74 research outputs found

    Neogene fluvial landscape evolution in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert

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    Dating of extensive alluvial fan surfaces and fluvial features in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert, Chile, using cosmogenic nuclides provides unrivalled insights about the onset and variability of aridity. The predominantly hyperarid conditions help to preserve the traces of episodic climatic and/or slow tectonic change. Utilizing single clast exposure dating with cosmogenic 10Be and 21Ne, we determine the termination of episodes of enhanced fluvial erosion and deposition occurring at ~19, ~14, ~9.5 Ma; large scale fluvial modification of the landscape had ceased by ~2–3 Ma. The presence of clasts that record pre-Miocene exposure ages (~28 Ma and ~34 Ma) require stagnant landscape development during the Oligocene. Our data implies an early onset of (hyper-) aridity in the core region of the Atacama Desert, interrupted by wetter but probably still arid periods. The apparent conflict with interpretation that favour a later onset of (hyper-) aridity can be reconciled when the climatic gradients within the Atacama Desert are considered

    On the age and extent of the Serra da Peneda glaciation, NW Portugal

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    10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022.Geomorphological vestiges in the mountains of NW Portugal testify a low altitude, sheltered, and precipitation-driven glaciation. These vestiges have already been characterised in several works, with emphasis on mapping and delimitation of the extent of glaciation, especially in the Serra do Gerês. In Serra da Peneda, the glacial reconstitution is not so comprehensive. Previous works have identified erosional and accumulation landforms, as well as various types of tills. However, the maximum extent of glaciation still raises some doubts and the spatial discontinuity of vestiges could suggest different episodes of glaciation. To detail the extent of the glaciation in the Serra da Peneda, an identification of glacial and periglacial landforms and deposits was performed, based on field surveys, aerial photography analysis, and LiDAR imagery processing and interpretation. Moreover, 10Be cosmogenic nuclide dating of moraine granite boulders exposure age was carried out in the Alto Vez valley, the area where the main glacial vestiges occur. Samples were collected from the uppermost erratic boulders of Senhora da Guia, at 1000 m asl., pointing to a Last Glaciation Maximum (LGM) age whereas the moraine boulders of the valley floor, at 900 m asl. indicate a Younger Dryas age. These are the first glacial dating results for this region and are in contrast to others previously published for exposure ages of glaciated surfaces in the Serra do Gerês, which raises the possibility that different Pleistocene glaciations may be represented in the mountains of NW Portugal. To reconstitute the history of glaciations in the region, similar dating in other moraines of the Peneda and Gerês mountains is in progress

    Evidence for multiple Plio-Pleistocene lake episodes in the hyperarid Atacama Desert

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    Cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating of ancient shoreline terraces of the Quillagua-Llamara Soledad Lake in the central Atacama Desert of northern Chile provides new insights in the paleohydrology of the driest desert on Earth. The lake developed in a paleo-endorheic drainage system in the Central Depression prior to draining into the Pacific due to incision of the Río Loa canyon. The durations of lake stages were sufficiently long to form wave-erosion induced shoreline terraces on the wind-exposed slopes of former islands. Successively younger shoreline levels are preserved over an elevation range of 250 m due to progressive uplift of the islands coeval with the lake stages. Cosmogenic 10Be- and 21Ne-derived exposure ages of the shorelines reveals that the hyperarid conditions in the Río Loa catchment were interspersed by several pluvial stages during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, which generated a large and persistent lake in the Quillagua-Llamara basin. The exposure ages of the final lake stage provide the maximum age for the incision of the Río Loa canyon (274 ± 74 ka) and the subsequent breaching of the Coastal Cordillera

    The timing of formation of the Douro and Tejo rivers and implications for the evolution of the landscapes of central mainland Portugal

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    10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022.The formation and development of major rivers limits the overall pace of the surrounding landscape evolution and drives sediment delivery from source to sink. The timings and rates of river incision may be a response to external influences, such as tectonic or climate driven base-level changes, or alternatively they may be linked to the breaching of internal thresholds, for example, drainage capture events. The Tejo and Douro rivers (also known as Tagus and Duero rivers) each drain a significant portion of the Iberian Peninsula and much of their courses through Portugal are typified by v-shaped valleys that are deeply incised into the surrounding topography. Earlier work has dated fluvial terrace deposits, mostly by luminescence techniques, but also by electron spin resonance and cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating. This has provided constraints on the late Pleistocene histories of the Tejo and Douro rivers, however, the timing of their transition from endorheic to exorheic is not precisely known and whether or not their histories are linked to a common mechanism is unclear. This study aims to provide age constraints on the early history of the Tejo and Douro rivers, and to examine whether and to what degree the erosion rates of low relief, granite etchplain landscapes within the river’s catchment areas are responding to the trunk channel incision. We focus on reaches of the Tejo and Douro rivers located in the eastern sector of mainland Portugal. Samples were collected for cosmogenic nuclide (10Be and 26Al) surface exposure and burial dating to date upper fluvial terrace levels. In addition, a combination of cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages and depth profiles in bedrock outcrops, alongside basin-wide erosion rate determinations will be used constrain the pace of evolution of nearby granitic landscapes. Preparation of the samples for measurement is ongoing and we will present our initial findings

    A composite 10Be, IR-50 and 14C chronology of the pre-LGM full ice extent of the western Patagonian Ice Sheet in the Isla de Chiloé, south Chile (42ºS

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    Unanswered questions about the glacier and climate history preceding the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the southern temperate latitudes remain. The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 is normally understood as a global interstadial period; nonetheless its climate was punctuated by conspicuous variability, and its signature has not been resolved beyond the polar realms. In this paper, we compile a 10Be depth profile, single grain infrared (IR) stimulated luminescence dating and 14C samples to derive a new glacier record for the principal outwash plain complex, deposited by the western Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS) during the last glacial period (Llanquihue Glaciation) on the Isla de Chiloé, southern Chile (42∘ S). In this region, the Golfo de Corcovado Ice Lobe left a distinct geomorphic and stratigraphic imprint, suitable for reconstructing former ice dynamics and timing of past climate change. Our data indicate that maximum glaciation occurred by 57.8±4.7 ka without reaching the Pacific Ocean coast. Ice readavanced and buttressed against the eastern side of the Cordillera de la Costa again by 26.0±2.9 ka. Our data further support the notion of a large ice extent during parts of the MIS 3 in Patagonia and New Zealand but appear to contradict near contemporaneous interstadial evidence in the southern midlatitudes, including Chiloé. We propose that the PIS expanded to its full-glacial Llanquihue moraines, recording a rapid response of southern mountain glaciers to the millennial-scale climate stadials that punctuated the MIS 3 at the poles and elsewhere.</p

    Holocene warming of alpine rockwalls decreased rockwall erosion rates

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    Alpine rockwall erosion studies suggest that deglaciated rockwalls in the European Alps are eroding slower today than at earlier times in the Holocene. Explanations for this have included a waned glacial debuttressing effect since the retreat of Last Glacial ice loads and the establishment of more moderate climates, but seldom have such explanations been robustly tested. We combine field data with modelling to reconstruct changes in rockwall erosion and associated climate drivers, in an alpine valley of the European Alps since the beginning of the Holocene. Paleo (Holocene to decadal-scale) erosion rates were calculated from talus accumulation below rockwalls, and compared with recent rates (2016–2019) measured from repeat laserscan surveys of the same rockwalls. We reconstructed the glacial retreat history in the valley, and modelled Holocene changes in permafrost distribution and frost cracking using calibrated rockwall temperature reconstructions. We found that rockwalls that have been free of glacier ice since ∼10 ka experienced higher Holocene-averaged erosion rates compared to recent erosion rates. Our modelling suggests this relates to periods of higher intensities of frost cracking and cycles of permafrost aggradation and degradation in the Holocene, relative to today. For a recently deglaciated high-elevation rockwall, erosion rates were 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than the lower-elevation sites, but decayed rapidly over time since deglaciation. A high, but rapidly decaying rate results from short-lived paraglacial adjustment, permafrost thaw and high frost cracking activity. Our findings suggest that periglacial activity strongly influences the rates and patterns of erosion of deglaciated alpine rockwalls. This helps to explain why paleo Holocene deglaciated rockwall erosion rates tend to exceed recent rates in the European Alps

    Inherited terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides in landscapes of selective glacial erosion: lessons from Lochnagar, Eastern Grampian Mountains, Scotland

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    Inheritance from prior exposure often complicates the interpretation of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) inventories in glaciated terrain. Lochnagar, a mountain in eastern Scotland, holds a clear geomorphological record of corrie glaciation and the thinning of the last Scottish ice sheet over the last ~15 ka. Yet attempts to date the main stages in deglaciation after sampling of 21 granite boulders for 10Be, 26Al and 14C from corrie moraines, an ice sheet lateral moraine and boulder spreads revealed widespread, but variable, TCN inheritance. Only the youngest boulder ages fit within the range of expected deglaciation ages. To identify the sources of geological uncertainty, we provide simple models of ice cover duration and erosion histories for plateau, corrie and strath landscape domains, identify the variable nuclide inheritance that derives from different sources for boulders in these domains, and outline the effects of rotation, splitting and erosion of boulders during glacial transport. The combined effects increase clustering around arbitrary mean TCN values that exceed deglaciation ages. A further implication is that boulders have survived beneath overriding ice sheets. Such boulder trapping at Lochnagar may have resulted from topographic controls on katabatic winds and surface ablation acting on a thinning, cold-based ice sheet

    Impact of CaSO4-rich soil on Miocene surface preservation and Quaternary sinuous to meandering channel forms in the hyperarid Atacama Desert

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    The Atacama Desert is the driest and oldest desert on Earth. Despite the abundance evidence for long-term landscape stability, there are subtle signs of localised fluvial erosion and deposition since the onset of hyperaridity in the rock record. In the dry core of the Atacama Desert, pluvial episodes allowed antecedent drainage to incise into uplifting fault scarps, which in turn generated sinuous to meandering channels. Incision of ancient alluvial fan surfaces occurred during intermittent fluvial periods, albeit without signs of surface erosion. Fluvial incision during predominantly hyperarid climate periods is evident from these channels in unconsolidated alluvium. The absence of dense vegetation to provide bank stability and strength led us to investigate the potential role of regionally ubiquitous CaSO4-rich surface cover. This has enabled the preservation of Miocene surfaces and we hypothesize that it provided the required bank stability by adding strength to the upper decimetre to meter of incised alluvium to allow high sinuosity of stream channels to form during pluvial episodes in the Quaternary

    The geodynamic and limnological evolution of Balkan Lake Ohrid, possibly the oldest extant lake in Europe

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    Studies of the upper 447 m of the DEEP site sediment succession from central Lake Ohrid, Balkan Peninsula, North Macedonia and Albania provided important insights into the regional climate history and evolutionary dynamics since permanent lacustrine conditions established at 1.36 million years ago (Ma). This paper focuses on the entire 584-m-long DEEP sediment succession and a comparison to a 197-m-long sediment succession from the Pestani site ~5 km to the east in the lake, where drilling ended close to the bedrock, to unravel the earliest history of Lake Ohrid and its basin development. 26Al/10Be dating of clasts from the base of the DEEP sediment succession implies that the sedimentation in the modern basin started at c. 2 Ma. Geophysical, sedimentological and micropalaeontological data allow for chronological information to be transposed from the DEEP to the Pestani succession. Fluvial conditions, slack water conditions, peat formation and/or complete desiccation prevailed at the DEEP and Pestani sites until 1.36 and 1.21 Ma, respectively, before a larger lake extended over both sites. Activation of karst aquifers to the east probably by tectonic activity and a potential existence of neighbouring Lake Prespa supported filling of Lake Ohrid. The lake deepened gradually, with a relatively constant vertical displacement rate of ~0.2 mm a−1 between the central and the eastern lateral basin and with greater water depth presumably during interglacial periods. Although the dynamic environment characterized by local processes and the fragmentary chronology of the basal sediment successions from both sites hamper palaeoclimatic significance prior to the existence of a larger lake, the new data provide an unprecedented and detailed picture of the geodynamic evolution of the basin and lake that is Europe’s presumed oldest extant freshwater lake