1,216 research outputs found

    The Role of Intrusive Imagery in Hoarding Disorder

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    Despite the incidence of trauma in the histories of people with Hoarding Disorder (HD), reexperiencing symptoms, namely intrusive images, have not been investigated in the condition. To address this, 27 individuals who met DSM-5 criteria for HD and 28 community controls (CCs) were interviewed about (a) their everyday experiences of intrusive imagery, and (b) the unexpected images they experience when discarding high- and low-value possessions. Compared to CCs, everyday images described by the HD group were more frequent, had a greater negative valence, and were associated with greater interference in everyday life and attempts to avoid the imagery. With regard to discard-related imagery, a MANOVA followed up with mixed ANOVAs showed that HD participants reported more negative experiences of intrusive imagery in comparison with CCs during recent episodes of discarding objects of low subjective value. However, HD and CC participants both experienced positive imagery when discarding high-value objects. CC participants reported greater avoidance of imagery in the high-value object condition, but imagery-avoidance did not change between conditions for HD participants. The findings are discussed, particularly in relation to the potential of imagery-based interventions for HD

    Altered calcium signaling in cancer cells

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    It is the nature of the calcium signal, as determined by the coordinated activity of a suite of calcium channels, pumps, exchangers and binding proteins that ultimately guides a cell's fate. Deregulation of the calcium signal is often deleterious and has been linked to each of the 'cancer hallmarks'. Despite this, we do not yet have a full understanding of the remodeling of the calcium signal associated with cancer. Such an understanding could aid in guiding the development of therapies specifically targeting altered calcium signaling in cancer cells during tumorigenic progression. Findings from some of the studies that have assessed the remodeling of the calcium signal associated with tumorigenesis and/or processes important in invasion and metastasis are presented in this review. The potential of new methodologies is also discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane channels and transporters in cancers

    Numerical Analysis of an Impinging Jet Reactor for the CVD and Gas-Phase Nucleation of Titania

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    We model a cold-wall atmospheric pressure impinging jet reactor to study the CVD and gas-phase nucleation of TiO2 from a titanium tetra-iso-propoxide (TTIP)/oxygen dilute source gas mixture in nitrogen. The mathematical model uses the computational code FIDAP and complements our recent asymptotic theory for high activation energy gas-phase reactions in thin chemically reacting sublayers. The numerical predictions highlight deviations from ideality in various regions inside the experimental reactor. Model predictions of deposition rates and the onset of gas-phase nucleation compare favorably with experiments. Although variable property effects on deposition rates are not significant (approximately 11 percent at 1000 K), the reduction rates due to Soret transport is substantial (approximately 75 percent at 1000 K)

    Effective action and motion of a cosmic string

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    We examine the leading order corrections to the Nambu effective action for the motion of a cosmic string, which appear at fourth order in the ratio of the width to radius of curvature of the string. We determine the numerical coefficients of these extrinsic curvature corrections, and derive the equations of motion of the worldsheet. Using these equations, we calculate the corrections to the motion of a collapsing loop, a travelling wave, and a helical breather. From the numerical coefficients we have calculated, we discuss whether the string motion can be labelled as `rigid' or `antirigid,' and hence whether cusp or kink formation might be suppressed or enhanced.Comment: 24 pages revtex, 12 figure

    Gauss-Bonnet Black Holes and Heavy Fermion Metals

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    We consider charged black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity with Lifshitz boundary conditions. We find that this class of models can reproduce the anomalous specific heat of condensed matter systems exhibiting non-Fermi-liquid behaviour at low temperatures. We find that the temperature dependence of the Sommerfeld ratio is sensitive to the choice of Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter for a given value of the Lifshitz scaling parameter. We propose that this class of models is dual to a class of models of non-Fermi-liquid systems proposed by Castro-Neto et.al.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, pdfLatex; small corrections to figure 10 in this versio

    A multi-modal approach to measuring particulate iron speciation in buoyant hydrothermal plumes

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    Processes active within buoyant hydrothermal plumes are expected to modulate the flux of elements, such as Fe, to the deep ocean; however, they are yet to be described in a comprehensive manner through observations or models. In this study, we compare observed particulate Fe (pFe) speciation with thermodynamic (equilibrium) reaction path modeling for three vent fields in the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC). At each site, particles were collected from the buoyant rising portion of hydrothermal plumes using in situ filtration with a Remotely Operated Vehicle. Filter bound particles were analyzed by synchrotron micro-probe X-ray fluorescence mapping (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), XRF spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Fe 1 s edge, as well as XRF-based chemical speciation mapping for Fe. For buoyant plumes of the ELSC, diversity in solid-state chemistry was high, and poorly crystalline, meta-stable phases were common. We demonstrate that to fully describe the crystalline-to-noncrystalline character of plume pFe, a multi-modal XRD-XANES analytical approach is needed. We found that an equilibrium modeling approach worked well for pyrite but performed poorly for important families of meta-stable pFe, namely Fe (oxyhydr)oxides and monosulfides. Based on our findings, we recommend future field expeditions strategically explore sites representing a diversity of site-specific conditions to better capture the full range of processes active in plumes. We also recommend development of kinetic models, as well as expansion of thermodynamic databases to better reflect the solid-state composition of plumes. These steps should allow oceanographers to understand the processes controlling Fe speciation in plumes well enough to create realistic models of hydrothermal fluxes to the ocean

    Charged black holes in effective string theory

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    We investigate the qualitative new features of charged dilatonic black holes which emerge when both the Yang-Mills and Gauss-Bonnet curvature corrections are included in the effective action. We consider perturbative effects by an expansion up to second order in the inverse string tension on the four dimensional Schwarzschild background and determine the backreaction. We calculate the thermodynamical functions and show that for magnetic charge above a critical value, the temperature of the black hole has a maximum and goes to zero for a finite value of the mass. This indicates that the conventional Hawking evaporation law is modified by string theory at a classical level.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures not included, plain Te

    A Cdh3-β-catenin-laminin signaling axis in a subset of breast tumor leader cells control leader cell polarization and directional collective migration

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    Carcinoma dissemination can occur when heterogeneous tumor and tumor-stromal cell clusters migrate together via collective migration. Cells at the front lead and direct collective migration, yet how these leader cells form and direct migration are not fully appreciated. From live videos of primary mouse and human breast tumor organoids in a 3D microfluidic system mimicking native breast tumor microenvironment, we developed 3D computational models, which hypothesize that leader cells need to generate high protrusive forces and overcome extracellular matrix (ECM) resistance at the leading edge. From single-cell sequencing analyses, we find that leader cells are heterogeneous and identify and isolate a keratin 14- and cadherin-3-positive subpopulation sufficient to lead collective migration. Cdh3 controls leader cell protrusion dynamics through local production of laminin, which is required for integrin/focal adhesion function. Our findings highlight how a subset of leader cells interact with the microenvironment to direct collective migration