344 research outputs found

    The development of iHARP: a multiple instruction issue processor chip

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.During the last decade RISC ideas on processor architecture have become widely accepted. RISC architectures achieve significant performance advantages over CISC architectures by striving to execute one instruction per cycle. However, a traditional RISC architemre can never execute more than one instruction per cycle. Achieving further performance improvements beyond RISC depends on developing processors which fetch and execute more than one operation in each processor cycle.Final Accepted Versio

    Myelination of parvalbumin interneurons: a parsimonious locus of pathophysiological convergence in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a debilitating psychiatric disorder characterized by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. Despite more than a century of research, the neurobiological mechanism underlying schizophrenia remains elusive. White matter abnormalities and interneuron dysfunction are the most widely replicated cellular neuropathological alterations in patients with schizophrenia. However, a unifying model incorporating these findings has not yet been established. Here, we propose that myelination of fast-spiking parvalbumin (PV) interneurons could be an important locus of pathophysiological convergence in schizophrenia. Myelination of interneurons has been demonstrated across a wide diversity of brain regions and appears highly specific for the PV interneuron subclass. Given the critical influence of fast-spiking PV interneurons for mediating oscillations in the gamma frequency range (~30–120 Hz), PV myelination is well positioned to optimize action potential fidelity and metabolic homeostasis. We discuss this hypothesis with consideration of data from human postmortem studies, in vivo brain imaging and electrophysiology, and molecular genetics, as well as fundamental and translational studies in rodent models. Together, the parvalbumin interneuron myelination hypothesis provides a falsifiable model for guiding future studies of schizophrenia pathophysiology.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 20 September 2016; doi:10.1038/mp.2016.147

    Laser collimation of an atomic gallium beam

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    The linear-perpendicular-linear polarization gradient technique was used for investigating laser collimation of a gallium atomic beam in one dimension. The full angular divergence of the atomic beam was reduced to 0.3 mrad by operating on a particular electron transition at 294.45 nm. The transverse velocity of the atoms was reduced to 11 cm/s, which was about half of the Doppler cooling limit. The one-dimensional kinetic energy of atoms was reduced to 6 neV. The transition state exhibited optical pumping of the atoms by the cooling laser

    Measurement of the hyperfine structure of the 4d2D 3/2,5/2 levels and isotope shifts of the 4p2p 3/2 ? 4d2D3/2 and 4p2p 3/2 ? 4d2D5/2 transitions in gallium 69 and 71

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    The hyperfine structure of the 4d2D3/2,5/2 levels of 69,71Ga is determined. The 4p2P3/2 ? 4d2D3/2 (294.50-nm) and 4p2P3/2 ? 4d2D5/2 (294.45-nm) transitions are studied by laser-induced fluorescence in an atomic Ga beam. The hyperfine A constant measured for the 4d2D5/2 level is 77.3 ± 0.9 MHz for 69Ga and 97.9 ± 0.7 MHz for 71Ga (3s errors). The A constant measured for the 4d2D3/2 level is -36.3 ± 2.2 MHz for 69Ga and -46.2 ± 3.8 MHz for 71Ga. These measurements correct sign errors in the previous determination of these constants. For 69Ga the hyperfine B constants measured for the 4d2D5/2 and the 4d2D 3/2 levels are 5.3 ± 4.1 MHz and 4.6 ± 4.2 MHz, respectively. The isotope shift is determined to be 114 ± 8 MHz for the 4p2P3/2 ? 4d2D3/2 transition and 115 ± 7 MHz for the 4p2P3/2 ± 4d 2D5/2 transition. The lines of 71Ga are shifted to the blue. This is in agreement with previous measurement

    Nanolithography with metastable neon atoms: Enhanced rate of contamination resist formation for nanostructure fabrication

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    We report a sevenfold improvement in the rate of contamination resist formation over previous experiments by using metastable neon atoms for nanolithography. Chemically assisted ion beam etching was used to transfer the resist pattern into the substrate. We demonstrate the fabrication of 50-nm-wide features in GaAs with well-defined edges and an aspect ratio \u3e2:1. These are the best resolution and highest aspect ratio features that have been achieved with metastable atom lithography. The resist formation rate by the metastable neon atoms and the etch selectivity of the contamination resist with GaAs were measured

    Noncommutativity from the string perspective: modification of gravity at a mm without mm sized extra dimensions

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    We explore how the IR pathologies of noncommutative field theory are resolved when the theory is realized as open strings in background B-fields: essentially, since the IR singularities are induced by UV/IR mixing, string theory brings them under control in much the same way as it does the UV singularities. We show that at intermediate scales (where the Seiberg-Witten limit is a good approximation) the theory reproduces the noncommutative field theory with all the (un)usual features such as UV/IR mixing, but that outside this regime, in the deep infra-red, the theory flows continuously to the commutative theory and normal Wilsonian behaviour is restored. The resulting low energy physics resembles normal commutative physics, but with additional suppressed Lorentz violating operators. We also show that the phenomenon of UV/IR mixing occurs for the graviton as well, with the result that, in configurations where Planck's constant receives a significant one-loop correction (for example brane-induced gravity), the distance scale below which gravity becomes non-Newtonian can be much greater than any compact dimensions.Comment: 30 pages. Slight revision: clarified some points and added a referenc

    Quasi-1D dynamics and nematic phases in the 2D Emery model

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    We consider the Emery model of a Cu-O plane of the high temperature superconductors. We show that in a strong-coupling limit, with strong Coulomb repulsions between electrons on nearest-neighbor O sites, the electron-dynamics is strictly one dimensional, and consequently a number of asymptotically exact results can be obtained concerning the electronic structure. In particular, we show that a nematic phase, which spontaneously breaks the point- group symmetry of the square lattice, is stable at low enough temperatures and strong enough coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figures; revised manuscript with more detailed discussions; two new figures and three edited figuresedited figures; 14 references; new appendix with a detailed proof of the one-dimensional dynamics of the system in the strong coupling limi

    Intersecting Brane Worlds at One Loop

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    We develop techniques for one-loop diagrams on intersecting branes. The one-loop propagator of chiral intersection states on D6 branes is calculated exactly and its finiteness is shown to be guaranteed by RR tadpole cancellation. The result is used to demonstrate the expected softening of power law running of Yukawa couplings at the string scale. We also develop methods to calculate arbitrary N-point functions at one-loop, including those without gauge bosons in the loop. These techniques are also applicable to heterotic orbifold models.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures; added reference, corrected typos, JHEP styl

    The three-nucleon bound state using realistic potential models

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    The bound states of 3^3H and 3^3He have been calculated using the Argonne v18v_{18} plus the Urbana three-nucleon potential. The isospin T=3/2T=3/2 state have been included in the calculations as well as the nn-pp mass difference. The 3^3H-3^3He mass difference has been evaluated through the charge dependent terms explicitly included in the two-body potential. The calculations have been performed using two different methods: the solution of the Faddeev equations in momentum space and the expansion on the correlated hyperspherical harmonic basis. The results are in agreement within 0.1% and can be used as benchmark tests. Results for the CD-Bonn interaction are also presented. It is shown that the 3^3H and 3^3He binding energy difference can be predicted model independently.Comment: 5 pages REVTeX 4, 1 figures, 6 table

    The oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate in river water and its potential sources in the Upper River Taw catchment, UK

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    The need to reduce both point and diffuse phosphorus pollution to aquatic ecosystems is widely recognised and in order to achieve this, identification of the different pollutant sources is essential. Recently, a stable isotope approach using oxygen isotopes within phosphate (δ18OPO4) has been used in phosphorus source tracing studies. This approach was applied in a one-off survey in September 2013 to the River Taw catchment in south-west England where elevated levels of phosphate have been reported. River water δ18OPO4 along the main channel varied little, ranging from + 17.1 to + 18.8‰. This was no > 0.3‰ different to that of the isotopic equilibrium with water (Eδ18OPO4). The δ18OPO4 in the tributaries was more variable (+ 17.1 to + 18.8‰), but only deviated from Eδ18OPO4 by between 0.4 and 0.9‰. Several potential phosphate sources within the catchment were sampled and most had a narrow range of δ18OPO4 values similar to that of river Eδ18OPO4. Discharge from two waste water treatment plants had different and distinct δ18OPO4 from one another ranging between + 16.4 and + 19.6‰ and similar values to that of a dairy factory final effluent (+ 16.5 to + 17.8‰), mains tap water (+ 17.8 to + 18.4‰), and that of the phosphate extracted from river channel bed sediment (+ 16.7 to + 17.6‰). Inorganic fertilizers had a wide range of values (+ 13.3 to + 25.9‰) while stored animal wastes were consistently lower (+ 12.0 to + 15.0‰) than most other sources and Eδ18OPO4. The distinct signals from the waste water treatment plants were lost within the river over a short distance suggesting that rapid microbial cycling of phosphate was occurring, because microbial cycling shifts the isotopic signal towards Eδ18OPO4. This study has added to the global inventory of phosphate source δ18OPO4 values, but also demonstrated the limitations of this approach to identifying phosphate sources, especially at times when microbial cycling is high
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