83 research outputs found
The energy released through nuclear fusion on the Sun expands into space in the form of electromagnetic radiation. A total of 1.5x109 TWh reaches the surface of the Earth. About 30% of the energy returns into space by reflexion, whereas 70% of the energy is absorbed on the Earth’s surface (1,05x109 TWh). This amount is greater than the total coal and oil reserves taken together. Using solar energy has its specificities. First, the energy of the Sun records great fluctuations during the day and year. Second, there is a great daily, seasonal, yearly and meteorological variability of the Sun’s radiation accompanied by a very low congruence of the production and consumption of the energy of the Sun. Third, there is a low degree of the conversion of the Sun’s energy to electrical energy. The growth of production and an ever-increasing mass use of solar systems, especially so in China, will for sure exert an influence on a reduction in the prices of these systems in the future. Due to its specificity, the surplus of produced solar energy has to immediately be used or stored in the batteries that are still a major cost of the construction of solar systems. It is more frequently the case that the current surplus of produced solar energy is delivered to electrical power enterprises “to be stored”, whereas the same is taken from the electrical grid during the time of a deficit
Regionalna obeležja tržišne proizvodnje voća i grožđa u Srbiji
In the paper analyzes the trends in the development of market production of fruit (on the example of the apple and the plum) and grapes in Serbia from 1976 to 2015. The grouping of the Serbian districts according to the degree of the market production of fruit and grapes in 2015 was performed by a cluster analysis, on the basis of the six features of production, five features of the capacities, and five features of development. According to the data for 2015, the degree of the marketability of apples in Serbia was 47.7%, plums 15.9%, and grapes 18.3%. The Serbia-North Region shows a surplus in the production of apples, and a deficit in the production of plums (-181.7%) and grapes (-99.1%). The Serbia-South Region has a surplus in the production of the analyzed kinds of fruit (the apple accounting for 43.0%, and the plum 50.9%) and grapes (45.2%).U radu je analizriana regionalna obeležja tržišne proizvodnje voća (na primeru jabuke i šljive) i grožđa po oblastima Srbije u periodu 1976-2015. godine. Grupisanje oblasti u Srbiji prema stepenu tržišne proizvodnje voća i grožđa u 2015. godini izvršeno je klaster analizom na osnovu 6 obeležja proizvodnje, 5 obeležja kapaciteta i 5 obeležja razvijenosti. Prema podacima za 2015. godinu, stepen tržišnosti jabuka u Srbiji iznosio je 47.7%, šljiva 15.9% i grožđa 18.3%. Region Srbija-Sever suficitaran je u proizvodnji jabuka, a deficitaran u proizvodnji šljiva (-181.7%) i grožđa (-99.1%). Region Srbija-Jug suficitaran je u proizvodnji analiziranih vrsta voća (jabuka 43.0% i šljiva 50.9%) i grožđa (45.2%)
Rangiranje opština AP Vojvodine prema višedimenzionalnom pokazatelju robnosti stočarske proizvodnje
Marketability of livestock production was analyzed based on the marketability of both pork, beef, sheep and poultry and eggs and cow's milk. The sequential order of the Vojvodina municipalities according to the observed denominators is not identical. But, Spearman's coefficient of correlation points to a statistically very high degree of accordance between the rank-list of marketability of pork and the rank-lists of marketability of beef, poultry and milk as well as the rank-list of poultry and sequential classification of sheep meat and eggs, beef and milk. There was a statistically high correlation between the rank list of marketability of sheep meat and pork, beef and milk as well as poultry and milk. Based on the value of Kendal coefficient of ranking, it can be concluded that there exists very high degree of accordance of all the rank lists being observed simultaneously. For determination of sequential classification according to the achieved marketability of all the analyzed livestock production commodities in the sense of synthetic denominator, Ivanovic distance was used in the present work.Robnost stočarske proizvodnje analizirana je preko robnosti svinjskog goveđeg, ovčijeg i živinskog mesa, kao i robnosti jaja i kravljeg mleka. Redosled opština u AP Vojvodini prema posmatranim pokazateljima nije identičan. Međutim, Spearman-ov koeficijent korelacije ukazuje na statistički vrlo visok stepen saglasnosti rang liste robnosti svinjskog mesa sa rang listama robnosti goveđeg mesa, živinskog mesa i mleka, kao i rang liste živinskog mesa i redosledne klasifikacije ovčijeg mesa i jaja, goveđeg mesa i mleka. Statistički jaka veza konstatovana je između rang liste robnosti ovčijeg mesa i svinjskog mesa, goveđeg mesa i mleka, kao i živinskog mesa i mleka. Na osnovu vrednosti Kendal-ovog koeficijenta ranga može se zaključiti da postoji vrlo visok stepen saglasnosti svih rang lista posmatranih istovremeno. Za određivanje redosledne klasifikacije prema ostvarenoj robnosti svih analiziranih stočarskih proizvoda kao sintetički pokazatelj, u radu je iskorišćeno Ivanović-evo odstojanje
Energetics has been and remained the key factor of economic changes and economic development to date. If the energy sector is stable, modern, and organized in a quality manner, it also implies welfare for the economy as a whole. Changes in the significance and use of energy in the economy require the professional management of energy development. Irrespective of modern technology and the key discoveries in energy transformation and concentration, it has not declined in significance. On the contrary, energy is the basis of the human activity. On the other hand, the present structure of the primary sources of energy at the global level cannot follow the trend of increasing demand for energy. The limited reserves of the non-renewable sources of energy, especially of crude oil, require our turning towards the renewable sources of energy. The energy crisis of today is not only an expression of the bad condition of natural sources, but a consequence of the global policy for the exploitation of the existing sources of energy. The current condition of energy resources is a consequence of a monopolistic policy for big business and the New World Order founded on it. According to the assessments of the International Energy Agency (IEA), a further increase in primary energy consumption is expected in the period to come. Because of that, it is necessary to strategically plan the development of the energy sector both from the general developmental, technological-economic, and social-ecological points of view. The fact that Serbia has a relatively high energy consumption growth rate, that it is poorer in primary energy reserves in comparison with the world average, refers us yet more to the rational use of the existing reserves of energy and also to the production of energy from renewable sources: solar, the energy of the wind, geothermal, biomass, the energy of the tide and the waves of seas and oceans, and so on. The paper addresses the issues in the field of the sustainable development of energetics, safety and energy efficiency, as well as a future development of energetics in Serbia based on the renewable sources of energy. The economic effects of the production of energy from renewable sources have also been analyzed
Models of regression of the scope of sown areas and purchase prices of oil crops in Serbia
This paper examines the interdependency between the movements of the level of market (purchase) prices and sowed areas under sunflower, soya, and oilseed rape, i.e. between the relative prices of these oil crops and predominant crop-husbandry products (wheat and/or corn), on the one hand, and the areas to be allocated for oil crops cultures. The models of the regression of the scope of sowed areas and purchase prices of oil crops, i.e. the interdependency of these phenomena, are determined by means of reliable statistical methods (the standard error of regression, the coefficient of the trend variation and the determination coefficient). At the same time, the testing of the series has been carried out by means of the mathematical models of functions, whereas the significance of the generated regression dependencies has been estimated by means of the t-test
New accounting rules for the recognition and measurement of financial instruments: Some issues implied by the IFRS 9
Up until now accounting standards regarding financial instruments were changed several times. The latest change was the issuance of the IFRS 9 Financial instruments published for the purpose of simplifying the rules in its predecessor IAS 39 Financial instruments: recognition and measurement. From the above mentioned changes of accounting regulatory regime for financial instruments we may conclude that accounting bodies, so far, have not found the adequate approach and treatment for the financial instruments. They considered that fair value would be a revolutionary measure for the financial instruments and that this measure would provide more relevant, transparent and comparable information. But the standard setters did not predict that this measurement attribute might have an effect on earnings power and financial position of a company. In this paper we observe critiqually the main differences between IFRS 9 and IAS 39 regarding the recognition and measurement of financial instruments and with an emphasis on of some problems of early adoption of IFRS 9 by companies.Računovodstveni standardi vezani za finansijske instrumente menjani su nekoliko puta do sada. Najskorija promena ove vrste bila je publikovanje standarda pod nazivom MSFI 9 Finansijski instrumenti čija je svrha bila da zameni prethodni standard MRS 39 i da pojednostavi računovodstveni tretman finansijskih instrumenata. Ove česte promene navode na razmišljanje da je problematika finansijskih instrumenata veoma složena, te da donosioci standarda i regulatorna tela još uvek nisu pronašla odgovarajući tretman za finansijske instrumente. Iako su računovodstvena tela smatrala da je primena fer vrednosti za finansijske instrumente dovela do revolucije u računovodstvu, zato što produkuje transparentnu, relevantnu i uporedivu računovodstvenu informaciju, ipak nisu mogli da predvide kakve će promene fer vrednost imati na zarađivačku moć i finansijsku poziciju kompanije. U ovom članku dali smo kritički osvrt na glavne razlike između MSFI 9 i MRS 39 vezano za vrednovanje i priznavanje finansijskih instrumenata sa posebnim akcentom na neke probleme rane primene ovog standarda koji očekuju kompanije
Nadogradnja izveštavanja o upravljanju otpadom i održivom razvoju u bankarskom sektoru - primer Srbije
This paper examines banking industry practice in the area of circular economy reporting with the specific emphasis on waste management reporting in this sector. Paper answers the basic question - is financial service sector exempt from the circular economy reporting requirements having low material usage and resource consumption? Manuscript indicates that in Serbia waste management reporting in banks is in the early stage. Most of the waste management indicators in banks are included as integral part of sustainability reports or as part of management report. Paper indicates that less than half of the bank population in Serbia prepares standard report required by the Environmental Protection Agency. Having in mind these results, banks managers and state officials should take into consideration the fact that most of the banks do not report on flow of waste and most of these indicators are not regularly published on website implying that stakeholders and investors are not adequately informed on the inclusion of banks into circular economy environment. Lagging behind waste management requirements could be potentially hazardous having in mind the fact that Serbia strives towards European Union membership where the legislation and practical alignment with the EU regulation is inevitable process.U ovom radu istraživali smo praksu primene cirkularne ekonomije u bankarskom sektoru sa posebnim osvrtom na izveštavanje o upravljanju otpadom. Rad je pokušao da odgovori na klasično pitanje - da li je sektor finansijskih usluga kojem pripadaju i banke, izuzet od izveštavanja u kontekstu cirkularne ekonomije iz razloga što imaju nisko učešće trošenja materijala i prirodnih resursa prilikom obavljanja delatnosti? U ovom istraživanju indikativno je da u Srbiji izveštaj o upravljanju otpadom koji popunjavaju banke je u svom začetnom obliku. Najveći broj indikatora o upravljanju otpadom nalazi se u izveštaju o održivom razvoju koji banke pripremaju ili u izveštaju o poslovanju koji menadžment sastavlja radi polaganja računa stejkholderima. Istraživanje jasno ukazuje da ispod polovine banaka u Srbiji priprema standardni izveštaj koji zahteva Agencija za zaštitu životne sredine. Imajući u vidu ove rezultate, regulatori u državi, kao i menadžment banaka treba da imaju u vidu da banke ne prikazuju tokove otpada u svojim izveštajima, niti indikatore publikuju na svojim web stranicama. Ovo implicira da stejkholderi i investitori, kao važni korisnici, nisu adekvatno informisani o inkluziji banaka u sistem cirkularne ekonomije. Ukoliko i dalje budemo ostavljali po strani pitanja upravljanja otpadom, to može biti dodatni hazard imajući u vidu želju Srbije da bude punopravna članica EU gde je usklađivanje sa izuzetno obimnom regulativom u domenu upravljanja otpadom neizbežno
Market production of meat as a factor of the achieved level of development of Serbian agriculture
In the paper, the mutuality of the market production of beef, pigmeat, sheep meat and poultry meat and the achieved level of development of agriculture as per Serbia's districts in the period from 2001 to 2016 are analyzed. The ranking of districts in Serbia is done by the I-distance method. Similarities are determined by cluster analysis method, while results are represented by a dendrogram. Belgrade District shows a deficit in the market production of all meats. In the three districts of Vojvodina Region, there is a deficit in sheep meat and in the two districts, there is a deficit in poultry meat. The three districts of Sumadija and Western Serbia Region, there is a deficit in the production of pigmeat and poultry meat. The Region of Southern and Eastern Serbia has a deficit in the production of poultry meat
Regionalna obeležja tržišne proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji
The paper analyzes the trends in the development of industrial crop production in the case of sugar beet and sunflower in Serbia from 1976 to 2013. Grouping of regions (4 regions without Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija) and districts (25 districts) in Serbia in 2013, according to the characteristics of land capacity, production of sugar beet and sunflower and level of development, was carried out by cluster analysis. Based on the median value of the important characteristics of available land capacity, production volume and economic development in municipalities, I-distance method were ranked districts in Serbia from 1 to 25. Similarities between the sugar beet and sunflower production regions in Serbia were determined by the method of complete-linkage clustering, and the results were presented in the dendrogram. According to data for 2013 it was found that 99.8% of sugar beet production and 93.9% of sunflower production in Serbia comes from the Vojvodina region. The average yields per hectare for analyzed crops in the areas of the Vojvodina region, on average, were by up to 10% higher compared to the yields in Serbia. According to the characteristics of land capacity and production, areas of the Vojvodina region belong to the highest rank 1-7, while according to the characteristics of the development level, these areas belong to rank 2-13.U radu su analizirane tendencije u razvoju proizvodnje industrijskog bilja, na primeru šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji od 1976. do 2013. godine. Grupisanje regiona (4 regiona, bez KiM) i oblasti (25 oblasti) u Srbiji za 2013. godinu, prema obeležjima zemljišnih kapaciteta, proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta i nivoa razvijenosti, izvršeno je primenom klaster analize. Na osnovu medijalne vrednosti važnijih obeležja raspoloživih zemljišnih kapaciteta, obima proizvodnje i privredne razvijenosti po opštinama, metodom I-odstojanja izvršeno je rangiranje oblasti u Srbiji od 1-25. Sličnosti oblasti proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji predstavljene su metodom kompletnog povezivanja hijarhijske klaster analize, a rezultati su predstavljeni dendrogramom. Prema podacima za 2013. godinu, utvrđeno je da 99,8% proizvodnje šećerne repe i 93,9% proizvodnje suncokreta Srbije potiče iz Regiona Vojvidine. Prosečni prinosi po ha analiziranih biljnih kultura u oblastima Regiona Vojvodine u proseku su veći do 10% u odnosu na prinose u Srbiji. Prema obeležijima zemljišnih kapaciteta i proizvodnje, oblasti Regiona Vojvodine pripadaju najvišem rangu 1-7, dok prema obeležijima nivoa razvijenosti ove oblasti pripadaju rangu 2-13
Agrarni potencijali u reindustrijalizaciji Srbije - potrebe i mogućnosti revitalizacije industrije agrarnih inputa
After transitional debacles and failures, structural degradation and recession, reindustrialization is imposed as a crucial stage in the economic development of Serbia. The production-market potentials of the agro-complex (as a complex economic subsystem of pre-farm, farm and post-farm activities) and its place in the national economy open the significant possibilities of the revitalization of the industries of agrarian inputs (agricultural machines and equipment, mineral fertilizers and pesticides). Considering the structural significance of the pre-farm agrarian sector in the Serbian economy, this paper analyzes the fundamental features of production and the foreign-trade exchange, especially the dynamics and changes in the volume and structure of production and the import of agrarian inputs. On that basis, through a target comparative analysis of multi-year data series (1986-2011), the paper explores the trends of production and employment, identifies transitional distortions and the growing import dependence of the Serbian economy and the agro-complex in particular, considers the agrarian potentials in a possible reindustrialization primarily via the revitalization of the industry of agrarian inputs, and highlights a special phenomenon of the opportunity costs of the Serbian agrarian development.Nakon tranzicionih neuspeha i promašaja, strukturne degradacije i recesije, reindustrijalizacija se nameće kao nužna etapa u privrednom razvoju Srbije. Proizvodno- tržišni potencijali agrokompleksa (kao složenog privrednog subsistema predfarmskih, farmskih i postfarmskih delatnosti) i njegovo mesto u nacionalnoj ekonomiji, otvara značajne mogućnosti revitalizacije industrija agrarnih inputa (poljoprivrednih mašina i opreme, mineralnih đubriva i pesticida). Sagledavajući strukturni značajpredfarmskog agrarnog sektora u srpskoj ekonomiji, u radu se analiziraju osnovna obeležja proizvodnje i spoljnotrgovinske razmene, posebno dinamika ipromene obima i strukture proizvodnje i uvoza agrarnih inputa. Na toj osnovi se, ciljnom komparativnom analizom višegodišnjih serija podataka (1986-2011), u radu se istražuju trendovi proizvodnje i zaposlenosti, identifikuje uvozna zavisnost, sagledavaju agrarni potencijali u mogućoj reindustrijalizaciji i ukazuje na poseban fenomen oportunitetnih troškova agrarnog razvoja Srbije
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