2,731 research outputs found

    A theoretical study of elastic X-ray scattering

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    Bragg X-ray scattering intensities are defined as scattering by the thermodynamic average electron-charge density. Purely elastic, kinematic X-ray scattering by a target in thermal equilibrium is always larger than Bragg scattering. At low temperatures, the elastic scattering becomes Bragg scattering. For large molecules, such as a crystal, at ordinary temperatures the elastic and Bragg scattering differ in a relative sense by O(N-1), where N is the number of vibrational degrees of freedom. For most practical cases the Bragg scattering is essentially the same as purely elastic scattering of X-rays

    Erenumab in chronic migraine: Patient-reported outcomes in a randomized double-blind study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of erenumab, a human monoclonal antibody targeting the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor, on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), headache impact, and disability in patients with chronic migraine (CM). METHODS: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 667 adults with CM were randomized (3:2:2) to placebo or erenumab (70 or 140 mg monthly). Exploratory endpoints included migraine-specific HRQoL (Migraine-Specific Quality-of-Life Questionnaire [MSQ]), headache impact (Headache Impact Test-6 [HIT-6]), migraine-related disability (Migraine Disability Assessment [MIDAS] test), and pain interference (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System [PROMIS] Pain Interference Scale short form 6b). RESULTS: Improvements were observed for all endpoints in both erenumab groups at month 3, with greater changes relative to placebo observed at month 1 for many outcomes. All 3 MSQ domains were improved from baseline with treatment differences for both doses exceeding minimally important differences established for MSQ-role function-restrictive (≥3.2) and MSQ-emotional functioning (≥7.5) and for MSQ-role function-preventive (≥4.5) for erenumab 140 mg. Changes from baseline in HIT-6 scores at month 3 were -5.6 for both doses vs -3.1 for placebo. MIDAS scores at month 3 improved by -19.4 days for 70 mg and -19.8 days for 140 mg vs -7.5 days for placebo. Individual-level minimally important difference was achieved by larger proportions of erenumab-treated participants than placebo for all MSQ domains and HIT-6. Lower proportions of erenumab-treated participants had MIDAS scores of severe (≥21) or very severe (≥41) or PROMIS scores ≥60 at month 3. CONCLUSIONS: Erenumab-treated patients with CM experienced clinically relevant improvements across a broad range of patient-reported outcomes. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: NCT02066415. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that for patients with CM, erenumab treatment improves HRQoL, headache impact, and disability

    Satellite Water Column Data for Hydrography

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    Optical-band satellite images selected for satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) analysis require clear water with low turbidity. As a result, image selection processes exclude images with excess turbidity regardless of cause. Images with water-column turbidity contain valuable information. Under certain conditions, vortex patterns in navigable waters are present in satellite imagery. Although vortex-induced turbidity excludes these images from SDB processing, the presence and shape of these vortices contain information relevant to hydrography. In this observational study, we use two case studies to describe vortex patterns and environmental conditions leading to their formation and then explore novel hydrographic survey applications of these phenomena.Las imágenes satelitales de banda óptica seleccionadas para el análisis debatimetría derivada de satélites (SDB) requieren agua clara con una baja turbidez.Como resultado, los procesos de selección de imágenes excluyen las imágenescon exceso de turbidez, independientemente de la causa.Las imágenes con turbidez en la columna de agua contienen información valiosa.En determinadas condiciones, los patrones de vórtices en aguas navegables estánpresentes en las imágenes satelitales. Aunque la turbidez inducida por losvórtices excluye estas imágenes del procesado SDB, la presencia y la forma deestos vórtices contienen información relevante para la hidrografía. En este estudiode observación, utilizamos dos estudios de casos para describir los patrones delos vórtices y las condiciones ambientales que llevan a su formación y luegoexploramos nuevas aplicaciones de estos fenómenos a los levantamientoshidrográficos.Les images satellitaires en bande optique sélectionnées pour l'analyse de labathymétrie dérivée par satellite (SDB) nécessitent une eau claire et de faibleturbidité. Par conséquent, les processus de sélection d'images excluent les imagesprésentant une turbidité excessive, quelle qu'en soit la cause.Les images qui montrent la turbidité dans la colonne d'eau contiennent desinformations précieuses. Dans certaines conditions, les images satellitairesmontrent des tourbillons dans les eaux navigables. Bien que la turbidité induite parles tourbillons exclue ces images du traitement SDB, la présence et la forme deces tourbillons contiennent des informations pertinentes pour l'hydrographie. Danscette étude basée sur l'observation, nous utilisons deux études de cas pour décrireles configurations des tourbillons et les conditions environnementales qui ontconduit à leur formation, puis nous explorons de nouvelles applications de cesphénomènes pour les levés hydrographiques

    Program Management versus Portfolio Management in Defense Acquisition

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    Symposium PresentationApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Program Management Versus Portfolio Management in Defense Acquisition

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    Excerpt from the Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Acquisition Research SymposiumThis research performed a gap analysis on the existing Department of Defense (DoD) program management competency standards to determine if changes are required to fully adopt product portfolio management (PPM) strategies in defense acquisition. Current DoD program management standards are compared to the Project Management Institute’s Portfolio Management Professional certification standards to analyze alignment and gaps between the standards. Barrier to Implementation (BTI) scores are assigned to address the identified gaps in the DoD standard. The study found that the DoD program management competencies are on average 41% aligned with portfolio management industry standards. The DoD program management competencies are least aligned with the portfolio management domains of governance and strategic alignment. The composite BTI score indicates low to medium level of implementation barriers for most of the gaps. Results indicate that the DoD is capable of conducting PPM, and further research is needed to fully align the current competency standards with industry best practices. Defense acquisition senior leaders should consider formulating DoD portfolio management career field functional competencies to address congressional mandates for portfolio management implementation within the DoD.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Scattering and Iron Fluorescence Revealed During Absorption Dips in Circinus X-1

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    We show that dramatic spectral evolution associated with dips occurring near phase zero in RXTE observations of Cir X-1 is well-fit by variable and at times heavy absorption (N_H > 10^24 cm^-2) of a bright component, plus an underlying faint component which is not attenuated by the variable column and whose flux is ~10% of that of the unabsorbed bright component. A prominent Fe emission line at ~6.5 keV is evident during the dips. The absolute line flux outside the dips is similar to that during the dips, indicating that the line is associated with the faint component. These results are consistent with a model in which the bright component is radiation received directly from a compact source while the faint component may be attributed to scattered radiation. Our results are also generally consistent with those of Brandt et al., who found that a partial- covering model could explain ASCA spectra of a low-to-high transition in Cir X-1. The relative brightness of the two components in our model requires a column density of ~2*10^23 cm^-2 if the faint component is due to Thomson scattering in material that mostly surrounds the source. We find that illumination of such a scattering cloud by the observed direct component would produce an Fe K-alpha fluorescence flux that is in rough agreement with the flux of the observed emission line. We also conclude that if the scattering medium is not highly ionized, our line of sight to the compact source does not pass through it. Finally, we discuss simple pictures of the absorbers responsible for the dips themselves.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (23 pages, including 11 figures

    Inhibiting tryptophan metabolism enhances interferon therapy in kidney cancer.

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is increasing in incidence, and a complete cure remains elusive. While immune-checkpoint antibodies are promising, interferon-based immunotherapy has been disappointing. Tryptophan metabolism, which produces immunosuppressive metabolites, is enhanced in RCC. Here we show indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO1) expression, a kynurenine pathway enzyme, is increased not only in tumor cells but also in the microenvironment of human RCC compared to normal kidney tissues. Neither kynurenine metabolites nor IDO inhibitors affected the survival or proliferation of human RCC or murine renal cell adenocarcinoma (RENCA) cells in vitro. However, interferon-gamma (IFNγ) induced high levels of IDO1 in both RCC and RENCA cells, concomitant with enhanced kynurenine levels in conditioned media. Induction of IDO1 by IFNα was weaker than by IFNγ. Neither the IDO1 inhibitor methyl-thiohydantoin-DL-tryptophan (MTH-trp) nor IFNα alone inhibited RENCA tumor growth, however the combination of MTH-trp and IFNα reduced tumor growth compared to IFNα. Thus, the failure of IFNα therapy for human RCC is likely due to its inability to overcome the immunosuppressive environment created by increased IDO1. Based on our data, and given that IDO inhibitors are already in clinical trials for other malignancies, IFNα therapy with an IDO inhibitor should be revisited for RCC

    Multi-Focal, Multi-Centric Angiosarcoma of Bone

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    A multi-focal multi-centric, malignant tumour of vascular origin arising in bone in a 55-year-old man is described. The presenting symptoms were pain and weight loss. Radiologically, multiple lytic lesions were demonstrated in the long bones of both legs and throughout the pelvis. Histological examination demonstrated an angiosarcoma which was predominantly low grade in nature but with focal areas of intermediate grade. Turnout cells expressed the endothelial markers CD31, CD34 and von Willebrand's factor. There was rapid radiological progression of disease with no response to radiotherapy. Pain abated within a few days of institution of doxorubicin, 75 mg m-2, but the patient died of massive pulmonary thromboembolism 14 days later, 11 months after the first symptoms