150 research outputs found

    Density and Velocity Fields from the PSCz Survey

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    We present the results for the predicted density and peculiar velocity fields and the dipole from the PSCz survey of 15,000 IRAS galaxies over 84% of the sky. We find a significant component to the dipole arising between 6000 and 15,000 km/s, but no significant component from greater distances. The misalignment with the CMB is 20 degrees. The most remarkable feature of the PSCz model velocity field is a coherent large-scale flow along the baseline connecting Perseus-Pisces, the Local Supercluster, Great Attractor and the Shapley Concentration. We have measured the parameter beta using the amplitude of the dipole, bulk flow and point by point comparisons between the individual velocities of galaxies in the MarkIII and SFI datasets, and the large-scale clustering distortion in redshift space.All our results are consistent with beta = 0.6 +- 0.1.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To appear in 'Towards an Understanding of Cosmic Flows', Victoria, July 1999, eds Courteau,S., Strauss,M., Willick,J. PAS

    Epidemiological, experimental and diagnostic investigations into an acute paralysis syndrome of broiler chickens in Australia

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    An acute paralysis syndrome (APS) of broiler chickens was first reported in 2010 in an Australian chicken meat production region. The APS was characterised by flaccid paralysis of the neck, prostration and eventually death of the affected chicken and elevated flock mortalities from 26 days of age. The purpose of the work presented in this doctoral thesis was to establish causation of the APS, risk factors for it and management strategies for controlling it

    Phenology of the avian spring migratory passage in Europe and North America : Asymmetric advancement in time and increase in duration

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    Climate change has been shown to shift the seasonal timing (i.e. phenology) and distribution of species. The phenological effects of climate change on living organisms have often been tested using first occurrence dates, which may be uninformative and biased. More rarely investigated is how different phases of a phenological sequence (e.g. beginning, central tendency and end) or its duration have changed over time. This type of analysis requires continuous observation throughout the phenological event over multiple years, and such data sets are rare. In this study we examined the impact of temperature on long-term change of passage timing and duration of the spring migration period in birds, and which species' traits explain species-specific variation. Data used covered 195 species from 21 European and Canadian bird observatories from which systematic daily sampling protocols were available. Migration dates were negatively associated with early spring temperature and timings had in general advanced in 57 years. Short-distance migrants advanced the beginning of their migration more than long-distance migrants when corrected for phylogenic relatedness, but such a difference was not found in other phases of migration. The advancement of migration has generally been greater for the beginning and median phases of migration relative to the end, leading to extended spring migration seasons. Duration of the migration season increased with increasing temperature. Phenological changes have also been less noticeable in Canada even when corrected for rate of change in temperature. To visualize long-term changes in phenology, we constructed the first multi-species spring migration phenology indicator to describe general changes in median migration dates in the northern hemisphere. The indicator showed an average advancement of one week during five decades across the continents (period 1959-2015). The indicator is easy to update with new data and we therefore encourage future research to investigate whether the trend towards longer periods of occurrence or emergence in spring is also evident in other migratory populations. Such phenological changes may influence detectability in monitoring schemes, and may have broader implications on population and community dynamics.Peer reviewe

    Cognition and lifeguard detection performance

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    Two experiments aimed to determine whether working memory capacity (WMC) and high-order executive functions predict drown detection performance and maintenance under heightened task demands. Experiment 1 (n = 111) found a positive correlation between enhanced performance scores and higher WMC, while executive function showed no comparable association. Experiment 2 (n = 28) individuals with elevated WMC demonstrated an ability to detect a greater number of drowning events over an extended period overall, relative to their lower scoring counterparts. However, this heightened capacity did not necessarily prevent the presence of vigilance decrement, but enabled lifeguards to perform more effectively under conditions of increased bather numbers. Our findings highlight that lifeguards have a measurable underlying process that may systematically discriminate lifeguards of varying degrees of experience and detection performance. This offers a new avenue for future lifeguarding research

    Characterization of the Infant Immune System and the Influence and Immunogenicity of BCG Vaccination in Infant and Adult Rhesus Macaques

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    In many countries where tuberculosis (TB) is endemic, the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is given as close to birth as possible to protect infants and children from severe forms of TB. However, BCG has variable efficacy and is not as effective against adult pulmonary TB. At present, most animal models used to study novel TB vaccine candidates rely on the use of adult animals. Human studies show that the infant immune system is different to that of an adult. Understanding how the phenotypic profile and functional ability of the immature host immune system compares to that of a mature adult, together with the subsequent BCG immune response, is critical to ensuring that new TB vaccines are tested in the most appropriate models. BCG-specific immune responses were detected in macaques vaccinated within a week of birth from six weeks after immunization indicating that neonatal macaques are able to generate a functional cellular response to the vaccine. However, the responses measured were significantly lower than those typically observed following BCG vaccination in adult rhesus macaques and infant profiles were skewed towards the activation and attraction of macrophages and monocytes and the synthesis in addition to release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α. The frequency of specific immune cell populations changed significantly through the first three years of life as the infants developed into young adult macaques. Notably, the CD4:CD8 ratio significantly declined as the macaques aged due to a significant decrease in the proportion of CD4+ T-cells relative to a significant increase in CD8+ T-cells. Also, the frequency of both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells expressing the memory marker CD95, and memory subset populations including effector memory, central memory and stem cell memory, increased significantly as animals matured. Infant macaques, vaccinated with BCG within a week of birth, possessed a significantly higher frequency of CD14+ classical monocytes and granulocytes which remained different throughout the first three years of life compared to unvaccinated age matched animals. These findings, along with the increase in monokines following vaccination in infants, may provide an insight into the mechanism by which vaccination with BCG is able to provide non-specific immunity against non-mycobacterial organisms

    Evaluation of the IgG antibody response to SARS CoV-2 infection and performance of a lateral flow immunoassay: cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis over 11 months

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the dynamics and longevity of the humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and assess the performance of professional use of the UK-RTC AbC-19 Rapid Test lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) for the target condition of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein IgG antibodies. DESIGN: Nationwide serological study. SETTING: Northern Ireland, UK, May 2020–February 2021. PARTICIPANTS: Plasma samples were collected from a diverse cohort of individuals from the general public (n=279), Northern Ireland healthcare workers (n=195), pre-pandemic blood donations and research studies (n=223) and through a convalescent plasma programme (n=183). Plasma donors (n=101) were followed with sequential samples over 11 months post-symptom onset. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in plasma samples using Roche Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgA/IgM, Abbott SARS-CoV-2 IgG and EuroImmun IgG SARS-CoV-2 ELISA immunoassays over time. UK-RTC AbC-19 LFIA sensitivity and specificity, estimated using a three-reference standard system to establish a characterised panel of 330 positive and 488 negative SARS-CoV-2 IgG samples. RESULTS: We detected persistence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies for up to 10 months post-infection, across a minimum of two laboratory immunoassays. On the known positive cohort, the UK-RTC AbC-19 LFIA showed a sensitivity of 97.58% (95.28% to 98.95%) and on known negatives, showed specificity of 99.59% (98.53 % to 99.95%). CONCLUSIONS: Through comprehensive analysis of a cohort of pre-pandemic and pandemic individuals, we show detectable levels of IgG antibodies, lasting over 46 weeks when assessed by EuroImmun ELISA, providing insight to antibody levels at later time points post-infection. We show good laboratory validation performance metrics for the AbC-19 rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein IgG antibody detection in a laboratory-based setting

    Failure to Detect the Novel Retrovirus XMRV in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND:In October 2009 it was reported that 68 of 101 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in the US were infected with a novel gamma retrovirus, xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus (XMRV), a virus previously linked to prostate cancer. This finding, if confirmed, would have a profound effect on the understanding and treatment of an incapacitating disease affecting millions worldwide. We have investigated CFS sufferers in the UK to determine if they are carriers of XMRV. METHODOLOGY:Patients in our CFS cohort had undergone medical screening to exclude detectable organic illness and met the CDC criteria for CFS. DNA extracted from blood samples of 186 CFS patients were screened for XMRV provirus and for the closely related murine leukaemia virus by nested PCR using specific oligonucleotide primers. To control for the integrity of the DNA, the cellular beta-globin gene was amplified. Negative controls (water) and a positive control (XMRV infectious molecular clone DNA) were included. While the beta-globin gene was amplified in all 186 samples, neither XMRV nor MLV sequences were detected. CONCLUSION:XMRV or MLV sequences were not amplified from DNA originating from CFS patients in the UK. Although we found no evidence that XMRV is associated with CFS in the UK, this may be a result of population differences between North America and Europe regarding the general prevalence of XMRV infection, and might also explain the fact that two US groups found XMRV in prostate cancer tissue, while two European studies did not
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