field study was also conducted in 2008 and 2009 where preventative practice treatments were used to observe scalping occurrence and severity measuring turf quality, clipping yield, root mass, and ball rolling distance. The study treatments included aerification frequencies of once or three times per growing season, paired with either grooming once weekly or no grooming and two mowing heights of 2.5 or 2.3 mm. A mowing height of 2.5 mm and one aerification per growing season benefit turf quality for prevention of scalping occurrence and severity. Lower mowing heights (\u3c2.3 mm) may be able to be maintained for a short period of time (one to two weeks) without falling below minimally accepted TQ, but prolonged periods of low mowing heights cause less desirable putting green turf due to scalping. A fourth two-year study was conducted to determine factors affecting establishment time for ,,Diamond‟ zoysiagrass (Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr.) as a putting green in the southern transition zone of the United States. Zoysiagrasses are not traditionally used as putting greens, but, the desire to maintain greens in shady areas has led to the development of zoysiagrasses that can tolerate lower mowing heights. Literature is limited on zoysiagrasses used as putting greens, rates of establishment, and management practices to hasten establishment. Two sprigging rates, three N sources, two N rates, and two mowing heights (2.5 and 3.2 mm) were compared at Clemson University, Clemson, SC. Sprigs of ,,Diamond‟ zoysiagrass were planted at rates of 91 or 182 m3 ha-1 in 2007 and repeated in 2008. Urea, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate were applied at 1.7 or 3.4 g N m-2 wk-1 from WAS (weeks after sprigging) 3 to 10. Turf color and cover results indicate high rates of fertility associated with high rates of sprigs produced 100% turf cover at WAS 11in 2007 and 13 in 2008. At the 2.5 mm mowing height, ball rolling reached to 2.6 m in August and was significantly faster than the 3.2 mm mowing height. Results show ,,Diamond‟ zoysiagrass can be established within the same growing season to meet a playable putting green quality but the establishment speed may vary depending on summer monthly temperature fluctuations

    On the Persistence of Job Creation in Old and New Firms

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    We suggest a new method to analyze the success of firm creation by looking at the persistence of new jobs created in old and in new firms. Compared to survival rates of new versus old firms, this measure has the advantage that the sustainability of job creation in different circumstances is investigated. We analyze 21 years of job creation in Austria and find that new jobs last significantly longer in new than in old firms. Moreover, the survival of new jobs depends upon the state of the business cycle at the time of job creation, on the number of jobs created, and, for existing firms, on firm age.job creation, new firms, reallocation, persistence

    On the Persistence of Firm Expansion. The survival of new jobs in Austrian firms

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    While the volatility of job creations has been studied extensively, the survival chances of new jobs are less researched. The question when and how to expand a firm is of importance, both from the firm’s and from a macro perspective. Adjustment cost theories and arguments about option values of investment in firm expansion make predictions about the timing, sequencing and form of firm expansions. When we analyze 21 years of job creation in Austria, we find that the survival of new jobs (and of new firms) depends upon the state of the business cycle at the time of job creation, on the number of jobs created, and on firm age. Jobs in new firms last longer than new jobs in continuing firms.Job creation, Business cycle, Reallocation, Persistence

    How frequently do consumer prices change in Austria? Evidence from micro CPI data

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    Based on individual price records collected for the computation of the Austrian CPI, average frequencies of price changes and durations of price spells are estimated to characterize price setting in Austria. Depending on the estimation method, prices are unchanged for 10 to 14 months on average. We find strong heterogeneity across sectors and products. Price increases occur only slightly more often than price decreases. The typical size of a price increase (decrease) is 11 (15) percent. The aggregate hazard function of prices is decreasing with time. Besides heterogeneity across products and price setters, this is due to oversampling of products with a high frequency of price changes. Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in estimating the probability of a price change with a fixed-effects logit model, we find a positive effect of the duration of a price spell. During the Euro cash changeover the probability of price changes was higher. JEL Classification: C41, D21, E31, L11consumer prices, duration of price spells, frequency and synchronization of price changes, sticky prices

    Job creation and job destruction in a regulated labor market: The case of Austria

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    We study Austrian job reallocation in the period of 1978 to 1998, using a large administrative dataset where we correct for "spurious" entries and exits of firms. We find that on average 9 out of 100 randomly selected jobs were created within the last year, and that about 9 out of randomly selected 100 jobs will be destroyed within the next year. Hence, Austrian job flows seem to be of comparable magnitude as in other countries, similar to the well-known results of Davis et al. (1996) for the United States. Job reallocation appears to be driven primarily by idiosyncratic shocks. However, job creation increases significantly during cyclical upswings whereas job destruction rises in downturns. We also find substantial persistence of job creation and destruction. We show that the pronounced pattern of job reallocation rates falling with firm size and age continues to hold when we use a set of controls. Finally, we show that - controlling for sector and for firm size composition - Austrian job reallocation rates are only half the rates for the U. S. This result is not surprising given the impact of tighter regulation and labor law in Austria.Labor reallocation; job flows; labor market regulation

    Aktivierende Methodik im Fremdsprachenunterricht – Nutzen, Wirkung, praktische Beispiele

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    "Spielen im Unterricht macht Spaß, aber dafür fehlt uns die Zeit, wir haben in einem Semester so viel Stoff zu bewältigen, dass wir kaum Zeit für Spiele haben, außerdem finden die Studierenden das eher kindisch." Im Folgenden zeigen wir anhand theoretischer Überlegungen und praktischer Beispiele, dass man gerade bei spielerischen, aktivierenden Methoden lernt. Im ersten Teil dieses Beitrags werden theoretische Grundlagen für das aktivierende, spielerische Lernen vorgestellt. Im zweiten Teil werden methodische Grundsätze präsentiert, und im dritten und letzten Teil berichten wir von praktischen Beispielen aus unserem Unterricht. Die Tatsache, dass die Beispiele dem Fremdsprachenunterricht entnommen sind, bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass aktivierende Methodik nur dort sinnvoll eingesetzt werden kann. Vielmehr hat sie einen allgemeinen Nutzen für die Hochschuldidaktik in allen Fachgebieten. Gerade heute, wo Lernziele an Hochschulen zunehmend nicht nur über den „Stoff“ definiert werden, sondern kompetenzorientiert sein und die Autonomie der Lernenden fördern sollen, können aktivierende Methoden in jedem Fachgebiet und in jeder Art von Lehrveranstaltung bedeutsam sein

    Cultural diversity in German boards

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    The rise of MNCs, the expansion of the EU and several M&As have exposed German boards to a variety of cultures. But does diversity in the boardrooms improve performance? Based on an empirical study on German publicly listed companies, this unique research into cultural diversity answers the question if the level of cultural variety and cultural distance on boards of directors have an influence on firm performance in Germany. The results, which show a negative, linear influence of both cultural variety and cultural distance on operating performance measures, show empirical support for the importance of contextual factors in the relationship between diversity and performance. The authors ask for careful consideration before implementing regulations on board diversity
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