83 research outputs found

    The combined absence of NF-kappa B1 and c-Rel reveals that overlapping roles for these transcription factors in the B cell lineage are restricted to the activation and function of mature cells

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    Transcription factors NF-KB1 and c-Rel, individually dispensable during embryogenesis, serve similar, yet distinct, roles in the function of mature hemopoietic cells. Redundancy among Rel/ NF-KB family members prompted an examination of the combined roles of c-Rel and NF-KB1 by using mice that lack both proteins. Embryonic development and the maturation of hemopoietic progenitors were unaffected in nfkb1(-/-)c-rel(-/-) mice. Peripheral T cell populations developed normally, but follicular, marginal zone, and CD5(+) peritoneal B cell populations all were reduced. In culture, a failure of mitogen-stimulated nfkb1(-/-)c-rel(-/-) B cells to proliferate was caused by a cell cycle defect in early G(1) that prevented growth. In vivo, defects in humoral immunity and splenic architecture seen in nfkbl(-/-) and c-rel(-/-) mice were exacerbated in the double mutant mice. These findings demonstrate that in the B lineage overlapping roles for NF-K81 and c-Rel appear to be restricted to regulating the activation and function of mature cells

    Illumina WG-6 BeadChip strips should be normalized separately

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Illumina Sentrix-6 Whole-Genome Expression BeadChips are relatively new microarray platforms which have been used in many microarray studies in the past few years. These Chips have a unique design in which each Chip contains six microarrays and each microarray consists of two separate physical strips, posing special challenges for precise between-array normalization of expression values.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>None of the normalization strategies proposed so far for this microarray platform allow for the possibility of systematic variation between the two strips comprising each array. That this variation can be substantial is illustrated by a data example. We demonstrate that normalizing at the strip-level rather than at the array-level can effectively remove this between-strip variation, improve the precision of gene expression measurements and discover more differentially expressed genes. The gain is substantial, yielding a 20% increase in statistical information and doubling the number of genes detected at a 5% false discovery rate. Functional analysis reveals that the extra genes found tend to have interesting biological meanings, dramatically strengthening the biological conclusions from the experiment. Strip-level normalization still outperforms array-level normalization when non-expressed probes are filtered out.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Plots are proposed which demonstrate how the need for strip-level normalization relates to inconsistent intensity range variation between the strips. Strip-level normalization is recommended for the preprocessing of Illumina Sentrix-6 BeadChips whenever the intensity range is seen to be inconsistent between the strips. R code is provided to implement the recommended plots and normalization algorithms.</p

    The Mitogen-Induced Increase in T Cell Size Involves PKC and NFAT Activation of Rel/NF-κB-Dependent c-myc Expression

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    AbstractCell growth during the G1 stage of the cell cycle is partly controlled by inducing c-myc expression, which in B cells is regulated by the NF-κB1 and c-Rel transcription factors. Here, we show that c-myc-dependent growth during T cell activation requires c-Rel and RelA and that blocking this growth by inhibiting protein kinase C theta (PKCθ) coincides with a failure to upregulate c-myc due to impaired RelA nuclear import and inhibition of NFAT-dependent c-rel transcription. These results demonstrate that different Rel/NF-κB dimers regulate the mitogenic growth of mature T and B cells, with a signaling pathway incorporating PKCθ and NFAT controlling c-Rel/RelA-induced c-myc expression in activated T cells

    Apaf-1 and caspase-9 do not act as tumor suppressors in myc-induced lymphomagenesis or mouse embryo fibroblast transformation

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    Based on experiments with cultured fibroblasts, the apoptosis regulators caspase-9 and Apaf-1 are hypothesized to function as tumor suppressors. To investigate their in vivo role in lymphomagenesis, an IgH enhancer-driven c-myc transgene was crossed onto Apaf-1−/− and caspase-9−/− mice. Due to perinatal lethality, Eμ-myc transgenic Apaf-1−/− or caspase-9−/− fetal liver cells were used to reconstitute lethally irradiated recipient mice. Surprisingly, no differences were seen in rate, incidence, or severity of lymphoma with loss of Apaf-1 or caspase-9, and Apaf-1 was not a critical determinant of anticancer drug sensitivity of c-myc–induced lymphomas. Moreover, loss of Apaf-1 did not promote oncogene-induced transformation of mouse embryo fibroblasts. Thus, Apaf-1 and caspase-9 do not suppress c-myc–induced lymphomagenesis and embryo fibroblast transformation

    c-Rel is required for the development of thymic Foxp3+ CD4 regulatory T cells

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    During thymopoiesis, a unique program of gene expression promotes the development of CD4 regulatory T (T reg) cells. Although Foxp3 maintains a pattern of gene expression necessary for T reg cell function, other transcription factors are emerging as important determinants of T reg cell development. We show that the NF-κB transcription factor c-Rel is highly expressed in thymic T reg cells and that in c-rel−/− mice, thymic T reg cell numbers are markedly reduced as a result of a T cell–intrinsic defect that is manifest during thymocyte development. Although c-Rel is not essential for TGF-β conversion of peripheral CD4+CD25− T cells into CD4+Foxp3+ cells, it is required for optimal homeostatic expansion of peripheral T reg cells. Despite a lower number of peripheral T reg cells in c-rel−/− mice, the residual peripheral c-rel−/− T reg cells express normal levels of Foxp3, display a pattern of cell surface markers and gene expression similar to those of wild-type T reg cells, and effectively suppress effector T cell function in culture and in vivo. Collectively, our results indicate that c-Rel is important for both the thymic development and peripheral homeostatic proliferation of T reg cells

    c-Rel Controls Multiple Discrete Steps in the Thymic Development of Foxp3+ CD4 Regulatory T Cells

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    The development of natural Foxp3+ CD4 regulatory T cells (nTregs) proceeds via two steps that involve the initial antigen dependent generation of CD25+GITRhiFoxp3−CD4+ nTreg precursors followed by the cytokine induction of Foxp3. Using mutant mouse models that lack c-Rel, the critical NF-κB transcription factor required for nTreg differentiation, we establish that c-Rel regulates both of these developmental steps. c-Rel controls the generation of nTreg precursors via a haplo-insufficient mechanism, indicating that this step is highly sensitive to c-Rel levels. However, maintenance of c-Rel in an inactive state in nTreg precursors demonstrates that it is not required for a constitutive function in these cells. While the subsequent IL-2 induction of Foxp3 in nTreg precursors requires c-Rel, this developmental transition does not coincide with the nuclear expression of c-Rel. Collectively, our results support a model of nTreg differentiation in which c-Rel generates a permissive state for foxp3 transcription during the development of nTreg precursors that influences the subsequent IL-2 dependent induction of Foxp3 without a need for c-Rel reactivation