25,110 research outputs found

    Interactions between large space power systems and low-Earth-orbit plasmas

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    There is a growing tendency to plan space missions that will incorporate very large space power systems. These space power systems must function in the space plasma environment, which can impose operational limitations. As the power output increases, the operating voltage also must increase and this voltage, exposed at solar array interconnects, interacts with the local plasma. The implications of such interactions are considered. The available laboratory data for biased array segment tests are reviewed to demonstrate the basic interactions considered. A data set for a floating high voltage array test was used to generate approximate relationships for positive and negative current collection from plasmas. These relationships were applied to a hypothetical 100 kW power system operating in a 400 km, near equatorial orbit. It was found that discharges from the negative regions of the array are the most probable limiting factor in array operation

    Computer and laboratory simulation of interactions between spacecraft surfaces and charged-particle environments

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    Cases where the charged-particle environment acts on the spacecraft (e.g., spacecraft charging phenomena) and cases where a system on the spacecraft causes the interaction (e.g., high voltage space power systems) are considered. Both categories were studied in ground simulation facilities to understand the processes involved and to measure the pertinent parameters. Computer simulations are based on the NASA Charging Analyzer Program (NASCAP) code. Analytical models are developed in this code and verified against the experimental data. Extrapolation from the small test samples to space conditions are made with this code. Typical results from laboratory and computer simulations are presented for both types of interactions. Extrapolations from these simulations to performance in space environments are discussed

    Review of biased solar arraay. Plasma interaction studies

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    The Solar Electric Propulsion System (SEPS) is proposed for a variety of space missions. Power for operating SEPS is obtained from large solar array wings capable of generating tens of kilowatts of power. To minimize resistive losses in the solar array bus lines, the array is designed to operate at voltages up to 400 volts. This use of high voltage can increase interactions between the biased solar cell interconnects and plasma environments. With thrusters operating, the system ground is maintained at space plasma potential which exposes large areas of the arrays at the operating voltages. This can increase interactions with both the natural and enhanced charged particle environments. Available data on interactions between biased solar array surfaces and plasma environments are summarized. The apparent relationship between collection phenomena and solar cell size and effects of array size on interactions are discussed. The impact of these interactions on SEPS performance is presented

    Environmentally induced discharges on satellites

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    The problem of assessing hazards to geosynchronous satellite systems from geomagnetic substorm encounters is investigated. The available space flight data, coupled with analytical modeling studies, show that only relatively low differential charging is possible from environmental encounters. Using an analytical study of a discharge event on SCATHA, a discharge process is postulated where a small amount of charge is lost to space. These characteristics could then be used as inputs to a coupling model to determine the hazard to a spacecraft. The procedure is applied to a three axis stabilized satellite design

    Working group written presentation: Spacecraft charging

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    A brief listing of the concerns of the working group on spacecraft charging is presented. Brief conclusions for each concern is also given

    Determination of the extent of ion thruster efflux

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    In the studies of proposed electric propulsion missions one of the areas of concern is the possible contamination of spacecraft instruments and thermal control surfaces by exhaust particles from an ion thruster. Vacuum tank tests were conducted in ground facilities to determine the extent of this deposition by thruster exhaust particles, but the application of these results to long term space missions is questionable. The flight thermal data from the SERT II satellite, the only electric propulsion mission with an extensive thruster operational history, was reviewed specifically to see if there is any evidence of contamination that could be attributed to the 5860 hours of mercury bombardment ion thruster operation. This evaluation of the flight data shows that the only evidence of deposition occurred on the contamination experiment solar cells which are located at the edge of the thruster exhaust beam. There is no evidence of any deposition of ion thruster efflux on any other surface of the satellite

    High voltage system: Plasma interaction summary

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    The possible interactions that could exist between a high voltage system and the space plasma environment are reviewed. A solar array is used as an example of such a system. The emphasis in this review is on the discrepancies that exist in this technology in both flight and ground experiment data. It has been found that, in ground testing, there are facility effects, cell size effects and area scaling uncertainties. For space applications there are area scaling and discharge concerns for an array as well as the influence of the large space structures on the collection process. There are still considerable uncertainties in the high voltage-space plasma interaction technology even after several years of effort

    Space environmental interactions with spacecraft surfaces

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    Environmental interactions are defined as the response of spacecraft surfaces to the charged-particle environment. These interactions are divided into two broad categories: spacecraft passive, in which the environment acts on the surfaces and spacecraft active, in which the spacecraft or a system on the spacecraft causes the interaction. The principal spacecraft passive interaction of concern is the spacecraft charging phenomenon. The spacecraft active category introduces the concept of interactions with the thermal plasma environment and Earth's magnetic fields, which are important at all altitudes and must be considered the designs of proposed large space structures and space power systems. The status of the spacecraft charging investigations is reviewed along with the spacecraft active interactions

    Computed voltage distributions around solar electric propulsion spacecraft

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    The NASA Charging Analyzer Program is used to conduct preliminary computations of the voltage distributions around such large spacecraft in geomagnetic substorm environments at geosynchronous altitudes. Both a standard operating voltage (+ or - 150 volts on solar arrays) and direct-drive (+1200 volts on arrays) configurations are considered. Thruster-off simulations are computed for both operating voltage configurations while the effect of simulated thruster-on conditions are evaluated only for direct-drive configuration. These simulated thruster-on conditions are evaluated only for direct-drive configuration. These simulated thruster operations appear to alleviate surface charging

    Deep gamma ray penetration in thick shields

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    Appropriate importance function and sampling scheme facilitates the application of the Monte Carlo method to problems involving the deep penetration of radiation