381 research outputs found

    Simple point-ion electrostatic model explains the cation distribution in spinel oxides

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    The A2BO4 spinel oxides are distinguished by having either a normal (N) or an inverse (I) distribution of the A, B cations on their sublattices. A point-ion electrostatic model parametrized by the oxygen displacement parameter u and by the relative cation valencies ZA vs ZB provides a simple rule for the structural preference for N or I: if ZA>ZB the structure is normal for u>0.2592 and inverse for u0.2578. This rule is illustrated for the known spinel oxides, proving to be āˆ¼98% successful. Ā© 2010 The American Physical Society

    New directions in the design of railways stations

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    Održivi razvoj prometa i gradova, objedinjavanje vidova transporta, preporod željezničkog prometa, utjecali su na izgradnju velikog broja željezničkih kolodvora posljednjih desetljeća. Multimodalni kolodvori, unaprijeđenih koncepata i integrirani u urbanu matricu grada, postaju novi centri razvoja. U radu se iz aspekta urbanističko-arhitektonske struke analiziraju pozitivna iskustva u izgradnji značajnih željezničkih kolodvora. Rezultati provedenih analiza na primjeru željezničkog kolodvora u Beogradu, prema predloženom morfoloÅ”kom konceptu, mogu poslužiti kao smjernice u definiranju važnih kolodvora u urbanim sredinama.Sustainable development of traffic and cities, integration of transport modes, and the renaissance of railway traffic, have led to construction of a great number of railway stations/terminals over the past decades. These multi-modal traffic interchanges, based on advanced concepts and properly integrated in urban matrices, are becoming new focal points of urban development. Recent positive experience in the construction of significant railway stations is presented from the standpoint of urban development. Results obtained during analysis of the Belgrade railway station, which is based on the proposed morphological concept, can be used as guidelines for development of other significant railway stations in urban areas

    Comparative analyses of the vascular flora of the Pčinja river gorges in Serbia and Macedonia

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    The studyā€™s aim is the comparative chorologic and ecological analysis of the vascular flora of the two gorges of the Pčinja River in Serbia and Macedonia which are 27 km apart. In the two gorges 1564 taxa have been recorded, 1057 being in the upper gorge in Serbia and 1174 in the lower gorge in Macedonia. Common to both gorges are 666 taxa. Chorological spectra show that in both gorges the most abundant are Mediterranean-submediterranean plants, 32.85% being in the upper and 43.97% in the lower gorge. Differences in the studied vegetation result from a diverse participation of other floristic elements such as Central European ones that are more abundant in the upper gorge (17.05%) than in the lower gorge (10.86 %). The life-form spectrum reveals that the flora in both gorges is hemicryptophyte-therophyte in character. Both gorges belong to an enclave of a Mediterranean-submediterranean region, i.e. to its submediterranean Macedonian- Thracian province

    Fractal tools in terrorist and financial crime prevention

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    Information society imposes globalization and universality of values. In these circumstances, terrorism, institutional political violence which targets trying to achieve the morbid fear of provoking a spectacular way, inappropriately given conditions, becomes a real threat not only to the nations but also to politics on the global level. In 1996, the International Monetary Fund estimated that 2ā€“5% of the worldwide global economy involved laundered money. Today, intelligence activities in preventing and combating terrorism include financial investigations and money laundering for the purpose of financing terrorism, resulting in broadening of the scope of data to the level which makes it impossible for human logical evaluation. Technologies development that enables increasing capacity of speed and the amount of data processing has enabled defining, analyzing and exploring more and more models. This led to the idea of computer experiments and simulations trying to get to more complex planning and forecasting for the purpose of countering terrorism and ā€œdirtyā€ money transaction, as highly dangerous, complex and variable phenomena. This presentation aims at quotation the wide spectrum of mathematically founded fractal concepts suited to generate computer models of anti-terrorist activities. In this sense, the logistic behind the items connected with detecting and recognizing degree of terroristic threat by comparing fractal structure of peopleā€™s faces, fast search through the databases of faces and fingerprints. The speed of searching processes is of vital importance which promotes the crucial importance of compression and data reduction with preservation of regularity. Especially important are analytic forecasting of missing visual data and forms, to supplement the empirical evidences and records. All these operations are possible with higher degree of knowledge utilization and adaptation of virtual reality in the fight against terrorism and different forms of money laundering. The results indicate that the achievements implementation of the concept of fractals depends on substantial prior knowledge, environmental influences, subsystem integration, decentralization and synchronization, and allows us to come up with similar high information technology models, but not necessarily to enable identification of the authentic features of the various anomalies that result in objectively a social consequences. In this sense, we conclude that the application of information technology in the fight against terrorism, based on the concept of fractals has its place in the arsenal of anti-terroristic prevention

    Influence of CAN fertilizer and seed inoculation with NS Nitragin on glycine max plant on pseudogley soil type

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    Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the most important legume because it is an essential source of dietary protein and oil for animal feed and food production. Good soil with wellplanned program of fertilization is the main factor of soybean production. Soybean yield will be reduced when essential nutrients are deficient. Sufficient soil fertility combined with a well-planned fertilization program is a main component for high soybean production. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of fertilization and seed inoculation on height of soybean plant in humid year. Two factors were tested: 1. CAN fertilization and 2. seed inoculation. Four treatments of CAN fertilization were tested: Control - 0 kg N ha-1; 50 kg N ha-1; 100 kg N ha-1 and 150 kg N ha-1. Two factors of seed inoculation (SI) were tested: Without SI and with SI. Results showed that fertilizers and seed inoculation significantly increased the values of soybean productivity. Cost effective is the application of 50 kg N ha-1 and it is recommended on the basis of this study

    Leach-SX-EW copper revalorization from overburden of abandoned copper mine Cerovo, Eastern Serbia

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    Hydrometallurgical processes for copper revalorization from overburden of abandoned mine Cerovo in Eastern Serbia were studied. Paper contain results of percolation leaching tests, performed with acidic mine waters accumulated in the bottom of the former open pit, followed by solvent extraction (SX) and electrowinning (EW) processes on achieved copper pregnant leach solutions. Usage of accumulated waste waters was objected to minimizing the environmental hazard due to uncontrolled leaking of these waters in nearby creeks and rivers. Chemical composition of acidic mine waters used for leaching tests was: (g/dm3): Cu - 0.201; Fe - 0.095; Mn - 0.041; Zn - 0.026; Ni - 0.0004; pH value - 3.3. Copper content in overburden sample used for leaching tests was 0.21% from which 64% were oxide copper minerals. In scope of leaching tests were examined influence of leaching solution pH values and iron (III) concentration on copper recovery. It was established that for 120 hours of leaching on pH=1.5 without oxidant agents, copper concentration in pregnant leach solutions enriched up to 1.08g/dm3 which was enough for copper extraction from solution with SX-EW treatment. As extraction reagent in SX circuit was used LIX-984N in a kerosene diluent. Cathode current density in electrowinning cell was 220Am-2 while electrolyte temperature was kept on 50Ā±2oC. Produced cathode copper at the end of SX-EW process has purity of 99.95% Cu

    Acute ethanol poisoning in children in Vojvodina

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    Cilj rada bio je da se na teritoriji SAP Vojvodine ispita učestalost i osobenost akutnog trovanja etanolom u dece. Retrospektivno su analizirane istorije bolesti dece uzrasta od 0 do 15 godina, hospitalizovane zbog akutnog trovanja u svih jedanaest stacionarnih ustanova u Vojvodini tokom 1985. i 1986. godine. Od 795 dece hospitalizovane zbog akutnog trovanja, 52 se otrovalo etanolom, Å”to u proseku iznosi 6,54% uz bitne regionalne razlike. Izuzimajući Novi Kneževac gde je tokom dvogodiÅ”njeg perioda bilo samo osam trovanja, procentualna zastupljenost trovanja etanolom kretala se od 3,03% u Zrenjaninu do 11,45% u Subotici.The aim of this work was to investigate the frequency and characteristics of acute ethanol poisoning in children in the territory of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. In a retrospective study histories of poisoned children aged 0 - 15 years, who were hospitalized in all eleven stationary centres in Vojvodina during 1985/86, were analysed. From 795 children, 52 were poisoned with ethanol (6.54%). With the exception of Novi Knezevac, where only eight cases of poisoning were recorded during the two-year period, the frequency of ethanol poisoning showed major regional differences varying from 3.03% in Zrenjanin to 11.45% in Subotica. Poisoning among boys was significantly more frequent than among girls, especially with ethanol. The average age of children poisoned with ethanol was 8.4 years i.e. almost twice that of children poisoned with other substances. The children\u27s age and circumstances of ethanol poisoning point to the absence and failure of preventive measures
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