3 research outputs found

    Health financing reform in Kenya- assessing the social health insurance proposal

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    Kenya has had a history of health financing policy changes since its   independence in 1963. Recently, significant preparatory work was done on a new Social Health Insurance Law that, if accepted, would lead to universal health coverage in Kenya after a tr&nsition period. Questions of economic  feasibility and political acceptability continue to be discussed, with   stakeholders voicing concerns on design features of the new proposal   submitted to the  Kenyan parliament in 2004. For economic, social, political and organisational reasons a transition period will be  necessary, which is likely to last more than a decade. However, important objectives such as access to health care  and avoiding impoverishment due to direct health care payments should be recognised from the start so that  steady progress towards effective universal coverage can be planned and achieved

    L'accès des indigents aux soins de santé en Afrique subsaharienne

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    Kaddar Miloud, Stierle Friedeger, Schmidt-Ehry Bergis, Tchicaya Anastase. L'accès des indigents aux soins de santé en Afrique subsaharienne. In: Tiers-Monde, tome 41, n°164, 2000. Disparités régionales et globalisation, organisations paysannes et marchés, ... pp. 903-925